One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Yui narrowed her eyes as she watched Geroy welcome the stranger onto their ship. Really now, she never figured Gin to be the kind to pick up his lovers at a bar, but then, he never seemed the type to have lovers in the first place. He seemed more the "I'm in love with the sea! And cannons! Always the cannons!" kinda guy.

She leant over the side of the ship and called out to Gin, "Hey, who's your boyfriend?"
Jokingly Gin responded to Yui... " Way to welcome our new crewmate, and jealousy-green is an aweful color Mrs. Eternally-Single. "

He continued with:
" This is Najibe, we had a good friendly match to make sure neither of us were getting a cat in a bag. I can tell you right now, he's got some skills. "

" Care if he joins cappy ? I do believe I can vouch for him although I have met him only recently. "

He awaited the captain's response before letting Najibe on the ship.
:: Walking out on the deck, he saw Yui bent over the railing, shouting something. Oh how he saw the perfect opportunity. He walked up to her slowly and as he approached, his hand came out and grabbed a handful of rear. It was so soft and the perfect shape. Honestly she had it coming, how many times had she been rude. It was only natural to return it. ::

Kaito: "Hey sweet cheeks? Maybe you need a boyfriend!"

:: He winked at her jokingly. This would be interesting how she reacted. ::
Yui stood stock still for a while, before turning and strolling below deck and returning with a shovel she'd found in one fo the cargo boxes. She made her way back to her grabby crewmate and held the shovel above her head with both hands.

"BASTARD" she shrieked, bringing it down to smack him on the head repeatedly.

::Geroy nodded approvingly at his newly conscripted pirate, looking him over from his feet all the way up to his large, slightly overbearing afro::

Geroy: {Did I just see that hair wiggle at me?... nah... it was probably just my imagination}

Geroy: "Allright, you're in, so long as miss Yiu agrees also... (you've got your work cut out for you buddy) Get past her, and you're welcome here as far as I care..."
"The Gangrene Dragon, huh? Not a bad name," he said, noting how Gin repeated how trustworthy his crew was..."Well, as long as they don't touch my afro or my gold, I'm sure we'll get along fine for the most part!" As both Gin and Najibe approached the harbor, he took a good look at the ship and whistled in awe. "Nice ship!" he complimented. Gin then told him about his role as the cannoneer and about how his cannons were the finest. "I wonder if I'll ever get to see his skills..." As they approached the ship, he was met by a long haired guy that looked like he came out of a vampire movie. "Heheh, sure, I don't see why not!" he joked.

As he looked at the ship, Najibe heard a girl's voice mockingly ask Gin who his new boyfriend was...a tiny vein started to pop from his forehead, but he merely gave a fake smile to the woman's voice. Suddenly, one of the crew members that Najibe had met before came up to the girl and greeted her, while moving one of his hands towards the woman's backside. Najibe had to stifle a laugh at this act; if he wasn't settled about joining their crew before, that action right there certainly did.

:: As she wondered off, he figured she went to blow off some steam. He turned around and faced the other guys, expecting nothing.. ::

Kaito: "Oh hey Afro man, Welcome to the..."


:: He turned around right as the shovel struck against the side of his face. She hit him with so much force, that it made him spin around twice before torpedoing a face plant, chest down on the deck. All his blood was draining from his nose and the huge gash in his temple. Yui had successfully one hit KO'd him. Only one thought escaped his mind before the eternal black abyss of a coma. ::

Why couldn't i be a Logia type...
"Woah..." he said in astonishment after shaking as the crew member from the bar that Najibe had been in earlier was knocked out by that harpy of a woman with simply a shovel. "Is that guy gonna be all right?" he asked the man that was known as Geroy. "Don't want a death when I'm just joining after all."
As Vero walked the streets, looking for a place to quench her thirst and perhaps provide a little entertainment, a little rat ran up behind her and pushed her. She fell off balance, the sudden jolt knocking her glasses off. The rat picked them up and ran. Vero hissed as light flooded into her eyes, a pain along the lines of shoving a rusty twisted knife twisting themselves in your pupils sprung up. The woman's mood just went from mellow to pissed.

She looked at the rat, ignoring the pain, and sprinted after the little brat. The kid gave her quite the chase till she had him corner in an ally. The kid laughed and tried talking his way out, till she pulled out her gun and set it against his forehead. "Hand them over and this wall doesn't get painted red." The kid shook like a leaf, what an amateur. "Now."

