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Fandom One Piece: New World

Lady Warlock

Anime RN


Arc 1: Scylla and Charybdis
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Captain Scarlet Indigrid and First Mate Danny Chasseur


The sea was fairly calm, only a single large vessel even daring to disturb the calmness of the water upon which it sailed. True, there was the slightest breeze to carry the ship along, however, it was not enough to break the surface of the water which meant that it was a peaceful sea, a quiet sea, an undisturbed sense of tranquility. The plain reflection of the vessel on the surface of the water was such that it almost appeared to be a dream, an image too perfect to actually exist, such that it would steal away the minds of all who dared to stare into its perfection.

Of course, that was not a thing that would last very long. The peacefulness of it shattered as a single voice pierced through the air like a screech filled with energy so intense the surface of the water rippled beneath the bellowing sound that contained so much emotion, so much excitement, so much obsession that it simply could not be contained. “DANNY! Can we go to the Grand Line now!? Can we?! Can we?!” The voice belonged to Scarlet Ingrid, and it was a voice that anyone on board Charybdis would immediately recognize.

Danny sighed. She was doing that a lot now, sighing. It was probably due to the fact that she was on a ship full of morons but they were lovable morons all the same. Sometimes…

Danny stared out at the somewhat calm sea. The Grand Line was a dangerous ocean, filled to the brim with pirates and marines and any manner of people out for blood. She would have to be on her guard to ensure the safety of the crew that had gotten far too large for Danny’s liking. She could feel the weight of all of their lives on her back and it wasn’t a pleasant burden to carry. However, she couldn’t deny the wishes of her captain, no matter how eccentric she may be.

“You’re the captain, Scarlet.” Danny reminded her friend. “If you want to go to the Grand Line then give the order. We will follow you even into the pirate graveyard.” Danny rubbed in chin in thought. “We’ll need plenty of supplies to make the trip though…”

Scarlet’s head turned slightly in confusion at her First Mate’s end comment although her bouncing figure remained as her uncontainable excitement grew further and further. “Supplies? Those cost money, right?”

“Yes Scarlet, you exchange money for goods and services. You truly are one of the greatest minds of our time.” Danny dead-panned.

“REALLY?!” Scarlet’s eyes grew wide with pure joy at the “compliment.”

Danny face-palmed. “We need to dock at an island to stock up so we need the crew to get to ready. I’ll just go tell them that…”

“No, no, no! I’m the captain! I wanna give the orders!!” Scarlet started bouncing again as her hand shot onto Danny’s shoulder to keep her First Mate from walking away to tell everyone what they needed to do next.

“Do you know what you’re supposed to tell them?” Danny questioned, raising an eyebrow at her captain.

“Noo… but you can tell me, right!?” Scarlet’s hands clasped in front of her in a way that almost looked as though she was pleading with her First Mate. “Please!”

Danny sighed again. “Let’s get this over with.”

Scarlet beamed, showing all the teeth she possibly could, as she turned on the deck of her ship to face the rest of the crew. “Attention everyone!! I get to be the captain now!!” Scarlet turned back to Danny and whispered, “What do I say next?”

Danny rubbed her face and sighed for a third time. “Alright, Norman, we need you to navigate us to the nearest port town..."

“Norman, we need you to navigate us to the nearest port town!!”

“We need a place where we can stock up on everything we could possibly need for the journey….”

“We need a place where we can stock up on everything we could possibly need for the journey to THE GRAND LINE!!! We’re finally going to find the One Piece!! I’m going to be Queen of the Pirates!!” Scarlet’s enthusiasm gradually grew as she continued her little spiel before she literally exploded into a jump that almost made her look like a cheerleader.

Danny smiled at her captain’s energy and let her have her moment before continuing, “Angel, Marcus, Mairi, Katarina, O’lia, and Pandora, we need you to check your supplies and figure out what you need to stock up on…”

“Angel, Marcus, Mairi, Katarina, O’lia and Pandora, check your supplies and figure out what you need to stock up on!!” Scarlet had her hands cupped around her mouth as she shouted the order out.

“Ulysses, take the helm and follow Norman’s directions…”

“Ulysses, take the helm and follow Norman’s directions!” As Scarlet continued to repeat after Danny, she continued to ensure that she was louder than Danny.

“Clay, get off your lazy ass and clean the ship. This place is filthy…”

"Clay, get off your lazy ass and clean the ship!" Scarlet shouted, smirking slightly because that order in particular amused her greatly.

“Leonardo, and Gali, you guys are on lookout duty.”

“Leonardo and Gali, you guys are on lookout duty!!” As Scarlet proclaimed what seemed to be the final order Danny intended to relay to her, her eyes scanned over her crew wondering if there was anyone Danny may have missed and her eyes fell upon Tora. Scarlet’s eyes grew wide as she added, “Tora!! Let’s liven up this deck!!”

“And Ziggy!” Danny shouted as she pointed an accusatory finger at their demolitions expert. “Don’t blow up the ship!”

“Hey!” Scarlet yelled at her First Mate. “I’m the captain!” she proclaimed as she pointed a finger at her own chest. “I’m supposed to give the orders!”

“Sorry Captain, I was just concerned with the integrity of our ship. Won’t happen again.” Danny replied.

“It’s ok,” Scarlet was once again smiling as she charged at her First Mate, Danny, wrapping her arms around her in a bear hug which didn’t last too long to be awkward. “You’re a good First Mate!” she said, patting Danny on the back before she leaned in closer and whispered in Danny’s ear, “Umm… we have a problem. I spent all the money…”

@sonicfreak101 @DeadgurlXD @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @Lioness3009 @The Dark Wizard @CJ Mason @National @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR
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Ziggy: The Demolitions Expert

Just Another Day

Ziggy lay on her stomach, her feet kicking the empty air as she hummed. In front of the young girl lay a scary site, there was the beginnings of a pipe bomb and a bottle of glycerin to her left, a pot directly in front, with another pot of water next to it, and some paper and sawdust to her right. She lay with her materials on the deck of the ship, close to the edge so she could look into the water if she so desired to. Suddenly the girl began to softly sing, making up words with the melody of Frere Jacques. Her concentrating and singing helped her ignore any shouting from the rest of the crew.


