One Piece: The New Age [RP]

(OOC - Hey Chirm it was actually a marine went aflame and ran away from the explosives... ending result however was the same, nothing would have caught)

Ker Tela watched as the first of their plans failed, she wasn't angry, she guessed it was going to fail. As she started to turn to the Pirate the Marine spoke, she remembered that voice from a marine base, 3rd closest time to her ever actually being caught. The Pirate grabbed her and started running, before she could react he even threw her shaped charge to slow the Admiral down "Nu nuht dere!! Deh Wa--" She grabbed the other explosive and threw it straight at the Admiral hoping it would do its job of exploding 3times bigger then any normal hand held explosive when in fact it wouldn't even go off.

She saw as the shaped charge blew up it was the exact opposite of what he was hoping for and instead blew a hole into the bottom of this deck. (OOC, if were at the bottom of the boat, were all sinking now O.o Slowly but it would be.) Ker Tela's eye twitched as all things around her seemed to be moving slower then usual. She saw the damage turned and started running faster than the man pulling her "MUVHE!!!" She bolted towards the stairs.

(No not there!! The Wa--)

Kayla wandered down the streets to the Inn she'd been staying in in somewhat of a daze. She didn't understand why the scene at the bar had been such a suprise to her. She knew Myko in their younger years and he was just as flirtacious then. Not to mention now she owed him money. She furrowed her brow and shook her head. Don't dwell on it Kayla. What did you really expect? she asked herself silently as she entered the Inn and headed up to her room to get the rest of her things.

She folded some of her clothes into a bag while humming a soft tune her "mother" used to sing while doing things around the house or when treating a sleeping patient. When she was finished, she positioned her travel med kit on her back and picked up the rest of her supplies and clothes in the two bags she kept with her. She sighed to herself and then left the Inn.

As she walked down the streets toward the docks, she could hear faint noises in the distance. "Cannons?" she asked softly to no one in particular. "Hn." She shrugged it off as it was most likely a couple of rowdy pirate crews going at it to see who was top dog among them. She continued her stroll toward the docks, occasionally shifting her bags for a better grip.
Myko stared at the man - as he started to fall asleep - and started to twitch with an annoyed look on his face. He started to poke the man hard in the shoulder.

"Wake up mate! I'm not done negotiating with you yet! Are you joining my crew or not? We're going after One Piece, yes... and... you can be in heaven when on my ship, if you know what I mean.", Myko said with a grin, then winked when he mentioned heaven.
As he hopped on board, Riyoshi looked upon the great ocean.

"Lets set sail!" Riyoshi said aloud.

As he raised the sail on his boat, he started to float on the ocean. When he reached the appropriate distance from the shore, Riyoshi grabbed his deep sea fishing pole, and cast it out.
So-do opened his eyes to the shoulder poking. He looked at the man and thought about what he said. He had a good idea of what he meant by haven. "Hmmm....I do need to get out of this place." the rubbed his chin. "Why not, this place has gotten boring." he took another sip of his milk.
Vero grinned as her ship and home came into view. Calypo's Dream. Such a pretty ship. Sturdy, strong, built to last. She was pretty suprised the Myko had landed it, but it wasn't a suprize after everything they had been through together she knew he could do just about anything if he really wanted to. Vero grinned and started walking faster staring at the ship.

Looking up at it, and taking in a deep breath, the woman smiled at the ship, her room, her life. "Hello Love." She cooed as she got nearer, like the ship was an actual living breathing thing. Which, in a way Vero though, it was. It's breathing being how the water bobs it up and down, living because it was always full of life.
Eva blinked as she saw a figure approaching the ship, quickly she dove into the lower decks of the ship. Looking about she slipped into the closet room. She found herself in a good sized room with a large wooden bed that appeared to be bolted to the floor. From the pictures on the wall and the clothes scattered about willy-nilly, apparently it was the captain's quarters. Wow... If I didn't know any better I'd say I'm in a pigsty.. Eva thought silently to herself, wrinkling her nose at the sight of PlayPirate magazines on the floor. Typical...
Myko grinned and smacked his hands together happily. Finally! This is working out better than I had hoped for... We'll be after One Piece in no time at all! Myko thought to himself. He decided now was the time for introductions, then he would bring them to the ship.

"Alright, it's time for us to make our way to the ship; and to formally introduce ourselves, savvy? I am Captain Myko'itac. What are your names?", Myko asked, looking at the red-headed girl and white-haired man - while heading to the exit of the bar.
Ah. Lillith would go and collect what things she had. However, the only things she had to collect she already had with her. Somehow she wasn't surprised at how the second man joined aswell. Suddenly her seat became uncomfortable. Lillith fidgeted.

