One Thousand Birds

lol x3

I saw it and realized the swirl on his finger looked like a 'G' x3 Then I stared for a moment and realized it said 'good job!'
x3 lol Thank you! This day just keeps getting better and better! lol
lol I'm serious! Finals are over, I'm getting subway for lunch in a few minutes and I just get to stay home! I LIKE being lazy! lol Now I can!
Yes it is! x3

Now I have to go and get my sandwich so I'll be back in like half an hour or so at the most.
Well sorry about that, I lied x3

We ate there, well in the car in front of the store since for some reason they didn't have the AC on. Then we went to the store. x3
So, I know Pine hasn't approved of me making another character.... But I typed one up a while back and never really posted it. I think it was @Ghost who kept asking what my secret idea was xD Well, I originally made the character so I could 'attack' Konoha and get some more action in the rp for fun :D

Sintaru Tengunen

[ Gender ; ]


[ Age ; ]


[ Rank ; ] Genin, chuunin, etc.


[ Village ; ]


[ Appearance ; ] Paragraph, list, and/or picture.


[ Personality ; ] Paragraph and/or list.

Sintaru is rather rough with his situations. He sets a decoy explosion then uses the decoy to rush around the enemies. His idea is to create a disruption and surround the enemies. When he believes he has everyone surrounded he does his best to push them in a smaller tinier area so he can take everyone out with a single blow. When he's on a

[Fighting Style ; ]

Explosions. Anything that goes boom is good enough for him. He goes in close, places a bomb and uses a wire to transfer chakra through it. When it reaches the bomb it ignites and explodes. He can use up to five at a time and his range is ten feet. Anything past ten feet the chakra looses it's explosive strength. The only exception is if the chakra bomb is placed on a timer and even then it explodes in the timer range. So if the calculation is slightly off then the explosion can miss.


[Clan Symbol]


Clan Name:


Origin/History:Once a part of Iwagakure the clan were noble and stood for what the village believed in. But with disagreement with the Kage of the village the clan left and ended up becoming a rouge clan. They did jobs for others and helped with anything they were paid for. Their origins ended up becoming a haze to most only to be known by the elders of the clan. Now they fall to the mountains and call it home as they hide. They range from 4-10 members on average but a certain number is not known due to not everyone being in one spot at once. The clan symbol came from the thoughts of explosion. A feather disintegrating into nothing. The feather is from the clans contract with the birds. Giving them the ability to summon birds.

People of importance:

Akarai Tengunen: Elder of the clan. He teaches the secret arts of the explosive jutsu.

Serei Tengunen: Akarai's wife and the second elder of the clan. She shows the clan how to focus their chakra and give it the explosive nature.

Members: Akarai, Serei, Tarumi (Sintaru's mother), Ren (Sintaru's father), And Sintaru. These are the known members of the clan. Nobody knows the names of the rest of them.

Kekkei Genkai:

Only known by the elders. Sintaru's parents haven't unlocked the power yet.

Ghost's eye:



The Ghost eye gives the user the ability to cause an implosion in the focused area. When the implosion happens it sucks the area in and simply explodes blowing into pieces what ever is caught in it. When the power is used a rift can be seen before it implodes. The rift looks like a distorted area of the location.

Downside to The Ghost Eye: Using the Ghost's eye will begin with no effects, but as time progresses the user will end up feeling a burning sensation in the eye. The burning sensation will progress more and become more severe as the user uses it. After the eye is deactivated, the user will be left blind temporarily. The longer the eye was used the longer the blindness lasts. If used for long periods of time repetitively then the eye will end up staying blind and active at all times but show a haze over the eyes. The blindness in the eyes will Serei is blind in both eyes while Akarai is only blind in his left and nearly blind in his right. They both wear bandages over their eyes from time to time.

Single eye (Left) activation: The eye will activate in one eye then both as the user learns how to awaken it. The left eye will become a ghost eye first while the right eye stays the same. When the user activates it in his left eye for the first time his eye will bleed for a few moments and an explosion will happen wherever he is looking at at the time. Can be backfired and end up blowing a teammate pieces when it first activates.

