One Piece: The New Age [RP]

::Geroy weighed anchor and walked into shelter cove (alongside any of his crew that wanted to come along)::

Geroy: "A typical pirate cove, huh? what do you guys say about a hot meal, then we look for a navigator?"

::He walked into the first tavern he saw, "The Salty Oyster" which hopefully, did not say TOO much about how the food was::

Geroy: "Lets start in here then..."

::He plopped himself down at a nearby empty table, and scanned the surroundings for a possible navigator::
Yui watched as some of her crewmates went to explore the land they'd discovered with her amazing skills of observation. She leant against the railings and watched the clouds go by for a while before going into her cabin to retrieve her guitar from her new room (the one she'd worked hard to claim and the one that seemed the biggest by her standards).

She sat on a fold-out chair on the deck and remembered the fishman's tune from earlier. Binks' Sake, she remembered it from her early days as a pirate.

Of course, with no other musician on board, the best she could manage was a solo version. She spent some time tuning it and started to play.

{I'm not exactly gonna type out the lyrics... besides, there's some in my sig, anyway. xD }

---------- Post added at 06:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:58 PM ----------

Kakeru pulled his eyes from the Cove entrance to look at Tah Zaya. He nodded at her.

"Good idea, we need someone to go after them." he looked back at the entrance, "but I'm not going anywhere. My orders are to stand guard outside this Cove and I intend to do just that."

He gestured at the new additions to his ship. "Can't speak for these guys, though."
Seeing as how, she really didn't run or chase things for fear of blinding herself. Vero watched with a vague amusement as the whole chase scene unfolded. Had to hold back a laugh at how it ended. In a way, Myko had caught the little thief, an awkward way. Gazing over at the other two, that was a bit more priceless. "5 berries says the was the most failing successful catch in history." Amusement and laughter coating ever word. Vero crossed her arms across her stomach, one hand settling over the gun kept at her hip. Just in case.
The sea seemed calm, too calm. As the rickety little row boat approached, the young Commodore could now see the vessel of her commanding officer. She snickered at the sight of it. It was sinking... SINKING!!! Of all things, slade could never keep his goals straight and nothing ever worked out for them.

"Faster you panzies, we aren't getting paid to folic. Paddle, paddle!!!"

She stood at the bow of the row boat, leg perched like it was some sort of accomplishment. Well of course it was. Her boat was here, with 5 or 6 marine no bodies ready to reinforce the one vessel that was still floating. She continued to stand there, basking in her glory until she felt compelled to call her commander over.


She was sure to give him his proper scolding. She kicked one of the marines behind her in his head.

"Did I say slow down. Faster! Faster!!!"

She kicked one of the marines in the face, launching him out into the water. That was his punishment for being slow.

"Swim back you hobo."


Kaito awoke from his slumber inside his cabin. His head was pounding and he was as hungry as a moose. He sat up, scratching his head. The boy leaned off the side of the bed to stand up but something strange happened. His legs no longer reached the floor.

"What da hell..."

He spoke softly to himself. Kaito's memory was a little fuzzy and he didn't remember much from the night before. He jumped off the bed and to his own surprise he wasn't nearly as tall as he had been either. Now he was confused and went to the mirror for confirmation of his suspicions.


Yup, he was right. Once again he over used his powers and as the result he transformed back into the body of himself when he was seven. Limited muscles. Short spiky hair, and baby soft skin. Though all his clothes still fit. Thank god those never changed.

Kaito stormed out of his room nearly kicking the door down to the deck as he exited.

"Yui! This is all your fault!"

He screamed at her with his childish voice.


Sean would of been their to see the child, except he left with captain Geroy and the others to get some grub. He was a hungry man, and required a regular fueling. Maybe while he was in town, he could find a new fishing pole.

"So men, what are our goals once we reach the grand line?"

The samurai man was curious as to the goals of his now fellow crew mates. Surely this would help them bond, forming more trust. Plus he would be able to fill the hole in his gut with food. Oh how he loved seafood. Sean chuckled lightly as they continued.
Yui stopped playing the guitar when she heard Kaito's voice -albeit whinier and squeakier than usual - behind her. She turned around to find a little boy glaring at her. She looked around, but found noone else there. Where had that voice come from? Come to think of, where had this kid come from?

She got out of her chair and walked over to him, putting her hands under his arms and lifting him up to eye level.

"How did you get on here?" she asked him, shaking him a bit for added effect. "This is a pirate ship, runt. Little boys belong in a sandpit, not a pirate ship."

She narrowed her eyes. "Are you another stowaway? Wouldn't be surprised at this point..."

Speaking of which, it'd be a good idea to get rid of this kid before Geroy and Gin returned. They'd already extended invitations to a fishman and giant-afro-weirdo, who's to say they wouldn't have a burst of compassion when they saw the kid and let him stay too. She didn't want to put up with a noisy brat for the rest of the journey, she already had five.

