One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Hah hah! The captains idea was genius, he couldn't wait to get started. And he got to surprise the hell out of a secret companion downstairs. As he fell through the deck he landed on the young girl for only a second before grabbing her around on the shoulder and pulling her down with him. He knew this was going to surprise the hell out of them and her. They fell through 2 more floors before landing solidly inside the marine Vessel.

He was crouched as they landed swiftly. Instinctively he quickly reached over and covered the young girls mouth, putting a finger to his and shushing her.

"Listen, I don't have time ta explain this ta ya and I don't need ya screaming alerting all da marines. If ya want ta survive, ya need ta help me. First we need ta find their powder room and git some cannon powder."

He stood up carefully, checking beside them, behind them, and in front of them.

"OK, lets go. We have maybe ah minute max"

He began to run, opening all the doors looking for the item they needed.
Ker Tela was relieved no one had found her yet after all the noise she'd made, why was she so careless today, normally she wouldn't have given any sign of her existence other then missing food and maybe a bag or 2 of black powder for her bombs.

She sat down and was suddenly landed on How the... she looked up seeing no hole through the deck above her and then was suddenly pulled through a few floors her shock was easily shown in her eyes and her face screamed -Don't rat me out- he covered her mouth though screaming was far from her mind right now and he explained that they had to find a 'power' room. She had no idea what that was but she knew where the Rudder should be. If they were on the Pirates ship she would know where.

The pirate mentioned Gunpowder, her thought went to explosives, then her explosives. She hesitated then pulled a home made bomb out filled about half way with gunpowder. "Dis nadded??"

Ker Tela tugged on his shirt as he finished looking into one room "Ahr way un deh Morons shap noaw??" She looked worried and heard foot steps coming from the direction they would need to go to reach the room just in front of the rudder. "Ef way Ahr way net tu go Der." She pointed down the hall where a marine voice could be heard.

(This needed??)

(Are we on the marine ship now??)

(If we are we need to go there.)
She tugged on his shirt. He turned around to hear her ask if they were now on the marine's ship. He sighed. Kaito wasn't trying to be mean, but they literally didn't have time for chit chat. As she pointed to the door, he also knew this was the room they needed to take first. As he opened one of the last doors there was two extra barrels of gun powder. This was exactly what he needed. Should of been enough, using her bomb as the fuse.

"Ya, we are in da marine's ship. But we're gonna disable it. Ima need that bomb 'n ah second. Stay here and start ta roll them barrels ta da rudder room."

He charged up to the door shielding the rudder room and kicked the beast down with a loud crash. It feel over on top of one marine, insta-KOing him and alerting the other two in the room.

One marine spoke in surprise.
"Wha...what! A Pirate! Sto..."

Kaito stopped him mid sentence with a boot to the face, bloodying his face but not knocking him out. The other pulled out a knife and tried to stab the intruding pirate. Kaito grabbed his wrist, pulling it down and slamming it into the controls, breaking them. The marine dropped the knife but continued to fight him. He kneed Kaito in the side then slammed him up against the marine on the wall. The poor bloodied marine took another hit to the face and it knocked him out. The pirate continued to struggle with the last marine.

"Common! We need them barrels girl!"
Ker Tela just went with it, she knew helping this man would get her off the marine ship somehow. "K" she was rolling the barrels though she kept the bomb, she didn't want anyone touching it with how unstable it may be. The Pirate burst open the door starting to take care of the guards but also alerting the once unsuspecting marines that were down the hallway and around the corner. "Hurreh!!"

She pushed one barrel in letting it roll to the wall she needed it at and made sure it was open dropping some gun powder across the floor and she went back to the other one throwing a lit bomb down the hall way where the Marine were about to come around hoping it'd slow them down long enough for her to get the other barrel.

She didn't want to be seperated from the man, he could fight. Her, not so much. the first exploded the marines heard its flame going and backed off but she threw another to slow them down until she got the last barrel in the room. She saw the pirate up against the wall and smashed a jar over his head black powder flying everywhere. "heh, oops"

She opened the barrel and pushed it to roll to another wall on the opposite side of the other barrel. A line of black powder connected at the center of the room and led the way to the 2 big barrels of Black Powder. She could only smile as she placed a lit bomb on the floor at the intersection. "Ran!!!" she yelled "Dis gunno beh behg!!!" She grabbed his arm and started running up the stairs. Oh, I could add a spike to the bottom so I can stick them into ships her mind started wondering to create new ideas for her bombs.



