One Piece: The New Age [RP]

"Have her spend a few nights in your room." Vero suggested, knowing how terrifying that one would be. She shrugged through, before crouching down in front of the thief girl. "Well....In all seriousness, despite how much joy you would get out of the last one, we could always break every single bone in both of her feet as well as shins, then string a line from each side of the deck and have her walk it repeatedly..." Looking up at their captain from her lower spot she again shrugged. She didn't care much so long as she could hear the girl screaming.
The woman continued her angry glare at the thief. She wouldn't have backed off. If it weren't for her captain. Lillith felt Myko's hand on her shoulder. Dragging her backward away from the girl she was threatening. Walking backward, never breaking her heated gaze from her victim. Standing back, she moved her weight side to side. Impatience brewing with every second.

"I say we just shoot her and be done with it..." Lillith replied. Shoot her in the foot, then in the leg... Then the thigh. So on and so forth, was her idea. Give her a slow, painful death. Although, I night in Myko's bedroom would work just as well. Either way the victim would die. One thing still bothered Lillith, however.

Why was her stupid captain taking pictures of the little brat? Really?
Kayla stared blankly at the tied up girl. She was bothered by the fact that she had lost so much control a few moments ago. She's just an immature brat. I won't let her get to me again. She raised an eyebrow when Myko started taking photos and adjusting the girls clothing. Then, as realization slowly set in, the raised eyebrow began to twitch. Is he serious? A small smile crept across her face as she shook her head when he took the final picture. Then he asked the crew for anymore ideas. She listened to the others before chiming in.

"Before we do away with her, why don't we give her to So-do for a while. I'm sure his wandering hands must be a little restless by now," she said with a twitch, remembering him grabbing her chest in the bar. "I'm sure he could teach her how to behave." This she said with an oddly evil grin.
So-do stopped strumming after he heard his name and looked over at the group. He got up and walked over and looked at the tied up girl then to Kayla. "I would Kayla but...she's to flat." He said bluntly. "But if it where you maybe....then again your pillows aren't the biggest I have grouped." he said as he closed his eyes with a tiled head, then he crossed his arms.
"Touch me again and I have a needle with your name on it," she said sweetly to So-do with an oddly creepy grin. "And most guys think more than a hand full is waste. To each his own I suppose," she continued with a shrug, sending a bit of flour dust from her hair and shoulders floating down to the deck. She shifted her weight to one leg and rested her hands on her hips. "So what ARE we doing with her, Captain?" she turned her green eyes, that now seemed a lot brighter against the pale background of her flour covered skin and hair, toward Myko.
Eva stared with wide eyes as Myko shifted her clothes and began to take pictures of her. "You bloody son of a -----!" She screeched, wrestling against her restraints. She continued screaming profanities at them, shocking everyone with the descriptive, harsh, and exceedingly dirtiness... She would have made a sailor blush. "And if EITHER one of you touches me in any fashion, I swear... I can kill you without having a weapon..." Eva snarled, looking rather animalistic in her rage.
Myko finished taking all the pictures, grinning broadly; he then turned to So-do, disagreeing with him about Kayla. "Perhaps she doesn't have the biggest, mate, but... they're godly-sculpted! What's not to like!?", he exclaimed. He then turned to Kayla. "We can leave her tied there for a while. Perhaps she'll freeze."

Myko secured the rope around Eva more tightly, ignoring the disgusting words coming out of those pretty lips, making positive that she wouldn't be able to escape, he then turned back to So-do.
"Frisk her. Take all weapons and get rid of them."
Eva snarled at Myko's orders. "You touch me and I swear I'll break you hand!" She growled, her eyes flashing dangerously. "I'll gut you like the spineless worm you are!" She glared harshly at Myko, hate for all of them in her gleaming red eyes. It made a spooky image, a completely white girl, with red eyes that cried for the death of everyone on the deck.
"Mate I have to take you to some of the islands i have been on" So-do said as he uncrossed his arms.

After Myko told him to to frisk her he began to pat, grab, and grope Kayla. He stopped thought after squeezing her breast 2 or 3 times. " meant her...." He said with a disappointed look on his face as he looked at the girl. "Fine..."

So-do patted Eva down several times, finding some small arms and standers locking picking and break in tools. He looked in the the place he would and could hide a weapon, being a wetboy (hitman or assassin) himself. "Looky what i found!" He said pulling a transcript copy. "Looks like it's to this ship of yours Myko." He handed it over to Myko.