"Lillith." was all she said. The woman got up from her now uncomfortable seat. She looked at Myko. "Will we be leaving sometime soon?"
So-do finished his drink and grabbed his guitar case. He got up and pushed in his chair and head to the exit with the new captain. "My name is So-do." He said as he looked at Lillith and then back to Myko. "Yes, when are we leaving?" He said adding on to Lillith's question. So-do then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pocket watch, looking at the time.

((OCC: it's just a pocket watch nothing really special about same with the lighter in my other post.))
Myko nodded at them after they introduced themselves.

"We're leaving now. Kayla is probably near at the docks now, so we'll go meet her there, then we'll probably see my cook - Vero - at the ship. After I show you guys the ship... I have one more person to pick up - who has already agreed to join.", Myko said while thinking of the girl, Evangeline, he had kissed earlier. He pushed open the door and started to head out.

"We'll have to go over certain things before we sail off too. Such as ship occupation and maybe abilities. Shouldn't take too long.", Myko said to So-do and Lillith.
((Naw konn, we are on the second level from the bottom. It was to keep chirm's admiral away.))

Brawling would not work this time and they needed to move fast. As the four marines rushed him. He nailed one in the face with a punch. He spun around and threw a kick up in the air landing a kick to another marine.

As those two crashed to the ground, another grabbed him around the waist. He charged to the side, and jumped up the wall, breaking the guards grip right before slamming him into the wall face first.

He spun around to catch the next one, but he caught him. Punching Kaito in face. This stumbled his balance but he recovered and quickly jabbed the guy 4 or 5 times before slamming his head against a railing. Kaito kicked the last guard in the chest sending him a few feet through the air.
Then he realized that was five guards not four >_>

"Common girl. It's time we break from here 'n git our asses off dis ship!!!"

After touching all the marines he slammed his fists. His eyes full of strength and resolve.

"Age Distort: Adolescence and Age bomb... ACTIVATE!!!"

As suddenly as they got up and tried to fight, the marines in front of them quickly regressed in age. All of them shrinking until they were nearly the the age of only a child. Though this was no time to stop, the ship at the end began to corrode.

The wood warped and continued to do so. The rudder and anything to attached to it began to age, rotting and turning to nothing but dust. Even though it was immense, it was only set to do that, and even though it was corroding at astounding rate, it was only set to spread so far. Enough to hinder the marines turning and enough so they could jump to their escape. He even went to far as to only destroy the ship to take minimal amounts of water. He had no reason to kill any more marines than they already had.

He pushed the young girl ahead of him. It was time to leave. He hoped his crew would be ready and that the admiral would not hinder their escape.
(OOC - Yay I don't have to save anyone ^^ (yet))

Ker Tela watched the fight go by and just as she was about to help he finished the last of them off. The man suddenly spoke of age and the marines regressed in age as well as the ships wood. Her eyes went wide as she was pushed sending her through a wall of wood and plummeting into the ocean with little chance to grab her daggers and stab them into the now rotting wood. Crap she thought as the water hit she went under floating back up and looking at the hole she pretty much caused.
Kaito Watched as the girl leaped into the water. Oh how he didn't want to do this but it had to be done. He ran full speed and when he reached the large opening in the back of the ship he took a leap of faith.


He nearly screamed at the top of his lungs in the way only a man could. Kaito hoped some of his crew would see him, before he hit the water, but it was not so, he knew they were busy. He just hoped it would be his death.

Kaito landed in the sea water a few feet ahead of the girl. As soon as he came in contact with it, his body went limp, almost lifeless. He didn't even have a chance to try and swim. Damn devil fruit!
Ker Tela saw the pirate fall into the ocean and swam straight for him knowing the fruit would take effect. She reached him and kept him above water swimming towards the other ship and away from the Marine ship. Anything is better She didn't panic but was getting close to it. All she could see were cannons and the back of the ship.
As Najibe was looking around for any of his crewmates, he heard a plopping sound, as if someone or something dropped into the ocean...following the direction of the sound and taking a closer, he discovered that the cause of said sound was Kaito and a girl that was swimming towards him!

"Aye...that's him alright...but why isn't he swimming....either he can't swim or he's a Devil Fruit user...probably the second one! Damn, I gotta help and fast!"

Najibe quickly extended several of his afro tentacles to save Kaito; knowing that they wouldn't extend far enough, he quickly grabbed several clumps of afro bombs, threw them in the air, and proceeded to link to the various tentacles that spread out, creating an afro chain. "Time for my afro-afro-prize grabber formation!" Extending the "afro claw," he quickly grabbed Kaito and the girl and brought them back on deck.

"Hey Kaito! Are you all right?" Najibe asked. "And who's the girl?"

Gin saw that Najibe was doing something with his afropowers but couldn't quite see what exactly he was up to so he came over to check it out and following the trail of afro tentacles he saw Kaine and a girl he didn't know in the ocean.

