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Fandom One Piece

Each bullet simply melted in Raticon as the spots they hit turned to magma. Raticon tossed a glob of magma at each marines head, "Oh smokey boy..."
Sol looked throughout the store, looking at the swords, it didn't seem like they had anything he wanted. His sword was already good enough for him, after all he couldn't dual wield swords, not if he was using his pistol anyway, unless he used his mouth, but that's just crazy. Opening the doors to the store, he saw some civilians running past him. "Is it run around like and scream day?"

@Atom @Roo

Smoker grunted and ignored Raticon annoyance. He pulled out his Sea Prism Stone weapon and lunged it at Ryuu, leaving his smoke state.
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Endymion said:
"A pirate is a pirate. Your face is.. pretty. It'll look nice on a Wanted Poster. I mean, if you survive this's encounter." His whole body turned into smoke and it encircled Ryuu, making the citizens run away in fear.
"Oh well thank you," Ryuu responded to his compliment, drawing her sword and readying herself, then confidently said "I can't wait to see myself on a poster."

Sol seemed just looked at the girl moderately unimpressed. "Oi, Oi..you sure you don't have the wrong person. I haven't done anything wrong." He said in a rather slow and relax manner. "Are you suppose to capture civilians alive?" Although, he was trying to keep a straight face, he couldn't help but smile, because..the thought of battle always made him smile. But, why was she coming after him? How very odd, he'd have to stall for time until his crew got there.

Mireille said:

Sol seemed just looked at the girl moderately unimpressed. "Oi, Oi..you sure you don't have the wrong person. I haven't done anything wrong." He said in a rather slow and relax manner. "Are you suppose to capture civilians alive?" Although, he was trying to keep a straight face, he couldn't help but smile, because..the thought of battle always made him smile. But, why was she coming after him? How very odd, he'd have to stall for time until his crew got there.

Tashigi ignored him and charged straight at Sol, whipping her sword towards his face.


Smoker grunted and ignored Raticon annoyance. He pulled out his Sea Prism Stone weapon and lunged it at Ryuu, leaving his smoke state.
Raticon lunged forward and grabbed Smokers shoulders, tossing him backwards with a grunt.

Sol dodged the attack, and rolled right past her drawing his own sword. "Well...nobody is here yet and I've waited for ages. I guess I can play with you. But, you could at least tell me your name." Sol wasn't all that interested at launching attacks, at her at least, because he had no real motivation to fight her right now, other than she was a marine, but seeing Smoker in the long distance, he couldn't help but decide he needed to get it done, and bail.

Right after Smoker was thrown, he went to his smoke state and expanded himself, like a thick fog. He chuckled smugly. "I'm hiding, can you find me?"


Mireille said:

Sol dodged the attack, and rolled right past her drawing his own sword. "Well...nobody is here yet and I've waited for ages. I guess I can play with you. But, you could at least tell me your name." Sol wasn't all that interested at launching attacks, at her at least, because he had no real motivation to fight her right now, other than she was a marine, but seeing Smoker in the long distance, he couldn't help but decide he needed to get it done, and bail.

She nodded and frowned. "Tashagi." She lunged towards Sol's stomach, faster than before.
Raticon grinned and turned into magma, any smoke near him was burnt up by the intense heat, "Show yourself Smokey or a lot of people die..." Raticon warned.
Ryuu blocked his lunge with her sword, with relative ease.

"That's an interesting skill you've got there," She noted.

Sol just smiled, and stepped to the side, using her own momentum from her attack, to send her crashing onto the ground with a push of his hand, but at the same time suffering a small cut on his side. "Oh, okay. Tashagi it's nice to meet you my name is, Sol. But, since you're hunting me I guess you already know that." His face showed relatively uninterested to strike her, but he was still processing he had no choice but to do it right now.


Smoke laughed but the smoke just patched itself up. It started to swirl around Ryuu and created a dense wall of smoke around Raticon, eluding his vision. In one second Smoke returned to his normal form, behind Ryuu and pinned her in the back with the Sea Prism Stone Spear.

(If you didn't know Roo, Sea Prism Stone is basically a weakness to devil fruit. It kinda makes you unable to move as long as it or you are touching it.)


Tashigi mumbled but stood up again. She pulled out another sword. "Your move."

Sol laughed and had an even bigger smile. "My move?...Good luck ...because my move is.." Sol took off running. "Running away!" Sol didn't normally run from a fight, but she was ordered to kill him right? He wanted to at least be out of line of sight with Smoker, that way it was a bit easier.

"Your choice." Raticon said as he began firing Magma Fists around the street and into the air.

In seconds a great many fires were raging and a panic had started.
Endymion said:
Smoke laughed but the smoke just patched itself up. It started to swirl around Ryuu and created a dense wall of smoke around Raticon, eluding his vision. In one second Smoke returned to his normal form, behind Ryuu and pinned her in the back with the Sea Prism Stone Spear.

(If you didn't know Roo, Sea Prism Stone is basically a weakness to devil fruit. It kinda makes you unable to move as long as it or you are touching it.)
(( Danke, I needed that explanation. ))

"A myth is a myth, I'm not all that great a fighter. Anymore," Ryuu grimaced slightly, now unable to move.

(there was already panic..)

Smoke raised an eyebrow. "I was never after you in the first place." Restraints of unknown material suddenly wrapped around Raticon's body. Smoker chuckled, "Thanks Hina."



Tashigi chased after Sol and eventually threw a sword in his direction."
Raticon grinned and melted through the material and the ground.

(I'm talking about city wide. He just rained magma meteorites on the city)

Sol noticed the sword, and dodged to the left before stopping this should be a good place to stop. "Do you still want to fight me, little girl?" He seemed completely ready to attack her now.


((Think you should note that depending on how big it is, the quicker it drains DF users strength))​

Smoke grunted and pushed the spear closer to her back. "Should I kill you or collect the reward, myself?" He said as he backed up.


Tashigi grinned and swiped downwards, hoping to chop him in half with her blade.

(G'night, got a headache)
Raticon had disappeared into the ground, leaving Hina alone now.

Smoker began to feel an intense heat beneath his feet.
Suzume braced herself on her hands and knees; almost recovered from the unexpected swim, when she heard the approach of others. Looking up at the unknown men, she put her hands up. "I just needed a ride, and the navy was passing by; I'm not friends of theirs…" She tailed off as the fight broke out.
Sol parried her sword with his. "Oh.. you're quite the tough girl, I like you. Which is why..." Sol said as a shot rang out, during the confusion of the sword clash, his free hand had gotten hold of his gun, and he shot Tashigi at point blank, even if she was fast, at this range it would be impossible to block, let alone barely dodge. "I think you should be my friend, Tashigi." Sol was smiling, but he knew better than to ask a marine for friendship. Despite his attempts, she probably wouldn't agree to the sole fact that..he's an enemy.


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