One Thousand Birds

Maybe. I doubt anyone feels like cooking tonight, I might be willing to share some....

Chicken, Beef, Shrimp, or Oriental?
okay okay

I'll get off my butt and reply tomorrow.

I have lost pretty much all Naruto muse BUT I WON'T LET THIS DIE.

If you guys have any beef with how things are going right now, like a certain person who has been inactive/was supposed to show up again soon but hasn't posted yet, please let me know.

It would help a lot so I don't have to dig around the pages myself for things like that.
Well said Pine! It shall not die!

I don't think anyone's really been inactive it's just their busy and have some writers block. I know kirito said he's been busy recently.
Well, I know there's that thunder guy or... whatever. xD

Stick's last post was saying how RpN notifications were being buggy. o:

Then... people... hmhm.

Idk, I guess I'll just look into it later.
Wooooo~ I've risen from the dead guys, bring out the cake and confettii

Hehe, I've actually been freakin busy with concerts and exams so i've had no time to even sit down at a computer. I'm gonna try to reply tonight, but no promises. Otherwise, i'll definitely reply tom.

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I'm just tired and fairly happy I'm not needed to post x3

My day has been SOOOO long x3

This week is turning out to be really bad for me eep.

Our stupid school is working us to the end, so the teachers have dumped and projects and tests on us and ggg.

Then this weekend I have state solo and ensemble....

No, I'm monotone. Lol

I play flute.

You know I can't ever post really quick. ewe

I still need to do my government project.

I'm really awful when it comes to anything remotely close to research hskcowpa.
I'm awful at research too Pine! x3

Thankfully now all we're really doing in classes now is study guides for finals


laughing sob
Maybe I'll have time to post Sunday/Monday, haha.

Have those days totally off.

actually there's prolly something i'm forgetting

I just can't wait for summer! Staying home ALL the time except for when I have to go driving for three hours with a Dean from school. lol We've all been warned that these teachers like to make us do their errands.
I don't suppose there are any openings at all? I was hoping to join, but if there is nothing open at the moment, can you you let me know when there is? Thank you so much. ~FruitNinja

There may be.

I'll have to check who is still interested.

It's mainly closed for the lack of spots for genin (some spot will prolly open soon).

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