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Fandom One Piece

Ryuu stood still, softly leaning against the side of a shop. For what, she couldn't recall. The street's of Loguetown buzzing along past her. Rather busy, but she found herself more bored than usual. A slow drag on her sanity, she didn't like the city, she wanted to be back out on the water. To do something of interest for once, what she did now was more or less just nothingness...

A group of marines, about 10 of them were patrolling the road outside the shop. One of them gave Ryuu a suspicious look.
The marine frowned and poked the marine beside him, whispering and pointing at Ryuu. They point stuck their tongues out, quite immature. A man in front of them, slapped their foreheads, probably the leader of the patrol. They continued to walk past Ryuu, mumbling.
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Ryuu laughed slightly, finally giving a bit of a smile. She'd just have to go out and do something, no use in standing around. That wouldn't alleviate her boredom after all. Heading her way down the street and through the crowd.
(@Shangri La Go ahead.)

Suzume's breathing was growing shorter. She was used to fighting hand to hand or aiming from a distance, not struggling against the waves. As the adrenaline from the shock of the explosions faded, the pain from sustained wounds increased. She clenched her teeth. The ships ahead were growing closer.
Sona leaned in closer, as she made out a figure in the ocean. She made it out as a person floating in the waves. Turning her head she shouted "Man overboard! On the starboard bow!" Then she rushed over and grabbed a life ring and some rope. She quickly tied the rope to the ring and readied to throw it. With pinpoint accuracy Sona tossed the ring around the girl and began to pull her up and onto the ship.

Suzume grabbed at the lifeline, and coughed as she felt herself being hauled up to the ship. At the moment, she hadn't noticed who it belonged to and didn't much care. Being out of the ocean was a huge relief. Suzume climbed over the edge and landed, breathing heavily, on the deck. Her clothes dripped water around her feet.

"Th-thanks," she managed, still trying to get her breath. "I owe you one." Suzume was focused on the ground and had not seen her rescuer's face.
Sona pulled the girl up with ease Don't mind me I'm just saving someone's life. She grunted as she pulled her onto the deck. She watched as she breathed heavily, it somewhat intrigued her as she no longer breathes herself. Mira bien, I wonder if she came from the wreckage of those Navy ships. As the girl finally managed to speak Sona smiled and extended out a bony hand to the girl to help her up "I'll hold you to that." Her glowing yellow eyes and skeletal figure showing completely from underneath the hat.
Zero was once again back in the safe this crew seemed rather strong they took down two navy ships if not more with ease so they was a high chance they had a devil fruit eater if not more than one. Zero was contemplating whether to go out of his spot where he was stowing away and to test this crew strength or see if the captain would allow him to join. Zero used his devil fruit to run out onto the boats deck and onto the figurehead which he just sat on its figurehead with a smirk on his face.
Sun grunted and shifted his head towards Sona and rushed over to her. Once he saw who she rescued he backed up. "You can't just let random people board our ship. This person could be a bounty hunter or part of the navy."

Sol grew bored of waiting for the rest of his crew, the captain had probably expected him to show up the minute the docked, but he didn't care anymore he was so bored. He decided to go explore the town some and come back after a little while, after all he didn't have a bounty yet, so he should be able to walk around somewhat freely, albeit the restricted zones for only navy officials. Sol finished his juice, and gave the glass back to the bartender, then walked out of the tavern. As he walked out the doors, the wind hit his face like a ton of bricks, it was a nice breeze to this hot day, but the clouds to the distance seemed like rain clouds, a storm might hit Loguetown later. Taking a moment to let his eyes adjust to the brightness of the sky, compared to the darkness of the tavern, he walked down the streets.

On his way down the streets, he noticed a lot of shops, A weapon shop, an armor shop, and a place that might be a doctors shop, but with the sign, it could just be a place that sells alcohol. As he got further into it, he saw multiple food stands, meat,fruit,even a candy stand, and went to each of them, convincing them to give him a free sample so that he might buy more, he never intended to buy more. As he took his haul, he wandered down a back alleyway, there he saw multiple pirates picking on another gang of pirates, they weren't known to him, but the both shouted how you shouldn't mess with a pirate, and how their captain would get them. It was the same annoying routine, nobody had the courage to do anything, but this place was crawling with marines it's not surprising.

It wasn't before he got out of the alleyway did he find himself back at the docks, he had went into a big circle, which completely caught him off guard, he passed it off as another dock, until he saw the same tavern sign nearby. Seeing as how his crew was not here yet, however, though that annoyed him to no end. Sol decided to make his way back towards the arms shop. Finally, getting there he headed inside, it was going to be curious to see what they had all in there.​
Azale looked up at Zero with a frown, "Captain... we have an uninvited guess..." Azale growled.
Atom said:
Azale looked up at Zero with a frown, "Captain... we have an uninvited guess..." Azale growled.
Sun nodded. "Ugh, this ship is not a party boat. Azale, can you take care of him?" He paused to scratch his hair then look at the girl. "So, who are you? The fact that you were on that navy ship is quite interesting."

