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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates

"Umm... No, i meant more like a bag of jewels or something, a single coin want cut you handsome man, I'm sure he'll accept you anyway, I don't know if the others paid or not so... Take a chance and ask him!" I said, hoping to inspire him to joining us. "I don't know why but he seems like a nice enough person and would be fun to have around" i thought to myself @SpicyLickiTounge
Crystal smiles at the newcomer. "Hello sir, are you alright?" her voice is polite and thoughtfull. She sounds like a princess.
Virgo grinned at the stranger's answer. Just ask? Virgo could do that! After all, what was the possibility the captain would say no? He had nothing to hide, and he walked the path of JUSTICE! Plus, he could pay with good deeds and a capri winning smile!

Turning to the other lady, he cleared his throat. "My name, miss, is virgo capri!" He puffed out his chest and stood straight, yet his height and appearance didn't exactly make it all that big and hero-like. "Vigilante of the sea, future pirate, and the defender of JUSTICE! " Virgo exclaimed. Breathing out, he smiled, happy with his perfect introduction.

@Trust @CrystalLuvsU
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(sorry pretend I didn't say Crystal no one know my name yet)

"Ah hello virgo, what were you doing I'm the ocean like that?" she replies wirh a smile and holds back laughter. She tried to be polite but she thinks how much he doesn't act like a good pirate, too caring and polite.
Virgo blinked and shrugged. "Dunno." Virgo replied, but smiled. "I've been out here all my life...I think." He said, tilting his head. "But at least I'm out here doing the deeds of JUSTICE!" Virgo exclaimed. "Anyway, enough about me. Who are you guys? What's the name of this crew? Where exactly is your captain? Does he wear a cape?" Virgo began to ramble. "Who are your other crew members? Will I get the chance to meet them? Do THEY wear capes?"

@Trust @CrystalLuvsU
The girl laughs. "Slow down there virgo, you must hold back on questions and wait for the answers to unfold. Anyways I'll tell you one thing. We do not wear capes." She puts up with his hyper behavior and tries not to hurt his price by laughing. This man reminded her of one of her maids Who always asked questions.
@SpicyLickiTounge @CrystalLuvsU @Trust

Keya Fenris

Keya wasn't sure how long or why she was currently in someones bag, but at-least it was comfortable. Sure she was terrified when she first woke up, but decided to go with it. It was a normal bag, she could tear it up whenever she wanted to to get out. So, you know. She had came to the conclusion she had somehow either rolled into the bag in her sleep, or climbed in by accident for a nap at one point. Though, her current pressing issue was running out of air. And fast. She was frantically trying to tear a hole in the top of the bag to get air in, squirming and shaking the bag about wildly. Eventually she tore a hole big enough for her to pop her head out of. "
Air! Oh thank god air!" She shouted, panting and gasping for air.

After she was sure she wasn't about to die from lack of air her mind finally registered those around her. She blinked slowly and donned an awkward smile as she looked between everyone. "
Uhhh. Hai." She told them, managing to wriggle an arm through the hole to wave at them.
Virgo opened his mouth, about to launch another set of questions when he heard, someone greet him. It sounded like it was far away, but also...on the ship? Virgo grinned and turned, about to greet the newcomer...only to blink as he realized he was met with empty space. Hearing the voice again, this time below him, he slowly looked down to see...someone waving at him through a hole in his bag? Virgo blinked and rubbed his eyes. Tilting his head, he crouched and hummed, squinting his eyes at the tiny person. "...I don't remember putting you in my bag." He stated simply, poking the person. He stared at her for a couple more moments before he smiled and shrugged. Oh, well! She seemed nice!

"Hello there!" Virgo exclaimed, holding out his hand to the dwarf. "I am Virgo Capri! Defender of JUSTICE!" He exclaimed. "Also, the owner of the bag you were currently sleeping in! Was it comfortable? Was it too small?" Virgo asked. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Injured?" He gasped. "Has something in my bag hurt you in any way? Does my bag smell funny?"