“I got mah bombs, I got mah bombs. How ‘bout you, how ‘bout you~” She reached for the bottle of glycerin next to her, taking the cap off. The bottle was unopened, she peeled the covering off and quickly moved the bottle toward the pot she was working with. Unknowingly a few drips fell into the beginnings of her pipe bomb.

“Make the nitroglycerin, gotta add the glycerin, gunna get hot, gunna get hot~” She softly sang and carefully added the glycerin to her pot causing the chemicals to react, and the liquid to began to boil. She reached with the other hand to grab the pot of water.

“Add da water slooow, before it blooow, do it now, do it now~” she splashed some of the cool water in, cooling the substance down, stabilizing it. A bit of the water splashed and landed in the pipe bomb. The mix of chemicals in the bomb immediately reacted, and began to sizzle, starting a fire. Hearing the reaction Ziggy whipped her head to look.

Mistakes Were Made

“And Ziggy! Don’t blow up the ship!!” The voice of Danny shouted over, catching Ziggy’s attention for a second before she turned back to the reaction.

“Uh-oh…” Her song stopped. She dropped the glycerin in order to free her hand to stop the reaction. That was when she heard the boiling, she whipped her head back around to see she unknowingly dropped the glycerin in her pot. “AHH!” She shouted. She jumped up and quickly poured more water into the pot, forgetting about her bomb and accidentally kicking it over the edge of the ship. Once Ziggy added sufficient water to stabilize the nitroglycerin, she turned back to her bomb which she noticed was missing.

“Oh no…” She whined right before an explosion went off underwater, tipping the boat to one side. “MY DID BAD!” Ziggy shouted as an explanation to the rest of the crew. The girl stood looking at the rippling water, practically feeling Scarlet and Danny approach her. She turned around with a guilty look, half hidden behind her green goggles. “Ooopsie…I didn’t know the Glycerin mixed with the Potassium Permanganate...it was an accident...” The girl whined again, her long ponytails drooping with guilt.

The girl’s brain worked slow, processing the exact words told to her earlier. She perked up upon realizing something. “But the water BY ship no count as ship, right?!”

@DaughterofAthena @sonicfreak101 @AllHailDago @Atom @Refaulted @Thesmashbro @Lioness3009 @The Dark Wizard @National @CrimsonEclipse @Tulani @shadowdude505 @BLUR @CJ Mason



Oli was not on the deck as most of the orders were given; however her almost trumpet like construction that reached to the top of the deck rattled off all she needed to hear. The sound was filtered through brass so the Captain's voice came out a bit lower than normal. Either way every word was heard and she began looking around her workshop. She began to take out a quill and ink container to record inventory for Danny per when the boat swayed from a clear explosion. "The bloody hell... what dull witted pasty codpiece... !-"

The rest of the shouting, clearly from Oli, could be heard in murmured tone through the other end of her trumpet like tube. Whatever she said was surely not good for saintly ears. Meanwhile Oli was fighting a battle of her own getting the ink off her pants and making sure the furnace hadn't spilt out because of the accidental explosion. There was a stray hot coal that was immediately put back into the furnace with a shovel and she stamped out the tiny flame it started. She would shut the furnace and lock it per usual whenever she wasn't in her workshop and moved toward the store room.

When she got there she took her handy "All for One Handle" she had made and latched it to the side of a half full barrel of ale. Soon Oli was on deck lightly covered in soot about her hands and cheeks. There was a light spattering of the black stuff on the tops of her breasts as well. In one hand she carried a barrel like a mug, and the other she was putting away her hammer which was used to bust off the barrel lid making it an open vessel.

She walked over to Danny handing him a piece of paper that had a large half giants handwriting on it that read off all the minimum necessities. There was a small section for desirable items if there was some extra money. "Hey Bomber Bunny.... mind warning us next time your gonna toss around the damned boat like that.... some of us work in hazardous environments."

Oli clearly wasn't really upset, which was clear from her playful smirk. She did seem a bit annoyed though and dealt with it by drinking from her giant's mug.. or barrel heartily. She would move to an area of the deck that she would be out of the way and sat down cross legged brushing the soot off her breasts and the soot on her hands onto her pants. She clearly either didn't know or didn't care about her cheeks.

@sonicfreak101 @DaughterofAthena @DeadgurlXD
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Tora sat on deck near the front of the ship with her aqua green guitar resting on her lap. She smiled as the salty air ran across her face and hair. Tora plucked the strings, making pleasant noises more than music. Once she found her groove, she started to play a song. Tears welled up in her dark green eyes as she recognized the tune; she was playing a lullaby her mother used to sing to her.

"Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head close to my heart. Never to part. Baby of mine..." Tora sang. "...If they knew all about you. They'd end up loving you too. All those same people who scold you. What they'd give just for the right to hold you." Tora didn't finish the song. She stood up after a couple moments of tearful silence, her bikini clad chest bobbed as she got up. She slipped her guitar over her shoulder, walked over to the railing, and let her salty tears fall into the ocean below.

The last verse of the lullaby brought back painful memories. She remembered the prejudices of her village. Of all of the citizens, she could only consider one human girl her friend. The rest had picked on her due to her fins and scales. That was nothing compared to what the adults were capable of.

Remembering the past, Tora saw a younger version of herself crying on the beach on a dark night. "Mom, don't go!" Her fishwoman mother, Torayako, crouched down to give her a hug. "I don't want to go," her mother replied in a sad, loving tone as Tora cried into her long brown hair. "I have to go. You'll understand once you're older." Torayako added with a sigh. "I love you Tora. Take care of your father for me." Torayako kissed her daughter on the forehead before swimming out to sea, leaving Tora crying on the beach.

"Mom!" Tora tried to swim after her mother, but a large wave caught her and swept her back to shore. She felt a pair of hands belonging to her father, Scot, help her up. He too crouched down beside her and tried to smile. Tora jumped into his arms and cried into his shoulder. Scot rubbed her back and got a little teary eyed himself. "We'll find her, Tora."

With her mind back in the present, Tora wiped her tears with her arm. The past hurt, but the future was a whole other story. As a Red Ribbon Pirate Tora knew she could rely on the crew; on her friends. Her mother was out there somewhere. Her dad's word's echoed in her mind. "We'll find her, Tora." "I know we will Dad. I'll find her, just like I promised," she thought.

