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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates

Finn rubbed the back of his head, "thanks..." he said awkwardly, doesn't know how to react to the comment. "So, you're just a normal girl with bird wings...yeah sounds normal enough." Finn gave an awkward laugh. @Trust
Reyals responds to the other girl." I was only asking, because I am just a little on edge here. Everything happens so fast. Me being chased by Marines then suddenly on a new ship with a bunch of new people I haven't see before."
The girl sighs. "I'm pretty sure you did, I was sleeping though and I heard people upstairs So I started screaming. That is all I have to tell you."
"Just go with the flow as my aunt says. Well I'm not really sure If I will be much help here. I'm going back up to the deck and see what everyone else is up to.
"Hehe, i suppose no one is normal if you think about it my good-looking captain" i said with a grin, hoping I wasn't being too forceful on him, just sort of wanting to be nice which was strange for a pirate. "So, who other amazing people do we have?"
Reyals looks suspiciously at the girl who was tied up."I think I should take you to our Captain, I feel like your hiding something." Reyals reaches out to grab the girls arm.
She stands up and nods, the girl stumbles a bit her hair is wavy and her scratchs are visable. She doesn't explain her reason for being down here
She looks at the man and blushs a bit but him holding onto her helps her stand up straighter, she sighs and nods again, She looks tired.
Finn nods in agreement, "well, we have you, a kuja, another female, and my ship wright." Finn gave a yawn, "I'm tired. We need to hurry up to the next island." Finn sat down on the wooden floor of the ship.
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Reyals helps the girl up and takes her to the top deck of the ship. He then walks her to Finn."Hey Cap, this girl was apparently tied up below deck and I thought you should see her. I also thought you should know that I think she might be hiding something."
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The girl looks at the captian waiting for his responce, she hopes to not be kicked off or be recognized.
"Hello you two! Nice to meet you both" i said to the two that had just come up on deck. "Hiding something? I doubt a pretty girl like her would do something like that" i smiled, trying to make a good impression whilst not being rude.
Reyals looks at the bird girl and walks up close to her. he immediately grabs at her wings and starts looking at them."So your a bird girl? Is it a Devil Fruit?"
Finn stared at the girl, "you were tied up? Who tied you up and put you down there?" Finn asked. Finn's eyes lowered, she looked oddly familiar.
Keke made it to the deck and watched the commotion. She then walked up to the girl that was tyed up and stood next to her. 'I wonder....'
My face immediately goes a bright pink. "D-don't t-touch, they are s-sensitive... A-and no, i-i haven't eaten a d-devil fruit" i said shakily, highly embarassed about him touching them, the inner feathers feeling rather soft while the outer ones were a bit tougher
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She smiled at the bird girl. "Why thank you, your are very pretty too!" She hears the captian speaking and turns to him "yes, I was tied up." she nervously twirls her hair. "You see I was out in the forest getting away from home, when the people who owned this boat took me captive, it was quite, um." her voice is polite and formal and she sounds rich but very sweet.
Reyals didn't notice her stuttered response and kept examining the wings and slowly works his way down to her bird legs."Wow your talons are really sharp!"
Finn's eyes widen in curiosity, "home? Where's this home exactly?" Finn's eyes studied the girl, she did looked familiar, 'where have I seen her before.' he thought.
My face went an even deeper shade of a pink. "Th-thanks... Y-you're v-very k-kind to say that" i stopped myself from flying out of embarrassment. I raised my claw a little so he could get a better look
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She smiled politely. "You see sir I come from the kingdom here." the girl doesn't know that the kingdom here has fell, she always leaves out the part of being princess. "The kingdom used to thrive until d- the king got corrupted I herd he still loved his daughter though!"
Commadore Nanashi

Some days simply aren't worth getting up for, Nanshi thought as the insistent ringing of the den-den mushi forcefully dragged him from his rather peaceful nap. Dark amber eyes cracked open an inch to stared dully at the snail, hoping it would shut up and let him rest. He had a trying day yesterday, and if there wasn't an octopus invasion or a situation that was equally interesting, he didn't want to hear it. But of course, the Universe had other ideas. Dropping his feet from his desk, the Commodore answered the call.

"Commodore Nanashi here," he drawled. "Where's the storm?"

"Commodore!" The marine's voice on the other side was high with panic. "We have a big problem! A group of pirates have just escaped from Hinge Town! They stole a ship and most of the members are Devil Fruit users!"

"Oh, is that so?" The laziness was gone as Nanashi straightened, brain kicking into gear. "A bunch of Devil Fruit pirates, eh? How interesting. When did they leave the Town?"

"Ten minutes ago, Sir. We have our fastest ship on their tail..." The Marine's voice trailed off, then returned a moment later, nervousness tinge in his voice. "...A thousand apologies, Commodore...the ship...lost them..."

"Bunch of morons...Hinge Town...that means Noth Blue. The only island they can possibly restock at is Goldfever Island. I guess I have a destination." He sighed heavily, interrupting the stuttering on the other end of the line. "All right, quit snivelling. You are a damn Marine so act like it. I'll take over from here, that's all, bye."

The call disconnected, Nanashi rose to his feet and straightened his black customised uniform. He strode down the steps and hallways from his office to the docks, pausing for a second or two to study the patrol schedule pinned to the board. There was one heading into North Blue waters, which would make a stop at Hinge Town. From there, he would hitch a ride on their fastest ship and dock at Goldfever Island.

Let's see what kind of pirates these ones are, not that it would help them in escaping prosecution, but it was always interesting to learn why people would turn to a life of law-breaking.

With Reyals curiosity quenched, he backed off of the bird girl and immediately started to walk towards the stairs that lead below deck."Hey Cap, I'm going back below deck." Reyals goes below deck and resumes reinforcing the hull with the scrap metal.
I sighed in relief as he walked away, i curled up next to one of the banisters, covering my face with my wings, of the ship as the blushing seemed to fade away. "People c-can be so in-considerate sometimes" i mumbled, feeling a little drained by the whole thing
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Finn's eyes lowered in suspension. "hmm I see. Well, I don't know if you want me to take you back to the kingdom, or something. But, we are heading to Goldfever Island. So, stay or don't doesn't matter. I'm not some babysitter." Finn stood.

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