One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Vero just stayed at the bar, leaning back a little while taking a small sip of her drink. Adjusting her sunglasses, she looked through the people in the bar. She smirked seeing all the little details some of them had gone to hiding, like the one bartender. She had a white band of skin on her left ring finger where a wedding ring should have been. Totally unnoticeable unless you looked very closely. Finding it rather amusing Vero let out a small laugh. Finishing her drink, she tapped the bar for another one. The same bartender she had been watching earlier came over. "How can I help ya?"

Vero traced the tip of her glass with her right pointer finger, "I seemed to have dropped my wallet over the counter, I was wondering if you would get it for me, Please?" She batted her lashes at her and put on a kind face. The lady nodded and started looking, "I don't see it..." Vero leaned over the bar, her hand brushing for a second over the lady's skirt as she pointed. "It's right there." As the bartender went back to looking, she straightened herself twirling her newly acquired ring in her fingers.She smiled and and closed her hand, just as the lady came back up shrugging, "It ain't back here. Somebody prolly took it already." Vero shrugged and gave an okay, laughing a bit as the bartender never noticed what she was missing. Oh the joys of being a pirate.
"This is bad, da big bombs shoulda went off by now. We need ta see what stopped 'em."

He grabbed the young girl by her hand. As soon as the firing stopped he took one of the bombs from her, lit it and chucked it. Using that as a diversion they moved to the floor beneath them.

After he placed his free hand on the ground, shouts could be heard about the bomb and with its explosion, the floor nearly instantly decayed into a hole that both of them could fit through. Kaito landed on his feet, looking around for more marines.

Overall this was horrible, He had not intended to be stuck on this damn thing for this long. Now he would have to get serious. His only worry was what waited for him down where the bomb had been. Most the marines seemed to be on the floor above them.

"We need ta move fast, somehow we moved ta da wrong area. We need ta get back ta da rudder but on this area. Also, do not use them bombs, we gonna need 'em later."

He could tell she was worried. But right now they needed to completely their mission.
Her struggling was useless, she was then quickly dragged out from behind cover and her bomb stolen. Her eyes widened as he lit it and threw it at the marines, "Nat meh Are Pupper!!" She watched as it blew up halfway to the marines hitting some with shrapnel and blowing out everyone's eardrums, luckily for her and the pirate they fell through the hole before the air blast went.

She looked at him somewhat angrily "Ef wa're gunno blohw deh bombs op way uze dis win" She held up the quick fire bomb. She placed it where she kept it before and kept running with the guy. This better not back fire again!!

(Not my Ear Popper!!)

(If were gonna blow the bombs up we use this one)
Myko was a bit surprised, but removed Lillith's hands from his jacket calmly, then wiped off the mashed potatoes that Kayla had thrown in his face before she left. Usually women didn't treat him like this, so he wasn't quite sure how to handle it.

"I use my brain! I'm not like the other pirates in here, at least!", Myko said defensively. Then he decided he might as well plow on ahead as he addressed the man and girl at the table with him. "Speaking of the other pirates here... do either of you honestly want to sail with them? You should both join my crew. I at least know what I'm doing! I have an amazing cook and doctor, too, so we should all be perfectly fine!"

Myko was set. He wouldn't leave until he convinced these two to join his crew.
Kaito looked at her strangely as he deciphered her words. Carefully he snuck around trying to figure out where the room was. Damnit! he was so close yet so far away.

"Yer sure this bomb gonna set them barrels off?"

He wasn't sure how hard it would be to set them off, but he knew it would definitely be dangerous. As they went through the corridor, he saw what appeared to be the top of the rudder, barely visible from the inside. He went up against the wall and looked through the port hole. Yup, they were positions right above the room they had cleared out. He quickly set about preparing a few things.

"Ya said da bomb was da fire one right? So stuff will burst inta flames?"

He quickly started gathering chairs, and scraps of anything burnable he could find, which seemed to be very little. Kaito formed a pile of them in the center of the floor he assumed was right above the barrels. As his last planning he placed his hand on the wall, though instead of making a hole this time, he degraded the wood to the point someone could burst through it with almost the most minimal weight. He then placed himself just outside the pile of stuff with his feet almost on an imaginary circle. He held out his hand.

"Give me da right one, and also give me another explosive one. We gonna make sure this beast goes down in flames."
"Uv curse Ai'm shure, et sprids fiah averehwhar fer a few sicands, ef sumethan lats it lats!!" She explained as she was dragged around. She watched the pirate set things up while listening at the door hoping no marines would come by, luckily none did when he spoke "Deh fiah sprids averehwhar, et unly lusts fer a few sicands unlass deh wud lats or sumethan alse dat kichtes fiah lats" she watched him age another hole, but this time it wasn't a 'hole'. When he asked her the question her eyes went wide "Nut meh lust 2" she hesitated taking both out "Why wold yuh nad dem??" She handed him both

(NOTE one won't work at all the other is a shaped charge that fires everywhere but where it's supposed to)

(Of course I'm sure, it spreads fire everywhere for a few seconds, if something lights it lights!!)