A loud voice cut into Tora's reminiscing. It obviously belonged to the captain. Tora tried to stifle a laugh during Scarlet and Danny's banter. There was something about Scarlet's enthusiasm that brought her spirits up. “Tora!! Let’s liven up this deck!!” "Aye, aye Captain," she replied with a smile on her tear stained face. Tora grabbed her guitar from where it hung on her back and started to strum a sea shanty.

"What will we do with a drunken sailor. What will we do with a drunken sailor. What will we do with a drunken sailer" she sang before an explosion rocked the boat and her breasts. Once the ship settled she continued signing and dancing on deck as if nothing had happened. "Early in the morning. Way hey and up she rises, way hey and up she rises, way hay and up she rises. Early in the morning!"


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Norman Newman the Ninja Navigator

Norman tiptoed along the yardarm, silent as could be. He giggled quietly while looking down upon his prey. He'd been following Ulysses around waiting for the moment to strike, and he felt the moment was at hand. He was grinning ear to ear, although most couldn't tell behind his mask of a scarf. It was so soft and purple and silky, mmmmmm.

But whatever, ignoring that. The Captain yelled out orders, as Norman positioned himself just above Ulysses. He heard his orders and was excited to hear they'd be making land soon. There was an interesting island near by according to his maps! He shifted back and forth in barely contained excitement.

Norman went very still as he realized this was the moment! Ulysses was paying attention to the Captain, and was wide open! Norman took the opportunity and leapt from above, ready to bonk Ulysses on the head! As he fell he yelled,
"I have you nooooooow!".

He did not in fact, have him now. Just as he was about to bonk Ulysses an explosion rocked the boat, and Ulysses stumbled to the side. All Norman had time to think was, 'Well cra-', THUMP! He smashed fast first into the deck, a massive exhale rushing out of him.

Norman just laid there for a moment, an air of disappointment around him. But quick as can be he popped up and turned to Ulysses.
"Maybe next time then! So, ready to set sail for Cannanimal island?!". He bounced up and down out of excitement while he began pulling out navigation equipment and maps from who knows where.
Mairi Kohaku was at the opposite side of the deck Ziggy was on, looking over the rails and out to sea. She had already prepared her equipment was was waiting for some potions of hers to brew, so she had nothing better to do at the time. She was soon interrupted by the sounds of her captain repeating what her vice-captain was saying. The only part that was directed at Mairi was the part where the captain asked part of the crew to check to see what kind of supplies they needed. "I'm good." Mairi said, "I've gathered enough materials where if I needed to make three potions each day, I'd last several weeks."

What she said then sparked a question in her head. From what she had heard, the islands on the Grand Line are much more unpredictable than on any of the four seas. Would any of the islands have the materials she knew how to use? The idea of the variety of new ingredients sounded appealing, but would she be able to make any of the potions she already knew how to make once she left the four seas? Would she have to start from scratch? How long would it take for her to make a new venom before the ones she used ran out?

Deciding not to think about it any further, Mairi turned around to go to her room and check if her potion finished brewing. However, her eyes widened once she turned around at just the right time to see one of Ziggy's lit bombs fall over the side of the ship. "Crap!" she thought aloud before sprinting to her room. After slamming the door open, she ran to her flasks that contained her experiments. Before Mairi could reach them, Ziggy's bomb exploded and tilted the ship, causing Mairi's flasks to fly off her shelves. Knowing she didn't have enough time to save many of them, Mairi dived after one of the flasks containing... something... and caught it before it hit the hard, wood floor, cutting herself on some broken glass in the process. After brushing the broken glass off of herself, Mairi walked out of her room and back onto the deck, saying "...on second thought, I might need some supplies after all..." in a murderous tone while glaring at Ziggy and holding the flask she managed to save close to her almost flat chest.
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Leonardo Trace

Age: 20 | Gender: Male | Role: Enforcer

Leonardo was asleep on the rails of the ship, his back against the wall, such an act would be dangerous to anyone else but not Leonardo, balance was something he had to learn as apart of his former marine training, and he had to maintain it even asleep. He had his sword on his lap and he dreamt of better times, parties, gold, music, just complete cheer with the crew because they had found the one piece. However, everything started to go wrong, his perfect world invaded by marines, he thought they were all gone. Turning a bit, he woke up with a serious glare in his eyes as he scanned the area, remembering that he was on the ship and found the source of the voice that woke up him up. It was Scarlet, and with that he relaxed and looked at her kindly, coming off of the ship rails onto the deck.

"Captain, need I remind you that to survive in the Grand Line we would need to go Logue town to pick up a Log Pose, the only kind of compass that works in that part of the world" he explained in a kind and older brotherly voice, he was used to picking up after Scarlet anywhere they went, whether it was attacking Marines, shopping, adventuring in towns and more.

Then an explosion was heard, water jumping up into the air, the boat shacking, he drew an inch from his sword, ready to draw the whole thing in the case of an enemy, then his deadly eyes set upon Ziggy and her explanation, putting the bit he drew back into its sheath, he sighed and simply said "Be careful".

"Anyway, you all heard the Captain, get to your posts!" he said in his official Enforcer voice, and with that he started to climb up to the Crow's Nest where he would look out, his job was just as important as anyone else's for if he saw something he would have yell at the Helmsman to make sure they didn't crash or worse.
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Oli smirked a bit as Leonardo was ever vigilante as he usually seemed to be. She didn't much care for him barking orders like that. Oli was of course not one to fallow and never was. She joined the crew out of gratitude and her own desires. Her work was done for now and anymore would skin her hands and she sure as hell wasn't gonna bother the doctor over that. Far as Oli was concerned her only job at the moment was to make merry.

She stood up and looked to the crows nest waltzing over to the anchor. She began pulling it up one handed. Oli's heritage allowed her such feats of strength like this. In a bit the anchor was where it was meant to be and her giant mug set upon the deck. She would then notice the salt lines on Tora's face; She was crying. Still the fresh sea dog on the ship Oli wasn't sure where her place was among the crew. Either way she would approach the merwoman making sure not to bump or hinder any of the other crews efforts. She didn't want a verbal lashing from anyone today.