Still keeping him in the air, she moved to the side of the ship and held him over the edge. Perhaps it would be nicer to leave him on the island, but this was faster and far more convenient.

"Hope you can swim, you adorable little bastard."
As Najibe stared into a mirror on board, he was relieved that all he had were some very minor scratches on his handsome face...and his afro didn't look half-bad, either! Smiling as he walked towards the direction of his crew, Najibe heard Geroy mention something about Shelter Cove...

"Hmm, so that's where we are?" Najibe asked himself as they were gradually making their way towards the port. Feeling his afro for Terry, the pterodactyl, he discovered that he was no longer in the safety of his afro! "Dah! Terry! Where the heck did ya go?" Running around the deck, he noticed that Terry had found himself a nice little spot near the crow's nest as he chirped and pointed his beak towards Yui and a little kid that looked familiar. As Najibe came closer to Yui, he noticed that she was holding the kid over her head, as if she was planning on throwing him overboard.

"OY! What do you think you're doing?!" Najibe asked as he extended several afro tentacles to grab the kid and forcibly pull him away from Yui and towards the deck. "And you call yourself a refined lady? For shame, for shame!" Najibe reprimanded as Terry decided to fly around the kid, chirping away.
Kaito kicked and yelled at Yui before afro man saved him. After being placed down, he thanked the man and the little chirping bird. One of these days he would get revenge on

"Thank ya man."

He turned to Yui quickly and started shouting at her. He was angry that she didn't recognize him.

"What the hell is yer problem woman! Tryin' ta drown me. I'm still dressed da same I'm just younger! I can't believe yer so stupid! Stupid Stupid Stupid!"

Kaito stomped his foot and crossed his arms. A blood vessel could be seen bulging on his forehead. Soon he would so her the meaning of being evil.
::Geroy had finally found someone in Shelter Cove that looked promising. He was tall, sturdy, intimidating, and non-human::

Geroy: "Wow! you look ancient! what are you?"

::Uncle Henry looked over his broad shoulder at the relatively tine man shouting at him::

Uncle Henry: "I'm 92 years young, wee shrimp, I am one of the greatest fishman of this age.

...And do you know what's even more amazing? I am one of the only fishmen that can navigate well!, took me 50 years to learn, it did..."

Geroy: "And where's your ship and crew?"

Uncle Henry: "Dead, all dead... for the last ten years..."

Geroy: "So... you got shipwrecked on this island ten years ago?"

Uncle Henry: "Naw... I just swam over for a drink"

::Geroy smiled, he liked this old mollusk of a pirate::

Geroy: "Care to sail again? I've got a great ship and crew, we just don't know which way to sail"

Sakura launched herself up onto the ship in which a way she landed gracefully. She watched slowly towards slade. At that time, she figured he was ok. The marines looked at her, scared to see her. They all moved away, making a path to Slade.

"You bastard! How could you let ANOTHER ship sink! I swear you are so usele..."

When she finally got close enough, Sakura saw the wounds on the back of his hands. They were significantly burned. She felt sick, like something horrible had happened. She rushed over to him as tears filled her eyes. Her hands wrapped around his arm to hug him tightly as if it would somehow make him better.

"How did you let this happen! I told you to be careful when I'm not here! You went and got yourself hurt again!"

A few of the marines sighed. They had never before seen this side of her. That was until she noticed, turned around, eye brows out in anger and kicked both their asses off the side of the ship. After getting back to Slade quickly, she looked at his hands again.

"Are they OK?"

She looked up at him with her puppy eyes.


Sean followed Geroy. As they approached a restaurant Geroy began speaking to an old crust man. He was intrigued by the man. He seemed incredible. Though like always, he let a smart as remark slip loose.

"You look like the stuff I catch for dinner. Hah hah hah!"

He leaned abck and chuckled out loud. While he honestly meant no harm, even though it surely sounded like it. He sat at the bar next to the man.

"Mind if I sit and have myself a drink with you?"

His shirtlessness armed the bar and waved for a drink.
::Uncle Henry looked over at Sean and let out a deep booming laugh::

Uncle Henry: "BwaHaHaHa! You look like what I eat for dinner... I'm just kidding kiddo..."

::He held the uncomfortable stare and pause for a few seconds as if he were waiting for Sean to admit his line was a joke, before continuing rambling on::

Uncle Henry: "So, young captain, where are ye all headed?"

Geroy: "The Grand Line! you coming?"

Uncle Henry: "You bet your barnacles I am, it's the last place on earth I have yet to navigate."
Slade was surprised to see Sakura jump aboard the ship without warning, since he hadn't heard her yell earlier. He realized there was going to be hell to pay for letting the pirates get away and even sink a marine vessel. But after a short outburst Sakura hugged him and his burned arms thightly.

