One Piece: The New Age [RP]

"Oh man, that was close."

Though he was sad, his fishing pool was now gone. What was their to actually do? His new crew would be dinner less. He stood there on the deck, soaking wet. Now he just needed to dry off. He took his shirt off and placed his sword on the deck. All he had on where his samurai pants.

"Heh, thanks for the save. Guess I should introduce myself. My name is Bradley, Sean Bradley. It's nice to meet you all."

He bowed politely before going back to drying himself out.
"Sean Bradley, huh? Nice to meet you too, I guess." Najibe replied as he watched Sean going back to washing himself. "Now then, what was I going to do again....practice my afro-fu? No...oh yeah, I was gonna tell everyone about that girl on board!" Suddenly, a tiny squawk could be heard as Terry, the pterodactyl that Kaito created from his ability, flew out of his afro and proceeded to peck Najibe's face.

"OY! Don't bite the hand that fed ya! After all we've been through..." Najibe lamented as Terry flew around his afro, pecking every inch of exposed skin that it could find. It was a good thing that Terry was only a baby pterodactyl, otherwise, Najibe would not have a face right now...or at the very least, he'd look like an ugly carved statue. Running around the deck, Najibe tried to avoid Terry's beak of wrath, but tripped and fell flat on his butt. As Terry approached Najibe, he used his afro tentacles to shield his face; however, by the time he had done this, Terry was already back in his afro, sleeping.

"That's one crazy bird...err dinosaur...flying dinosaur?" Najibe thought as he went looking for a mirror to check how much damage Terry did to his face.
Kayla glanced sideways at Myko and raised an eyebrow at the tone in his voice when he replied to her. She was about to ask if something was wrong when he quickly shifted back to boarding the ship. She watched him climb the side of the ship and couldn't help but shake her head. He always has to do things the hard way. One corner of her mouth lifted in a half smile and she sighed softly to herself. "I'll take the path less traveled it seems," she said as she walked right past Myko and Lilith climbing the ropes on the side of the ship and up the ramp that had been lowered for them to get on the ship. Climbing ropes with her bags wasn't going to be easy after all.
" Aye aye, sir. " Slade responded, trying to hold himself together.

He stragglers to hurry themselves up if they didn't want to sleep with the fishes tonight.

He walked over the plank connecting the two ships and waited on the other side for Admiral Ginoumu to come aboard the other ship.

' It must be hard on him, to watch his ship sink. He holds himself very strong it seems. ' Slade thought to himself, watching the stoïc man aboard the slowly sinking ship.


Gin was amused by the whole situation and clapped his hands together when he saw a tiny ptereodactylhead stick out of Najibe's afro and laughed his ass off when it started pecking him in the face.

" Let's huddle up and form a plan though, we need a navigator and maps. Anyone got any ideas where to get them? "

Kakeru scowled as his ship got a lot more cramped. It seemed like those pirates weren't to be underestimated, he'd have to keep that in mind. For the moment, he was still irritated that he had done very little to aid his comrades in battle.

Next time... he swore inwardly, gripping the sword he'd collected earlier in one hand and a pistol in the other. Next time I won't stand here like an idiot...!


Yui's return to consciousness was a uncomfortable one. She found herself lying on the hard wood of the deck. She pushed herself into a seated position, the blanket she didn't remember having early slipping to her waist as she did so. She looked around at her crewmates.

"Have you morons still not made any plans?" she sighed. "It looks like you need me more than I thought!"

She rose to her feet and walked over to the side of the ship. The dark outline of an island had appeared in the distance. Shu put one hand on her hip and pointed at it.

"Take a look over there! I think we should stop at that island and try and find ourselves a map. But..." she paused and looked at Geroy before adding, reluctantly, "It's the Captain's decision."
Sean was still soaked but he was been sun bathing now, absorbing the rays with his refined masculine body. Most women went crazy for him, but seeing as most of these pirates were guys he had nothing to fear about being glomped to death. He really didn't know much about these parts and wondered if he could actually be of any help.

From his position out on the front deck he spoke.

"You guys sure those marines aren't hot on our trail? I'd hate to have to encounter them again so soon."
Vero looked the new fellows up and down as the climbed up the rope onto the ship, well, most did. Her eyes stayed on the girl who had taken the ramp for a while longer than the rest. Now why not risk taking the rope? She asked herself before laughing once following up the ramp. "Oi, Myko, these things staying with us then?" She called up to him, glancing over them all again. SHe laughed to herself again seeing as how most of them where female. How...Predictable.
Everyone had boarded Myko's ship now, after he was forcefully told to hurry it up. As they all got up on top of the deck, Myko started the tour.

