One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Farrago saluted automatically when his superior stepped over from the other ship, feeling slightly embarrassed by Chiiba’s dismissive glance and his own lack of self-control. He took the glasses of alcohol and handed each to the Vice Admirals, remaining silent while the two bantered, taking small sips of the booze.

He paused thoughtfully with his glass raised when Chiiba accepted the bet and asked, “And in return, sir?” He sipped innocuously.
Kayla narrowed her eyes in annoyance at the man she now recognized. "Mmm mmff phm mmmph," she said, her words muffled by his hand. There was a lot of commotion as a girl broke a bottle over someones head and then drug him outside to teach him a lesson. Kayla glanced over at her and then decided that if she didn't see the patient...there was no patient. Afterall, the last person she tried to help turned out to be someone she'd met in her childhood, and at the moment was dreading the situation she was in. Her eyebrow twitched a bit as she continued to sit there with her mouth covered. "Mmmph mp mpffmm?"
Myko rolled his eyes at Kayla and took his hand off her mouth - completely ignoring the commotion that had just happened not to long ago. He had to convince her to join his crew. He wanted the best doctor - and the body was just an added bonus!

"Kayla, Kayla, Kayla... You know you have absolutely no choice BUT to join my crew! You don't honestly plan on boarding a ship with any of these morons, do you?", Myko said, gesturing to the drunken pirates around him. "Plus... would you rather them hitting on you, or a gentleman such as myself?"

Myko grins at Kayla and winks at her. There was no way she could refuse!
Kayla pondered his comments as she scanned the room taking in the drunk and increasingly rowdy pirates. She frowned at the general lack of hygiene and the almost guaranteed groping that would be included in traveling with one of them. She looked back at Myko, "Gentleman my ass," she said. He does have a point.....Oh god I'm going to regret this. She sighed deeply and groaned a bit, "Fine." Then she grabbed his necklace and pulled him close to her face. "But I'm warning you, behave yourself or your apparent little secret will be all over the wanted flyers before you can say 'yo-ho-ho'." She gave him a satisfied yet evil smile with a glint of mischief in her green eyes hinting that that wouldn't be the only thing she did. She released him and turned to see her food sitting on the table. She'd almost forgotten about it. But her drink was nowhere to be found. Damn drunk must have run off with it. She stared at her plate for a moment, "Damn drunk brutes. Even a woman's drink isn't sacred."
Myko rolled his eyes as Kayla released him. He scratched his chin, wondering what she could possibly mean by 'behave yourself'.

"I always behave myself, though! You must be delusional!", Myko remarked with a clueless look on his face. He decided to let it go while he was ahead. He convinced her to join his crew - he didn't want to change that now. Myko then looked toward the other girl with the honey-colored eyes. Myko suddenly realized that this was the girl that dumped beer in his face when he just so happened to be staring at Kayla's merchandise - which he felt was not his fault at all! He grinned - knowing he would have to recruit this girl too. She's beautiful and tough - an interesting combination. She'll take a bit more convincing, though... Myko thought to himself. Then and idea struck him.

"I'll be right back! I'll get us all some drinks!", Myko said, looking straight at the girl with the honey-colored eyes, before taking off towards the bar.

Eva's attention was grabbed even further as the idiot exclaimed about how he was going to go get the girls some drinks. Her eyes drifted over this guy, examining him closely... Very closely, for strategic purposes only of course. Leaning back in her chair, she reached her hands up and slowly undid the collar around her neck. Slipping it into her pocket, Eva allowed herself to slip behind her character.

This character was simply known as Thief, at least to herself mentally. It was this fake personality, this alias that allowed her to be so slick when dealing with people. Because honestly, Eva was terrible when it came to being social, but Thief? Thief could charm a bird off a tree and sell it's own eggs for the bird's soul... Not literally but that was the only comparison that came to Eva's mind to describe Thief.

