One Piece: The New Age [RP]

Kayla finally gained her composure and looked around to get hold of the current situation. She saw Myko still trying to recover from his collision and then being whacked with his bag of loot. The loot. Where is the thief? She looked around to find the girl and then felt the ship jerk into motion. Not a bad idea. Suddenly, the girl hauled herself onto the railing and looked like she was about to jump.

Kayla sprung into action. She bolted across the deck and jumped to a slightly higher level. Her cat like agility aiding her as she ran across the railing on the second level like a tight rope walker. She lept down when she reached the edge grabbing onto a hanging rope as she did. "Hope this isn't to anything too important," she mumbled to herself as she threw one of her daggers and cut the rope. Once it was cut, she used her momentum to swing out over the water and then back in toward the ship in a wide circle. Kayla's eyes met the girls for an instant and she grinned. "Nice try!" she yelled out to her before she slammed into the girl and knocked her off of the railing and back onto the ship. When she was safely over the deck once again, she let go of the rope and landed back on the deck, landing in an almost prowling position, a slight feral glint in her eyes.
Eva let out a grunt as she was slammed into by some woman and knocked off the railing. She felt herself sailing through the air towards the deck; acting quickly she twisted her body and landed lightly on her feet, bending her knees so they'd take the impact of the landing. She looked up and saw the same woman crouched on the deck; a feral look on her face. Eva narrowed her eyes and braced herself for any sort of move from the woman.

She still glanced around cautiously, making sure to be aware if anyone was trying to sneak up on her. Eva hefted up the loot bag, readying her arm to use it as a very hard weapon; as Myko experienced first hand.
Kaito was obviously not one who could remain mad at somebody. Yui ignored him long enough that he decided to check what all the fuse was about. He walked over to Gin. He seemed to be reading a newspaper or something. the young boy put his hands in his pockets.

"Yo, what ya readin' there. What's so excitin'?

He lifted himself on his tippy toes trying to see the paper. This being small stuff sucked.


Even after that short amount of time of being passed out, Sean awoke to the commotion, still dazed from his drinking. He stumbled up to his feet, then over to Gin. He looked down at the bottle in hand. Sean remembered all the trouble this bottle caused, his eye brows scrunched together and he swiftly chucked it overboard. Now he looked at Gin, then at the newspaper.

"Well, apparently the marines didn't even notice I was gone, how depressing. Oh well. Maybe for the best."

Sean wobbled back over to the railing of the ship. There he slid down sitting on the deck while still leaning. What a lazy day, this adventure sure felt like it was off to a slow start.
As soon as Gin ran towards the ship, Najibe had an inkling that something was up. "Hey, what's going on Gin?" Najibe asked as Gin unfurled the newspaper and held it. Peeking, Najibe discovered a most interesting piece of information: the bounties for each member of their crew:

Yato Crew / Captain Geroy Jenkins ' The Ghost ' 15 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Kaito '
The Hourglass ' 10 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Gin '
Napalm ' 9 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Hanako '
The Syckle ' 5 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Najibe '
The 'Fro ' 7 Million Berri

Unknown Crew / Ker'Tela '
The Mumbler ' 6 Million Berri

After reading this, Najibe chuckled.
"So I'm only worth 7 million, huh? Well, they say that seven's a lucky number....maybe I'm gonna get lucky someday, heheh!" he joked as he continued reading. "Hahahahahah, looks like the tsundere's bounty's only worth five million! Even this other person has more than her!" he said, laughing out loud. Terry then proceeded to poke Najibe's forehead with his somewhat sharp beak. "Ow! I was just telling the truth Terry, gosh!"

Kayla eyed the thief, noting the bag and her hesitant glances toward the others. The right moment to take the girl off guard was all she needed. She shifted her position to a half standing one, but still crouched and ready to pounce. She slowly drew another dagger hoping maybe to cut the bag loose from the girls hand. There was something else she felt however. Something about this girl made Kayla very uneasy and annoyed.