" Auw auw auw, don't touch my arms yet. The tissue has yet to recover, eventhough the doctor did a hell of a good job. It's nice to see you though Sakura, I'm sure that if you were here at the time those crazy pirates were here they would have never gotten away. "

He said with a broad grin, eager to please his cutesy, but ballsy "subordinate/friend" .

Out of nowhere though Slade got furious and even went as far as to supersize his hand in order to slap someone close-by but he held himself together and shrunk his burned arm and hand again.

" Those stinking pirates, no way in Hell that I'm going to let them get away. Sakura, choose some marines to row us to the marine base and we'll set sail towards the direction they flew off in as soon as we can. "

" This time I'm not planning on taking prisoners. "

He said with a vicious look in his eyes as he spat over the railing before calming down and adressing the Admiral.

" Sir, I hope it's alright that I leave your command for the time being. I have a personal score to settle with those pirates. I won't let them live after the dishonor they have brought upon us. "


Gin was alarmed as the huge, experienced-looking merman got into a silly arguement/joke-contest with the stowaway 'Sean'. He hadn't met any merman before this one but the tales he had heard weren't too flattering.

" I hope you're trustworthy merman, I'm going to admit I'm a bit paranoid but this crew means the world to me. You better not have anything wicked in mind. "

He said, with quite the hostile tone in his voice, which was quite uncharacteristic for Gin.

Sakura helped Slade over to the side of this ship once he was ready. She pointed to the row boat which had been boarded by all the marines his kicked into the water. A few of her men lowered the ladder for them and her Vice-admiral. She glared at them, making sure they were being careful.

"Off to the nearest HQ Men!"

And just how she had arrived, they left. Once again she took up her throne atop the front of the row boat and awaited their arrival.


Sean took only his second glass of sake before turning around to reveal that while he liked to drink, he was infact a very cheap drunk.

"You my good fishman sir! Should you partake in our crew, i demand you teach me the ways of fishing. You cant trick me, for I know your kind are awesome fishermen."

He went to cheers for a random person and in his quick lean back, missed his grapple at the edge of the bar. The drunkard fell flat on his face from atop his bar stool. Oh man what a glorious day. While down on the floor he spoke more nonsense.

"You sir, are a glorious man. Now could i get some assistance. I think my legs aren't working."
::Uncle Henry turned around to face Gin, his rather largeness, almost upsetting a table as he did so::

Uncle Henry: "I guess you'll find out soon enough, kiddo... But you're not gonna get anywhere on the Grand Line without this..."

::He held up a strange spherical looking compass::

Geroy: "Alright! it's settled then! lets get packed and ready!"

::Uncle Henry showed off his massive strength by carrying just about all the ships supplies by himself, With new supply ready to be loaded (and rum, can't forget the rum), Geroy and the Yato Pirates were just about ready to head off::

Geroy: "Hold on a sec, would you? Hey Gin, while we're loading the ship, could you grab me a newspaper while we're still in port? they tend to be so much more expensive out at sea..."

Gin glared at Uncle Henry but decided since his captain approved of him so should he.

" I guess I will, I'll trust you for the time being. Welcome aboard. "
He said with a grin

" Aye sure cappy, I'll meet you guys at the port later, I'mma take a stroll and look for a newspaper real quick. "
Sean followed the men, stumbling from time to time. Carrying all of only a few bottles of rum. Though this wasn't efficient considering he was drinking them also.

"Ohs mans. Zis liqeed room iz beazt."

And only after like one more drink he was gone. Passed out back up on the deck of the ship. What a wasteful drinker. A pirate who cant hold his booze.


Kaito looked at the others as they arrived. He wondered over, picked up a few boxes that his small frame could carry and helped load up the final supplies.

"Whoa. Ah Fishman. First time I've seen one. Ha. Kinda Scary lookin'"

Though he wasn't one to talk. Being so small at the moment.
Ker Tela saw an opening when the majority of the pirates left and the others were distracted, she rushed off with her stuff and the extras she took with her to remake her bombs Damn, why'd I have to choose THAT ship. She was angry but didn't care, she was free. She began searching the island for a Marine base and found none "Dem, Ai wunded tuh git uh few suplee's" She sighed and continued wandering.

(Damn, I wanted to get a few supplies)


Tah Zaya shrugged as none of the Marines took her offer. "Well if no one wants to get a free ride for revenge Ai'll be heading off." She started barking orders and the Marines headed in the direction of the Pirate ship.
Kayla didn't have a minute to think or even dodge as she was hit hard by something rather solid. She collapsed to the deck in a heap of limbs and a tuft of red hair in her mouth. There was a pain in her back as she landed on something that wasn't as flat as the deck. What did I land on?