With that Thief stood up and slowly moved over to the man as he came to the bar, she paused for a second and noticed some guy passed out on a table. Absently she poured the rest of her drink onto him. Sliding up next to Myko she set her drink down, her hand brushing against Myko's. "Bartender? Can I have another round please?" Thief called softly, looking up at Myko with a shy and embarrassed smile. "Sorry, the guy I was supposed to be out on a date with passed out on me... Figured I could use another drink after the night I've had." She gave a soft sigh and jabbed her thumb back to the guy she had poured her drink on a few moments before. "I'll be out of your way in a moment."
Ker Tela had finally decided what to do. "Ai'em gitin' bahk en deh gam" she exclaimed out loud disappearing before anyone could find out who said that. She had hidden on a ship (Ibi's Pirate ship, got his approval) grabbed enough food to last a week and remained there after learning the in's and out's of the entire vessel. Oh, it's gonna be fun, I wonder where this ship will head off to?? She wondered while hiding waiting for the ship to set off. She was a master at getting in and out of anywhere and remaining hidden after all. And I don't even have a Devil Fruit.

(I'm getting back in the game)
::Completely unaware of the stowaways on ship, Geroy grabbed the ship's main wheel and set a course to the general direction of The Grand Line::

Geroy: {Man, I wish I bought a map... but I spent all my bells on this ship...}

Geroy: "Anyone know which way to go?"

::As he left the port, he saw a couple marine vessels out of the corner of his eye...::

Geroy: "Crap! it's the marines! no one here has a bounty... do they? I mean, we barely started this thing..."
"Sir!" Kakeru turned to face one of his officers.

"What is it?" he asked, becoming alert.

"A sighting, sir!" the marine replied, "A ship has been sighted at the entrance of Smuggler's Cove! Requesting orders, sir!"

Kakeru leapt to his feet and moved to return to his own ship. "Prepare the cannons! We're not letting this one get away!"
Slade threw his glass overboard without a second thought and bellowed: " HOIST THE ANCHOR, SAIL INTO FORMATION AND PREPARE THE CANNONS! STEP ON IT! "

He bit on his cigar, breaking it off at the end and spit out the remaining piece.

" We won't let these excuses for humans escape. If I see anyone stand anywhere else than where they're supposed to be I'mma supersize-slap them right off this ship. And I'm not kidding. "

Without losing a beat everyone had nervous looks in their eyes while working at superspeed, organizing the cannons, placing the barrels of gunpowder and cannonballs nearby the cannons for easy acces, the others were either working on the sails or loading their guns and standing near the railings.

Slade watched with a smile, this was going to be a massacre he thought and he didn't mind that scenario one bit.
::Geroy saw the incoming cannonball, and quickly ditched the wheel::


::He held out his hand at the cannonball, and whispered::

Geroy: "Rip, ripple, block!!"

::the cannonball shot straight through Geroy, and the ship, not making a scratch on either:: (not much of a block... heh...)
Gin followed the captain's movements and realized what he was doing when he stretched out his hands towards the incoming cannoball.

" Nice move Cappy. " He said following with a whistle of admiration.

His eyes were now locked on the moving marine ship, trying to spot any incoming cannonballs he needed to intercept.

" Everyone, stay on your toes. These are the Marines, they'll be organized and deadly. Don't let your guard down. "

He stood near the railing, his hands as black as asphalt ready to intercept the next attack.
::Geroy ran across the deck shouting orders::

Geroy: "Gin! man the guns! Najibe and Yui! stand by, and prepare to board! Oh and Kaito! wake up! no sleeping during battles! even if you loose!"

::he swung the ship in direct confrontation to the marine ships::

Geroy: "we'll show these Seamonkeys the bite of
the Dragon!"
The cannonball struck the water as the ship was ghostlike. The pillar of water completely soaked Kaito, startling him awake since Yui had forcefully induced his nap time. He jumped up to his feet and looked around quickly before losing his balance once more and falling to the deck.

"Holy ass crackers... I feel like i got hammered with a shovel..."

He brought his hand to his head, feeling the tender, black and blue stop still covered in blood. Then he fully remembered the events. He grabbed her ass and then a moment later...

"Oh thats right, i was hammered with a shovel."

His eyes got narrow as he literally just mocked himself. This was great, he had a headache, his face was covered in blood, he was soaked and the best part; The marines where attacking. He rose to his feet slowly this time, regaining his stature. The blood didn't hinder his sight, or his physique, so it would have to remain until they escaped.

"Orders Captain?"
Gin quickly moved towards the cannons, placed the gunpowder and stomped it with his selfmade cannonboomstick, as he called it, followed by placing a cannonball in the cannon, aiming in the direction of the ship and in a rather wide arc since the Marine ship was still relatively far away.

