One Piece: The New Age [RP]

"She's a real keeper..." Najibe thought as a single bead of sweat dripped down the right side of his cheek, anime-style. As Najibe and the rest of the crew began to set sail, he felt a warm wave of nostalgia burning deep in his chest...the smell of the salty sea air, the sound of the waves, the seagulls flying in the air...feeling the water spray his face, Najibe smiled. "Looks like I might finally have an actual adventure on my hands...I can't believe it...luck can be really strange at times..." Leaning towards one of the railings, Najibe looked at the vast ocean beyond him...hoping that his afro would be able to bear with the journey.
Gin was still checking the cannons as the captain ordered for departure...wondering who was at the helm of the ship.

" Oi oi, be steady with the ship .. you'll scratch my babies. "
He yelled at nobody in particular.

Then he sat down, leaning against the railing and one of the cannons, thinking about the adventures to come and the dangers of the Grand Line. He figured not everyone of the crew would live to see One Piece, if they ever made it all but ... he quickly shook his head and cleared his minds of the ill thoughts.

He looked around the ship and saw a familiar and happy scene.

Najibe, the seadwelling live afro, leaning over a railing.

Yui, trying to take over the ship under the nose of the captain.

The captain, trying to command the ship whilst burdening the pressure of keeping Yui at bay.

Kaine, doing nearly everything on the ship, mr jack-of-all-trades.

It was a funny sight indeed, one which pleased him alot. A smile appeared on his lips before closing his eyes and resting his head.


Slade grinned as Farrago barked commands at the subordinates,
' he was worthy of his position ' Slade thought to himself.

" Sure, a cigar tastes best after a battle, or sex."
He remarked with a smile, still unaware of the Rear Admiral's sexual orientation. Else he would've been more careful with his words.

" I'll be in my cabin, come get me when we arrive. "
He suddenly changed his tone from friendly to serious, he didn't want to miss this battle for the weight of the world.

Kayla froze as the new man grabbed and fondled her breast before taking the drunken man from her. Her face remained calm and she simply walked over to her table and fumbled through her bag. "Bring him over here please," she said as she pulled out a syringe and a bottle of clear fluid. "He should be fine. We just keep him alert until we know there's not any extensive trauma," she informed the other woman.

She filled the syringe with the proper amount and watched as the white-haired man set the drunken man down at the table. She then walked over to both of them and jabbed the syringed, not so gently, into the man-who-had-fondled-her's arm and pumped him with enough sedative to put a grizzly bear into a stupor. She glared at him with her emerald green stare, "Touch me like that again...and it'll be more then just enough to make you go numb." Every ounce of her glare said that she meant business. "I may be a healer, but I know numerous ways to kill and make it look like an accident. I'd be careful with who you grope next time," she threatened with a dangerous grin. With that she removed the needle and capped it to dispose of it properly.

"As for you," she turned around toward her drunken patient with another needle filled with considerably less liquid than the former, "we need to wake you up." This too she jabbed into his arm to administer the small dose of adrenaline.

((OOC-Bunnied So-do a bit Oka. Hope it wasn't too much. >.> I can change it if you want.))
Lillith stared around at the scene. Scratching the back of her head, she relented and said "I could wake him up, for you." Lillith stood a little straighter, a little taller. No one would ever notice the invisible sniper rifle on her back. Nor the pistol at her side. Looking around, her eyes finally laid rest on the near-unconscious man. He was actually rather... No! Lillith would not accept those thoughts. Furrowing her eyebrows ever deeper, she changed the direction of her sight to a ever-rowdy group of pirates. The criminals, why was hygiene never an important thought to men? She focused her gaze on one of the flies hovering around the smokey room... Never letting it out of her sight... Her thoughts began to drift, still following the fly with her honey yellow gaze.
Myko was starting to come around now - as the adrenaline was now coursing through his veins. The first thing he saw when he looked up was the woman who was beside his savior. She was a tall and lean girl with honey-colored eyes and red hair. He was caught in a trance for a while - staring into the honey-colored eyes.

"Beauty from above! I've never seen such a thing before....!", Myko said excitedly, before looking toward his savior then changing his wording. "Well, maybe that's not entirely true..."

Myko started rubbing his head, still feeling a bit dazed, but much more aware now that he received a dose of adrenaline. He started observing his surroundings a bit more, and as he rested his gaze back on the woman that shot him with the adrenaline, recognition forced it's way to his mind.