She's a nimble one I'll give her that, she thought to herself. Then without warning, she took her chance and sprung forward with all her speed, ready to get her hands on her new captain's loot.
::Uncle Henry stumped on deck of the Gangrene Dragon for the first time, and admired the wheel that graced the deck::

Uncle Henry: "She's a good ship, very fine... but it looks like she's been in a bit of a scrape recently. No worries though, I'm sure with me at the wheel, you'll stay on the dry side of the water..."

::Geroy finished his pre-launch checklist and sat on the railing, chewing an orange::

Geroy: "Allright. All hands on deck then? lets cast off!"

::Uncle Henry cranked the wheel hard, and the sails snapped up the wind::

Uncle Henry: "Next stop... Reverse Mountain!"
Eva's eyes snapped back to Kayla as the woman pulled out a knife, her red eyes narrowed. She'd have to be more careful now; she eased into a fluent position, shifting her weight back and forth between her feet. She kept herself at the ready for any movement coming her way. Her eyes flickered at the sudden burst of speed.

If she hadn't been prepared, she might have been hit. But Eva had been prepared for a strike, moving swiftly she whirled out of Kayla's aim and using her whirling momentum, arched the heavy loot back towards the woman's head.
Kayla grinned as the girl spun out of her attack. She's fast too. When the thief maneuvered around and behind her, she turned her head enough to see her opponent. The bag of loot was suddenly being flung directly at the back of her head. Kayla's eyes widened a little as she tried to think of what to do. If that hits me... She leaned forward and her hands hit the deck, harder than she meant to. She grimaced as she felt her wrist pop unexpectedly but continued her assault. Using her momentum she thrust her legs up and into a hand stand position with one leg on either side of the bag. She brought her knees together and grasped the bag with her strong legs. She'll either drop it, or hit the deck with it. She continued her momentum and did a flip maneuver, pulling the bag over her body and intending to either tear it from the girls grasp or to slam both of them into the deck of the ship.
Ker Tela kept walking around town looking for a place to get some gun powder. She found tons of places but all to expensive and she had no real desire to sneak around much right now she headed back to the ship and looked for the pirate that helped her earlier. "Hay, whar'hs deh shap ronnar??" She saw a boy with the same clothing, then looked around then back at the boy. "Ehh, yuw dut pyrat??"

(Hey, where's the ship runner??)

(Uhh, you the pirate??)


Tah Zaya kept her ship on course knowing only the basic direction of where her sister was. She ordered the ship to halt and turned towards the other Marines. She knew her duty was still to remain if needed but no one had said they needed her. She decided to stick with her plan, and ordered to continue. Soon enough.
Lillith maneuvered her arm out from under Kayla. Lifting herself off the woman, and sitting herself on the deck. Oh, my head...

The red-head barely had a time to react as she watched everything unfold around her. She lurched over as the ship began to move...
Already? Recovering her focus, Lillith jumped to her feat and pulled the invisible pistol from her hip.

Chills. The wind was hitting her now, more so than before. It's going to be a cold night. Lillith held up her firearm to the thief's feet....
There...! She fired. Too bad right before she did a wave crashed, knocking her off balance. The bullet went right into the deck beside the thief.
Myko finally stood up off the ground and started making his way toward where Kayla and "Juicy Lips" were fighting, still very dazed though. He was like a drunken sailor, trying to make his way across his own deck - stumbling here and there. He stopped to observe the fight between Kayla and his booty thief. It seems that Kayla is good in combat, too... I only took her for a doctor, but this is even better! Myko thought to himself. Then he had to grin. An epic battle between lips and legs, oh the joys of his life.

"You're doing a great job, Kayla! Just don't damage the booty!", Myko said out loud to Kayla.
Eva blinked as suddenly the woman grabbed the bag with her feet and started to pull the bag forward. A smirk appeared on her face as she allowed the woman to do that. She felt a bullet hit the deck next to her feet, but she forced herself to not do anything about it. Eva swung her feet forward to collide with the woman's stomach as the woman's back hit the deck.