When she got closer to Tora she sat back down with her mug speaking low enough so only she could hear her. However, anyone who was trained to be aware of happenings in close quarters would hear her as well. A half-giants voice carries very little subtlety. "Eh, Tora. Ya okay d'ere. Ya seem to have been tearing up a bit." she takes a swig and looks to you with her one eye. It was clear she was indeed concerned and open enough to listen.

"Despite nearly half ma face being tore up.. I promise ya both my ears work jus fine iffin you need to talk to someone?" She would set the mug back down and look once more to Tora. Being she was the musician she assumed if she needed to mix words the Captain who seemed kind enough would allow her to talk. There was something about that rambunctious girl that lifted even Oli's heart some days. She wasn't like other pirates. Oli didn't believe her to be a queen of them; but, the potential to be was certainly there.

@shadowdude505 @The Dark Wizard
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Ulysses Jackobi Livingston

Ulysees felt a thud fall beside him, and he looked down to notice Norman laying flat down on the floor. "Don't you have something better to do? Then terrorize me?" Ulysses laughed bellowed throughout the ship. Ulysses was waiting to hear any news from Leo, one of the ships notorious swordsmen, in case there was anything ahead of them. Ulysses was the Helmsman, and he did want to crash the boat. "So what directions are you giving me Norman?" Ulysses pondered, he was to follow the Navigators directions.

As Ulysses took hold of the helm and started to steer it in the direction that Norman was giving. Ulysses looked back over at Leo to make sure he wasn't going to crash anywhere, and man did this somewhat seem like a nightmare. Ulysses often thinks back on his days in the Revolutionary Army, and in what he was forced to do, yet he doesn't miss begging for breadcrumbs on the streets of Centaurea - that was a nightmare as a child. Ulysses soon broke back into real life, and noticed that they haven't crashed yet. At least Leo was doing his job right, and so was Norman.

"So Cap, where are sailing to anyways?" Ulysses asked the Captain. Ulysses didn't have the slightest clue on where they were making him sail too, but he would listen to the Captain till the day, she threw him overboard.

@The Dark Wizard @AllHailDago @DaughterofAthena
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Tora sung through the chorus of Drunken Sailor before Oli addressed her. She stopped singing and dancing before walking up to the woman with giant's blood. "Music is an emotional experience," she replied, still strumming Drunken Sailor. She pondered how much of her heartache she should share. She didn't want to dampen the mood she was trying to create with her sea shanty. Tora could have sworn Oli knew about her mother situation. It wasn't something she wanted to keep a secret; the more eyes available to keep a look out for Torayako the better.

Tora started to doubt whether she had Oli in the loop or not. Maybe she hadn't informed her, Oli was one of the newer crew members. "My mother left home when I was a young girl. She was a fishwoman, obviously, and left in fear of what the prejudiced villagers would do to her." Although she replied calmly, a glint of anger burned in her eyes. "I'm going to find her," she said with determination. "And I'd like you to help me." She stopped strumming her guitar and showed Oli her family portrait in her locket.

Tora listened to crew chatter as she gave Oli a minute to study the picture of her mother, father, and younger self. Afterward she closed the locket and put it back around her neck. "This probably won't be the last time I cry on your shoulder, but I'll be fine. I'm a big girl after all," she said with a playful smirk, referring more to her age than her ample bust dimensions; she didn't flaunt about in a bikini top to look pretty. "I'll see ya around. The ship is big, but not that big."

Tora started strumming Drunken Sailor again as she made her way over to Ziggy, the source of the explosion. Instead of glaring or teasing like some of the others did, she simply asked a question. "Are you alright?" She sounded like a concerned sister. Ziggy was lucky that she was only the cause of the explosion and not in it.

@Tulani @DeadgurlXD
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Katarina had been daydreaming and looking over the edge of the boat at the water. She had a dreamy smile on her face but jumped, startled, as the captain bellowed their orders. Katarina smiled and ran down to her kitchen. She started making a list of all she needed and wanted to get for the voyage. She had two columns, one entitled priority supplies and one entitled extras. She knew the first mate understood that extras were only there if they could afford them to give the crew better meals.

After making her list she came back up to deliver said list to Danny.

"Here's my list! I hope it's legible." She gave an apologetic smile since she knew her handwriting was wanting in many ways.

Then she felt the ship rock because of the explosion and immediately fell on her ass. She grunted in pain and rolled her eyes at her poor balance.

Gali Way

Gali was sipping on his herbal lemonade tea that he usually made. It was a definite favorite of his that his mother back at home would make, mixing it with a bit of spearmint. But now, those days were long gone, perished into his past. He still missed his family, and how they would always have dinner together. On a day like this, they would have chicken with a special red sauce that his mother made out of the herbs from her garden.

Suddenly, he hears the sudden yell of his Captain's voice. It was no mistaking that chirpy little voice, it was definitely the captain. Sadly, it startled him too much as his tea crashes into the floor, glass flying ebrywhefe. He sighs as he cleans his mess. He was assigned to go look out with Leonardo Trace, the other swordsmen. Gali knew Leonardo was a very proficient swordsmen, both of them being the main swordsmen of the crew. Gali grabs his sword as he looks around. It seemed like a nice day, and he was hoping it would stay that way. He looks up at the crows nest, where Leonardo was at right now. Gali quickly goes over to his cabin to put on his bandanna. He walks over to a small tree that was in his room, where his bird Reky was resting. The bird hears Gali, and the golden parrot flies and owrches on his shoulder. "Whatcha doing, ehhhhh!?" The parrot was good at speaking, no doubt about that. It was definitely a special bird. Gali smiles as he walks out his room. "It's time for lookout buddy." The bird flies off into the sky until he was a golden speck in the sky.

Gali grabs the post, and he quickly shimmies up to the crow nest. He jumps in as he nods at Leonardo, resting his sword on his shoulder.