A few minutes later a gun shot went off and Vero walked out of the ally with her sunglasses back in place, followed by a kid who looked like he had pissed himself after seeing the most terrifying ghost in the seven seas. Serves him right. Little punk got lucky that I don't have the heart to kill a kid. She rubbed her forehead, a migraine was building behind her skull. Looking around, she saw across the road was a bar as good as any named 'The Roaring Stallion.' Vero crossed and stepped inside, looking around a moment before smirking at the people in there. Drunks, poker players, hurt guys, perfect.
Slade turned around and saw the Admiral comig aboard. He politely stepped towards him and saluted him with a firm raisal of his hand to his head, after a second lowering it. Figuring the Admiral was not in a good mood he had to be tactical about this.

" Sir, we received report from Vice-Admiral Kakeru, he's ready to engage the pirates and is awaiting back-up and further command. "

He said in a serious tone of voice.
::Geroy burst out laughing as Kaito hit the deck::

Geroy: "I probably should have warned you... oh well, We'll mop you up later..."

::he then turned to Najibe and remarked::

Geroy: "aw, he'll be alright, he might not look like it, but he's actually pretty tough! now if you don't mind, the ship is almost loaded, and if you're going to join us, the only person left to convince is the young lady Yui... I wish you best of luck."

Oh, and Ibiki, wrong color! you need purple for marines, and blue for my crew!
Farrago smiled again at Slade's quick snap to attentive after his relaxed, irritated attitude of just moments before. He did not approach the admiral, standing to attention and watching the two with interested gold eyes which regarded the pale gray strands in Admiral Ginoumu's dark hair with appreciative interest.

Reminding himself to pay attention he shifted his gaze to his superior's half lidded eyes, waiting to see which way the commander would jump.
Kayla noted the difficulty he was having with the simple task. Hmm. Definite possible concussion. She raised an eyebrow when he tried to smile at her and then propositioned for a more private room. The eyebrow that was raised a moment ago twitched with annoyance now. Why does he remind me of someone...

"Holy ship! Are those real!?"

She twitched visibly when he yelled out and balled up her fist to let him have it in the teeth. She was denyed her outlet of annoyance when a sudden waterfall of beer washed over his face. Kayla looked up to the woman who had appeared from nowhere and nodded, "Thanks. C'mon loverboy. We need to get you to the table so I can examine you better." She knew she would regret her decision in some way as she slid her arms under his and around him to help him up.
So-do had finished his drink and gotten up. At the time he turned around to heard "Holy ship! Are those real!?" He noticed two women helping the guy who yelled that out up, one of which was rather exposed. He grabbed his guitar case and left what little money he had left at the bar to pay for the drink. He walked over to the women and looked her over. "Do you need any help?" he asked sit is guitar case up right.

The So-do reached out to grab a hold of the man's arm form the woman. His hand took a detour to get the arm. So-do grabbed the woman's left breast. "Hmmm I've felt bigger, and more round...." He then grabbed the man's arm and motioned for the woman to move so he could get under the arm a bit better.
Lillith moved aside to let the man help carry the injured pervert. She shot a glance at the guitar player that said 'you better not try that with me!' Along with an intense glare... She looked at the pervert, and concluded he wasn't looking to good. Looking around with her honey eyes. It seemed as though the occurrence did hold much importance to the over drunk pirates.

"He is okay, right?"
OOC Comment: The crew who has the most exciting battle or has the most ingenious plan while trying to get away from the Marines, who are laying in ambush at the only entrance/exit of Smuggler's Cove, will receive a special something to use in the RP.
Vero saw a group dealing with a hurt man out of the corner of her eye and turned her head to watch them. A huge smirk split across her face at seeing it was none other than her captain. Oh the ideas of what could have happened there. Vero just shook her head, settling to just let the two sorry lasses and lad deal with him.No need for her to get involved, much funner to watch.

She moved her way to the bar and placed an order for a bottle of whiskey rather than just a glass. Vero flicked a coin onto the counter as the bartender came back with her drink. Popping the top she took a sip from the bottle, loving the way it burned her mouth and throat. Taking control of a seat at the bar Vero closed her eyes and sipped her drink.
" Right away sir. " Was Slade's short answer that the Admiral's order but inside he was thrilled. Finally they were setting back out to sea and straight into battle too. He couldn't wait, he ordered a Den-Den Mushi be brought to him asap. After a short 10 seconds someone came running with a cigar-smoking, purple Den-Den Mushi. He lifted the shell and waited for someone to pick up, after a while someone came on with a soft bzzzt-sound.

" Yes? "
Said the voice on the other end.