Both eyes activation: When the second eye turns into a ghost eye both eyes will bleed and an implosion will happen randomly but this time it will be bigger then the single eye activation.

Jutsu Name:Exploding Palm


Jutsu Nature type: Explosion Release (Evolved Earth Release)

Effect's: In the palm of the users hand an explosion is formed. It has the ability to cause small knock backs. It can cause a kunai to be shot back towards the person who threw it. It's a simple mini explosion. Downside is it's in the palm so if it misses the palm then the jutsu was used and played as useless.

Jutsu Name: Landmine fist


Jutsu Nature type: Explosion Release

Effect's: An upgraded form of the Exploding Palm. The Landmine Fist can obliterate areas when coming in contact with a solidified object. When the object is struck a large explosion is formed. The downside to this jutsu is the user can be struck by debris and shards of whatever was exploded.

Jutsu Name:Explosion Clone


Jutsu Nature type:Explosion Release

Effect's: The user forms a clone that can walk up to ten feet before exploding in a 4 ft radius. The downside to this jutsu is the clone will explode in a 4 ft radius and if you're not caught in the 4ft radius then the explosion won't effect you as long as you're not hit by debris. (Known as C3 Clone)

Jutsu Name:Landmine explosion

Rank: D

Jutsu Nature type: Explosion Release

Effect's: An item infused with an explosive tag and explosive chakra, the item can be placed under ground or simply dropped on the ground. When someone gets close enough the chakra ignites the tag as well as seeps into the object causing it to explode in a 3 ft Radius.

Jutsu Name: C1

Rank: E

Jutsu Nature type: Explosion Release

Effect's: Creating a small animal using paper (Like oragami! :D ) The user can infuse the animal with chakra giving it moving properties. The animal can move quickly towards a desired location and explode in a 6 inch radius. Minor damage and won't do much damage if theres only one. If clear of the six inch radius then nothing will happen and it'll look like something just exploded a few inches from you. Alternate method would be infusing an actual animal with the chakra but downside would be the animal would move in whatever direction it wanted causing little accuracy with this. (No bigger then a toad)

Jutsu Name: C2

Rank: D

Jutsu Nature type: Explosion Release

Effect's: This jutsu is the same as the C1 jutsu but this one will explode in a 2ft radius. Same downsides as well. Only difference is the C2 will be placed into a larger paper animal or a larger animal. (No bigger then a Chihuahua)

Jutsu Name:C3

Rank: C

Jutsu Nature type:

Effect's: Can be infused with something as large as a regular human (5' 5'' ) piece of Paper or a it could be infused with a simple clone.

Can't be used but just figured I'd put the extreme in here in case he can use it later possibly.

Jutsu Name:Forbidden Technique: C5 Explosion

Rank: A (Forbidden)

Jutsu Nature type:Explosion Release

Effect's: Using the explosive chakra, the user can transfer their own chakra nature into another persons body giving them explosive properties. The explosive properties will explode on the release of the jutsu sealed up inside.

Jutsu Name:Summoning Technique: Birds

Rank: B-E

Jutsu Nature type: N/A

Effect's: Ability to summon bird like creatures.


Name: White ring necked Dove (Yin)

Rank: E



Summoning Use: Used as a messenger bird.

Name:Black Raven (Sin)

Rank: D



Summoning Use: Scouting Bird. Used to scout ahead and let the user know what he/she is up against.

Name: Blue Hawk (Seraia)[s-uh-r-eye-uh]



Summoning Use: Used for traveling. The summoner can ride the bird across the sky.

Name:Falcon (Brazen)




Summoning Use: Support. Can carry explosive tags and such in it's mouth or talons and drop them in random places. Also can carry C1 and C2 explosion animals.

Name: Crow (Guya)

Rank: B



Summoning Use: The bird knows wind based techniques and can use them for extra support. Guya is also able to create wind shurikens to launch at the enemy.
Ren is just a name <w< I won't even be using the father and such in the rp. Only Sintaru (Sin)

That's IF Pine will let me xD I might even drop him to a genin to join the genins.

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