(The fire spreads everywhere, it only lasts a few seconds unless the wood lights or something else that catches fire lights)

(Not my last 2)

(Why would you need them??)
"Da fire one is ta ensure da powder catches ah flame. But just in case, we needa 'nother explosive one ta detonate 'em. We also dunno who stopped da bomb last time."

He still stood there. There was little time remaining. He kept with his hands spread out.

"Light da fire one first, dun light da other til I say."
Ker Tela extended her hand and gave him the other 2 bombs, she wanted to use her fire bomb first "Yu use dem UNLEH ef nadded!!" She lit the fire bomb and started to through it This will give me a chance to observe them... I'm sure I can remake them later she thought still worried but it was too late to stop now. Her hand was just letting go at the end of her thought.

(You use them ONLY if needed!!)
Lillith sat her butt back in the chair, slightly fuming. Muttering to herself. Muttering things that would make a pirate blush. Unhappily, she listened to what the man had to offer. She wasn't ready to accept. Not yet. She needed more convincing.

"You'll have to come up with more than that. That is, if you honestly want me for your crew..." Unhappily. Lillith said that very unhappily.
Myko looked a bit confused. Hadn't he made it clear that he wanted this girl in his crew?

"Of course I want you in my crew! Not only are you gorgeous, but your tough, too! It's not everyday you meet a beautiful, yet tough, woman. You'd be a great asset to my crew!", Myko exclaimed happily. He could already see all the useful ways this girl could be to the crew. She could easily seduce the enemy with those amazing eyes, then kick them in their treasure when they don't expect it!
::Greoy couldn't hold the phase any longer, he had just enough strength to keep the ship phased untill it cleared the other ship... mostly... There was a shark *crack* can some groaning as both tail sections of the boats merged the tips on one another, then tore off, some bits of wood from both ships fell into the ocean, and Geroy collapsed face first on deck, wasted::

Geroy: "Afro... I need you... to save... guy... other ship..."

::And then he was out::
Persistent men are annoying. And always will be. Lillith rolled her eyes, then continued to feriously stare at Myko.

"You don't even know who I am." She knew it herself. She didn't want to admit to giving in. Now it was a matter of time until she gave up. Her gaze relented slightly. Lillith began to assess the man infront of her. "What's your prize...?"
Najibe heard a crunching sound as the tail sections of both ships violently crashed against one he turned back, he heard Geroy issue him another order:

"I need you... to save... guy... other ship..."

"Geroy! Don't worry, I'm on it!" While the ships were in close proximity of each other, Najibe readied his afro tentacles, to be prepared for when Kaito needed to be hoisted back onto the ship. "I sure hope that whatever he's doing will get us out of this...'sticky situation...'" Najibe thought.
Myko was starting to get anxious under this girl's stare - he wasn't used to being glared at like that.

"True, I don't know you, but I think I know enough to decide you'd be a useful crew mate.", Myko told her seriously. "My prize? I'm going after One Piece... for personal reasons. If we acquire it - we'll go down in pirate history forever."

Myko scratched his chin, knowing she would give in.

"Just think about it, at least.", Myko said.
Kaito activated his powers one again. The look creaked, degraded and all the chairs and crap he had gathered fell through to the deck below from a perfect circle. It was definitely the right room. He could see the barrels and the powder line which obviously had not made it that far, as well as the bomb the young woman had left their before they ran.

"Hey you!" One of the marines from earlier shouted.

"Hit him!!" Kaito shouted as as the marine tried to pull out a gun.

He readied the other bomb knowing good and well he was going to use it also.
Ker Tela watched as the pirate did his magic trick again and as the bomb flew and burst open causing fire to splash all over the Marine as he was pulling up his gun. The Marine ran away from the gunpowder stopping it from catching fire. Damn. The Marine ran right into a bigger more important looking one and fell over burning still though the flames were already going out.
Lillith looked at Myko, unblinking. Well, if he can't offer me anything good...

"Look here. Aslong as you promise you won't try anything on me, I don't see any..." lillith paused "problem..." did she really just say that? Did she really just accept his offer? Lillith herself couldn't believe her own lips. Staring at him, her gaze lightened. Lillith sighed. And she continued to stare at Myko. Without saying a single word.
So-do just sat at the table listening to the two of them go back and forth about reason this woman should join his crew. Other that time he took several sips of his milk and drags on his cigarette. He never bothered to flick the ashes off leaving a trail of ash attached to the end of his cigarette. He thought about what the man had said and wondered if he should take the offer. He had been in this place for over a mouth playing in this bar a change of pace could nice.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth and smothered it on the table bending the butt over which way. smock was rising form the cigarette from what ever was left to burn. "So you want to go after one piece?" He said when it finally came up. "Hmmm..." he started to think to himself again this might be a good there are a going to be a lot on woman on this crew, and he could feel up the different milk pillows they meet a long the way.
Myko had to suppress his excitement. He was finally reforming a crew!