" This is Vice-Admiral Slade, let Vice-Admiral Kakeru know we're coming his way right now. Oh, and give me your name, boy. "

After a short hesitation he answered:
" Tom Hill, sir. "

" Good, now I know who to super-slap if this message doesn't get through. "

"Go and warn Vice-Admiral Kakeru right now. "
He said with a rough tone in his voice.

The subordinate of Kakeru's ship was already gone, he knew what it meant to receive a super-slap from Slade. He used his power to grow his armmuscles and size of his arm before slapping you with a hand the size of a small crane.

He proceeded to tell Admiral Gimougo the warning has been sent before rejoining the Rear Admiral.

" Finally, the fun's about to start. "
He said at Farrago, with a broad smile on his face.
" mean that harpy woman over there?" he asked Geroy as he pointed to the woman that had knocked out Kaito. "Aww man....well, here goes nothing, I guess..." Najibe approached the pink-haired, seemingly intimidating woman...Najibe would have probably thought this one was cute...if it weren't for her crass attitude. "Hey...Yui, is it? My name's Najibe and I'll be joining your crew. Nice to meet you." he said, offering Yui his hand to shake.

Kakeru looked up as the marine from earlier came running towards him.

"What is it?" he asked, "Something important?"

"A message, Sir, from Vice-Admiral Slade! He says they're coming our way and he's going to-" the marine stopped, realising what he was about to say.

Kakeru looked at him curiously, and the marine slapped a hand over his nose. "He's going to what?"

"Sir, if I may ask, when a commanding officer says he's going to... "super-slap" you, what does it mean?"

The Vice-Admiral blinked at the question before turning his head and looking out to sea.

"Was nice knowing you, Mill."

"My name is Hill, Sir."

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:18 PM ----------

Yui dropped the shovel on Kaito's head and held out her hand to shake Najibe's.

"A pleasure," she replied. "And will you be cutting that afro? It's so big, I'm afraid it will block my face if we're together in public, and that won't do considering I'm the redeeming point of this crew. If they don't see me, everyone will assume a group of wild monkeys have landed and will instantly drive us away, you see what I'm getting at?"

She smiled at him beseechingly.
"Heheheh, good one," Najibe replied with a tiny hint of sarcasm as he studied Yui's features carefully..." I'm starting to wonder if she's one of those....what is now...ahh, tsunderes!" "But unfortunately, that will be impossible, for my afro is my signature look of ultimate coolness. Modifying this bad boy here would be like taking away the tusks of an a picnic without a asking me to kill myself...or imagining yourself shaving all of your get what I'm sayin'?" Najibe replied.
A chuckle bubbled up in Farrago's through at Slade's harassment of the poor sailor on the other end of the Den Den, but repressed it, preparing to move to his station when the Vice Admiral addressed him. "I suppose so, sir," he answered with a bland smile.

His bearing shifted to one of command in a moment as he turned to face the other men and barked out, "Man and ready stations! Captain Bellsing's squad take sectors at the bow and starboard."

After seeing his orders swiftly obeyed, he glanced back at Slade again with a crooked smile. "I'll take you up on that smoke later," he remarked light-heartedly.

(OoC: Yes, I looked up naval terms, he's just telling them to go to their places and a group of ten men to arm and prepare guns at the front and right of the ship)
::Geroy tuned back to the ship, and let a fresh breath of open ocean air hit his face, the salty air made Geroy want to set sail immediately::

Geroy: "Allright! now that we're all buddy-buddy, lets get this show on the road! All aboard for the Grand Line!"

::He charged up the wooden ramp to his ship, began unfurling the Sea-green sails as the last of the pre-sailing preperation::
Yui nodded in complete understanding.

"Yes, yes, that would be terrible, indeed, for so many people to have to live without seeing my luxurious locks would be nothing short of a travesty." she shook her head in horror.

"Keep the afro," she continued, "after all, I'm sure we can find you a hat of some sort, or I could merely walk in front of you!"

She heard Geroy call out and quickly moved away from Kaito and Najibe to help the captain with the final preparations. "Grand Line, prepare to meet your new Queen! AHAHAHAHAHA!"
::They cast off the last few ropes, and the wind snapped up in the sails, swelling them like a balloon about to burst. The ship lurched forth gracefully as it detached from the dock for the very first time::

Geroy: "The first flight of the Gangrene Dragon... it's beautiful...?"

::He placed his hand on the slightly greenish polished wooden wheel that graced the deck of the ship, and gave it a slight twist. The ship turned sharply to the left, and straightened out, Heading straight for the open ocean, misty foam straying the pirates on deck::

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