One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Ker Tela felt like she was suddenly being lifted, she blinked and looked around finding out she was "wut??" She kept a hold of the pirate just in case, she didn't want to be dropped back into the ocean after all. She began to shake as she saw more pirates on the ship and she realized THIS was the ship she was on awhile ago. Her eyes went wide as they were lifted onto the back part of the ship. She was looking around quickly panicking her breathing erratic. I'm caught her heart sank and she gave up, letting go of the man that helped her, she knew this pirate would have a hold of him. I'm dead...

When he opened his eyes and coughed he soon heard friendly voices. Everything was blurry but soon focused and once being out of the sea water, his powers restored to full almost as quickly as they had drained.

"Weew. That was close. We need ta git outa here. There's an admiral on dat ship."

He stood up and stretched out quickly. He knew it was time for them tog et going. He looked around. The marine vessel was sinking slowly from his assault on the rear and the desk looked like it had been ablaze. Yet now it wasn't. Not only that, their ship's sails were all goopy with something. He looked at it weirdly before shifting back over to see Geroy nearly passed out on the deck. Damn! he sure was strong. Phased their whole ship. Now the girl and Gin.

Thanks fer the save afro man. Da girl's cool, keep her safe fer now. Gin, what ya need me for"

He walked over to Gin awaiting their next plan of attack.
" Well, I was thinking you could age my oil so far back that it reconstructed itself back to its original form, raining down trees, rocks, etc. on the marine's ship before I set off the Dragon's Breath to get us the hell out of here. "

" Ya reckon that's possible ? "

Lillith blinked at his response. I guess that was an obvious one. Just trying to start a conversation... Lillith watched as Myko and Kayla exchanged comments and continued to follow 'em to her new home. She had to admit, she was a little unnerved at the aforementioned cannon fire. She could hear it now. However, she wouldn't say so. Atleast not out loud. Hello. Lillith thought at the new face. Another woman. Go figure.
Ah! that sounded so awesome. He was definitely going to try it. Though how would it effect his body. Meh, he didn't care, it was awesome and he was going to do it.

"Oh I'ma so give it ah try."

Kaito grabbed onto Gin's wrist. He started focusing on his power and then spoke the magic words.

"Age Regress: 500 million years!"

Now he just waited for gin to activate his power before he did his. Otherwise it would of regressed gin himself.
Gin's lower arms instantly turned pitchblack and started leaking oil before he spewed two streams of oil in the direction of the marine's ship.

He hoped this would work, even if it didn't the oil on the marine ship would probably cause some damage in conjunction with the Dragon's Breath.

As he did that, he instantly felt all his power drain from him. He fell to his knees, but kept his hand places on Gin's wrist.

As the oil shot out, it immediately start to get thick and form lots of rocks and old broken trees and sea life from the bottom on the ocean. They continued to reform into large fully grown trees and shrubbery and all sorts of foliage. Suddenly there was a large shadowy figure. What in the world would be that large. Then his jaw dropped. Seriously? It was a

All of his oil formed a TON of the debris which finally started to rain down on the marine vessel. Kaito was about to speak when he noticed his whole body seemed to shrink.

"What the... Ah damn...."

He knew what happened, but before he could speak again he collapsed on the deck. Completely exhausted, actually even more then that. What he just did was a severe misuse of his power and with it, a great cost. Everything on the deck went blurry, his body numb and heavy. He closed his eyes and accepted the complete darkness and his physical body, now that of a 7 year old boy, instead of his normal 30+ year old man.
As Gin saw, over his shoulder, Kaito collapse to the deck he stopped the spraying, lifted his child-sized body up and brought him to a random quarters to rest.

" You did great mate, get some rest, you'll be better in no time I'm sure! "


Slade finally recovered enough to stand on his own two feet when he saw a stream of oil shoot out from the pirate ship into the sky but something was off, the oil was forming all sorts of solid things. He had to keep the ship safe from harm so he supersized both his arms to giant-size sheltered the ship with one arm while smacking the objects, and even a dinosaur, away from the ship with his other arm.

