One piece: The new era [Inactive]

(Does Luka still have the scepter?)

"You too. You never know, Mr. Goldenmane might have already made his move. So no dying now." Valir said smiling. As Luka took off, Valir looked down at Miss All Soul's Day. "You know, just in case those vines don't hold..." His statement trailed off and he looked around. He saw the clothing store from earlier and ran inside. He grabbed a couple leather belts and ran out. "I'll pay you back when I can!" He yelled behind him as the shopkeeper chased him out. Returning to where he left Miss All Soul's Day, he found a trail where someone had crawled away. "Really?" He thought aloud, following the marks in the sand around the corner to find the woman still inching away.

"Yeah, don't do that again please. I don't need another nefarious plot to stop." Valir said, grabbing her and binding her arms and legs to her body with the belts. "That'll have to do. I'd say I'm sorry, but you did worse to me. At least I'm not making you work." He said. He made one more stop on the way out of the town, grabbing a water skin for the desert. He then set across the sand, heading in the direction of Erumalu, ignoring the blazing sun above.
Umaki scanned the area for signs of fighting. She sighed when the sounds had receded out of earshot, slumping against a building in a rare patch of shade again. "But rheally, ith damn hot." She wiped some of the sweat dripping down the side of her face with the back of her hand, pulling her desert cloak closer around her. Back at home she had experienced the beating sun on the fishing boat for hours on end, but that was nothing compared to this. Damn summer islands. She got up once more and began moving in the same direction as before. Maybe there was a town nearby that wasn't buried in sand.
Valir trudged through the desert, ignoring the heat as best he could. "Boy, take me back, this heat will kill me and you." Miss All Soul's Day whined again. "You really carry on, don't you?" Valir asked rhetorically. He reached for the water skin which was already halfway empty. "Here, drink up." He said, sitting her down and pouring some of the liquid in her mouth. She drank thirstily. He did the same, then closed the top. "We're over halfway there now anyways. Plus you were camped out there. You've got food and water there, right?" She glared with what little steam she had left. "Like I'd tell you." Valir sighed and unbound her legs. "Well I'm getting tired, so you're walking now. And no need have such an attitude." He said, smiling slightly. "Sure we foiled your plan, but it didn't work anyways. Plus I'm sharing my water with you."

Valir started forward again, then turned around to look at her, seeming to read her thoughts. "Look, you won't make it far. You're better off coming with me." He said cheerfully. "You can always try to escape once we're at your hideout." At that statement she began following him with a huff.

They were nearing Erumalu when Valir spotted another person. A young girl by the looks of it. "Hey Miss All Soul's, do you see someone there, or am I crazy?" He asked, turning to the woman. She didn't reply, just stared forward. This heat is really getting to her. I wonder why she chose Alabasta? He thought.

(Umaki I presume?)
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Umaki heard the sound of crunching sand in front of her before a blurry figure came into view. After a few moments of squinting, she could make out another person... tied up? Umaki frowned, but continued walking towards the figure anyway.

"Heeeeyyyy!" She called out, waving her hands back and forth in the air. "You headed somewhere?" Honestly, from the way he was walking it looked like he had some destination in mind. An exciting one, maybe! She stepped up her pace towards the figures at the thought.
(So at 3 in the mourning (when you posted for me) you made a lot of progress on your own, it's annoying when a group of 2 or 3 make like 27 posts, on an old rp a group of 3 made 43 I believe)
Valir heard the girl call out to him and Miss All Soul's Day. "Huh, I guess she is real." He cups his hands around his mouth and yells, "Hello!" then waves his arms above his head. She might have more water he hoped.

"You realize how stupid you look right?" Miss All Soul's Day scoffed. "Haven't you ever heard of a mirage? She isn't real you stupid boy." Valir stopped waving his arms. "Are you sure? You see her too, right?" At this Miss All Soul's Day paused, then said, "Yes, but I'm dehydrated too. Heat does that to a person when they try to trek a damn DESERT." She yelled the last word at Valir angrily.

"You really aren't a calm person in the heat." Valir observed, shrugging.
Luka looked at the twister "hmm...must be a sand storm..." luka decided to go around it to avoid getting hit.
but as luka tried to avoid it, it moved after her! (may I suggest to try and take a good look at the sandstorm
"What the ..." luka made another bird and jumped on it's back. " you head back! I have a bad feeling about this twister!" Al then flewbof with kain to the ship. Luka look at the twister '..this is gonna be fun...' she thought sarcastically. She got closer to the sandstorm to get a better look.
Luka looked at it and tilted her head. She made shadow vies to try and stop the thing inside from spinning.
the shadow vines snapped and were thrown out the twister, but the object began to slow down on its own, it then leaped on to the bird, it was a human
Luka bird Ace quickly moved out of the way and luka kicked it " and your probably the hunter that which was talking about..." luka said to the person.
"oh? you touched me... im surprised your leg didn't break" said giraffe before moving into a fighting stance
' actually stings a little...' she looked at her legs and saw that the shadow she instinctively coated it in is twisted. " why don't you just let me go and we can call it a day?" She said while she was still flying on ace.
"hmm, neither, the boss said, so we do" said giraffe putting a hand down on the bird. "lets take this a little lower shall we?
"Hands of ace!!" She stabbed his hand with the tip of the scepter which was made of sea stone.
Luka looked st the scepter "huh....that lady is gonna mad..." she laughed a little 'I cant go near this guy....'
Keke felt the wall and noticed it was made of cloth,a smirk appeared across her face,"Goodbye idiot!"She yelled Pbtenchi as she pulled a scalpel from her cleavage and slashed the handkerchief,freeing her from the devil-fruit created prison.
"now that that's out the way" giraffe pressed his hand on ace, all of a sudden ace changed into a dive bomb 
( I was hoping you could wait until valir was here, oh well... but ungh it hurts the story line.)
"Ace!!" Luka got down from ace landed on the sand to get away from him when ace exploded and pain suddenly shot through her body. She groaned a little. " your gonna pay for that..." she said with a glare.

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