One Thousand Birds

On page 308 or 309, Pine said FruitNijna might be able yo join, but its a maybe. Not a yes or a no.
I blame you Kiro! I have finals tomorrow an it's 11:30 PM. It's Kiro's fault. Yes I know that can be interpreted differently.

Don't bug Pine.

I have real life obligations.

It's not like I've been forgetting to post here, so there's literally no reason for you to pester me, unless you take some sadistic pleasure in stressing me out.

You have several characters that don't involve my TWO characters, so you can keep on role playing with them even when I'm not posting, because no where did I say you have to update your characters all at once.

I have the rules set up in such a way that you shouldn't be in such a stand still, so you're just bringing this upon yourself.

PLEASE stop nagging me.

I have zero muse for this role play, even if I wasn't busy with real life things, and all you're accomplishing is me wanting to shut down the role play or kick you out, so stop.
Now I must text Pine to apologize D:

None the less ._. Pine, you should rp a female. I just want to see that for some reason xD Don't know why but seeing you rp female would be funny to me.
HAVE NO FEAR FLUBS IS HERE!!! With a stab wound... And influenza and possibly a disease that is a mutation of polio but he can move around the world now! Just no human contact. CAUSE NOBODY IS HUMAN ON THE INTERNET! 
So lonely... So so lonely... Flubs has friends. And doesn't lye to himself every day... Flubs has dropped communism. And taken up socialism!
Hell no xD I'm a freaking high tech super computer filled with the knowledge of Area 51.

Ask @Pine , she's heard my voice <w<

I'll be putting a post up tomorrow so this doesn't get marked inavtive and Pine can get to her part when Finals are over. I'm finally remembering how hard that shit was and how much I hated them cause I passed them on the skin of my pinky toe. 
Flubs I've only posted my number,email and address on here like twice xD Text me, Call me, email me, Skype me. Hell write me a letter :P

I'll be your social buddy~!
I have no idea what the hell your "Hell No!" Was to by flubs did just spend the last month and a half in a FOURTH *they exist calm down* WORLD COUNTRY. They didn't like me. I think I have physiological damage from there dances.
I have a 4th world country in my mind. That explains why I'm able to create my characters personalities so differently and play them so well. Each one owns their own country in my head.
Are you in a perpetual game of Civilization? *Korea Op* And for anyone reading this, the next time your girlfriend says she has relatives in any country starting in F DO NOT GO. Trust the shady Internet person who totally is. Relating your Internet thoughts to the NSA...
lol Kiro

Flubs I've heard Kiro's voice! x3 He called me randomly when my dad was making popcorn! Then he kept complaining about how he wanted popcorn lol

If you want the number for my iPod I an give it you! We can text! lol

(With a real keyboard, I only know how to text. x3 I fail as a female high school student)
[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Pine is always lazy Kiro.
I love those twins....x3

I know right! 
*Awkwardly standing in the corner* ouo
I'm not officially part of the RolePlay (Hopefully yet), so I am just watching from a respectable distance. ^.^

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