"How are you Leonardo?" @The Dark Wizard
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a747385_MarcusGaverenton.png.295df23e6578974c65a9c87a311fe696.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="75661" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4a747385_MarcusGaverenton.png.295df23e6578974c65a9c87a311fe696.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcus looked up from the fold-out table he had set up on the deck of the ship. Small vials of different assorted powders, chemicals, and liquids were set up in separate and orderly racks, with some of the vials bubbling slightly. A book was open in front of him as well, turned to a page about dangerous mixtures of chemicals and herbs that could produce a less than ideal effect on the human body, but could cure diseases in canine animals if specific steps were followed. Frankly, Marcus cared not for which effect he got, as both could prove useful to him or someone else in the future.

His eyes stayed on the captain for a couple moments before his eyes reverted back to his work, though his ears still absorbed all his captain said. He picked up a small vial filled with a small amount of white powder, and he poured it into another vial filled with a thick red liquid. He didn't use all of it, as he only had limited resources. He had to use most of his supplies in moderation, as he could only get them in few places. He watched as the liquid began to fizzle, until the bubbles enveloped the entire tube. He quickly placed a cork on the top of it, and placed it in another set of racks. '
All useless for now...I'll have to ask some other scientists if these can be of any medical use with other mixtures when he hit port next.'

Leaning back in his chair, he turned to look over at Scarlet. He folded his hands over his stomach, a habit he had seen his father do countless times when he was younger. When she was finished speaking, he ran a hand through his hair, blowing air out of slightly clenched lips. He spoke more so to thin air, rather than anyone in particular. "
Books...definitely need books...and some more naproxen sodium, as well, for painkillers...any indegionous stuff could be useful...too much stuff." He groaned, throwing his head back, his glasses flipping up to his forehead. "Uuuuuugh. I hate gathering supplies. Everyone I meet tries to overprice them, or they lie and say they don't have any in stock! It's utter bullshit, and they know-!"

He had little time to react, when the ship suddenly tilted to one side. His immediate reaction was to reach out and grab the test tube racks. He gathered them in his hands and held onto them, scared of the reaction that could happen if they all spilled and broke open. Either an explosion bigger than what he heard, or a poisonous gas that would kill them all off easily. He did not like either of those options. His table fell over, but he kept the chair stabilized enough so he didn't fall. It was as he watched the book fly through the air that he had a problem. Lunging forward, he shot his foot out over the edge of the boat, catching the book by it's spine with his toes.

After his heart finished racing, he exhaled the breath he didn't realize he was holding. Gingerly bringing his foot back over solid floor, he dropped the book on the ground, an angry look overcoming his expression. "I swear, Ziggy! If you're own stupid mistakes don't kill us all, it'll be my fault because you knocked a dangerous vial over! PLEASE be careful, will you?!" He scoffed, placing the vials back down on the floor as he fixed his table. When it was up again, he moved all his items back to their original position. When it was done, he turned back to look over the rest of the crew. "Anyone hurt? Fall down and hit your head? No?"

His eyes snapped over to Mairi as she walked out onto the deck once more, holding a flask of one of her experiments. He rubbed his forehead, annoyed as he saw the cuts she had on her arms. "
Thought something would have happened...Mairi! Gimme one second!" He walked briskly past her, passing the rooms of other crew members until he got to his. Once he opened it, the smell of bitterness and sweetness mingled in the forms of his own custom medicines. His room was nearly spotless, aside from his corner of work, where a desk housed all of his small test tubes and flasks that held medicine, as well as poison. He walked over to his bookshelf, which held even more vials than books. Grabbing one filled with a blue liquid, he also grabbed a small, clean cloth, as well as a few small cloth bandages and medical tape.

When he got back out to the deck, he showed the vial to her. "
Put some of this on the cloth. But only a bit. You have nothing serious, but I don't want you to start hurting. It should null any pain if the cuts were deep enough. Then put a bit on the cloth bandages, and put those on over the cuts. You should be in fighting spirit." He spoke in a gentle and calm voice, which was not something he commonly did. "I know I shouldn't really be worrying about you, but better safe than sorry." He turned his eyes back to the rest of the crew. "Ziggy, Katarina! Are the two of you alright? I'm more so worried about you, Zigs."

@DeadgurlXD @Thesmashbro @Lioness3009



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Katarina was just getting up and brushing herself off. She glanced over at Marcus when he called out to her and Ziggy.

"I'm good! Probably just a few bruises but nothing I can't live through. " She replied. She was also more worried about Ziggy so wanted him to look at the other girl.

Looking up at the sky she decided it was just about lunch time. She pondered whether she should start making lunch or wait until everyone was checked out and safe.

Clay Plainswalker

It was the kinda day, out on sea, that would cause a person to let out a content sigh. Tranquil waters, blue sky, and of course, the always satisfying scent of salt water. For a man like Clay Plainswalker, it was the perfect reason to lie down and do nothing, as if he ever needed a reason. Of course, Clay took the opportunity, sitting on lounge chair with his arms tucked behind his head, ever relaxed and comfortable. Nothing could possibly disrupt his peace anymore, it was gonna be a really good-

“Attention everyone!! I get to be the captain now!!”

Clay's content expression quickly twisted into a frown as he opened his eyes to see his captain, who had disrupted his peace. "Oh for the love of--"

But he wouldn't finish his whining, as the captain continued. Apparently, it was finally time for the Red Ribbon Pirates to go to the Grand Line. An exciting idea, almost worth having been knocked out of tranquility. However, Clay quickly turned back to frowning again as his captain, Scarlet Indigrid, began to issue orders.

"Clay, get off your lazy ass and clean the ship!"

"Nngh" Clay whined. As the crew's janitor, it was Clay's job to keep Charybdis clean. As the crew's laziest member, the last thing he wanted to do was be the janitor. With no haste, he peel himself off the chair, slowly rising to his feet as he prepared to head towards the supply closet on the ship. Granted, the ship was filthy at the moment, but that didn't make him want to clean it either. Regardless, Clay had to man up, as orders were orders.

Opening up the supply closet, Clay spotted the cleaning supplies. A mop, a bucket, and a few more basics. The 25 year old was reaching for the supplies, when suddenly, the ship was hit with a violent tremor, and then immediately afterwards, began to tip towards one direction. As a result of the sudden movement, the entirety of the supply closet spilled out, all onto the resident lazy ass of the Red Ribbon Pirates. Clay was buried underneath piles of various supplies, not feeling much motivation to dig himself out.