Subconsciously shouting out " KAITO! " instantly and trying to think of a way to rescue the 2 people overboard 'till he realized Najibe was already in the process of doing so.

" Superb Najibe, I knew you'd be a great mate to have aboard. "
He said with a big smile, happy that Kaine and the girl were safe.

" Kaito, there's no time to lose. Regain your breath and come with me, I need you for the ' finishing touch ' before the blast off. "
Eva blinked as she turned and open the door to the room. Carefully she began to sneak out from below the ship. She didn't see that person who had arrived, but that person could be anyway. Just grab the loot, and I'll be out of here. She thought, sneaking across the deck of the ship carefully. Eva approached the bag filled with random valuable items she had stolen from across the ship. Hopefully nothing bad would happen. How could it? She was practically home free...
Lillith followed her new captain out of the musty bar. It was good to be out of the bar. Fresh, clean air. Lillith breathed it in deeply. The sky was beautiful. Although you couldn't see all the stars. She looked to her side to examine her new shipmate. So-Do? Was that his name...? He was carrying a guitar case, it looked like. Lillith looked at it. Her eyes were clearly bright yellow, even if it was night.

"What's this?" She said, reaching over to poke the case roughly. Lillith straightened her posture, and re-situated the invisible strap across her torso.
Mmm. She watched a drunkan pirate stagger across the road, then collapse. "Hrm." She let out at the sight. Their dropping like flies. Pirates can't contain themselves... She walked a bit straighter. Trying to make the most out of her height.
So-do looked at Lillith as she poked his guitar case. "What's it look like?" he said as he as they walked. "It's a guitar case. It holds a guitar." He said with a smart ass tone. though truth be told it held more then that and was heavier then any other guitar case out there. He could feel the metal pipes moving around in there slots as they walked.

As they walked he pulled out another cigarette form his pocket and placed it in his mouth. He then started to look for his lighter.

Myko continued walking toward the docks - So-do and Lillith close behind, both in conversation. He smirked - his crew was getting along well already! As the docks came in view, Myko could spot Kayla from the distance; he smirked, knowing that those long legs owed him for that bet they made so many years ago. He rubbed his hands together in anticipation - he scored big.

"Hey Kayla! I've got three new recruits!", Myko called out to her - then suddenly remembered the mashed potatoes incident. As they got within arms-length distance, Myko decided to whisper in her ear, feeling slightly humiliated. "Err... what was with the potatoes earlier?"
Kayla stopped as she heard Myko call her. She turned to face him hearing him call about the new recruits. "Wonderful," she said with little enthusiasm. She waited for him to catch up, suddenly aware that she didn't know which ship was his. When he got close enough to her he whispered to her, asking about the potatoes she had flung at him. "Nothing," she said flatly. She continued to walk with him. "Incidentally, I think it best you know that we should take caution when leaving the cove. I heard cannons firing earlier. Some pirates must be at it out there." She looked out toward the water, anxious to get out of this place.
Myko walked down the docks with Kayla, then scratched his chin lightly after Kayla told him "Nothing" to his question about the potato incident. He didn't believe her but decided it would be best not to ask again.

"Cannons, you say? That can't be good. I suppose the new recruits will have to brief us all on their abilities and what they can and can not do, after all.", Myko said, a bit annoyed. Myko suddenly stopped as they came near his ship, Calypso's Dream. It was probably the largest ship at the docks, with black-colored wood, gold trim, and red sails. The sails were quite large, so they could get as much wind as possible - vital for speed. Myko grew up on this ship, and it became his three years ago after his father died. Vero was already there waiting for them. He gave a short wave, and the slightest of winks to her before turning back to the new recruits.

"Well, this is my ship.", Myko said to So-do and Lillith. He then glanced towards Kayla. "I'm sure you remember it, Kayla?"
She did remember it, and well. She remembered the sick pirates her and her "mother" had treated while they had docked on her home island. "Yea," she said in mild suprise. "Kinda suprised your father gave it up though." She noted the woman waiting for them at the ship as they approached. She was at the bar she thought. She shifted her grip on her main medical kit once again to get a more secure hold.
Vero saw Myko walking with three others that had been at the bar. She gave hiim a wave back before turning her head to hide her laugh at the wink. Gosh he was priceless at times. She just shook her head as her laughter stopped looking up the ship and reaching out over the deck and patting the side of it. using it to lean on, she looked down at the waters between the dock she was standing on, and the ship she was leaning on. 'Man it would suck if i slipped right now.'

A fish flickered under the surface and Vero smiled. She wondered what it was like to swim. Was it hard, or easy to do? She pushed so she was standing straight again before looking back towards where the captian and the other people were coming from, crossing her arms and waiting.

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