(Heh, oops)


(This is gonna be big!!!_
Yui whistled to herself from her position in the crows nest. The rest of the crew had made a plan of some sort, which meant she was a bit lost on what to do. From the looks of it, the chances of that marine ship getting away with everything intact were slim to none.

She peeked out at the other marine ship, which had ceased firing when the Gangrene Dragon turned into a ghost ship. One of the marines - a Vice-Admiral perhaps? - was yelling out instructions left and right with a panicked look on his face. And what an attractive face it was!

Mm, and here I thought all marines were dogs. she smirked.

Her eyes trailed up to the marine ship's sails.
I wonder...

The Gangrene Dragon was still in it's phasing stage, but when the plan was complete it'd return to it's solid shape, and she was pretty sure that the attractive marine would give chase rather than stay to check the damage to his comrades. If she were to take a giant leap over there as soon as the boat regained physical form, onto the enemy's sails, she could cut them through with her Scythe Scythe Arm, before returning to her own ship. It was not an impossible thing to do, she was certain, as she'd done such things in the past many a time.

"Oi, Captain!" she called down to the deck.
::Geroy glanced up quickly, his energy was quickly sapping away as the ship seemed to slowly squeeze through the other ship. his energy was almost drained, and he was struggling to hold the wheel::

Geroy: "Do what you need, then get down here to take over the wheel! I need to focus more on our ship! I'm barely holding her together as is!"

Yui pouted. "As his majesty commands!"

She leapt down from the crows nest and grabbed a hold of the wheel. Trust Geroy to leave her the crummy jobs, and it wasn't like they really needed to steer anyway because in phasing form, they were more floating that sailing.

If only we could float far away from the marine vessels.
she sighed. Or fly...


"That's it" she shrieked, letting go of the wheel. She ran right past Geroy and to the front of the ship, where she scrambled to find what she needed.

If we take the Dragon's Breath Cannon and attach it to the rear of the ship, we can fire it and let it push us up into the air. The force should send us miles away from this area. Why didn't I think of it before, the Strawhats used something just like it from what the stories say!

She shook her head fiercely.
No, no, anyone else would've taken much longer to figure it out, obviously! I mean, I am the smartest one here!

With that in mind, she got hold of the cannon and pulled it out of it's place and with much effort, dragged it all the way to the back of the ship. She then searched for loose ropes and wrapped them round the cannon as tightly as possible. She used whatever she could find to lever it down and make sure it wouldn't get torn from the ship when it blasted.

"Geroy'll have a cow, but as soon as the others return I'll get Gin to let this thing rip!"
Thief's eyes widened as suddenly Myko's hand wrapped around hers, she stared at it; as if marveling how small her hands were compared to his. She looked up into his face, the blush on her cheeks spread across her face. "W-well I h-hardly think I'm an angel." She muttered modestly, turning her head from him.

Her head jerked upwards to stare at him in shock. "R-Really? You'd take me with you? B-But I'm hardly the ideal crew mate. I mean I don't really have any skills; aside from apparently attracting the wrong sort of guys..." Thief sighed, looking down for a moment before her eyes returned to stare at his. "You're a captain? I've never met a captain before. What's it like?"
Myko grinned - Evangeline was so very innocent, or so it seemed... He decided the moment was ripe, he wouldn't hold back. Time to let temptation rip.

"Indeed I am. Being a captain is great. Sailing the seas on a brilliant ship really calms my soul.", Myko said happily. "And of course I would take you with me. Skills or not, you certainly can strike a man's heart. It looks like today is your lucky day, love."

Myko put his other hand on Evangeline's waist - while holding her hand in his other hand still - and bent his head forward - getting ready to kiss Evangeline.
Vero watched the whole scene with slight amusement. When she saw Myko going in for the kiss she laughed rather loudly, "How many women have you said that to now? Thousands? Millions?" She then looked at the girl he was trying to woo and smiled, "Wouldn't take it badly though, he only flirts like this, with the really pretty girls." Vero shrugged, she was happy now. Blocking Cappy was always a fun thing to do, 'specially since if he said anything, she could spit in his food, or slip a little bit of a sleeping herb in there or maybe something a little more devious. That would work. Her smirk increased.
Thief's eyes widened slightly as his hand rested on her waist and pulled her slightly closer. She stared up at him, her red face deepening in color as he began to lean down towards her. She heard Vero's voice, distantly from the side but she paid no attention; to caught up in his eyes. She leaned up suddenly, before Myko could react to his shipmate.

