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Fandom One Piece: New Age of Pirates

Reyals ran to Finn's side and turns around to face the Marines that are heading towards them. "So we are gonna fight all of them? Also, who's the tall chick?" Reyals reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small piece of gold ore about the size of a bullet. Reyals run electricity through it and it straightens out into a small blade.
Keke was walking through town getting ready to buy some food but stopped when she saw something strange. "Are those marines?!" She ran up closer to get a better look. "Whoa those are Marines!" She ran to the two guys and the girl who seem to be getting into a fight stance. " So any reason why those guys are after you three?"

@Reyals Latrommi


Finn's eyes widen at the site of the female transforming into a saber-tooth tiger. "A Zoan type huh? Cool." Finn grinned. He charged into the marines, left hand as a sword, right hand as a musket. "Rey we need a ship. We can't stay here any longer, more marines will soon come." Finn blocked some incoming bullets with his left hand sword. "Seraletta are coming with us?" Finn blocked more incoming bullets.
Reyals glances at the stranger who just walked up to them while they are about to fight. "You got some guts to just walk right into a fight. They are Marines, is that a good enough reason for us to fight them?" Reyals still looking at the Marines who are about to clash into them.
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On the aforementioned marine ship, located was Warren, whom was shadowing his father to pick up on some of what he knows. His dad grumbled something and turned to Warren

"Hey, I'm starving, I haven't eaten anything all day" his dad turned to his fellow marines and shouted "HEY YOU GUYS HUNGRY?" Everyone Seemed to be starving. Warren caught the big bag of beli his dad threw him. "Get us something. Okay?" Warren grinned and nodded

"Okay! I'll be back!" Warren ran of the ship, only to be met with a group of marines. Normally, there usually aren't that many. But there were around 40. Warren ran over to help.

"Oh oh! Hey guys! I'll help too!" Some of the marines looked back. At him. A group of them whispered something and one of them came over.

"Hey... Listen kid... You do know the only reason we let you hang with us is because your dad makes us?"

One marine shouted at the one who approached Warren

"NO NO THATS NOT WHAT WE WANTED TO SA-" the marine sighed and walked over to Warren "look, kid. You're not ready to fight. To be honest. you're just a kid. You can fix us up, but that's about it, and these guys have devil fruits." He paused "how would I explain it to your father if you got hurt?"

Warren was way too hurt to say something back. At least the second guy was nicer.

Warren walked over to the Pirates.

"Heal and nothing else, huh? Is all that true? All that time I bought you food, did favors for you, and that's how you really feel?"

Warren looked all of the marines dead in the eye.

"Well, you're going to have to fight me, too then."
"Uh, Cap what just happened? Did a Marine just technically join our side?" Reyals starts to make sparks form his hand."Cap, what should we do? Run? Fight? Or hostage situation....?"
"True." She said nodding. Suddenly one of the marines came up behind her and swung his sword at her positive he wouldn't miss but she ducked at the very last min. She then turn to him. " Guess i'll be fighting to." She grinned and quickly before he could attack again gave him a good kick t the face knocking him out. "Alright whose next?!"
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Finn looked toward the marine kid, "Get away. The battle field isn't for kids, kid." Finn started shooting at the crowd of marines. "We need to get out of here, let's go!" Finn ran toward the docks.
Reyals follows Finn towards the docks. "aye aye captain!" Reyals looked back at the tiger chick and the new girl who just randomly showed up, but kept running after Finn.
"Get away. The battle field isn't for kids, kid."

Warren was shocked.

He didn't think that this would happen

"WHAT?!" Warren was not happy at all. He can fight.


But he still can!

Warren was so stunned he didn't Notice everyone running. He quickly caught up "HEY! YOU GET BACK HERE!" Warren wasn't thinking straight at all.

"I. CAN. FIGHT. TOO!" Warren punched the man who called him a kid and shooed him off right in the stomach. It most likely didn't hurt, since Warren isn't good with his fists, but it looked like something

Warren stepped back and covered his mouth with his hands

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I get angry sometimes and I..." Warren walked over to him.

"Are you okay?"
Seraletta was slightly confused when she heard the word zoan type, she had no idea what it meant but the man seemed to be referring to her maybe that's what her ability was called. Seraletta nodded towards the man as he asked if she was coming with, it was clear now he was a pirate perfect. Seraletta followed the man in using the immense body weight and strength of the saber-tooth she pounced on three marines sinking her teeth into one and claws into the other two as they fell. A loud growl escaped her mouth as she attacked. Seraletta was about to pouch once again until she heard the man stating they should run shame she was just having fun. Jumping off three marines and using them as a springboard she followed the man.