" These pirates have crazy powers, what on earth is going on ? "


" As he returned to his position at the read end of the ship, near the Dragon's Breath, he shouted:


Not waisting an instant he lit the Dragon's Breath and held his hand on the spot where he could input the oil.

A gigantic flame came shooting out, lifting the pirate ship into the air and sending them flying, far away from the marine's ship.

~~~~ SLADE~~~~

As he saw the cannoneer/oilman return to the rear-end of the ship Slade expected the worst, but not that. The man lit a weird cannon-like object in the shape of an open-mouthed dragon, thinking he was 'bout to fire a cannonball Slade placed his gigantic arms over the ship, nearly completely encasing it in his arms. But what came shooting out was not a fireball but a scorching hot, enormous fireblast. Scorching Slade's arms before shooting the pirate ship into the air and going out of range, Slade instantly ran to the railing and plopped his arms into the seawater, putting out the fire. He suffered 2nd-degree burns after shrinking his arms and immediatly went to the medic's cabin for treatment.
Najibe grinned at both Gin's and Kaito's praises. "Aww, it's nothing, don't mention it!" Receding the afro claw back into his beautiful 'fro, he watched Kaito walking over to Gin, discussing another plan to escape the Marines:

" Well, I was thinking you could age my oil so far back that it reconstructed itself back to its original form, raining down trees, rocks, etc. on the marine's ship before I set off the Dragon's Breath to get us the hell out of here. " he heard Gin ask of Kaito. To Najibe, that seemed like a plausible and yet dangerous idea; what would happen if something unexpected was to be created due to the ability? Shrugging off the risky possibilities, Najibe watched Gin spew oil towards the marines' ship while Kaito began to activate his power on the oil, turning it into various rocks, trees, and other debris that Najibe had never seen in his lifetime...

"Awesome!" Najibe exclaimed before seeing a shadow completely fly out of the water before it started to drop...extending an afro tentacle, he managed to catch the creature before it landed in the water...receding the tentacle in order to take a look at the creature, Najibe discovered that it was a baby pterodactyl! Watching it cough up water before squawking, Najibe put it in his afro in such a way that the pterodactyl would be able to breathe, while ensuring that it would remain nice and warm.

"I think I'll name you...Terry! Yeah, that sounds good for you, right little Terry?" Najibe asked, only to find out that the pterodactyl was sleeping! "Meh, I'm sure the crew will like ya once you wake up!" he replied as he heeded Gins warning to take shelter, feeling the ship lurch as the crew was hurtling far away from the Marine menace.

View attachment 186 <<There's Terry!!
Ker Tela sat back and leaned against the railing looking around shocked she was killed or thrown overboard. "Wuhh??" She sighed relief she wasn't noticed yet and quickly jumped over the railing and ran inside the ship looking for a new hiding spot after grabbing the food and other supplies she had stored earlier. "Wahr??" she was trying to avoid everyone but was having problems due to exhausting herself on the Marine ship. She stopped and leaned against a wall and slowly inched her way to another storage room and hide in a dark corner and fell asleep.


Myko dropped his gaze to the ground when Kayla mentioned his father.

"Yeah... me too.", he responded oddly back to Kayla. He was sure to not linger on it for long, as he looked back up to his ship, then to his new recruits. "Well this is your new home. I'll give you all a tour."

Myko reached for some rope that was attached all along the side of Calypso's Dream and started climbing up to the main deck of the ship. He waved his hand, motioning for the others to follow.
The red headed new recruit looked around, then examined the ship. Moving to take her place behind Myko. She watched him climb the side of the ship. Hesitantly, Lillith looked down the gap between the ship and the dock. She gave a sigh and grabbed onto the dangling rope.

Grunting softly, she pulled herself up. Some part of her was glad she worked out. Upper-body strength is important. Especially in situations like this.

The boat rocked softly with the waves. This in turn shook the rope. Along with Myko's weight and movement. Lillith stopped as the rope swayed back and forth. The movement occasionally bumped her against the side of the ship.

"Hurry up already," she said, glaring at the man above her.