SpicyLickiTounge said:
Virgo opened his mouth, about to launch another set of questions when he heard, someone greet him. It sounded like it was far away, but also...on the ship? Virgo grinned and turned, about to greet the newcomer...only to blink as he realized he was met with empty space. Hearing the voice again, this time below him, he slowly looked down to see...someone waving at him through a hole in his bag? Virgo blinked and rubbed his eyes. Tilting his head, he crouched and hummed, squinting his eyes at the tiny person. "...I don't remember putting you in my bag." He stated simply, poking the person. He stared at her for a couple more moments before he smiled and shrugged. Oh, well! She seemed nice!
"Hello there!" Virgo exclaimed, holding out his hand to the dwarf. "I am Virgo Capri! Defender of JUSTICE!" He exclaimed. "Also, the owner of the bag you were currently sleeping in! Was it comfortable? Was it too small?" Virgo asked. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Injured?" He gasped. "Has something in my bag hurt you in any way? Does my bag smell funny?"

Keya Fenris

Keya only continued smiling as Virgo knelt down and squinted his eyes at her. In all honesty, she expected an adverse reaction. After all she DID just tear a hole in the top of his bag after stowing away in it. She could of been a thief or something, after all. She giggled when he pretty much poked her entire face, "Of course you didn't silly." She replied, moving his finger away. He soon introduced himself and held out his hand to shake, causing her to blink. Well, that would be fairly impossible to do. The fact he called himself a 'defender of justice' led her to believe he was a marine. Maybe he wasn't, maybe he was just weird. Shortly after his introductions he flew into a set of a bunch of questions, pretty much all revolving around catering to her and not 'why the hell were you in my bag?'.

She was far more used to the latter, this definetely not being the first time she's done this. She slowly reached out and grabbed a single and shook his hand, or did it count as a finger shake? She wasn't sure. "
I'm Keya Fenris! Um..scary pirate! Rawr!" She replied. "It was pretty comfy, and plenty big. Thanks for not being mad at me for sleeping in it, I guess I was pretty tired. Some food and water would be great if you don't mind, and I'm pretty sure I'm not injured. And your bag was fine, I'd definetely sleep in it again now that it has an air hole." She explained, taking a deep breath once she was done and sighing, hoping she addressed everything he asked.
Commodore Nanashi

It took longer than he liked to get here, and when the Marine ship drew close, Nanashi was appalled to see the stark contrast between the two kingdoms of Goldfever Island still existed. He had heard that the king of one kingdom slowly lost himself to corruption, and from then on, their economy and standard of living have been on a downwards slope. So instead he had ordered for the captain to dock his ship at the neutral Port between the two land, where he would be able to keep an eye on the vessels entering and leaving the more thriving kingdom. Because if the pirates he is currently chasing were smart, they wouldn't head for the unstable kingdom in hopes of restocking peacefully.

Lounging on the rail of the hull, the Commodore had a hand tucked behind his head, a hand flipping his dagger in the air and catching it absently even as his eyes drifted over to the left, towards the more dreary kingdom. The only reason he could not act - no matter how disgusting he thought the ruler had became - was because of his occupation. The Marines were tasked with the wellbeing of the Seas, not the Land. The men stationed here were not to interfere with matters of the nation. Their job was to watch the coast for pirates and criminals.

And here, he thought, was the flaw of The World Government. Kingdoms technically answered to the Government, but no one had the time to monitor every ruler, so those that were more remote had the freedom to do whatever they wished without severe consequence. Hence, Goldfever Island and its corrupted King, amongst other lawless and oppressing nations.

Nanashi caught his dagger and stowed it away. Landing lightly on the deck, he adjusted the sword buckle around his waist and left the ship. If the pirates were slow in coming, there was no point wasting daylight waiting on them aboard the ship. Time for some exploration.