Her head was tilted slightly and her lips were pressed just to the side of Myko's mouth, not quite willing to give up her first real kiss just yet. Slowly Thief pulled away, her face still close to Myko's. "... I... Guess I better go pack then?" She whispered, her eyes were slightly darker tinged than before. Gently, Thief pulled away from Myko completely, before he could protest she walked out of the bar; a bounce in her step as if she were walking on air.
Myko's head was too dizzy for him to even think of responding to Vero's remarks earlier. Those lips were certainly as juicy as he had expected! Almost dream-like, he walked back over to the table where Kayla and the two others were at, leaving Vero at the bar. He sat himself down in a chair across from Kayla - her well-sculpted melons no match for the daze he was in now.

"So... that's four new crew members!", Myko exclaimed happily. "Godly-sculpted melons, eyes to melt for, and juicy lips! We're in heaven, my friend!" Myko smacked So-do lightly on the back, knowing he had to agree with his point-of-view! He then looked over toward Vero - who was still at the bar - and grinned. He almost forgot the reason why he got her to join his crew. Not only could she cook, but those bare and smooth shoulders were to die for.
“Ready the aft guns!” Farrago shouted, irritation gnawing his gut. He thought they’d have more time for that; he wouldn’t forget this.

He skidded to a stop as he hurried across the deck and a pirate appeared on deck seemingly out of no where, but before Farrago could engage, Slade was screaming at the other marines and attacking the man. He saw the dynamite and the oil and new he couldn’t soak it up at all without interfering with the footing of the marines, so he waited till he had a clear shot at the dynamite.

It came when the pirate vanished and with a whip like motion he sent jets of dough after the sticks of dynamite rolling about, smothering their lit wicks before they could do any damage. Turning sharply he demanded, “Sir, could there be more below if this one could invade on the deck itself?” He didn’t direct it at Slade or the Admiral specifically, he’d take an answer from either.

Behind him the rear guns fired.
Eva smirked as she slipped her collar back onto her neck. Mission accomplished, she thought to herself as she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket. On it was the deed to Myko's ship; apparently it was called the Calypso's Dream.

"Perfect... Now to find a buyer..." She muttered to herself in a soft whisper. Slipping the paper back into her pocket she took off towards the harbor of Smuggler's Cove. This would be an interesting heist. Stealing a ship, selling it, and then well... Who knows? Perhaps she'd find a nice deserted island to spend her days lounging on.
He was impressed that the young woman was so adept at making bombs. but right now they needed to get the hell out of their. As they came up the stairs, surprisingly there still wasn't many marines. That was until they ran up one more floor. Now they could see a few marines, and also the marines running around on the top deck, battling the ship.

As the girl tried to run he grabbed her hand and pulled her the other way. He continued to run to the end of the ship. Now 3 of the marines were chasing them as they came up to the hull of the ship. Oh he hoped the ship wasn't far away. He forced his hand against the hull then turned around.

"I'll hold 'em off, tell me when ah hole forms big 'nough fer de both of us."

He ran at the 3 marines and tackled all three of them. They yelled as he tackled them. The wood behind them began to creak and suddenly warped revealing light from the outside. It continued to degrade, drying up and eventually falling apart to pieces on the ground and the outside. It continued it's progression as he battled the marines.

One marine got up and kicked him in the side. He recovered quickly and grabbed him by the collar smashing him into the marine across from him. Jumping on his back, he punched the stuck marine under all three of them a few times.

"How close is it?!!!"

Ker Tela watched shocked at the now dieing wooden wall of the boat. The hole grew larger and larger even as the Pirate fought 3 Marines off 1 handed. He yelled back asking how close "Ates uhbout three-cootars dun!!" her voice showed her shock. She saw more marines running by and she lit her last 6 bombs that she was willing to use and scattered them in the direction of the stairs and the hallways near them.

(It's about 3/4 done)
Finally getting away from the marines, he grabbed a gun and bashed it into the head of the last marine holding on to him. As he stood up and rushed back to the young girl, all her bombs went off except the big one.


A marine came down the stairs yelling.
"It's no use, shoot them, kill them both!"

Kaito looked back as a few marines lined up way out of reach. They all brought the rifles up to their shoulders and fired.


He grabbed the girl tightly and slammed himself up against the wall behind a support. The bullets wizzed past him and out the ship through they hole he had created. It was now big enough for the both of them but he needed to wait. Kaito wanted to know for sure that someone was there to rescue him. Wood splinted under the strain of the marines fire.

"Hope your ready."
Hearing the command through the Denden mushi Slade held, Farrago stopped a seaman running by. “Get the seastone shackles from the helm, and guard the door. Get two others.” He then turned his attention to coating the doorway with dough, firming it near the top so it would hold longer.