For a while, the pile of supplies just stayed the way they were, creating a scene where it became difficult to realize that there was even a person underneath. It became quiet in the area, too quiet.

"Hmpfphtphhmm mmh," Clay mumbled, breaking the silence. He punched through the supplies, as his fist came crashing through the surface of the supply mountain. After a short while, Clay managed to get out from underneath the pressure, as well as being able to neatly put back all the supplies within the closet.

Clay sighed, now that he had to begin his real job. Walking back out onto the ship's deck with his cleaning supplies, he began to get on with his assignment. With great technique, he began to mop the wooden floors of the ship's deck. Anyone that would watch him could tell that he was experienced, a janitor that had done it all and seen it all, as he mopped with a fiery resolve reminiscent of the ancient legends of past heroes. Or, at least, that's how Clay was imagining himself. In reality, he was mopping the floor the same way anyone would, as it was not difficult to mop. For eight months he had been doing this, ever since he first stepped foot on Charybdis.


It had been a few days since Clay had been brought on board the pirate ship of the Red Ribbon Pirates, having been added to the existing, but small, crew. He had been asked if he had any specific skills that could aid the crew, to which he replied that he was a martial artist. That had appeared to be enough for the crew, or so it seemed, and so for the next couple of days Clay would simply lounge around the ship, doing nothing but relaxing and taking in the salty sea air as the rest of the crew members attended to their jobs. With no specific skills, there wasn't really much Clay could do around the ship anyway.

However, the crew soon found a job that anyone, even Clay, could accomplish. Without any hesitation, Captain Scarlet, most likely through Danny's suggestion, assigned Clay as the ship's janitor, essentially giving the laziest pirate a job of labor to counteract his slacker attitude. Of course, Clay whined about this, but as he was the newest member at the time, and was hoping to please the people who so generously took him in on their adventure of the Blue Sea, he did as he was told.

Very soon, Clay would get used to having to clean up, even forging a bond with the ship, Charybdis. At first, he couldn't pronounce its name, but soon, through friendship, he would never again pronounce it incorrectly. Though he would still whine almost every time he was asked to clean, he was able to enjoy it a little more through creating his own little world where he was training to become the greatest janitor that ever lived. Of course, every time he exited this world, he would go back to hating janitorial work, but in this world he was king of the janitors.

End Flashback

And so, continuing with this quirk, Clay began to spin the wooden body of the mop within the palm of his hands, showing some fancy tricks as he cleaned Charybdis.

"What have you been doing to yourself ole' gal, you're covered in dirt. A dirty girl ey? Don't worry, I'll have you fixed up and lookin spiffy, or I ain't the god of the mop, and I definitely am that," Clay fantasized. He began to dart around, cleaning everywhere. At one point, he spotted Norman @AllHailDago , who had slammed into the floor of Charybdis. Clay headed over to his crew member, first mopping the area where he fell, and then proceeding to wipe Norman's face with the mop.

"Don't worry, I'll get that dirt for you!" Clay stated determinedly.
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Norman Newman the Ninja Navigator

Norman swayed happily whilst giving directions to Ulysses to get to Cannanimal Island. If Norman remembered correctly, it was an island full of cannabilistic animals and people. Or was it an island full of animals and people who were shaped like cans?

Norman inhaled sharply! He wondered if stabbing a van creature made them spill out beans! He entertained that thought thoroughly, and at the same time Clay mopped up his landing spot. Norman turned to greet him good morning.

He got a mop in the face instead. While the bottom half of his face was covered by a scarf, the top half was less lucky. He sputtered as water dripped down under his scarf and into his mouth. He wiped at his face and screeched, "But I already took a bath todaaaay!". He flailed his arm in a manner he called defensive, but most would call silly.

"I'm tryin to navigate here, you want us to pfffft right into a reef, Clay?!". He flailed some more in an "aggressive" manner. Then, when he believed he'd thoroughly flailed his point across, he turned back to Ulysses. "I smell a storm coming from the West so we need to adjust a few degrees to avoid it. It'll take a bit longer, but at least we won't die! Probably.".

@BLUR @CJ Mason
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Captain Scarlet Indigrid


As the sound of splashing pressurized water reached Scarlet’s ears, her eyes followed the eyes of everyone else on the ship as her attention turned straight to Ziggy as her lips curled into the biggest smile while she processed Ziggy’s own initial reaction to the explosion she had caused. Scarlet couldn’t help herself. She exploded into laughter. It was just the thing she should’ve expected from their youngest crew member and yet it was always amusing when something like it happened.

“But the water BY ship no count as ship, right?”

Ziggy’s question calmed Scarlet down a bit, her laughter fading into nothingness as she skipped up to her good friend and ruffled the demolitionist’s hair. “Right, Ziggy!” Scarlet replied, her voice filled with a soothing friendliness that was still somehow filled with a sense of never ending energy as her eyes turned to regard the rest of her crew mates as they reacted to the explosion in their own ways.

A Dance for Two

Her eyes turned to Leo as he called out to her and she nodded curtly to him although to be honest, she had only heard half of what he had said. “Log pose! LogueTown! Got it!” With each exclamation she nodded her head and her brown and thick frizzy ponytail bounced as her head bobbed, the ribbon holding her hair swaying back and forth as she did so.

Her eyes followed the swordsman as he made his way up to the crow’s nest quickly followed by Gali before another voice interrupted her thoughts and she turned around, spinning quickly as she grabbed Ziggy’s arm and brought the girl quickly into a square dance in the middle of the deck. It appeared that the captain had finally noticed Tora’s song and was very into it. “Come on, Ziggy!” Scarlet proclaimed, trying to get her friend to dance with her because it seemed like a fun idea at the time.

That wasn’t to say that Scarlet didn’t hear the helmsman’s call. She did, and her next words, which she screamed while continually spinning with Ziggy, confirmed that. “Where are we going?! I don’t know! Where are we going, Norman!?”