Sighing Vero stared at the girl for a moment before getting tired of all her talking, cussing, and cursing. Turning and walking briskly into the kitchen once again she started rummaging through a chest that held her own personal things. Pulling out a scarf she started out of the dim room, grabbing a dirty dish rag while she left. Going back near the girl, Vero looked at Myko before holding up what she brought back. "Would you mind terribly if I did so?" She asked in the sweetest voice she possibly could, sending him a wink with it. She didn't really want him telling her no on this, just because it would give her something to laugh at, while giving them all peace from the girls mouth.
Eva's jaw dropped as So-do suddenly knelt by her and began touching her... Everywhere. Disgust and humiliation filled her, she felt so dirty now... Rage soon overran those emotions. Complete and utter rage, her vision turned red as she heaved her legs upwards. Her feet collided with So-do's groin. "DIE YOU SICK DISGRACE OF A MAN!" She screeched with fury, attempting to maul him while being tied to the mast.
Lillith stood there, watching. The orders made her grin on the inside. Finally, something is being done. If we waited any longer... Well, she'd probably be dead. The ship swayed, Lillith with it. She put her weight on her left leg. She took off her invisible rifle from her back. Still keeping it invisible, she leaned on it. Blinking, Lillith watched the cook. Ugh, why didn't we do that from the start?

Watching, trying her hardest to not pay attention to the annoying brat. Lillith watched So-do, a musician apparently, grope Kayla for the second time that night.
Why is it the only men on this ship are perverts? Ah, Lillith could only guess what might happen eventually on this ship. Something that might involve two people... Anyway, enough of those thoughts.

Lillith walked, slightly limping, toward the girl. "Shut up!" Ugh, why were all hostages loud and annoying?
Kayla's face immediately fell into an intense glare as she was groped and grabbed by So-do once again. she stood there, her annoyance completely obvious on her face yet she didn't move. She didn't even twitch. When he turned to frisk the thief, she glared at the back of his head and slowly drew one of her daggers. The same glare never left her face. She slowly, and silently stalked up behind So-do and raised the dagger high above her head, intending to bring it down upon the area connecting the mans skull to his spinal column.
Myko allowed Vero to cover Eva's mouth with the scarf; he was getting tired of hearing her now, as well. He then twitched when So-do misinterpreted his command, instead he groped Kayla. That's my doctor he's groping! Myko thought, annoyed. He couldn't rip into So-do too hard though... as he apparently found a transaction record selling Calypso's Dream to some merchant.

"So-do... good word finding this paper... but don't touch Kayla like that again. She's a doctor, you know!", Myko said, shuddering at the thought of what Kayla could do with a syringe. Or should he assume it a dagger, as he watches Kayla stalk up behind So-do with a raised dagger, a horrid glare in her face.

Myko quickly grabbed Kayla's arm that was holding the dagger; then dragged her gently away from So-do.
"You don't want to be doing that, love.", Myko said calmly to Kayla. He secretly wouldn't mind if she did kill So-do, especially after he groped his gypsy doctor, but he needed all the crew members he could get.
Vero grinned evilly looking back at Eva while wadding up the nasty rag into a ball after Myko had pulled Kayla away from So-do. "Open wide love." She murmured, kneeling beside Eva and shoving the dirty cloth in her mouth rather roughly before wrapping the scar over her mouth and tieing it behind Eva's head so she couldn't spit it out. Standing back up she brushed her hands together leaning on her good leg admiring her handy work. Then turning to look at the other people recruited, Vero chuckled to herself, I think I'm going to love this crew.
Kayla continued glaring as Myko grabbed her writs and drug her away from the musician. "Oh come on! I'll only kill him once, I swear," she said in a low growl. She tugged against his grip to go after the other man once more but his grip held firm on her wrist. She sighed, "Fine," and then took her wrist from his grip to sheathe her dagger. She then began to try to pat away the various hand prints So-do had left on her body from the groping and flour but only succeeded in spreading the flour to re-cover the prints.

"Wonderful. I look like I'm ready to be kneaded and shoved in an oven to bake," she said examining her flour covered arms and hands. She then looked at Myko who was also on the deck when the flour explosion happened. She couldn't help but snicker at the image of him completely covered in the powdery substance. Not to mention what had accumulated in the top of his hat.
Eva glared at Vero as she tied the rag around her mouth. She suddenly began chuckling as her eyes glanced pointedly at Vero's damaged leg before sending a mocking glance back at the cook's face. With that, Eva closed her eyes and leaned back against the mast; she was obviously going to ignore them now.
::Now that the Kaito Pirates had a navigator who actually knew how to direct a ship, the Gangrene Dragon and crew were sailing quickly for the entrance to the Grand Line::

Uncle Henry: "We should be there soon, but there is an island close by. It's controlled by marines, but it's also a great one-stop shop for everything pirate. What do you think captain?"