"Kayla...? Kayla! The amazing doctor! I should have known it was you - your medical skills are rivaled by no one!", Myko said happily.
Eva sighed as she dried off on the shore, she sighed in relief when she saw that her chasers had been deterred by the river. She stretched herself and began to wander around aimlessly. She found herself in front of a bar... Good someplace filled with idiots that are too drunk to realize I'm stealing their very livelihoods. Hehe, Eva thought smirking as she entered the bar and looked around for a good place to sit, where she would be out of the way and could observe every sucker in there.
Kayla was putting her supplies back into her bag as she waited for the adrenaline to take effect. She rolled her eyes a little when he started yelling about "beauty from above" and what not and then someone shouted her name.

She turned toward its source with confusion all over her face. The drunk guy? She stared at his grin for a few moments before the same recognition hit her as well and a feeling of dread washed over her. "Oh! Mi-!" she was immediately cut off by a hand over her mouth.
Vero sighed taking a rather large swig out of her bottle. Not even really paying attention she could pick out her captains voice over the others saying something about a doctor. Her eyes slowly fell to being half lidded and she leaned back against the bar watching everything going on and yet nothing in particular.

Some guy a few stools over whistled at her, "hey baby, wanna see what a real man can do for you?" Vero turned her head in the guys direction slightly, "Only if you can find me one, cause I don't see a single one." Well, the guy didn't like that and stood up walking in front of her. The smell of how much alcohol he had been drinking hit her like a train. "'Scuse me but I don't believe that's how a little wench talks to a paying customer."

Vero's eyebrow twitched under her sunglasses and she looked up at the man. "You...think I a....-" She couldn't finish her sentence through her anger. She stood up, though being smaller she knew she could kick this guys but straight to mars if she wanted. "Yes, you little wh-" The drunk man never finished his sentence before he had a glass whiskey bottle cracked over his skull sending him seeing stars to the floor. Vero sat back down in her chair, cracking her knuckles to show she wasn't taking something like that again.
Myko had to force his hand over Kayla's mouth - drowning out what she was going to say. I can't have people knowing my real name now... not yet! he thought to himself.

"Me, Myko! Yes! I knew you would recognize me too. I hope that's not the only thing you recognize, though. Traveling alone, are we? You know I have a ship... and plenty of room. I'm just in the beginning stages of recruitment! I've already got a cook! But snagging the greatest doctor would really be a homerun.", remarked Myko with a grin.

Myko looked at the girl with the honey-colored eyes, then at a white-haired man nearby - who had he knew helped him over to the table earlier. Perhaps he could recruit them as well? The perfect moment for him to start forming his crew!
Eva stared about the bar, pretending to take swigs from her whiskey glass. She glanced over the gambling games, the loud talking, and the girl who just beat up some guy... Ooo, there goes a good bottle of whiskey. Eva thought regretfully, but smirked anyway. "I have a ship!" Eva's ears immediately zeroed in on the poor sap's conversation. It didn't seem like she was paying attention, no not at all... After all her eyes were locked on the wanted posters, but her ears... Oh they were all over this guy. Miko was it? Eh who cared, he was going to loose everything he owned in a matter of hours anyway.
Lillith looked at the man who suddenly sat up. Eh, he wasn't as hot when he was awake. Suddenly, a crash was heard. Instinct. Instinct made her sharply turn around to the noise. Oh. It was just a... Bar fight? Whatever, not like it never happened before. Although she was curious. Lillith examined the ruckus from a distance. Eh, boring. She turned her gaze back to the man she had hardly been helping at all. He reminded Lillith of one's annoying little brother. Every inch of her told her to flick him in the head. Inadvertently, she looked into his eyes...
Though Vero had given the guy the best shot she had with her whiskey bottle the guy had recovered pretty fast. From down on the floor his hand reached up and rested on her thigh as He stood back up, pulling her towards him. Oh, this was so not going to be fun for him."Okay, now I'm mad and your gonna change that."

Vero smirked, "Really now?" She said in a cocky tone of voice only to get slapped across the face, her glasses falling.Painful light flooded her pupils, as a bit of blood started to seep from around the edges of her eyes. That was it. She turned her head quickly biting his grubby hand while bringing a knee up to his junk. She quickly placed her glasses back on and dragged the guy outside into the street. A large ruckus could be heard from her thoroughly whooping the guys butt. Vero returned back in the pub, ignoring the stares. After all, it didn't look like she even had a gun on her. Not at all. She ran a hand under her glasses and wipped away the blood that had started to stream down her face like tears. Damn stupid men don't know when their beat. But his sorry but didn't mess with me now.
Kakeru nodded at the new arrivals in acknowledgement.

"About time you got here." he called over to them.