Map to Where

It was then that Marcus walked up to them, seeming to be concerned that anyone had been hurt in the explosion. Scarlet decided that it would be easier for him to examine Ziggy if she stopped spinning her comrade, and so that was what she did. She seemed to stare off into space for a moment, still contemplating what she had called out to Norman as she tried to regain her balance after such incessant spinning. Wait a minute… we need money. I DO know where we are going! It was the oddest of realizations, but for Scarlet, it was the epiphany of a lifetime.

She scrambled up to the helm just in time to see Clay swab Norman’s face and her laughter once again filled the air. “Way to go, Clay!” she exclaimed before turning her attention once more to Norman. “Danny said we need supplies, but… um…” Scarlet seemed hesitant to say whatever may have been on her mind although she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a scroll. “Let’s go here!” She unrolled it so that Norman could see it, revealing a map to a small island marked with an ‘x’.

@DeadgurlXD @The Dark Wizard @shadowdude505 @AllHailDago @BLUR @CJ Mason
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Leonardo Trace

Age: 20 | Gender: Male | Role: Enforecer

Leonardo looked over to the other swordsman, someone who supposedly mastered the one sword style. "I'm alright", he said in a refreshed tone, finally getting to speak to someone competent. He yawned a bit still waking up. He looked down at the ship and smiled, Scarlet had gathered an interesting lot, but he must not get complacent. Anyone who was a threat to her would be dealt with. "So how are you Gali?" he asked curiously of the other swords man and took out a miniscope to look out into the distance.

"Seems clear so far Helmsman" he yelled out before returning his attention to Gali. "So what have you been up to?" he asked trying to make small talk.

@National, @CJ Mason
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Dancing Time

At first Ziggy felt her cheeks get red from embarrassment and guilt as Mairi, bleeding from some glass, glared at her. “S-sorry..” The young girl whispered. @Thesmashbro Then, all the color from her cheeks vanished, as she paled from seeing Leonardo’s murder glare out of the corner of her eye. He sighed and muttered something about safety but Ziggy didn’t hear it. @The Dark Wizard

All Ziggy heard was laughter, and upon turning to look upon the source, saw it was Scarlet. The captain, jumped down to her and ruffled her hair, which caused her goggles to get all crooked. Ziggy beamed, happy that someone found joy out of her mistake. Just then, Ziggy felt like she was about to remember something important, but Scarlet proceeded to attempt to rip her arm off. “WHOA!” Ziggy shouted, caught off guard and instantly forgetting her thought.

“Come on, Ziggy!” The crazed woman demanded, forcing the two of them to dance. Ziggy laughed as she was swung around like a rag doll, catching only glimpses of those that walked up to her.

The first she could see was Oli, she could tell from sheer height alone. “Hey bomber bunny..” she began but Scarlet twirled Ziggy so suddenly the girl’s brain rattled and she could only catch the end of it “...hazardous environments.”

“Soorry?” Ziggy more questioned rather than apologized, confused on what Oli actually said. @Tulani The next person she saw had fins, so it must have been Tora. Ziggy thought she asked if she was okay but wasn’t entirely sure due to the excessive amounts of twirling her brain was going through. Just then Marcus walked over as well, Scarlet seeing him caused the twirling to stop and Ziggy to collapse, her head still spinning in a circle. @DaughterofAthena

Was I Doing Something?

“I’mm okaayy..” Ziggy slurred, her brain feeling like putty. Putty..putty...explosive putty?.... “MY NITROGLYCERIN!” Ziggy shouted finally remembering the liquid she was in the process of making before the ship tipped to one side. She jumped to her feet, accidentally ramming into Tora and Marcus as she attempted to squeeze between the two, before continuing to run to her pot. @shadowdude505 @Refaulted

Just as the girl feared, her pot had tipped over. However, she sighed in relief as much of the liquid was absorbed into the sawdust. She giggled to herself “That works!” She carefully began scooping up the moist sawdust and putting it back in the pot. As she cleared more and more of the substance she began to see that the ship deck now had a very distinct looking wet spot from the acid spilled on it. Ziggy glanced around, not really looking to see who was there, but more so hoping no one was looking. She gathered her stuff together quickly, and scooted a few feet away from the spot, hoping no one would think it was from her...or that it was explosive.

Taking the wet substance in her gloved hands she began forming it into cylinder shapes, and covering it with the red paper she had and adding a fuse at the tip. Although, she was disappointed when she only got four sticks out of what she had. “Aww but-but I supposed to get 10..” Ziggy whined before once again jumping to her feet and jabbing a finger at the ship deck. “WHY YOU DRINK MY ACID CHARY-BUH-DOOFIS?!” She accused, horribly (and accidentally) mispronouncing the ship’s name.

She waited...as if the ship was supposed to respond, before returning to her dynamite. She quickly shoved the newly made sticks into her pockets, and kicked the few pots she had into a corner. She stopped for a second to examine her pile of dishes. Clay will clean up! @BLUR She figured and skipped off to join the rest of the crew partying on the deck, seeking out one in particular. Ziggy’s pigtails perked up as she saw Katarina, and ran over to her, clinging to her waist. “You gunna makes food? Can I help!?” Ziggy wondered, eager for something to do now that her bombs were made. @Lioness3009


Ziggy talking/thinking


Gali looks up at the other swordsman. Leonardo was definitely one of those people you wouldn't want to fight with. He nods in approval as he hears that the fellow swordsman was alright. He looks down at Ziggy, who was now being comforted by the captain. It made Gali happy, knowing that this crew was basically a big family. Everyone was nice to the other, always there for each other. Leonardo was like the big brother.

Gali's blade gleams as he unsheathes it, cleaning it with a special red rag. "I am doing just fine. The captain startled me a little, so I wasn't able to have my damn tea. Other than that, I'm just fine." The air around the blade was cold as the white blade gleams. He sheathes back into its sheath as he sets it down. Leonardo was right, everything seemed pretty clear. "Tell me Leonardo. What do you know about cursed blades?" @The Dark Wizard

The day had started out pretty quiet, well, as quiet as a pirate ship can be at least. She was in her cabin, cleaning her guns. She had to make sure her beloved pistols, blunderbusses and rifle. She wouldn't want them jamming in the middle of a fight, no sir. Anyways, she was in her cabin, minding her own business, when she heard their "captain" barking out orders. Pandora could never call her captain while maintaining a straight face. The girl was too amusing and foolish to be taken seriously, but then again, that was the reason why she joined this sloppy crew. She just smiled to herself, continuing to listen to the girl act like a captain while she continued to clean her guns.