"This is obviously the d- lips!?", Myko asked in surprise as he was at first starting to show them the deck of the ship. He tilted his head a bit, trying to make sure that it was those beloved lips that was throwing loot into a large bag - his loot! "What's going on here? I didn't know I told you where my ship was..."

He was beginning to feel confused until he looked back at his loot. She couldn't possibly be... not after THAT kiss!
Miss Evangeline... a sly and cunning fox? Myko thought to himself.
Eva blinked and froze as someone suddenly shouted "Lips!?" She looked up and saw Myko and company... She stood there, caught red handed with the loot bag. "Erm... LOOK BEHIND YOU!!!... IT'S A DISTRACTION!" She yelled with wide panicked eyes. Without waiting to see if her brilliant tactic actually worked or not. Eva took off running for the other side of the ship, intending to leap over it and swim to safety... Hopefully. Over one shoulder was her bag of precious loot.
Myko spun around on the spot after his juicy-lipped thief had shouted whereabouts of some sort of distraction. He looked up to the sky, and a look of comprehension dawned on his face.

"Well look at that! A distraction! A pair of melons in the sky!", Myko exclaimed, pointing out a cloud that looked oddly like a pair of... "Begone melon-cloud...!"

Myko stood there for a good ten seconds before realizing that Eva 'Juicy Lips' was getting away with his ship's riches; then he started chasing her.

"After her, maties! The booty has run off!", Myko yelled out to the others, confusing them to whether he was talking about his treasure, or Eva's oddly rounded rear - which he seemed to be staring at while he started his chase.
Kayla sighed as she saw the girl Myko had been flirting with at the bar with the bag of loot. "Serves him right," she grumbled to herself in a low tone. Then the girl shouted out something about a distraction and Kayla couldn't help but drop her bag of clothes and facepalm as Myko spun around and started yelling about Melons in the sky.

The second Kayla heard Myko yell to give chase, she was already in motion. She had dropped her bags and had cleared the deck in an almost pounce like maneuver in a second. For once, she was thankful to her enhanced abilities. She was right behind the girl, ready to strike to get the bag of loot back, ignoring the fact that her captain eyed the girls rump as he shouted about the ships booty.
Lillith sweat dropped. Seriously? She didn't even bother turning around. What fool would fall for tha-... Oh wait. Lillith watched Myko be the idiot that fell for such a lame "distraction." Unfortunately it worked...

"After her, maties! The booty has run off!"

Seriously? In a burst of motion, before she could even think, a chase broke out. Lillith started running as a reaction. Everything happened so fast. Gaining ground on the ship's deck, Lillith was right behind Kayla.

"Move aside!" Lillith shouted, as she passed Kayla for a moment. Reaching. She reached for the thief. Lillith's fingers just touched the thief's heel. Miss! Crap! Lillith staggered and fell behind Kayla.
Eva squeaked as Myko yelled something about booty. "PERVERT! Stop looking at me!" She yelled, her eyes widened as she caught sight of a girl from the corner of her eye. Her eyes snapped wide as she felt hands grab at her foot but then drop away without messing up her balance. Eva pivoted on her heel, seeing the two girls right in front of her.

Dropping down onto one crouched leg, Eva balanced all her wait on her grounded leg and swung with her right, attempting to sweep out Kayla's feet from under the larger woman. Without waiting to see if she had hit; Eva lunged to the side in a barrel roll, accidentally rolling right into Myko's path.
Myko continued running after Eva, ignoring the fact that Lillith was falling behind now after her failed attempt to grab Eva. He then saw Eva attempt to trip Kayla, then she rolled straight into his path - catching him by surprise. He collided right with her and fell straight to the ground, feeling very dizzy now and seeing stars. He lifted his head slightly up and looked at Eva.

"G-gimme mah b-booty, ju-juiceh lips!", Myko said to Eva in a daze.
Eva's eyes went wide as suddenly Myko landed on top of her. She grunted with the impact and lay dazed for a moment or too. Redness bloomed on her cheeks as Myko called her that ridiculous nickname again. "N-No way! I stole it fair and square! Go get your own!" She growled, shoving at his shoulders trying to push him off; though he was far heavier than she had anticipated. Eva squirmed trying to find someway to crawl out from beneath him.
Kayla felt the girls foot connect with her leg and she stumbled. She half side stepped and caught her balance quickly. As she did, she noticed Myko on top of the thieving girl and twitched.