The boards of the ship vibrated under Farrago’s booted feet and the ship rocked unnaturally. That was an explosion, he realized, eyes widening. Below deck! “Vice Admiral, do you see anything?” He shouted to Chiiba, hurrying to the port side and leaning over. For a moment he was bewildered to see a series of bullets come out from the side of the ship when there was not openings there, but then he realized a great big hole had been opened in the side of the ship.

They must have blasted a hole to escape, he thought, Maybe not Devil Fruit users. Trusting his superior would take care of the intruders, he reached over the rail and let his dough-like arms extend, maneuvering to cover the opening. It wasn’t impenetrable by any means, but it was a visual inhibitor and maybe would buy Admiral Ginoumu time to apprehend the perpetrator.
"Don't lump me with these people!" Lillith shouted. Some of the pirates at the closer tables stopped and looked. But not for long. For less then a minute she had their attention. Not that she needed it. Lillith slammed her fist down on the table. "..." She paused. "Sorry." Lillith intensely glared at Myko. For more reasons than just the fact that he forgot their drinks. He was a stupid, stereotypical player! She wanted nothing to do with him... That was what she told herself. Lillith sat herself down, and continued to stare (A.K.A. "glare") at Myko. The idiot. How could he forget their drinks?! Twiddling her fingers on the table, eyebrows furrowed. The twiddling turned into tapping. Tapping turned into... More aggressive tapping. Eventually she couldn't help herself but stand up abruptly, reach over the table, and grab Myko's jacket. Glaring she didn't say a word.

"You're just an idiot. An idiot who thinks with his... Well, not with his brain!" Lillith spat. She wasn't usually this aggressive towards people she didn't care for. But something egged her on.

This is Feara's post. Unfortunately she didn't realize I had logged off her account on our mom's computer. Sorry for the confusion. We'll try to not let this happen again @_@
Kayla glared at Myko and frowned deeper. She couldn't help but feel Liliths frustration as the woman yelled and insulted her new captain. While he was distracted, daydreaming about his random encounter and being yelled at, she set what looked like a form of mashed potatoes on her fork and aimed carefully. Then with a tense flick, she let it fly and hit Myko right in the face. "Next time you promise drinks, I'd deliver," she said frowning still as she picked up her bag and turned from the table. "I told you I'd join so I have no choice. I'll meet you at the docks." She paused for a moment, "You haven't changed one bit." The tone in her voice may have held a bit of disappointment or disgust. It was hard to tell. With that, she walked out of the bar and headed to the docks.
Gin was readying the cannons and positioning them at the rear of the ship so they would be able to fire at close-range at the marine's ship rear.

He scoffed under his breath, not sure whether Kaine was alright or not. He needed to do something but what ... seeing as he, and the ship he was on, were phasing there wasn't much he could do without the help of the captain but he was already struggling with keeping the ship and everyone aboard phased, he shouldn't ask him to do any more.

He scoffed again, all he could do was prepare for the moment the ship would unphase again, and trust his mate.

Ker Tela was cursing over and over again as the rifles started firing "Day woll hev ta stap und rlod sun, or git nu rafols!!" She Knew the only chance was getting through that hole, she already knew what surrendering meant too and she wasn't going to even consider that idea. She experienced a marines jail from the inside before and wasn't going to do that for 2 reasons this time, 1 if they caught her they'd probably just kill her after what she did to the ship and 2 if they knew who she was they'd definitely kill her.

She looked towards the hole seeing it starting to get covered up. "Nu!!" she was trying to get free, she still had (4) experimental bombs left and she had her daggers to stop them from falling into the ocean "Weh guttah go!!"

(They will have to stop and reload soon, or get new rifles!!)


(We gotta go!!)
Yui spotted Gin moving the cannons to the rear of the ship. She called out to him "Hey, Gin, you gonna be ready to fire this when the time comes?"

She gestured towards the Dragon's Breath Cannon which had been securely re-attached to the ship.
So-do sat back down at the table after pulling out a his lighter and lighting up his cigarette. He ordered a glass of milk again and started to drink it when the man who was drunk before came back over. He looked a lot better then before but that was a while ago. A lot of what happened during the time he was drugged up by the woman he groped before. He sat there and smocked his cigarette and his milk. He was just trying to mind his own business, the last thing he would want is to get drugged up again.
" He's in safe hands. " He replied to Yui with a devious smile on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes.

' Damn it, I hope Kaito's alright! ' Gin worriedly thought to himself.

He icebeared around the ship, grumbling and rechecking every cannon to see they were ready to be lit as soon as they were out of the phase.

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