Skipping over the water before sliding to a stop and causing grand waves in the process the boat rocked back and forth, creacking.

" We made it, we actually made it! " Gin exlaimed exhillerated, this was beyond his hopes, there were so many things that could've gone wrong.

" Damn, what a start for our Grand Line-adventure... "
He sighed in relief.

" Time to try and wake the cappy, we need his command. "
He said to nobody in particular after leaving Katio to rest in the bed.

He walked over to the passed out captain who was laying flat down near the end of the ship, scrambled in between some secured barrels and kegs, nobody had had the time to secure the captain before lift-off, meaning he was pretty beat up after this rocky escape.

Gin leaned in and lifted him up, shaking him around...
" Cappy, CAPPY! " He yelled in his ear.
::Geroy opened one eye in a tired, and irritated way::

Geroy: "Not so loud! Are you trying to make me go deaf?"

::He staggered to he feet before promptly landing back on his but on the deck::

Geroy: "Ouch... what happened... everyone ok?"

::He glanced around and saw minor damage everywhere, from peeling paint, to a ripped sail, to the splintered boards in the very back::

Geroy: "What?! I just had this thing built! you managed to trash it already?"

::He stuck his hand in the gooey remains of the dough from the fight and pulled it out, examining the gooey mixture::

Geroy: "So it IS bread dough... anyone feel like cooking it?

They might have trashed the ship, but at least they are buying us dinner, huh?

Anyways, onwards to reverse mountain... Who's the navigator around here? anyone have a map?"

::Geroy had spend all his bells on building the ship, so he skimped by not buying sea charts::

Geroy: "I mean, I can drive this thing fine... but if we keep this up when we get to the Grand line, we are SO going to die..."

(Oh poo... no maps on board, no real navigator either)
Yui picked herself off the floor where she had been screaming throughout the entire flying scene. She liked to think her scream was a very refined and pleasing sound, but screams are screams and she'd come pretty close to grabbing onto one of her crewmates for dear life.

She heard Geroy and Gin discussing the lack of navigational talent on board and decided to add her input.

"If you must know," she brushed her hair out of her face and smiled at them in a way that could pass as condescending. "I happen to have a variety of talents, one of them being an excellent sense of direction. I'm a first rate navigator, you see gentlemen."

She reached down and pulled off one of her shoes, which she then proceeded to throw it into the air violently. The object landed on the deck with a smack. Yui looked at it for a while before lifting her hand and pointing north confidently.

"By my calculations, the Grand Line is in
that direction!" she announced.
Gin looked from Yui, to Geroy and then back to Yui. Walking towards Yui he stopped right next to her and placed his arm around her neck, leaning on her shoulders.

" You lill' goofball, you. "

" Let's set sail in the direction of the shoe, which by the way smells like godawefulness, to please the lill' gofer here. Besides, we don't have any better ideas right now do we? "

" I do have one idea though, I swing Yui around by her ankles and we could set sail in the direction I let go after rotating myself dizzy. "

He picked Yui and placed her on his shoulders:
" All hail the new navigator/silly monkey. " while leaning from left to right and walking in a zig-zag pattern.
Yui screamed in horror as the big oaf of a cannoneer picked her up and started throwing her around like a sack of potatoes. She hit him hard on the head and shrieked in his ear. "Let me go! Now! GET ME OFF!"

The movement was starting to make her feel really dizzy and that, along with the flight they'd just taken caused bile to rise in her throat. "Get me off! Get-"

She threw up all over the back of Gin's head and fainted on the spot.
Feeling an ooze and stench appear on the back of his head he realized what just happend and let Yui's limp body slip off from his back and as he felt with hand at the back of his head, hesitatingly he announced casually:

" Well that's just rude. "
Grinning, he transformed his arm in the usual pitchblack substance and washed his head, neck, shoulders and back with the oil before soaking the oil up and transforming back.

" All clean. " He said as he started poking Yui in the side with the tip of his shoe... " nasty gofer. " He said smiling at her peaceful, yet somewhat smug expression.