She's trying to rob us blind and he's lounging on top of her like she's his new girlfriend.
Kayla subconsciously clenched her fists for a minute trying to calm her anger. Why in the world was she so angry anyway?...
Lillith continued running. She was running faster than the woman in front of her. Much faster, since the other woman stopped. Completely... Without a second to react, Lillith collided with Kayla... Lillith stumbled over the woman. It wasn't pretty. Lillith laid there. She laid there in a dogpile with Kayla. One would probably feel quite awkward in this situation... All Lillith could think about was her splitting headache... Just what did she hit her head on...?

She sat up, only to realize her position ontop of Kayla... Lillith probably hit her head against Kayla's, she decided... Her eyebrows furrowed, to try and keep from going completely red.
Great. she thought. Lillith realized her lower left arm was trapped under Kayla. She couldn't even see Kayla's face... Oh wait. She stood up on her spare hand and knees. There's Kayla's face... Lillith's eyebrows furrowed further down her face. Impossibly far down her face! Even that didn't stop a hint of red hitting Lillith's cheeks.

"I can't... Get my hand out from under you...Kayla..."
::Geroy was finally feeling a bit better, and had resumed the wheel, not that he knew at all where he was going::

Geroy: "Hey look! land! maybe someone there knows which was the grand line is!"

::He turned the ship towards the island and made for port::

Geroy: "Shelter Cove, huh? sounds like a pleasant place..."
" Aye, but what do we do about this stowaway cappy ? I wouldn't mind an extra crewmate but it's up to you. "

He said with a grin, looking at the cappy and at the island they're about to port in.

" Hopefully we can get some maps there. "
He wondered out loud.

He approached Najibe sneakily, in an attempt to ruffle up his afro and see the ptereodactyl if possible.
::Geroy looked completely oblivious to the statement::

Geroy: "Stowaway? really? since when?" (He hasn't run into her yet)

Geroy: "would our stowaway happen to know how to navigate the grand line?"

::He glanced around the deck for signs of this "stowaway", and spotted the baby dinosaur in Najibe's hair::

Geroy: "If you're talking about the big bird in Najibe's hair, sure! he looks cool!"
Gin looked at Geroy with a puzzled look before pointing towards the stowaway a few feet away from them ...

" I meant him, the fisherman ... "

He grinned... " Silly Geroy "
::Geroy's eyes swept the deck once more, this time he spotted the fishy samurai::

Geroy: "Ah ha! there he is... he's not one of them marines, is he? No?... I suppose he's not, otherwise he would have long been dealt with..."

::Geroy nodded::

Geroy: "where we're going, we need all the good men we can get... does he have a map?"
Sean heard there whole conversation. It's not like he was asleep or not there. Surely they could at least respect him enough to call him by his name. Either way he supposed he should answer the captains orders.

"Sorry good sir, I don't have any maps. I'm just a simple fisherman, trying to get away from the marines! Hoho!"

He crossed his leg on his other while laying down, slowly his free foot wobbled up and down as he whistled his own version of Bink's Sake.

"Though the stow away I think your really speaking of is currently below deck, she is a young one! The man with a afro saved her and the other man."

::Geroy welcomed the newcomer with a oblivious stare::

Geroy: "What is this? National stowaway day? can she navigate? I would suppose not..."

::He cranked the wheel hard as they came into port::

Geroy: "Anyways, you can get off here, or stick with us. We're headed to the grand line, maybe it would've been safer to stick with the marines..."

::He grinned a devilish grin::

Geroy: "or you can help us find a navigator..."
Tah Zaya watched as one of the Marine ship sank, she didn't care much for saving them but she knew she'd need a strong crew to get her sister back "Hey" she called out as she brought the ship on the other side of the ship that was now nearly covered in marines. "Ai can take some of yuw on mai ship. Ai'm heading off after that pairate ship with or without any of yuw.


Ker Tela had awaken a long time ago, she started scouring the ship for a different way off for when they would reach port. She heard people talking about an island and hesitated Already?? she thought about it for a second actually that makes sense She found that the only way would be through the deck. "Sheezu!!" she cursed a few times silently then waited for everyone to be distracted from a different hiding place. Why they haven't thrown me overboard yet I don't know but thank Gahh.

(Hope this was alright Hanako/Ibi)

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