Continuing to grip the back she stepped off the woman and dragged the bag away from her feet. "Stop calling me that!" She yelled at Myko in frustration, perhaps she needed to hit him harder?
Kayla grunted as she not only hit the deck rather hard but the girls feet landed in her stomach knocking the wind out of her. The grip she had on the bag loosened and she felt the bag being drug away once the girl had stepped off of her. Her instinct told her to roll over. She rolled and lashed out with her hand that was still clutching her dagger and sliced the bag open before rolling the rest of the way and clutching her now aching abdomen. She coughed into the deck, trying desperately to get her air back. She had heard Myko yell something toward her and listened to the girl respond but simply rolled her eyes as she finally caught her breath.
Lillith grunted with annoyance when she realized she missed... Mumbling, before focusing once again. She hardly ever missed. Ever! This stupid ship would take some getting used to. Balancing while aiming on a ship? She might have been a former marine... But she had little experience on ships.

Staring, and waiting, Lillith watched her target, fore-finger on the trigger.
Round two, she thought with much annoyance. Usually her targets would've been dead by the first squeeze of the trigger. Usually. However, she does have her off days... Well, whatever. Taking a quick glance to make sure no one was about to do anything to her, Lillith closed one eye. Her hands were steady. The only movement was caused by the... Boat. Steady as a rock... With her yellow eyes, Lillith took aim at the thief's hand.

Why the girl's hand, you ask? Because if she killed the retched little girl she would've had an ear full from her idiotic captain.
Maybe I should get her in the shoulder... Contemplating the idea, Lillith chose the thief's hand, instead. Perfect! The red head took the shot, aiming for the side of girl's hand. There was a loud, "BAM" as she pulled the trigger. The sound could easily deafen someone standing to close.

Eva let out a yelp as a sharp pain slashed across the surface of her hand. Her hand instinctively let go of the bag and she jumped back. Glared alternatively between Kayla and Lillith. Without her weapon she slowly backed off and away from them. Her lips curled into an annoyed growl. Eva flinched slightly as her back hit a wall behind her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw a door to her left. Glancing at Kayla, the young thief threw herself to her left. Yanking open the door to the kitchen and slamming it behind her.
"Nice job, Lillith. The booty has been secured.", Myko said with a smile. He then rushed toward Kayla's side, just a tad worried. "Doctor down, doctor down! Are you alright, Doctor Kayla? Can I assist you in any way?" Myko couldn't help but suppress a grin as he started rubbing Kayla's stomach, where she was kicked by "Juicy Lips". He started getting dizzy as he was rubbing Kayla's stomach - he hadn't expected it to feel like this. Her stomach was smooth and finely toned.

"So very smooth... I think I'm going to pass out!", Myko said out loud, completely forgetting that they're supposed to be apprehending the juicy-lipped thief.
Kayla heard the bag drop on the deck after the second shot was fired. She sat on her knees with and looked to where the girl had fled just as the door to the kitchen slammed shut. Suddenly, Myko was right next to her. She stared at him, mild shock in her emerald eyes, "Yea I'm fine. Just got the...." She stopped what she was saying and glared at him when he began to space out while rubbing her stomach. "I'm fine Myko..." He continued to rub. When he shouted something about passing out she removed his hand from her body with the tiniest hint of a rose color staining her cheeks. "I said I'm fine!" She stood and stumbled slightly, not having her sea legs yet, but she recovered quickly. "Your loot has been retrieved but what do we do about her Captain?" she gestured toward the kitchen.
Vero's eye twitched as her sacred place was entered by that little thief. "Care if I take charge of this one then Cappy?" She called over to Myko cracking her knuckles before setting her gun. No one touched her kitchen and got away with it. Myko would know that one first hand and surely he wouldn't deny her protecting her home, would he?
Myko's dizziness faded away as Kayla removed his hand, then a triumphant grin spread across his face when he spotted her slightly blushing. He held his tongue, for amusement's sake. He looks to Vero, then back to Kayla.

