One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Geroy: "My phase should cover our ship, and everything on board... that includes us...

but I'm woried about phasing something so big... It's gonna drain me pretty quickly...

better hold off on it till we almost bump ships"
" INCOMING! " Gin shouted as he heard the loud bangs of multiple cannons go off.

He shouted again as he lifted his hands in the air, ready to blast away as many cannonballs as he could.

Kaito spun the wheel viciously to the right. The ship lurched forward as it connected with the current he had been working for. This was the channel in which the water circulated into, away from, and around the cove. At once precise spot, the one they just entered, the water moving out, from inside the cove and the water circulating around the cove combine. While normally nothing would happen, this was the grand line. Thank god he overheard them thrill seekers bragging about it in the bar.

Instantly the ship sped up several knots. He looked up to see the volley hurtling down towards them. Maybe, just maybe, the increased speed would make the projectiles overshoot. Conserving the captains energy was most important at the moment.

Though now he was in a tight spot, the ship was aimed roughly 16 degrees outside of the ship they were previously aimed at. With a course like this, they would most certainly not make it out alive. As he counted, about every 3 seconds, they were altering by another degree. Any more and if he turned back, they would lose momentum.

He ran calculations through his head. Finally came to on conclusion, in exactly 15 seconds he needed to turn the wheel
hard and they could gain extreme momentum from the current and the ship. Though this would cause the ship to rock somewhat hard to the right. Either way, it was time.


He slammed the wheel full tilt. The ship creaked strong and loud under the mild strain. Everything that was not tied down could be heard shifting from one side of the ship to the other. The captain in the top of the mast would of had the hardest jar.

Even as the ship leveled out heading straight towards the marine vessel once more, the entire ship was still leaning about 20 degrees to the right but quickly started to level. The ship was now traveling much faster than before.

"Remember to compensate, or you'll overshoot!!"
::Geroy ran across the deck, trying to avoid the cannonballs, and conserve his energy when the ship swung hard to the left and accelerated throwing him flat on his face::

Geroy: "Damn! warn me next time"

::he watched as all of the cannonballs whistled barely overhead, except one, that clipped the railing barely, and splashed into the water behind him::

Geroy: "Damnit! they chipped the paint job! they'll pay for this! Kaito! how many seconds till impact?!"
Vero sighed, ordering another drink, something rather fruity, a strawberry daiquiri. As the bartender passed her the drink she looked around. Seeing where her captain was she smirked, charming a lady as usual. She slid from her perch and over towards him before tapping Myko's shoulder that was farthest away from her being.

Vero then looked the girl he was talking to up and down before smiling. No wonder cappy had taken to talking to her, she was rather pretty. She took a sip from her drink waiting.

Ker Tela was still watching out the right port hole while paying more attention to listening, she sighed with relief as the foot steps continued, then she heard one person yell and the boat started leaning to the right sending everything flying towards her "AHHHHHHH" she screamed as boxes and barrels flew into her and breaking the windows glass. She dove out of the way before she could be seriously injured.
Yui cursed as she ran from one side of the ship to the other. The captain was going to do something! What was he going to do? They were getting closer and closer to the enemy ship, what the hell were her crewmates thinking?

She grabbed onto the net and started climbing up into the crows nest. The wind blew hard against her and multiple times she thought she'd lose her grip and fall, but she held on until she reached her destination.

"Those guys're working hard to defend the ship, so I gotta do my part too! I'll be the lookout!"


Kakeru gripped the railing hard. The pirate ship was looming closer, were they going to try to ram them? What good would come of that?

He yelled to the marine at the wheel, "Turn! Now! They're coming straight for us! MOVE, damnit!"
Myko grinned. She seemed so innocent! He loved it!

"A burden? You? You look nothing like a burden! And sure, we don't know each other... but that's the point, lips.", Myko said to the girl, still smiling. "Let's change that and get to know each other!"

Their drinks arrived and Myko gave the bartender enough money for the girl and himself. He then downed some rum and winked at the girl. He still couldn't help but stare at her amazing lips with a burning desire in his eyes.

"So, what's your name, angel?", Myko asked, right before Vero, one of his crew members, tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh, hi there Vero! Have you met this charming young lady yet!?"
Lillith sat at the table. Making a sneer at her own thoughts. "Ugh, life never ceases to enjoy annoying me." She said, mixed emotions running through her head. Her thirst was quenched, the red-head didn't want anything else to drink. Unfortunately, the formerly unconscious man didn't stop to ask before he ran off. Lillith watched the man flirt with the younger girl. Makes me sick.

"How do you two know eachother?"
Thief flushed deeper as he called her 'lips' what kind of nickname was that? But she ignored it. "I'm Evangeline, it's nice to meet you." She replied, introducing herself with a small smile; her cheeks were stained with a soft blush. Thief blinked and looked over as some other girl appeared. A flash of annoyance filled her stomach, but Thief squashed it before it appeared on her face or anything.