(Yes, I want Zero to fight Azale if that is what you're asking)
Azale cracked his knuckles a moment and stopped, "Captain our boat is wooden." He reminded with a frown.
Zero stood up and turned around. "Now now is that anyway to treat anyone telling someone to take care of me." Zero said tutting and cracking his fingers and arms. "If it helps I come in peace." Zero said smirking making the peace sign with his fingers.
Sun paused to turn around. "You do realize that you are on the property of the T-Ghoul Pirates. Unless you have business with us," He paused to light his knuckles with electricity. "I suggest you jump ship."
Zero shook his head. "No can do i'm just not a fan of water if you catch what I mean." Zero said before using his devil fruit to accelerate his body and to get behind the who he guessed was captain of the T-Ghoul Pirates (Sun). "See me and water just don't get a long i'm sure you can guess why by now if not i'll tell you." Zero said before smirking once again looking down at the captains hands he seems he was a devil fruit eater too and from the looks of his hand Logia not the best type for Zero to fight as he couldn't hurt him. "Much like you I ate a devil fruit."
The people around Ryuu suddenly went quiet. If she turned around, she would see Navy Admiral, Smoker walking down the street followed by four other marine officers carrying swords. The soldiers behind him, stopped moving and stood still in the middle in the row. Smoker lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, slowing his steps towards Ryuu. He pulled out a piece of paper and showed Ryuu. It was Black Caesar's old wanted paper. "Do you happen to know anything of this man?" The soldiers behind him grinned smugly.

Vice Admiral Smoker



Bills352 said:
Zero shook his head. "No can do i'm just not a fan of water if you catch what I mean." Zero said before using his devil fruit to accelerate his body and to get behind the who he guessed was captain of the T-Ghoul Pirates (Sun). "See me and water just don't get a long i'm sure you can guess why by now if not i'll tell you." Zero said before smirking once again looking down at the captains hands he seems he was a devil fruit eater too and from the looks of his hand Logia not the best type for Zero to fight as he couldn't hurt him. "Much like you I ate a devil fruit."
Sun gritted his teeth and turned around, aiming to shoot the stranger with a blast of lightning. "Sona, Azale!"
"I happen to know just a bit," Ryuu answered nonchalantly, she looked up at the Vice Admiral eyebrows raise "what interest in him do you have?"
Azale growled and opened his arms, a ring of fire forming to trap him in work Sun, "Take a load off speedy..." He growled.
Roo said:
"I happen to know just a bit," Ryuu answered nonchalantly, she looked up at the Vice Admiral eyebrows raise "what interest in him do you have?"
Smoker leaned back and puffed on his cigar. "I once heard a myth about a little girl in his crew. I heard she was exceptionally skilled at fighting. Sounds familiar does it not?"
Zero decided rather than to fight he would much rather annoy them so he decided to rapidly move around at the speed of sound (about 760 mph) which would be fast enough to ignore heat since it would be able to touch him and also good luck aiming at something you can't see. "As it is they is no point in fighting most likely your a logia type which means I can't even hurt you however I could kill all of use devil fruit eaters by destroying the ship and then putting my hands in the water before dive bombing you in there with me however I would prefer not to do that." Zero said before stopping out of the blue back where he was originally found sitting. "So how about a compromise its quite simple and I find it the best win-win situation I hope your ready to hear this." Zero said before dramatically pausing. "How about I join your crew?"
Azale flipped around and created a wall of fire, stretching it towards Zero. At this point it was so thick that even his speed wouldn't stop him from being badly burned if he entered it.
Bills352 said:
Zero decided rather than to fight he would much rather annoy them so he decided to rapidly move around at the speed of sound (about 760 mph) which would be fast enough to ignore heat since it would be able to touch him and also good luck aiming at something you can't see. "As it is they is no point in fighting most likely your a logia type which means I can't even hurt you however I could kill all of use devil fruit eaters by destroying the ship and then putting my hands in the water before dive bombing you in there with me however I would prefer not to do that." Zero said before stopping out of the blue back where he was originally found sitting. "So how about a compromise its quite simple and I find it the best win-win situation I hope your ready to hear this." Zero said before dramatically pausing. "How about I join your crew?"
Sun's eye twitched a ring of lighting encircled him then it enlarged around the shape of the ship, then vanished. "Stop moving!" He paused to unclench his fists. "It makes me dizzy" he mumbled.

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