"Aren't you the cutest" i told the small dwarf girl, a little confused about how we picked up two new crew members in the span of a few minutes. "Also, i think i have yet to introduce myself! The name is Lucy Lucatiel, but you may call me Feathers. Nice to meet you all. also i doubt capes are very practical... Maybe cloaks but not capes" i smiled @SpicyLickiTounge @Mitchs98 @CrystalLuvsU
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Virgo grinned. "Excellent! Hold on!" Virgo stood up and put a hand in his pocket. He stuck out his tongue trying to grab something before grinning and pulling out a chocolate bar. "My last caramel chocolate! I would offer you some fresh water, but I'm out! But the seawater tastes just as good! I can guarantee you that there are no side effects from drinking it!" Virgo said confidently, yet his eyes widened as the bird-lady suddenly looked like an actual giant bird. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at her again, yet she seemed to be back to normal.

The bird lady, now named lucy, introduced herself. Mentioning the cape, he chuckled. "Oh, Miss feathers. Capes are the pinnacle of the fashion of JUSTICE! It is not only fashionable, but doubles as a blanket, a makeshift sack, and many more!" Virgo cupped his chin, looking at his 4'7 body. "Although it's a little big, it still has many uses!"

@Trust @Mitchs98
Trust said:
"Aren't you the cutest" i told the small dwarf girl, a little confused about how we picked up two new crew members in the span of a few minutes. "Also, i think i have yet to introduce myself! The name is Lucy Lucatiel, but you may call me Feathers. Nice to meet you all. also i doubt capes are very practical... Maybe cloaks but not capes" i smiled @SpicyLickiTounge @Mitchs98 @CrystalLuvsU
SpicyLickiTounge said:
Virgo grinned. "Excellent! Hold on!" Virgo stood up and put a hand in his pocket. He stuck out his tongue trying to grab something before grinning and pulling out a chocolate bar. "My last caramel chocolate! I would offer you some fresh water, but I'm out! But the seawater tastes just as good! I can guarantee you that there are no side effects from drinking it!" Virgo said confidently, yet his eyes widened as the bird-lady suddenly looked like an actual giant bird. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at her again, yet she seemed to be back to normal.
The bird lady, now named lucy, introduced herself. Mentioning the cape, he chuckled. "Oh, Miss feathers. Capes are the pinnacle of the fashion of JUSTICE! It is not only fashionable, but doubles as a blanket, a makeshift sack, and many more!" Virgo cupped his chin, looking at his 4'7 body. "Although it's a little big, it still has many uses!"

@Trust @Mitchs98
Keya Fenris

Keya looked to the freaky half bird lady when she introduced herself with an expression of awe. "Ooooh. You look so cool! Nice to meet you Feathers!" She cheered in response. "Why do you have bird limbs? How'd you get them? Were you born that way or is it devil fruit?" She asked quickly, not really giving her enough time to answer between questions. Soon after her attention was torn away by Virgo holding out a chocolate bar, her eyes as big as possible and her expression completely one of awe. Her tiny hands stretched out for it like a small child might to get picked up. "That works just fine.." She mumbled dazedly. When he told her the seawater was fine her dwarven brain was inclined to believe him. However, candy first water later.
SpicyLickiTounge said:
Virgo grinned. "Excellent! Hold on!" Virgo stood up and put a hand in his pocket. He stuck out his tongue trying to grab something before grinning and pulling out a chocolate bar. "My last caramel chocolate! I would offer you some fresh water, but I'm out! But the seawater tastes just as good! I can guarantee you that there are no side effects from drinking it!" Virgo said confidently, yet his eyes widened as the bird-lady suddenly looked like an actual giant bird. Rubbing his eyes, he looked up at her again, yet she seemed to be back to normal.
The bird lady, now named lucy, introduced herself. Mentioning the cape, he chuckled. "Oh, Miss feathers. Capes are the pinnacle of the fashion of JUSTICE! It is not only fashionable, but doubles as a blanket, a makeshift sack, and many more!" Virgo cupped his chin, looking at his 4'7 body. "Although it's a little big, it still has many uses!"