"H-hello there, it's nice to meet you." She said softly to the other girl, turning to try and shake hands with Vero, unfortunately her arm hit her rum glass and knocked it all over Myko's chest. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" She cried, grabbing some pieces of cloth and dabbing at his chest and jacket trying to clean it up. "Oh, please forgive me, I'm so sorry!" Panic was on her face and she looked like she was about to cry.
Kayla stared at the other woman for a moment, "It's been a while since I really thought about it to be honest. All I know is one day he showed up in my home town. My caretaker and I were the only doctors in the area and some of the shipmates were ill, so we tended to their sickness." Kayla chewed on the meat a bit, half wishing he'd come through with that drink. "I do remember all the annoying comments about my legs, eyes and chest though. He was always asking me to dance as though I were some kind of show girl." She twitched in annoyance at the memory. "And then he had the nerve to demand I join his pirate crew when he formed one! Even hell." Kayla facepalmed as she suddenly remembered the bet Myko had made her years ago.

Myko-I'll bet you 50 berri that you'll be the doctor on my pirate ship! *has a devilish grin*

Kayla-*is tending to a patient* Mhm...whatever you say "Captain" *sarcasm drips from the last word as she walks away*

Myko-It's a bet then! *calls after her*

Kayla's head slowly sagged until she hit it on the table over and over again. "I knew I was going to regret this..." She sighed deeply, "oh well...can't be helped. So what's your name anyway?" she asked the red-headed woman.
So-do started to slowly come around. He started to be more active in his head moves looking around. "Wha...what happen?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. "What's going on..." He stood up from his chair and then started to act the way he did before. He then looked at the girl who he had groped. "You know girls normally just slap me instead of knocking me up...." He then looked over the woman. "Unless you where planing on doing something else to me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh yeah where did the drunk guy go?" He pulled out a pack of cigarettes, pulling one out of putting it in his mouth. He then started to rummage through his pocket for a lighter.
The red-head stared at the other woman, Kayla, for a moment. Then turning her head to look away. Glancing at the drunken pirates. And glancing at what looked like the dank musty oder in the bar taking visible form near the ceiling. When she turned back to Kayla, she looked at Kayla's food, instead of the woman's face. It can't hurt, I suppose. "Lillith." Was all that came from her lips. Her voice was strong, tough, and... Smokey? And could easily be as sharp as venom, if she wanted it to. But it somehow was so different, yet expected from someone like Lillith. Most people would find it a shame she wasn't more vocal. Lillith looked up, at the other womans face for another moment.

"Oh yeah, where did the drunk guy go?"

Lillith had heard the other man, still at the table, say. She had been ignoring the man up until he said that. Looking at him, Lillith realized she had no idea who this was. I think he helped carry that guy over to the table... "Name?" She said roughly, directing it at the man.
"Lilith huh," she said as the red-head finally replied. Kaylas was then distracted by the other guys ramblings as he came to. She rolled her eyes as he made a comment about her knocking him up and having other plans for him. "Oh please, don't flatter yourself. You're lucky I was feeling generous today or I'd have left you there to be robbed blind or worse. the big guy over there was eyeing you with a lot of interest." She flashed him a devious smile as she gestured to a random nearby pirate, "Maybe he's the one who had other plans for you." then she went back to picking at her food, "Mi-uhm...Myko is over at the bar trying to make a date." She leaned her head on her hand with a frown and poked some more meat into her mouth. Then she heard a single word from her female companion.


She looked at her briefly to see that it was directed at her groper and then went back to her meal.
Activity burst over the ship like a cracked egg and Farrago fell to one side unintentionally, making sure Vice Admiral Chiiba returned to his ship safely and in those critical moments Slade took over command, ordering the men to fire and silent Ginoumu issued his direction as well. Rather than get underfoot, Farrago hurried to the bow of the ship to watch the approaching pirates, measuring the distance carefully with narrowed gold eyes, his hands softening and losing definition.

When they closed in, seeming prepared to collide with the other marine ship, Farrago raised his arms and flung them forward. The stretched and shot forward as jets of sticky dough, one wrapping around the mast and weighing it down, weakening the wood, and the other landed on the sails, sliding down and leaving clinging streaks, making the material too heavy to hold the wind.

Smiling slightly with satisfaction, Farrago shrugged his shoulders and the dough detached, dropping into the water to provide hazard to the rudder should it pass through the ropes of dough. His hands appearing normal and clean where they protruded from the cuffs of his jacket for a moment, before beginning to soften again and he looked for another target.

::Geroy watched as the sticky goop drenched parts of his ship::

Geroy: {Oh crud... I hope that cleans off afterwords... looks like they have some freaks on board too...}

Geroy: "Full speed ahead, don't stop or change direction for anything!"

::He braced himself as his ship came within a foot of the Marine's ship, and focused all his powers on the ship, and everything inside::

Geroy: "Rip ripple GhostShip!"

::The ship and it's people went straight through the other ship, on both ships, salors and pirates watched as they passed straight through each other and the decks of the ship::
::Geroy staggered up to the wheel. strained with keeping the ship phased, and grabbed Kaito on the collar and took the wheel from him::

Geroy: "Kaito! I need you to *pant*
Whisperwhisperwhisper *Pant, pant* got it...?"