" First a distance measuring shot. "
He said to noone in particular, and lit the cannon, taking some distance he waited for the music to start.

" BLAM! "
Went the cannon and the cannonbal went airborne in a nice arc towards the marine ship.
::Geroy dragged the barely conscious Kaito to his feet::

Geroy: "Can you fight? or do you want to mind the ship for a bit while I care for the business up top"

::He stroked the hilt on his sword, embellished with the head of a dragon on the hilt, and watched the ships charged closer together::

Ker Tela woke up as she heard the first Cannonball, she jumped and nearly screamed at the site of a cannonball passing right by where she was hiding HOLY SHEEZU!!! She was breathing heavily but remaining quiet What the hell is going on!!. She got up and looked out of a port hole while listening making sure no one would come by her hiding place. Maybe I should hide on the outside of the ship she sighed silently seeing what was going on.

"Morons?!" she whispered to herself accidentally, she covered her mouth and hid as she thought she heard foot steps stop near the door to the room.

(Marines [OOC - when she says morons she means Marines but again... she can't speak right])
"I can do that. Basic evasive maneuvers or charge bull true with da current course?"

He brushed himself off after being helped up, took a deep breath, took a few short steps to ensure his balance, then charged up to the wheel, waiting for the captains reply.
Myko looked toward the shy girl as her hand brushed up against his. He gave her a reassuring smile, then caught himself mesmerized by the girl's beautiful juicy lips. He was in heaven!

"I said it just a while ago, and I'll say it again: God is an amazing sculptor!", Myko said with delight. "Don't worry about it, I don't mind. In fact... let me pay for your drink!"

He then looked toward the bartender and ordered himself some rum - completely forgetting about trying to seal the deal with Kayla, and to work on getting Lillith into his crew. Myko flashes a charming smile at the girl.

"Low-life date, eh? You can get better than someone like him!", said Myko with the slightest of a wink.
::A daring look flashed across Geroy's eyes, and a mad smile broke across his face::

Geroy: "No excessive maneuvers... just straight through the ship in front... if you can..."

::he spin to face Gin::

Geroy: "how much powder do we have... I want you to build a bomb..."
" Enough to blow up a navy vessel, their families and their pet snake. "

Wondering what his captain was thinking he resumed his cannoneer's post and reloaded the only cannon able to hit the marine ships from their current position.

Geroy: "Ok... here's the plan... I'm going to phase this ship through that ship up front.... when I do that, I want you to let loose with your oil, then drop the bomb. That should busy them enough that we can get away... I can only hold phase for a few seconds with the ship this big, so we need to be going fast..."

::He hopped up on the railing to watch for any stray projectiles in the air::

Geroy: "Steady on that wheel Kaito, getting rammed is the last thing these guys expect..."
A bomb? Are these fools serious? Damn he was loving his crew more and more. He was fighting the currents and the wheel as cannon balls altered their course. He fought to stay straight and was doing a damn good fine job of it if he had to say so himself.

"Gin, put some fireworks 'n that bad boy. We gonna give da cove a show taday!"

Spinning the wheel a few degrees, he aimed the Dragon directly at the closest Marine vessel. This was going to be fun. Though he wanted to make sure of one thing.

"Yo captain, when ya do yer phasy thing. It's only gonna phase the ship right? We still need to dodge objects and the sort or not?"
Kayla didn't argue when Myko offered to get her another drink. She turned to the red-head, "I'd be careful, you're probably next on his list. Have a seat for a while. It'll be nice to have some female company." She poked at the warm food on her plate, suddenly not hungry. She had a bad feeling about all this. She finally took a bite and turned to the white-haired man she had given the sedative to. I guess i should do something about him. She reluctantly took out another needle and filled it with something to counteract the sedative...but slowly. Once the medicine was administered, she looked around for her childhood aquaintance. When she found him, she shook her head. "He never learns." She sighed and decided to let him flirt with the young girl at the bar. "At least he's not staring at my chest anymore," she said to herself, taking another bite of her phesant.
Thief blushed gently at the look on Myko's face as he stared at her. She grabbed Myko's hand, her eyes wide. "Oh! Please don't, I can pay for it. I wouldn't want to be a burden, I mean we don't even know each other." Thief said, her brows furrowing with concern. She flushed deeper as he smiled at her. "Well... I'm starting to doubt it since I always seem to find myself in these situations." She muttered with a sigh.

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