::Geroy pondered the question for a moment and addressed the entire crew::

Geroy: "Marine controlled he says? Who's in command? how strong are they? has anyone been there yet that can tell me?"
@Blue Text Pirate Crew

Ker Tela looked over as they mentioned a Marine Base "Mai sezter tukked aybot et wunce. Is a men dat cuntrals hez Maroons porfactly, dun't knew hell though." She began to imagine the fun to be had there Well I am forced to follow this crew until they dock... If they go there, I'll have lots of toys to play with Her thoughts were happy though if any could hear them they would be creeped the hell out.

(My sister talked about it once. It's a man that controls his Marine perfectly, don't know how though.)
Lillith looked intensely at the now gagged hostagee. If it was a body, she'd have her foot on it. Lillith looked away, now trying to keep her mind of the annoying brat. Putting her nose up in the air. Lillith smelled the rich salty sea air. It was comforting, in a way. A scent she hadn't smelled in quite awhile. She watched her crew mates argue amongst each other. Slightly entertaining, she hid a smile. Lillith's lips had not broken a real smile in to long.

I wonder... A thought crossed our "heroine's" mind... What happened to those ships from earlier?

"Oi, I don't suppose any of you have been missing that cannon fire from awhile go?" Lillith said in a gruff tone. There was no trace of fear in her voice. Cannon fire? No. Lillith did not fear cannon fire. But what really happened out there? Perhaps what was there was still waiting for them. Waiting for the chance to strike.
Maybe I'll be of some use here.
Kayla paused when she heard Lilith speak. "Now that you mention it, I haven't heard any in quite some time. I don't see any other ships either." Her last statement wasn't so unbelievable since there was a mist beginning to settle on the top of the water inside the cove. Kayla tapped into her panther senses and listened as carefully as she could for any sounds of guns or cannons. There was nothing. Only the movement of the water beneath the ship, the low small talk among her other crew mates, and the occasional wind blew. It was almost eerie. Kayla have expected a ghost ship to pop out of the mist at any minute.
After giving Myko So-do felt his job was done, for both the thief and Kayla. He went back to his guitar and sat down and start to strum again. He had noticed that the mist starting to cover the top of the water. It did indeed feel eerie and So-do felt the music should add to that feeling. He got up and knocked the heel of his foot of the deck to find a good hollow spot. When he found one he would tap his heel on the spot in a eerie rhythm. He began to pluck some stings on his guitar to the rhythm. " did that song good...." He said as he kept the rhythm going.

"The king and his men stole the queen from her bed, bound her in her bones. The seas be ours and by the powers
where we will, we'll roam." It was an old pirate song he had picked up when he was little, his father told him it was very very old and still a bit creepy to this day.

((OOC:if it's in italics it's So-do sing))

Now that the thief was taken care of, for now, and So-do was still standing, Myko decided to go onto more pressing matters as Lillith brought up the cannon fire that they had heard earlier. He would have to worry about this transaction paper selling his ship to some merchant later, stuffing it in his coat pocket.

"Now that you mention it... it is a bit odd that it suddenly stopped like that.", Myko said, with a confused expression on his face. Perhaps we should take precautions... he thought to himself. "Vero. I want you to use your amazing eye-sight to look through this mist. Search for any nearby ships, alright?"
"Alright." Vero said cheerfully, before walking, a bit crookedly at that, towards the ropes that went from the deck up to the crows nest. Jumping she grabbed the rope, and started climbing using only her hands and good foot stopping about halfway up and looking out over the water and mist. The dark tint of her glasses was, for once, getting in the way as it mixed in with the mist. Taking them off with a wince and holding on the rope nets with on hand, she scanned the open waters before her eyes settled onto a group of ships setting in the direction they were headed.

Narrowing her eyes a bit as a small bit of blood trickled out from them, she let out a startled yell. "Myko. We've got ourselves the Navy at our exit. Remains of a fight which would explain the cannons. But their still waiting." Vero called down to him, her eyes never leaving the marine ships.
"The Navy? God help us. " was all the escaped Lillith's lips. Great. Not even a day out at sea and we have navy waiting for us. However you want to call it, it's frankly... Well, annoying. Here we are, peaceful (as-of-yet) pirates beginning to set sail with a hostage, and we already have Navy wanting us. She let out a huff.

I suppose I'll be needing this, perhaps. Lillith took her long, sturdy, metal colored rifle off the her back. The somewhat heavy firearm felt like ice on her grip. It was a good feeling to have it in her hands once again. Somehow Lillith never quite felt the same when she held it in her grasp. Even if it was only on her back. The rifles shape started to take form outside of where she was holding it. It looked cloudy at first. (Of course, all this happened relatively quickly.) Then it began to take color. The dark gray metal hardly stood out at all in the night. However, it was a stark contrast to the heavily floured people and deck.

Lillith gripped it with one hand near the top of the barrel. She sat the butt of the rifle firmly on the flour-stained deck, beginning a lean on it.

She huffed again, waiting for Myko's orders. What a useful character, Lillith thought, watching the so-called cook.[/color]

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