"We'll go after her, of course! Vero can have at her first.", Myko said, then looked to Vero. "We'll head in, three minutes after you, alright? Be careful, this girl is sneaky!"
Eva looked about the kitchen wildly, her mind whirling from the different plans to escape that came to her mind. Unfortunately there was no window she could slip out from. An idea suddenly formed in her mind that Eva quickly ran about the kitchen to completely. She pulled herself into position and waited patiently for whoever would enter the door to the kitchen.
Vero nodded her head, "Sneaky as she may be she won't be getting out of my sight." A small pun, yes, but at least it was better than imploding at the thoughts of what that filthy woman could be doing to her baby. Holding her pistil at shoulder height she moved towards the door of the kitchen before kicking the thing open training the gun into the room. "Come on out little fox. I feel like hunting." She growled cruelly.

Stepping farther into the kitchen and shutting the door with her foot, a bit surprised it wasn't broken after the kick she gave it, Vero started looking around the room, scanning it carefully.
Eva grinned as she was called a little fox. "Little fox? Please, I'm a vixen." She shot back, suddenly pushing on her legs. The came a small grunt from her as the refrigerator suddenly tipped over and was heading straight for Vero. Eva had shifted herself into the small gap behind it and had levered herself up to tip it over.
Vero blinked, before letting out a small scream as the fridge came towards her moving backwards away from it, she avoided getting crushed but ended up with a leg stuck under neath it as she hit the floor. She hissed in pain before smirking at the little fox. "Please, your too ...small to be a vixen." Vero commented smartly, meaning of course the size of the girls height as well as bust." And a little too dull to think about what you just did."Opening her mouth wide, Vero Screamed out Myko's name while pointing her gun at the thief from her lower position, ignoring the now numbing sensation spreading through her leg.
There was a moment of delight as Lillith watched the bullet connect. The look on the thief's face was like the icing on the cake. The quick footsteps of the little rogue rang across the deck. The red-head didn't know the layout of the ship, so she had no idea what the door held in store. Apparently it was the kitchen, from the way the unnamed woman reacted.

Lillith had stood there, after hearing her new captains orders.

"We'll head in, three minutes after you, alright?"

Patience wasn't particularly her cup of tea. It did give her time to rest, however. It felt like ages before anything happened. But when it did, it felt like a bullet rushing out of it's barrel. The aforementioned woman, who had entered the supposed kitchen before anyone else, had screamed. Ontop of screaming Myko's name, aswell.

Lillith reacted first. She was trained to. Running toward the door as fast as she could. Was the woman dying or something? Lillith skidded across the deck slightly as she reached for the door handle. Grabbing it and regaining her balance, she pulled out her pistol and thrust the door open.

All this happened in a matter of seconds. In the dark room, Lillith stumbled. No time to react, for the second time that night she ran into something. Toppling over the rectangular item, the corner of it hit her in the ribs. Oh, it hurt so bad. She wouldn't be surprised if she broke a rib or two.

With a yelp of pain, Lillith regained her composure. Grimacing while still on top of the stupid refrigerator, Lillith took aim with her pistol.

"Gah, you little..." mumbling several curses, she laid off two rounds at the retched thief, hoping to land a hit in the dark kitchen.

Myko heard Vero's scream, then decided to head in right after Lillith did.

"Kayla, So-do, let's go!", Myko said before entering the kitchen, which was fairly dark, after Lillith had fired off two rounds. He was able to avoid falling over Vero and Lillith. Apparently Lillith had tripped over Vero, who was laying on the ground with a refrigerator on top of her leg.

"My cook! Damn it!", Myko yelled in anger. He was having a hard time locating Juicy Lips. Wait until I get my hands on you, you little devil! Myko thought to himself angrily.

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