As the group ran away with Seraletta following the group behind, she was faster than them all thanks to her devil fruit but she had no idea where they were heading which meant she would have to follow and not lead. It didn't take one before Seraletta noticed that the marine that joined them punched the man she was following and something just switched in her, she classed that man as a friend now and to see him get attacked...this means war or at least to her it did. Ignoring that the boy said next and using the speed her devil fruit gave her she pounced on the boy's back and unless he was much stronger than he looked her weight in this form would force him down, heck she weighed 310 kilograms or a giant 48.8 stone. Seraletta flashed her teeth and approached his neck however a few inches before she stopped and instead for right next to his ear. "Touch him again...I dare you."
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This fight was starting to look endless and seemed like everyone was heading to the docks. She ran and followed them not wanting to take bunch of marines on. She saw what happen with the guys punching the other one and the tiger jumped on him. She walked up to the tiger was still on top of him. "Whoa now lets not over react here. I'm pretty sure this guy didn't like being called kid also" She said now looking at the guy who was under the tiger. "This really isn't the time to be punching each other when there are bunch of marines chasing us down." A bullet shot pass her head. "See what I mean?"


"I am soooooo bored!" I yelled as i plundered what must have been the 10th house in hinge town. "Nothing to do and all the towns people are too weak to fight! Which i suppose i am happy for, I've never been much for killing weaklings and have always been careful enough to avoid fighting tough guys" i monologued, not talking to anyone as i dragged a small bag full of little jewels and other shiny things, attracting attention due to my pale blue wings and bird feet
Finn was stun from the small attack by the marine kid. He quickly recovered, anger rising over the attack. 'How dare he attack me!?' he thought. Suddenly Seraletta tackled the kid to the ground and whispered something into his ear. "Dammit! We don't have time for this. We need to get a ship and get out of here." Finn's eyes ran over a few ships that were docked. Some held the marine flag, some were pirates flags that were not familiar to Finn. His eyes finally saw a perfect ship. It was medium size, and it look to be a merchant's ship. "We're taking that one." Finn ran toward the Merchant ship, blocking some bullets with his sword arm.
"Hey Cap, I'm going on ahead and I'm gonna make sure the ship is cleared and ready to sail." Reyals starts to produce sparks around his body and like a bolt of lightning, he flashes over to the merchant ship at the docks. Reyals, now on the ship, starts throwing people overboard and letting the sails down. Reyals is now at the anchor switch ready to lift it out of the water and set sail, now he just needs to wait for everyone else.
"HEEEEYYY!" I yelled at the group before one of them glowed and disappeared. "ARE YOU GUYS PIRATES?!? I WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!" I yelled as i floated down with the small bag of loot. "I'll give you this if you take me with you" i said as i landed
Seraletta decided that the kid probably got her message and as such she got off him but not before making sure that he get a chance to feel most her body weight on him. Seraletta then began to follow the man who she originally struck up a conversation with after all he did ask if this Kuja women wanted to come along and by god she did. Dodging bullets by jumping left and right Seraletta managed to avoid injury as she followed right behind the man. Her coat of fur began to stand up, attracted to the electricity that covered the area as the person who started the chase turned into a bolt of lighting. "Seriously...what else can men do." Seraletta said shocked they looked the same as women but had strange abilities.
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Finn looked toward the sound of the yelling. The source of it was a female with bird wings, "what the fuck? Are those wings?" Finn asked, dodges a passing bullet, "this fight is getting annoying!" Finn shouted.
Reyals noticed a group approaching the port and Finn was one of them. Reyals yells out "Hey hurry up cap! The ship is ready to sail!" As Reyals looks out to the group that is approaching the ship, he sees a girl with wings and talons. "Another person is coming? Where do these people keep coming from?"
Keke took off after talking to the other two but stopped again when she has a flying bird girl. After hearing her request she didn't understand why these suppose pirates wouldn't take the offer especially with there being jewels involved. She yelled out to the girl bird. "Yeah come on!"

Finn's attention switched to Rey, ""finally." Finn sped to the ship, and jump on, "this ship shall do nicely." Finn's arm morph back to normal. Finn's eyes laid on all the people who are following them to the ship. "hurry up if you're coming!" Finn ordered.
Seraletta continued her jumping left and right path and much like the man she was talking with originally jumped onto the ship, it seemed this was going to be the mans pirate ship. It wasn't a bad looking ship some slight modification here and there and it would be perfect. Seraletta finally transformed back into her real form, no longer as the saber-tooth tiger. She stood straight and pulled out the spiked metal poll on her back. The weapon unfolded into a large spear one slightly taller than herself. "I guess you got your self a ship and a navigator" Seraletta said as she pointed to herself. She quickly went and stood right at the front just near where she jumped up, she was ready for any attackers to try anything.
Finn watched as two females jumped on the ship, "welcome." Finn greeted. Finn watched as Seraletta pulled out her weapon. Finn got tense at the action, but relaxed when she stated that she was going to be the navigator. "oh really now." Finn grinned, "You want to be apart of the Golden Pirates?" Finn laughed, if only his father could see this. "welcome to the crew then."

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