He went to get a blanket and covered her up after whiping the vomit from her face.
Man this crew sure seemed like an adventurous bunch of pirates. He, himself had casually escaped from the marine vessel when they attacked. He even managed to get all his gear and stuff on their ship without anyone noticing. And that amazing burst of flame which sent them air borne. The whole time he had been at the point of their ship fishing. Even know as they argued and laughed and spoken pleasantries, they had no yet noticed him.

Silently he just continued to fish. His little bamboo fishing pole, and line, watching the bleak blue infinity. Suddenly his line tightened and he assumed he had caught something.

"Yeah baby! Dinner Tonight!!"

As he fought the fish, it finally came high enough to jump out of the sea. Upon doing so, it launched into the air revealing itself to be a man sized puffer fish.

"Oh yeah!!!"

He yanked the pole and the line down hard. The fish came on board and went sailing over towards the muscular man who called himself Gin.
Gin looked down to see a fish flopping around on his shoe ... Looking up he saw a man fishing at the front end of their ship, casually like nothing's wrong with him being there...

Gin took precautions and turned his arms inkblack, ready to attack at the merest hint of hostility and approached the fisher who was clearly carrying a sword.

" You got some minerals on you to sit there, like you belong here. State your reason for being here and we'll see how it goes from there. "
"Ahh common now! No hostilities. Why would I hurt the ones who saved me!"

He watched past the man as the fish flopped around and ended up back in the water.

"Ah darn fish. Have to catch another."

He sat back down and cast his line out in the water. slowly he watched it sink.

"That was some interesting fighting ya all did back at that marine ship. I stole some food a few towns back. They go over board with those sea stone cuffs. For a normal person like myself, they aren't hard to break free of."

He reached back around his sash and got the shackles. He then placed them at his side, suggesting Gin could have them if he wanted them.

"Don't lock your self up with these, though you might find them handy if ya want them."

He watched the line carefully.

"But anyways While ya all distracted those marine's i gathered my goods and hoped to the nearest boat. That just happened to be yours! Hah hah! Now i figure i owe you and your crew, thought I'd catch ya all some fresh fish."
" I see, well as long as it's ok with the captain it's ok with me. "

Gin sprayed some oil at the seastone shackles and forced them near some barrels.

" I'm not gnna touch those things but they might come in handy as you said. "

"Ah ha! I'll be sure to ask him. I hope ya all don't mind!"

The line went down as another fish was hooked only this time before he could react the damn thing pulled him up, over the edge and down into the water.

A few minutes later, Najibe got himself up and examined his seemed that they had escaped the Marine menace, putting at least hundreds of miles away from least, that's what it seemed like to Najibe. Noticing the conversation that Gin and Geroy were starting to talk about how they were gonna navigate the Grand Line, his right eye twitched a little bit. "I thought this crew had some maps or a general sense of where they were going..." Najibe pondered this thought, as he did not have the required navigational skills either!

Laughing his butt off after Gin grabbed Yui and spun her around, he watched him "clean off" the puke that resulted. Snickering, he looked around and noticed that the girl he had saved was no longer on deck. Najibe was just about to notify the crew of this when he spotted a weird guy that was fishing near the edge of the ship!

"Huh? Is today National Stowaway day or something?" Najibe asked before the man fell overboard due to reeling in a big fish...seeing as he had no choice, he ran and extended some of his afro tentacles to grab the man; quickly reeling him back, he receded his afro tentacles and looked at the mysterious man.

"Man, that was a close one...are you all right, man?" he asked the stranger.
Riyoshi secured the fishing pole to the deck of his boat. Stretching out, Riyoshi got ready to take a swim.

{I wonder what i will find in this part of the ocean.} Riyoshi thought.

Taking in a deep breath, Riyoshi leaped over the edge of his boat. As he splashed into the water, Riyoshi headed down towards the bottom.

{I hope i can find some treasure today.} Riyoshi thought as he continued swimming.

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