::He held onto Kaito's collar, and shoved him roughly below the deck::

Geroy: {And hurry...}

Gin took the opportunity to hand Captain Geroy his pack of dynamite sticks.

" This should suffice to do some major damage, don't use them all, you'll be caught in the blastradius if you do. "

" What are your orders sir? "
He asked Cptn. Geroy.
::Geroy was barely holding the ship together, and a drop of cold sweat slid down his neck as he turned and addressed Gin::

Geroy: "Ok, I'll Unphase you for only a moment... I need you cover the deck in as much oil as you can and plant the bomb as fast as you can..."

::He planted one hand on Gin, and he flickered::

Geroy: "Rip... Ripple... Flicker!

Ok! you have about three seconds! go now!"
Gin's both arm turned inkblack as he suddenly found himself on the upper deck of a marine ship, he didn't allow himself to get phased by the situation. Luckily he found himself near the stairs where he rolled a dynamite stick in its direction and placed another one behind a barrel and rolled the third one under a cannon.

He sprayed the marines who were running towards him, overcoming their surprise and shock, with oil from his left arm and sprayed the cannons and deck with oil.

Noticing he was on a ship where an Admiral was on he panicked and shouted:

::The moment the last stick of dynamite left Gin's hand, Geroy's hand snaked out and grabbed him on the shoulder::

Geroy: "Rip Ripple Regroup!"

::By this time, Geroy was already shaking with a cold sweat, and leaning on the wheel for support. It was obvious he couldn't hold it for much longer::
" Mission complete cappy. "

Noticing the captain in dire condition Gin started to get worried.

" Hold on for a while longer Captain, we're almost through. "
Najibe smirked as the marine ship became visible to him; he wondered whether the Marines would have enough firepower to take them on...either way, at least he would get into some decent fights if neccessary. Najibe responded to Geroy's order with an afro tentacle salute and began to ready his afro, in case something happened. As Najibe was about to reach into his pocket, he heard something about building a bomb...he chuckled to himself, for only this crew would come up with something so reckless and yet awesome at the same time. Grabbing some conditioner and quickly rubbing it all over his afro, Najibe watched the Marine ship fire several rounds of cannonballs...

"Here it comes..." Najibe felt a lurching motion as the ship swerved and headed for a direct collision course towards the Marine ship. "Suicide?! Damn, I hope that they've got something up their sleeves other than a kamikaze attack..."

Suddenly, Najibe saw the ship starting to phase through the Marine ship; he ooohed and ahhed with awe at this feat.
"So this is the captain's power? Very impressive!" Najibe did not notice that Carl had already went to the Marine ship and planted several dynamite sticks in it. Turning to the captain and Carl, Najibe's face started to become a little worrisome. "Is Geroy gonna be alright?" he asked, not knowing he had said it aloud.
After the ship appeared to have vanished Slade growled, his target had disappeared and he had no idea where they were.


He was just 'bout to ask the Admiral for orders when a man appeared out of the blue near a staircase, instantly the man reached for his dynamite sticks with his greasy, black hand and rolled one down the stairs.

' Fool, you could blow us all to hell if that thing goes off. ' he thought before commanding the marines nearest to the man.

As the marines regained their composure they drew out their sables and charged the man. Slade, furious about the man's arrogance to show up on his own on *his* ship, stood by waiting for the man's reaction, it was clear the man had some sort of ability considering his hands were dripping a black substance.

The man stretched out his arm and his entire lowerarm liquified and shot out a stream of the blackness at the charging marines, who were backwards, some even right off the ship. Upon closer inspection the black substance seemed like oil to him, noting how the man covered the entire deck, cannons and barrels in oil and was carrying dynamite sticks Slade had a pretty good idea what the man was planning.

He took out one of his throwing knives and held it in the direction of the man who was busy placing and rolling dynamite sticks all over the place.

" Enlarge " he mumbled, trying not to grind his teeth in whitehot anger.

The knife shot out at a fast pace, but before it reached the man, the man shouted
" GEEERROOOYYYY! " and vanished again, the knife striking nothing but air.

" RRRRRAAAAHHHHH " He was about ready to explode with anger, but after howling out and cracking his knuckles he regained sight of the situation.

" You, you, you and you, find all the dynamite sticks...I don't have to tell you what happens if you miss even one, take a look at the deck. We'd all go up in flames! "

He cursed, turned around to face the Admiral and asked in a bitter tone:
" Orders, sir? "

Myko couldn't help but smile. Evangeline, she declared herself as just a while ago, was simply adorable!

"It's quite alright, Miss Evangeline.", Myko reassured her. "I've never had an angel clean my chest before! I suppose there is a first time for everything, isn't there?"

Myko grabbed Evangeline's hand gently - ignoring his crew mate Vero now - and let his natural charm take over.

"You know, I have a ship. You could come with me and sail the sea, never to be unprotected again! Captain Myko'itac will take care of you. I'll make your wildest dreams come true. What say you, doll?", Myko asked her, temptation to go for those lips rising in him again.

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