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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates

The girl watched the man go back stairs and the bird girl curl up, she held back laughs at how oblivious that man was and the poor bird girls reaction She turned her attention back to the captian. "I have no wish to go back, thank you though but I am an adult I dont necessarily need baby sitting." she smirked and curtsied "if I may is like to rest im, I'm a bit tired." her eyes softened and she slumped a bit not caring much anymore.
Finn nodded, "go take a nap or something, it'll be a while until we get to the island." Finn gave a yawn himself.
She stumbles down to the lower deck and finds a small bed and lays on it softly in a matter of minutes she's fast a sleep.
The sleeping girl looks like a princess from a story book the way she sleeps. She looks like she hasn't slept in weeks. Her breathing is even though.
A sigh escaped Seraletta mouth as she sat on the deck of the ship, a large amount of the time the ship would steer itself all you really had to do was set a course and wait along with adjusting every now and again to avoid rocks and other hazards. Seraletta sniffed the air as a zoan type user she by far had a better sense of smell than most and most animals could tell direction by either smell of the air or another sixth sense and Seraletta shared that trait hence how she knew where she was going without maps or other tools, a very useful trait for a navigator.
I shuffled up from my curled up position, having fallen asleep in my feathers. "Island Ahoy!" I yelled, not really sure if i should be the one yelling or someone else, "how embarrassing..." I mumbled to myself, thinking about what had happened a few hours before hand
Reyals notices the island out in the distance "I think that is Goldfever island, what do you think sera?" Reyals pulls out a telescope to get a better view of the port. It had a few Merchant ships and one big Marine ship docked.
The girl slowly wakes up and yawns, she stretchy gracefully. She steps out of bed and finds a brush. She starts brushing her hair and finds a pair of sizzors and a neddle and thread. After finishing brushing her long golden hair she takes her dress and cuts the bottom shorter and cuts her sleeves off. She then takes her dress and ties it tighter and looks around for shoes. Once she's ready she emerges from the deck below.
After a few hours Seraletta who had been doing most the steering heard a shout of land, it was useful having someone with wings in the air watching out since even with Seraletta senses her eyes were her weakest, having someone in the air meant they can watch out for everything and tell her the best course of action. Seraletta jumped to her feet and took hold of the ships wheel once again, she was ready to dock, but where with marines vessels at the dock that wouldn't be the smartest place. "Bird women do you see any good places to dock away from other ships?" Seraletta asked she just noticed she never got the bird women's name so she called it as she saw it.
Virgo snored lightly, scratching his stomach a bit as his boat floated lazily down the sea. Ah, yes, nothing has changed for the small hero...at least, that's what would be said if he learned proper boat maintnence, even if it was small. After a whole year, she began to finally give up on the boy, small pieces of wood at the bottom suddenly cracking off and floating away, causing water to quickly flood in his boat. Hearing creaking, Virgo opened his eyes, immediately grinning at the sight of approaching docks.

"Fantastic!" He cheered, jumping up and grabbing his bag, not noticing that his boat was slowy being filled with water. "Another town, another day of JUSTICE! I feel like today is the day! Today is the day I finally find why I've long ago awoken in my boat with nothing but my name. It is time for JUSTICE to-" His monologue was interrupted by his own gurgling as he found out that he'd been sinking the entire time. Now coughing and sputtering, he tried to stay above the water, but the weight of his wet clothes and bag, as well as his inability to swim, were holding him down. "U-Uh, c-citizens?!" He yelled, yet was too far out in the water for the docks to hear. "JUSTICE requires some assistance!"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca8a131f6_QuickMemo_2016-06-04-13-47-40-1.png.47386ff6fffd189f777ff86ccde47fe9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8ca8a131f6_QuickMemo_2016-06-04-13-47-40-1.png.47386ff6fffd189f777ff86ccde47fe9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She looks like this but with no sleeves