She opened her eyes and tried to clear her vision as she realized she was face to face with Lilith. She blew the woman's hair out of her mouth, "Ow. Stop moving and let me shift." She shifted her weight to let the woman's arm from beneath her and then rolled to the side, her body aching and her head spinning.
In Myko's daze, he rolled off of Eva, not meaning to. He really wanted to grab hold of her, but his head was killing him for him to even think straight. All that was on his mind was distractions and booty and hair and eyes and legs. It was as if he were in some sort of... Twilight-Heaven. Where his head killed him, but his mind catered to his desires at an odd pace. He caught himself staring at Eva's lips again.

"Amazing... pure craftsmanship...", he said in a hush, mesmerized.
Eva blinked as Myko finally rolled off of her. She heard his quiet voice say something so she tilted her head to look at him. Her eyes widened as she saw he was staring at her... Or more pointedly her lips... Grabbing the bag of stolen loot, Eva let out a squeak and slammed it down on Myko's stomach. "P-PERVERT!" She yelled, scrambling up and taking of for the side of the deck.

Since she was running away from them, no one could see the tiny hint of red that graced Eva's cheeks. Which she quickly squashed. Eva was headed for the dock side of the board, hoping to leap over the side and escape into Smuggler's cove.
Myko doubled over in pain, rubbing his stomach now. This girl sure was fiery. He had to do something to stop her from taking off.

"Vero!", Myko called out. "Set sail! Now! Hurry! This thief - amazing beautifully-lipped thief, at that - will not be able to escape if we're further out in the ocean!"

He would not let his booty escape!
Yui looked once again at the little boy that she had been so close to ridding herself of. He was yelling at her and claiming she should recognise him but really, how could he expect her to remember every little brat that crossed her path?

She studied him, trying to find some part of her memory that remembered him. His clothes were familiar, he was right about that. They looked exactly like that ugly ensemble Kaito was wearing...

Just then, she had a realisation. "Kaito, you make a really annoying little boy. What happened to make you like this? Were you drinking weird chemicals again?"
Vero whipped her head towards the captain as he said her name before laughing and nodding. Quickly she started disataching ropes connecting the ship to the dock, the ones too far away getting a bullet through them. She sprinted across the deck towards the rope that would open one of the sails. As she reached it, she bit her lip before pulling as hard and as fast as she could possibly manage. It was just her luck that a gust of wind blew, right as she gave the sail enough slack. The sail puffed out and started pulling them out into more open water.

With a sigh Vero sent Myko a look telling him to get it together before going to get another sail up and running to help with the process. Funny in a way, she could have sworn Myko had been flirting with the girl earlier and then she did this. Maybe it would teach him not to flirt with anything with a bosom and two legs.
Kaito stared at Yui. She was so mean, she was always mean to him.

"I over used mah power. This only happened once before. Beside, how could ya not notice it was me. God your dumb."

He crossed his arms again and turned his back to her. Really he just liked to annoy her but right now he feelings were hurt. He couldn't believe she didn't recognize him. This actually hurt his feelings a little bit. He hoped that she felt that way also since he did insult her. Carefully he peeked back over his shoulder to see what she was doing.
It didn't take long for Gin, who was strolling around town, to find a stack of newspapers being sold by a young lad. He bought one and folded it open, browsing through it while walking. After he flicked over a page the look in his eyes changed to shock, his eyes widened and the corner of his mouth twitched into a smile.

What he read was:

Yato Crew / Captain Geroy Jenkins '
The Ghost ' 15 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Kaito '
The Hourglass ' 10 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Gin '
Napalm ' 9 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Hanako '
The Syckle ' 5 Million Berri

Yato Crew / Najibe '
The 'Fro ' 7 Million Berri

Unknown Crew / Ker'Tela '
The Mumbler ' 6 Million Berri

" Holy ... we have bounties ... there's no turning back now. Have to show this to the crew. "
He mumbled, still a bit dazed by the sudden and very fastawarded bounties.

He ran towards the harbor with the newspaper folded and held under his belt.

Arriving at the ship he climbed aboard and shouted
" YOU GUYS, YOU GOT TO COME SEE THIS. " Before opening the newspaper on the appropriate pages and handed them out to their respective " owners ".

Eva yelped as suddenly the ship stated to move, just as she reached the side of the ship. The suddenness of the move caused her to slip and nearly fall over board if she hadn't managed to grab onto the railing. Looking back over her shoulder, Eva hauled herself on top of the railing, looking out towards the dock of the harbor. Taking a gulp she heaved her bag over her shoulder and prepared to jump from the railing and hopefully land on the dock.

If she could make it, then the ship would have to turn completely around before re-docking at the harbor, which would give her plenty of time to escape.

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