One Thousand Birds

Unsubscribes to 13 year old boy manga pictures weekly.

I that really exists... I would shoot myself.
i lied. ive iimmediatly thougt of an immature ghost boy tho hes a lil older

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-1_0-52-26.png.4dc326257a8ae600deffaa6dcd037081.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19506" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-1_0-52-26.png.4dc326257a8ae600deffaa6dcd037081.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


I REALLy like this guy!

he's sort of a ghost, though he might not be one

he hunts them anyways, and flubs is a ghost buster

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-1_0-53-54.png.b12e39479c9c71a190076b627b32e728.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19507" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-1_0-53-54.png.b12e39479c9c71a190076b627b32e728.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I've how your not concerned a ou me shooting myself... With my luck I would hit my big toe and keep on walking.
it.... probably exists

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mm3lh2KMzO1qemks9o1_250.png.b386c46fd945864da0203801847ab08b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19508" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mm3lh2KMzO1qemks9o1_250.png.b386c46fd945864da0203801847ab08b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> more of the ghost huntin guy 
flubs please do not shoot yourself, even accidentally



  • tumblr_mm3lh2KMzO1qemks9o1_250.png
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ooo! beautiful

the Batter is from the game OFF by mortis ghost

you should totally play sometime

i t messed me up and i think about it a lot

sometimes i hear something that reminds me of the soundtrack and its terrible

can games psychologically scar you? probably.... 
but i still love it...

its a really weird love hate relationship
Every waking minute... The physcopath flubs is very unstable but sociopath usually wins. When phsyco wins I usually just end up sugar high wandering around the streets.
Nah... One time I ran into some Gs. That fight was so grippy. Flubs vs three Gs. Winner: Not the Gs but flubs isnt exactly himself... 
Wonder how Piney would feel about me making her into a character for a RP... TOO LATE MAKING PINE!
Here is pine:

-Character Sheet-

Name: Pine Green

Age: 17

Personality: At times Pine can be a little overwhelming, but most of the times she is a kind hearted and warm person. If pine is around people she knows she is completely normal, and lets what she is interested in flow free but is incredibly shy around people she doesn't know. Despite all this she tends to get into fights and can become very worked up about little things, and most of the time shields her emotions behind a steely cold facade.

Background: Pine grew up in a small town, and assumes she has siblings, but doesn't have memories of before the age of what she assumes was seven, and lived out on the streets of her town, getting food any way possible. It seemed to her almost everyday she sent another boy crying for his mother running away from her. It went on like that for quite some time until she ended up in a school somehow somewhere, and met more aggressive people. Pine's logic to get through life: PUNCH IT.

Appearance: Pine is a average sized girl for her age, with long red hair she lets flow past her shoulders. She has a fair complexion with deep brown eyes. She is commonly wearing a gray hoodie with some jeans or a outfit akin to that.

Details: Pine will punch anyone who denies she has/had siblings.

Inventory(optional): option not taken

Other: Although Pine has been accused of murder several times she refuses to confirm she did any such thing and believes she would never take things so far. 
Pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine pine. Hi.
whispers flubs, if you have nothing to do you should do me too ahahahahah... aha... ah...ah.....

not if you dont want to tho
You dirty child... I hope your not like a 57 year old pedo bear. I am praying to Buhda right now that my girlfriend doesn't see that post... 
And no flubs doesnt have a a life
... i was hoping everyone here would be above sexual innuendos..

laughs who am i kidding

You got: COLD

Damn, are you even human? You’re motivated by shit like money and power that other people at least have the grace to pretend they don’t care about, and you basically don’t care about anyone else or their silly feelings. You might be successful but secretly everyone is straining their ears to make sure you actually have a heartbeat. Do your tear ducts and smiling muscles even work anymore?
I got that too. Do the how long would you survive a zombie apocalypse one. I am still going. 

Haha oh Flubs, I love the character sheet you made of me. <3

In one of my Pokémon role plays, when the fifth gen came out, I made garbodor (ugliest poké ever like it's a bag of trash in case you didn't know) our mascot and made all the trainers have at least one or they couldn't role play.

So one of my old friends would like try to battle me to the death to not have one, but me being me, I always win.

So later when she left to make her own group, one of her characters was a poison gym leader, and she had a garbodor named Pine, heh. <3


OH MY GOD WE THINK YOU’RE OVERDRAMATIC?!?!?!?! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO??????? Probably alternate between inconsolable crying fits, inexplicable anger directed at people who had nothing to do with it, and bursts of manic joy. Not everything is life and death, kiddo, and you’re going to have to grow out of your adolescent hormonal phase someday.
So what if some people level easier than you pine? I am like a level 87 no to brag. 
And Pine trees & haven't played since crystal. So I have no idea what that pokemon described as a bag of sh*t is. The story behind the three legendary dogs is so sad... It made me cry. NOBODY MAKES LITTLW FLUBS CRY. 
I am officially making all new Internet names green FYI. If there is someone named green not talking in a MMO just friend there steam (Communist Flubs) and youll get Ganked. 
And Pine I would love to be in one if your PokéPlays (Is flubs clever or what?) on ONE condition. I get to run the fighting gym. And I did some research for legendary fightings, aaaaand only mega mewtwo? Lol wut? Came up. 
Pinesies where are you? 

Hitmonchan -----> Jackie CHANGE

Hitmonlee -----> Bruce LEE
Worry about your sanity... Go through some previous pages and the overview to see my works of insanity... I make freaking old spice son parodies dood. Reply I thou want my pokemon one to come back up. 
Here it is fools! You never asked to this so here it is!

The complete and total musical works of none other than yours truly, Flubs!