  • QuickMemo+_2016-06-04-13-47-40-1.png
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"The name is Lucy, pretty eyes. And yeah, there is a bit of land over there but it Isn't much of a dock, more like a beach really but I suppose we could land there." I said, not bothering to fly to see any of the island, a little groggy from just getting up
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Finn's eyes open slowly, "are we there yet?" he asked. He stood. "I'm getting sick of this ship." He walked toward Seraletta, "you know how to steer a ship?" he asked, while his eyes looked on to the island in the distance.
The girl walks into the open air and sighs breathing in the salty air, she looks at everyone wondering what's all the commotion the she relizeas there near land. She turns pale realizing were their heading again.
Seraletta eyes locked on the bird lady now known as Lucy for a second, oh well give some take some she guessed the bird lady called things how she called it as well. "Seraletta not pretty eyes, and thanks." Seraletta said before her eyes locked on the water. "Yeah I lea....wait....theirs someone drowning in the water." Seraletta said pointing to a figure splashing about.
I groaned before hopping onto the banister and flying towards the guy that was flopping around, i grabbed him with my feet and dragged him out of the water and pulled him into the air with me and began flapping my way back to the ship. "Don't struggle or I'll drop you" i warned him on our flight back @SpicyLickiTounge
The girl overheard seranetta "what?" she ran over to get and saw him being carried. "Is he alright?" she asked lucy
"CITIZENS!" Virgo yelled once again, only to be met with silence. He shrugged with a grin. "They're probably just getting a boat to assist-WHOA!" He suddenly yelled, suddenly ascending in the air. "There can be one possible explanation...I've gained the power of flight!" Virgo laughed, spreading his arms, only to look up blankly at his savior. "Are you an angel?!" He yelled suddenly, looking down. "Have you came to send me to heaven after seeing my path of JUSTICE?!"

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"If anything you are the angel" i said happily, not exactly sure what he was talking about as i dropped him gently onto the ship and sat down again
"I'm an angel?!" Virgo exclaimed in shock, yet was confused as he looked in his back to see no wings. "Than why do I have no...oh. Oh! That was a compliment!" Virgo started to giggle and snort. After she set him down, virgo gave the lady a nod. "Thank you, miss! I will not forget your assistance!" Virgo said, setting down his bag. "I knew the power of JUSTICE would always have a way to save me! The sea has led me through dangerous times, but with JUSTICE by my side, I've always managed to survive with only one incident involving a major injury!" Taking of his cape, he walked to the side of the railing, standing on his tip toes a bit as he wrung it out. "I'm glad you found me! I've been drinking sea water for the past 2 hours after running out of fresh water, yet it actually tastes quite good! Though there are rumors that it makes you a bit crazy, but that can't possibly be true!" Virgo said, eyes a bit red as his cape looked a bit like a sandwich for a second before it turned back into a piece of cloth. He quickly put it back on and looked around before pointing at the Lady. "Is this your ship?!

"Mine? Nah, this is my handsome captain's ship. I like your hair by the way, and you should change your clothes as well, i don't really know if we have a spare change though. So, what are you planning?" I deliberately left out the fact that we were pirates, we might be able to sneak in under the guise that we are travelling merchants
"Thank you!" Virgo said, grinning. (This is virgo's hair) After the lady's question, virgo scratched his head. "Well, I don't really have a plan! Although, I have been looking for a pirate crew to join to assist me in a quest!" He puffed out his chest and pointed to the sky. "I am in search of this treasure people call the one piece! With it, It might not only have the key to JUSTICE, but the key to my identity as well!" Virgo exclaimed.

"Why do you keep yelling justice if you are a pirate?" I laughed "aren't pirates the bad guys? Also, we are a band of pirates! You'll have to take it up with the captain though, i gave him a bag of money and he let me in, i think he likes money so just give him what you have" i advised the stranger as i watched the seagulls floating about the sky @SpicyLickiTounge
"There can be GOOD pirates too!" Virgo corrected. He then cupped his chin at her suggestion. "Good idea, stranger!" Taking his bag off his back, he began to dig through it. "AHA!" Virgo pulled out a good coin, presenting it to the lady. "Will this be enough?"


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