Then out of nowhere, an explosion rocked the ship. Pandora quickly turned seriously, grabbing two pistols as she dashed towards the deck. "Who are we fighting and how many?" She immediately asked, already scanning the sea for any enemies. Seeing none, she immediately guessed who had caused the explosion. "For Neptune's sake child, be more careful with that! Don't go around messing with explosives on a rocking ship!" She scolded Ziggy. "You're lucky you were above deck. What do you think would have happened if it went off inside?". Pandora was seriously doubting if this ship would stay in one piece (haha get it?) long enough for them to reach the grand line.

She also realized that before they can get supplies they'll need money, and that is one thing that they lack. She was reconsidering if it was such a good idea to be with this crew. They clearly have no idea what they're doing. The captain, as though she only realized that they had no money, decided to change course. After peeking at where she pointed to, she groaned. "Oh come on little girl, are you seriously going on a treasure hunt right now?" She asked the girl, shaking her head. "Can't we just plunder a village? It is better than going on a possibly pointless treasure hunt."

@DaughterofAthena @DeadgurlXD
Ulysses Jackobi Livingston

Ulysses saw that Captain Scarlet gave Norman some new directions, and Ulysses sat back with amusement. A day at high sea couldn't get any better than this, the wind was just right, and the sea itself was somewhat calm. Ulysses started to whistle a tune, in the hope of finding "One Piece" someday. "Thank you, Leo," Ulysses yelled back at him. Looking back over at Norman, his navigation skills were getting improved. "Great job, Norman! Keep it up," Ulysses screamed to the masses.

Ulysses started to think back on his childhood in Centaurea before the battle. Ulysses was a fun-loving lad, that did nothing but adventure. There was always food on the table when he returned from his day to day activities. Ulysses really didn't want anything else, but to have his family returned to him - even though they army told him that they were dead.

@The Dark Wizard @AllHailDago
"Can't we just plunder a village? It is better than going on a possibly pointless treasure hunt."

Oli raised a brow at Pandora's @CrimsonEclipse words. There was a clear disliking to what she had said. She however did not vocalize this and rather kept her eyes closed. She knew full well pirates did that and the fact was she had no love for the idea. If this ship and this crew did go to plunder a town she would have no part in it. Oli didn't care even if that meant her dismissal from the ship. She hadn't been on the crew for long so she didn't have much attachment to any of them.

Tora @shadowdude505 on the other hand did quite hastily divulge a portion of her life to her and even went as far as to ask for her help in the matter. It was odd the whole crew was so quick to trust those they worked with. But, Oli assumed that was the only way to operate as a pirate. When surrounded by scalawags, what else can you do but trust until that trust is broken. For now she would wok with this strange crew, and even if they raided a town she would still work with them. Though Oli was adamant in not participating.

Oli stood up and the moving boat rocked slightly with her steps. She approached Clay @BLUR "Anything I can do while I have nothing to work at?... ." she clearly had no care for ranking and just addressed the man as normal. She even clearly didn't see Clay's job as simple work. It was almost as if she valued his hard work and wanted to help.
Clay Plainswalker

"I'm tryin to navigate here, you want us to pfffft right into a reef, Clay?!". @AllHailDago

Clay snapped out of his trance at that statement. Right, damage must not be done to Charybdis, Clay would not be happy with that. Plus, Norman's face was looking pretty spiffy, as his skin shined brilliantly after the mopping Clay had done on it.

"My bad bud, just making sure you and Charybdis are both looking your spiffiest," Clay replied.

“Way to go, Clay!” Captain Scarlet cheered. @DaughterofAthena

Clay gave her a thumbs up in response. "Just doin' the job I never asked for Cap!"

It was exactly at that moment that Clay spotted something horrific. His eyes became fixated on a spot on the ship's deck, one which looked very much like a wet stain. Although that kinda thing was seen very often on a pirate ship, what with being on water and the fact that Clay was mopping the floor, there was only one thing different about this particular wet spot....Ziggy was beside it. @DeadgurlXD

Clay watched as the demolitions expert began to skip away, his jaw hanging open.

"ZIGGAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!" He yelled, extending the end of the girl's name to add dramatic effect. "Why are you always giving me more work to do!"

Clay took that opportunity to look up at the clear blue sky. It was quite beautiful, and quite a perfect time to ask the sea gods above why the hell he was cursed to do labor. It was bad enough having to clean up, it was a million times worse that he had to clean up after this group of chaotic, uncivilized pirates that he called comrades.

"Ah fiddlesticks,"
Clay mumbled to himself, as he walked over to the spot where Ziggy had so secretively spilled something. Clay began to mop the area, the wood having been discolored just a bit from the substance that had been spilled. Seeing that his mopping was not changing anything, he began to mop more violently, swaying the tool side to side with reckless abandon.

"AHHHH!!! CRUMBLE UNDER THE WRATH OF MY MIGHTY MOP, GIVE IN TO THE PASSION OF MY THOROUGH TECHNIQUE SO THAT I MAY CLEANSE YOU OF THE EVIL THAT HAS BECOME ONE WITH YOUR LIGNEOUS PHYSIQUE, BE ONE WITH MY POWER, CHARYBDIS!" Clay chanted as he continued to violently thrash the mop into the discolored area, exhausting his muscles as he worked them viciously.

Soon, he was out of gas, one again knocking him out of the fantasy world his janitorial work oft throws him into. His posture slumped with the fatigue, and his expression seemed to drop in defeat as the discoloration remained.

"I guess this battle was one we could not win together, mop. You'll always be a worthy comrade, but it seems I must resign you and get help from paint," Clay whispered to the mop. In his sorrow, he didn't even notice the small tremors that were slowly increasing in magnitude, and so when he heard, "Anything I can do while I have nothing to work at?..." he jumped in shock. @Tulani

"Ah! Oh Oli, you shivered me timbers there for a moment," Clay blurted, "If you could go to the supply closet and bring me the sandy paint and brush that would be much obliged friend," Clay said.
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