He looked back towards the Cove, where there was still no activity. "All that's left to do now, is wait... once again."
Slade lit a cigar and looked at the only exit of Smuggler's Cove, blowing smoke he asked:

" And we're sure this is the only way in or out the cove right ? I'm not in the mood for any mistakes. "

Puffing on his cigar he leaned over the railing, looking at the Kakeru and his subordinates, who were working diligently.

" You run a tight ship here don't cha, Kakeru? "
He said with a grin.
So-do fell back into a chair after the younger woman a pumped him full of sedatives. He started to feel a bit drowsy. He shook his head trying to stay awake. This girl wasn't like all the other who ether giggled and continued to flirt with him because he would always serenaded them an was a lot smoother with garb the melons. Then there where the one he would just, well do what he did not to long ago. Just go right for it and grab the milk pillows. They normally end in harsh words and a slap across the face but that was it. He would just shrug and move on to the next girl.

He was having a hard time trying to keep up with what was going on around him.
“Keep her so!” Farrago frowned at their proximity to the other Marine ship but said nothing, ensuring they would not collide or become entangled with each other, but withholding the order to let go the anchor in preparation for moving out again.

He tipped his head when he heard Slade’s disgruntled remark about the entrances, but if the maps he had seen were accurate they were in as good a position as possible to see the entrance of the Cove. Unfortunately they also would likely be seen by anyone who left. He looked past the burly man to the Vice-Admiral he addressed and caught his breath for a moment. “Ah…” he had heard of Vice Admiral Kakeru Chiiba’s Devil Fruit but he was still caught by surprise.
Slade turned around at the sudden exclamation of surprise, or whatever it was.

Turning back around to see where it was directed at, he smiled.

" Seeing something you like, Farrago ? " He whispered with a grin towards the Rear Admiral.
It took a moment for Slade's jibe to get through, but it helped Farrago shake free of the momentary spell and he looked at his superior with a crooked half-smile. "Maybe, sir." He took a cue from the other man's relaxed attitude and winked mischievously with no real intent. His gold eyes glanced to Chiiba again, but he scolded himself mentally for being weak willed and faced Slade again. "Do you need anything, sir?"
Slade laughed at the rear admiral's reply and responded:

" I could use a drink, but why don't you join me and let a subordinate go get it ? "

He hollered over the railing.

" Hey Kakeru, come join us for a drink. There's someone I want you to meet. "
Farrago raised an eyebrow, wondering if his superior was going to tease him for being unguarded but didn't remark on it. "Perhaps one," he conceded with a one shouldered shrug. "But I'd rather not have slippery wits when battle commences. You boy," he flagged down one of the small choreboys doing menial tasks. "Fetch a service from the kitchen." The boy darted off below deck obediantly; Farrgo turned to Slade. "Is the Vice-Admiral going to join us?"
Kakeru considered Slade's request for a moment before nodding. His subordinates hoisted a board to connect the two ships and Kakeru strolled across.

He caught Farrago looking at him, but payed it no mind. He was used to this kind of treatment after all. Of course, generally it was from the female population, but the looks weren't so different. Farrago was an attractive man, but by no means was Kakeru attracted to him, and even if he was, relationships within the Marines were looked down upon.

"So who is it I am to be meeting, Slade? If you're talking about Farrago, It's not a first." he pointed out with a frown.
" Ooh ok, well I was talking about him. I didn't realize you two had met eachother before. Let's enjoy a drink nonetheless. "

He accepted a glass from the subordinate and took out a cigar from his cigarbox, lit it and exhaled.

" To good health.... " He said with a grin " ... and a good haul. " Nodding towards the Smuggler's Cove.

Kakeru snorted, "A haul such as this is only good in a prison cell."

He took a long drink from his glass before continuing.

"Is it such a good idea to get intoxicated at a time like this? Not that I'm complaining..."
" Know your limits. " Was the only response coming from Slade before he gulped down his glass in one chug.

The sails were waving around fiercely as the wind rose and the boat wobbled from left to right with more force than before.

" Ok, time to get crackin' and shmackin', first ship to bring a pirate's ship to Davey Jones's Locker gets a prize. A shmacktastic cigar of a rare box I purchased recently. Whispered to show you hallucinations of the future when smoked. "

He smirked.
" But it's only a rumor ofcourse. "
"Hallucination of the future" Kakeru repeated, curiously. He traced the rim of his glass with a finger.

"I've heard of incidents wherein a weapon has swallowed a Devil Fruit, perhaps it is also possible for other things to do the same. Cigars, for example." he mused, smiling distantly. "I'll take you on that bet, Slade."

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