"Don't worry, I promise I won't do anything to you! You're off-limits, I understand.", Myko replied to her, nodding. He turned to the other guy now - who he was sure had already made up his mind.

"That's right, we're going after One Piece. What say you? Coming along?", Myko asked.
So-do crossed his arms and closed his eyes to think. "What should I do....should i go with them or not? I do want to get out of this place, but then again...." He sat there for sometime thinking before nodding off.
Vero sighed slipping her new ring onto her finger and dropping a coin onto the counter before pushing off it and heading towards the ship. She was tired, and missed her kitchen. Besides, she should always check on the supplies to see if they needed to stock up. Granted they would, if Myko was doing what she thought he was doing. Recruiting. Erg, always meant more mouth to feed, and more people to mess with her pots and pans and what nots. Rubbing under her glasses and wiping away a little dried blood from under them she started towards the ship she called her home.
Eva smirked as she shook hands with the merchant Giku Sunobu. "A pleasure doing business with you." He said with a grin, before handing her a piece of paper. "Here is your copy of the transaction, I'll give you two days to get whatever is yours off the boat." With that the man turned and walked off into the streets of Smuggler's cove.

Turning, the white haired woman let out a laugh as she jumped into the Calypso's Dream. Now that that was over, Eva could begin the real work... Selling off everything this ship had to offer. For a moment she thought of the captain who's ship she now just sold off. For the first time she felt a small amount of regret for what she had done to Myko. But it was only a flash and was gone just as swiftly as it had come.
As he felt himself " materialize " again Gin stood ready to fire off the cannons at the marine's ship. He fired off several cannons within secons of eachother, ' BLAM BLAM BLAM ' was heard throughout the air as the cannons released their deadly cargo onto the marine ship.

One flew right over the marine ship, while the other penetrated the marine's ship's hull above sea level. The last of them hit the intended target dead-on though, a loaded cannon on the marine's deck, blowing the cannon up it instantly set most of the upper deck ablaze considering it was covered in oil.

He shouted.


Slade saw the ship reappear before his eyes and as he unhoisted his whalebone cannon and took aim the pirate ship's cannons blasted away, rocking the ship and making him drop the whalebone cannon at his feet.
" INCOMING! " He shouted as one of the cannonballs was coming directly for him.

" Slink Slink Shrink "
he spoke to himself and he poofed into a chibi-version of himself before mumbling " Grow " and reconstructing himself to his original form. Seeing everything on fire, smoke smothering him and the subordinates who were in a panick on deck, he tried to think about what to do. First things first, he had to maintain damage control. " Super Size Hand " He shouted as his hand and lower arm grew to gigantic proportions which he then used to swoop a ton of water from the ocean and splash it over the deck, he repeated this a few times 'till the fire and oil were taken care off.

He shouted in a weak voice to the several marines who were still combat-able.

Touching the seawater really drained him and he felt very weak for the moment so he sat on a dry piece of deck and shouted, again in a weak voice:


As Riyoshi woke up, he realized it was the perfect day to set sail.

"Today is going to be awesome!" Riyoshi shouted in his house.

As he got out of bed, he reached for his clothes. As he put them on, he wondered around his house, looking for all of his gear.

{I need to make sure i have all my gear. For today, i set sail on the great sea.} Riyoshi thought as he entered the kitchen.

Reaching out and opening the fridge, Riyoshi grabbed out a large plate of fruits.

{This should be alright to start my day with.} Riyoshi thought as he sat down on the counter and started to eat.

As he finished his plate, he headed for the back door. Leaving his house, he headed for his boat.

"This is going to be awesome!" Riyoshi shouted as he approached his boat.
Kaito stopped dead in his tracks. This was bad, really bad. He could tell from his coat that this man was of admiral rank. His whole body instantly had a chill. They needed to leave and now. There was absolutely no way the two of them could take on an admiral. He grabbed the young girls hand fiercely and did not let go. He chatted a little while to remain calm.

"Thank you. Though I really dun like bein' on ah Marine ship fer this long. I amend yer skills of disarmin' our device but I'm afraid I needa take ah leave."

With that he touched the wall and muttered a a few words before bolting away in the other direction.

"Age Bomb: 1000 Year Decay"

As they ran he lit the bomb and threw it back down the hall way. He hoped it would stop the admiral. They were leaving, he should of used his bomb to begin with. It would of solved a lot of his trouble.

They finally made it up a flight of stairs to another level above but there was about 5 marines.

"We needa do this fast. Hope yer ready!"

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