@Trust @Mitchs98
"Whatever you say, marine in disguise" i laughed. "Wait... You were drinking seawater..? You do know that dehydrates you even more right?" I pulled out a small bottle in my bag lying on the ground next to me and handed it to him. "Drink this. Also it's just feathers.. Not mrs. Feathers, I'm not a teacher" i said with a friendly smile

Mitchs98 said:
Keya Fenris
Keya looked to the freaky half bird lady when she introduced herself with an expression of awe. "Ooooh. You look so cool! Nice to meet you Feathers!" She cheered in response. "Why do you have bird limbs? How'd you get them? Were you born that way or is it devil fruit?" She asked quickly, not really giving her enough time to answer between questions. Soon after her attention was torn away by Virgo holding out a chocolate bar, her eyes as big as possible and her expression completely one of awe. Her tiny hands stretched out for it like a small child might to get picked up. "That works just fine.." She mumbled dazedly. When he told her the seawater was fine her dwarven brain was inclined to believe him. However, candy first water later.
"I'm cool? Didn't know that" i smiled, happy that someone thought good of me before listening to the questions. "I have bird limbs to fly, and they are okay for fighting too but i tend to avoid fights, i got them from an experiment but I'd rather not talk about that if you don't mind, and no, it's not a devil fruit power, but i wish i had eaten one, I can't swim either way!"
The woman walled towards the dwarf as soon as she saw her. She wanted very badly to scope her up and hold her, she ignored that and vents down and smiled wide. Her eyes softened and her voice was smooth. "Oh hello, who are you?"

The woman always wanted a kid, she always loved kids too. But she also loved small people. She respected them deeply but also couldn't push away the thought of how cute they were.
Virgo handed Keya the candy bar before taking the water . "I'm perfectly fine, feathers!" Virgo reassured, giving the bird women a confident look. "Plus, if seawater makes you more thirsty, than why is my mouth so dry right now?" Virgo asked, eye twitching a bit. Wordlessly, he quickly opened the water and took a quick swig before handing the bottle to keya. "Ahh! Much better!" (Sorry if my post is a bit short)

@Trust @CrystalLuvsU @Mitchs98
Trust said:
"Whatever you say, marine in disguise" i laughed. "Wait... You were drinking seawater..? You do know that dehydrates you even more right?" I pulled out a small bottle in my bag lying on the ground next to me and handed it to him. "Drink this. Also it's just feathers.. Not mrs. Feathers, I'm not a teacher" i said with a friendly smile
"I'm cool? Didn't know that" i smiled, happy that someone thought good of me before listening to the questions. "I have bird limbs to fly, and they are okay for fighting too but i tend to avoid fights, i got them from an experiment but I'd rather not talk about that if you don't mind, and no, it's not a devil fruit power, but i wish i had eaten one, I can't swim either way!"
CrystalLuvsU said:
The woman walled towards the dwarf as soon as she saw her. She wanted very badly to scope her up and hold her, she ignored that and vents down and smiled wide. Her eyes softened and her voice was smooth. "Oh hello, who are you?"
The woman always wanted a kid, she always loved kids too. But she also loved small people. She respected them deeply but also couldn't push away the thought of how cute they were.
SpicyLickiTounge said:
Virgo handed Keya the candy bar before taking the water . "I'm perfectly fine, feathers!" Virgo reassured, giving the bird women a confident look. "Plus, if seawater makes you more thirsty, than why is my mouth so dry right now?" Virgo asked, eye twitching a bit. Wordlessly, he quickly opened the water and took a quick swig before handing the bottle to keya. "Ahh! Much better!" (Sorry if my post is a bit short)
@Trust @CrystalLuvsU @Mitchs98
Keya Fenris

Keya looked up to Feathers when she mentioned seawater was bad. But, Virgo said it was good. Who was she supposed to believe?! It was either one or the other! Her already easily confused mind really didn't need to be more confused right now. Feathers soon answeres her questions as well, Keya half paying attention to that and half paying attention the the candy bar that was almost as big as she was hovering out of reach. So, she could actually fly too? Awesome! Maybe they had an experiment like that that would work for dwarves. If Keya could fly she could destroy entire islands all by herself! The world would fear the name of Keya the Flying Dwarf! Or step on her. Either one, really. "Ooh. That's pretty cool! I ate a devil fruit, I dunno what it did yet though. Haven't really tried to figure it out yet. The fruit tasted pretty good though." She told her.