Old Spice

To the tune if Gotta Catch 'Em All (Tay Zonday's cover)

I wanna smell the very best, Like no one ever has!

To find it is my real test... To smell good is my cause!

I travel across the store, searching far and wide!

Men's cosmetics aisle is where it is that is inside!

O-old Spice! Gotta Use it All!

I know its my destiny! Old spice! Oooooooooh your my best friend, for a pit you must defend.

O-old Spice! Gotta use it Ah-Ha-Hall, *A smell so true-e-uuuu* Your smell shall pull us through, I use you so I smell new, O-old Spice. Gotta use it all, gotta use it all!

Yeah aha

Every challenge along the way, with good smells we shall face, I will use you every day, to claim my rightful place!

Come with me, the smell is right, here's no better scent! Smell and smell we'll (We Ill) win fight, its always been our dream!

O-Old spice! Gotta use it Ah-Ha-Hall. *Its you and me* I know its my destiny, Old Spice! Oh your my best friend for a pit you must defend! Old spice! Gotta use it all! Your scents shall pull us through, I use you so I smell new, O-Old spice! Gotta use it all, gotta use it all…^Repeat until cued.^

Old spice gotta us it all, I know its my destiny Old spice, your my best friend for a pit you must defend, O-Old spice! Gotta use it all! *A smell so true-ooooh* your scent shall pull us trough, I use you so I smell new, O-Old spice! Gotta use it all, Gotta use it all! Old spice.

The fox

To the tune of Yvlys's what does the fox say

Smells so good,

To a nose,

With an average sense if smell

Scent so sweet,

Like a plant,

In a garden,


Goes up,

And my style goes high high high!

Off the charts,

So super high,

And my swaggers off the charts

But here's one smell that no one knows, HOW DOES OLD SPICE SMELL??

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

S-s-s-s-s-super good

How does old spice smell?

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

O-o-o-o-o-Oh My God

How does old spice smell?

Super super super good

Super super super good

Super super super good

Super super super good

How does old spice smell?





How does old spice smell?

So many types,

How to choose,

Swa-a-gger or ocean breeze

Little trace,

Awesome scent,

Suddenly your smelling good,

You canister,

Contains so much,

Like a blessing in disguise,

But if you meet,

A friendly girl,

Will she come running to your;




How will this girl re-a-a-a-a-act?



How does old I'm uncultured smell?

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

E-e-e-e-extremely good

How does Old spice smell?

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha hahhduty to

How die sold spice smell?

I looooooooooooove you

I looooooooooooove you

How does old spice smell?

The secret of the hipsters,

The upstanding deodorant,

Some won't us you,

I know I always will,

What is you smell?

Some will never know,

Alone with smelly pits,

How do you smell?

You girl magnet,

Hiding in the bathroom,

What is your smell?

Will we ever know?

I want to,

I want to

I want to know

Counting stars

To the tune of OneRepublic's counting stars

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been looking real far,

Soon no bad smells,

I'll be smelling good,


I'll be smelling good,


I seen the case,

Like a holy light,

Nothing else across the line

On my face its telling me,

Go buy it smell good,

Young, and I smell real old,

Smooth but not that bold,

I'm just doing what I'm told,

I I I I I feel something so right,

Using that old spice

I I I I I feel something so wrong using the other thing

Bad smells bad smells bad smell

Every thing old spice, makes me feel alive

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

High like flying bird,

I see old spice and it makes me burn,

But shopping cart is full,

Old spice, is a eight letter word,

Take your money watch me smell good,

I'm just doing what I'm told,

I I I I I feel something so right,

Young, and I smell real old,

Smooth but not that bold,

I'm just doing what I'm told,

I'm just doing what I'm told,

I I I I I feel something so right,

I see old spice and it makes me burn,

Could smell good,

Could smell good,

Could smell good,

Every old spice makes me,

Feel alive,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Take that old spice smell it good,

Sing to the world the lesson I learned

Take that old spice smell it good,

Sing to the world the lesson I learned

Take that old spice smell it good,

Sing to the world the lesson I learned

Take that old spice smell it good,

Sing to the world the lesson I learned

Take that old spice smell it good,

Sing to the world the lesson I learned

Every thing old spice,

Makes me feel alive

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Everything old spice makes me feel alive,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Baby I been hating smelling bad,

Dreaming about the things old spice could do,

Baby I been loving buying it,

Soon no more bad smells, I'll be smelling fresh,

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Take that old spice smell it good

Say to the world the smell of old spice

Dazed and confused

To the tune of Led Zeppelin's Dazed and Confused

I haven't used you for so long it's not true.

Wanted a deodorant, never bargained for you.

Lots of them smelling', few of them good

Soul of a angel was created in there.

You smell real good never telling those lies.

Run around sweat body I don't have the time.

Sweet deodorant I don't know where you been,.

Gonna smell your scent, here I come again.

Every day I work so hard, bringin' home my hard earned pay

Try to buy you old spice, but you push me away.

Don't know where you're goin', only know just where you've been,

Sweet little old spice, I want you again.

I haven't used you for so long, it's not true.

Wanted a deodorant, never bargained for you.

Smelling easy, let them say what they will.

Will you ever come back if I pay your bill? 
Hi pine
@Gabe Drako

There will probably be spots open when I get off my butt and do an activity check later today or tomorrow or...


I don't have any Pokémon role plays at the moment, rather unfortunately. xD

I want to revive that aforementioned role play here, but I honestly don't think I'll have time to manage it.
Sorry, I'm busy getting ready to go to lunch with my cousin.

With this specific role play, I have a particular way I want things to be done, so that wouldn't be any good. cx


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