Soon one of the other people on the ship walked over talking to her. "
Hai! I'm Keya, what's your name?" She replied. Soon after the candy bar was handed to her and she let out a sound of pure joy before setting to eating it. One of the good things about being a dwarf was human food was huge compared to her, which was a very good thing. Especially when it came to candy! She really couldn't be happier at this point in time as her arms wrapped around the candy bar, holding it close to her as she gnawed on it. When the water bottle was passed to her she blinked, unsure how she was meant to drink it without pouring it all over herself. Then she got an idea. "Uhh. Can you pour me some in the cap please?" She asked. "I mean, I could drink it like that. But I'd kinda pour it everywhere and drown myself." She explained with a shrug.
Virgo blinked and grinned. "Okey dokey then!" He said, grabbing the bottle and cap before he stared at the two in an intense focus. Shaking a bit, he tilted the water bottle ever so slowly, the cap shaking in his hands. When a drop quickly fell into the cap, Virgo quickly tilted back the water bottle with a grin and presented it to Keya. "Here ya go!" He said, handing it to her.

@Mitchs98 (Once again, sorry for the short post.)
SpicyLickiTounge said:
Virgo blinked and grinned. "Okey dokey then!" He said, grabbing the bottle and cap before he stared at the two in an intense focus. Shaking a bit, he tilted the water bottle ever so slowly, the cap shaking in his hands. When a drop quickly fell into the cap, Virgo quickly tilted back the water bottle with a grin and presented it to Keya. "Here ya go!" He said, handing it to her.
@Mitchs98 (Once again, sorry for the short post.)
Keya Fenris

Keya smiled when he agreed to do as asked. Good. She'd prefer not to drown herself. She watched as it seemed to call for all of his concentration to pour some of it into the cap, his expression causing her to giggle. She happily accepted the cap of water when presented to her, "
Thank you!" She told him. She was so thirsty she would probably of confirmed for herself who was right about the seawater momentarily. She hastily downed the water before sighing with content. The candy bar survived her onslaught, half of it remaining. She could of probably eaten all of it but she didn't want to over eat and make herself sick. "Thanks again Virgo! That was really good." She told him, holding the remainder of the candy bar up to him. "Here you go. You can have the rest back." She added. Then the thought occured to her. He said he was a marine, and she admitted to being a pirate. Even though she technically wasn't, yet.

Her eyes widened and she tossed the candy bar at him, popping fully out of the small hole in the bag and fleeing to hide behind it in the blink of an eye. "
Noooo! Don't arrest me!" She cried out. What if the candy was drugged? What if the water was drugged? Oh god what if all of them were marines! She was screwed!
The girl smiled at her. "Haha it's best if you don't know that! I assure you in not trying to keep and secret but, for now its for the better." she whispers to her softly. The woman watched amused by how small she was and how big the bar was. She was reminded of the dwarfs in her own kingdom. After seeing her drink down the small amount of water like it was a huge class she was taken back by the way she acted next. The woman places her hands on her tiny shoulder, "do not worry no one is going too arrest you, this man here is too kind." she answers with a soothing voice.
I watched the strange dwarf girl cowering behind the bag. "Hey, cute girl behind the bag, just so you know, we are pirates. So if you were lost or something, i am sure we could get you home, i also doubt the captain would be cruel enough to toss you back into the sea, but this is all speculation, i barely know the man after all" i smiled slyly, hoping to scare her just a little
I'm so sorry everybody, but I lost interest in this roleplay a few days ago. I'm actually surprise to see people still posting. Sorry everybody who was actually posting, I just don't feel like one piece anymore. but, hey, thanks for participating, and again I am sorry.

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