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Fandom Once Upon A Time

@CrimsonAvenger77 @SnowFeather @Apollogy8

~ Regina ~

Just as she finished giving her warning to the thugs, some ridiculously dressed man with a dagger leapt out of nowhere and attacked them. Slashing one stabbing the other... Complete nonsense! They had indeed assaulted the girl, but perhaps dismemberment was going a little far, even for Regina. Well, the current Regina. When at last the new assailant was done and comforting the unconscious damsel, Mayor Mills quelled her fireball and marched towards him.

“Excuse me?! Who are you and WHAT do you think you are doing? This kind of display may have been chivalry in the Enchanted Forest but in THIS world, where I AM the mayor we deal with things differently! Don't move while I have you arrested!” With a flick of her hand, the three men were paralyzed, floating stiffly in mid-air. Regina pulled out her cell phone and, after calling 911 for the woman, reluctantly called...

“Ms Swan. If you're done sipping your coffee for the morning I need the Sheriff in the alley way just off main street near Dr Hopper's. It seems we have ruffians about raping women and others doing your job!” She hung up.

~Belle French~

The tiny bells on the front door of the library rang alerting Belle that someone had entered. "I'll be there in a seco- Oh hi!" Although she was aware of a person being in the library with her, she was caught off guard by the guy's sudden quickness and his way with words. It was hard for Belle to keep a serious face when Dorian was spitting out about a hundred words per minute. All Belle did was listen as best she could and chuckle lightly amused by his energy and boldness. He was a true businessman that was for sure. The charm, the confidence, the friendly smile, the 'not giving your customers enough time to think through the offer', yes it was all there. Belle smirked when he finished talking and asked her name.

"You drive a good bargain Mr. Dorian. Almost too good to be true." She winked making it a bit obvious she wasn't falling for his business methods. She had read about six books on successful business strategies and techniques to kill time. She stretched her hand out towards Dorian, "I'm Belle...Belle French."

Michael was surprised when he heard Killian said he'd be right over. Was the mean old Captain Hook getting soft? Would he really help Michael find Pan? They were rivals. Back in Neverland they didn't see eye to eye. I mean Hook had kidnapped him to draw Peter in. Peter was the opposite of Hook and that's one of the reasons they fought all the time. Michael hung up the phone and sat in a booth. He ordered a burger, not exactly breakfast but they were one of his happy thoughts back home. Killian was quick. He showed up at the diner quicker than expected. Hook seemed anxious and willing to find Peter. Was his missing his enemy that much? Michael sighed,"The question should be where haven't I looked...I'm worried about him Killian. He's a boy who thinks he's invisible. He's not...he's an immature boy with a fairy and magic...I can't stop thinking bad thoughts...Killian...what if he's hurt? Or worse?"


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Allistar looked bewildered at the Mayor. The "Evil" Queen may have been less devious in recent days, but she was still a bit of an egomaniac.

"Typical royalty."

Allistar indignantly protested at Regina.

"Well excuse me for helping the woman, I wasn't aware that most people in this world were in the habit of just letting young lasses get molested in alleyways. Besides, I hardly think that melting their faces with a magic fireball would do them less harm than giving the bastards a few cuts or decent whacks to the noggin!"

He wriggled around in his magical bonds, looking irritated for a few moments, then finally vanished in a "PUHF" of dust, reappearing a second later kneeling on the ground once again next to the girl.

"Now please! Get your head out of your blasted rear end and help me! She could be badly injured!
NessieAlways said:

~Belle French~

The tiny bells on the front door of the library rang alerting Belle that someone had entered. "I'll be there in a seco- Oh hi!" Although she was aware of a person being in the library with her, she was caught off guard by the guy's sudden quickness and his way with words. It was hard for Belle to keep a serious face when Dorian was spitting out about a hundred words per minute. All Belle did was listen as best she could and chuckle lightly amused by his energy and boldness. He was a true businessman that was for sure. The charm, the confidence, the friendly smile, the 'not giving your customers enough time to think through the offer', yes it was all there. Belle smirked when he finished talking and asked her name.

"You drive a good bargain Mr. Dorian. Almost too good to be true." She winked making it a bit obvious she wasn't falling for his business methods. She had read about six books on successful business strategies and techniques to kill time. She stretched her hand out towards Dorian, "I'm Belle...Belle French."

Dorian continued "Belle, great name, really. And almost is right as you can see" Dorian clicked open his briefcase, displaying a few slightly scuffed paperbacks. "My material is of the highest caliber. Now if we m-" Dorian was cut short by the sound of swordplay outside. Dorian continued "Never a dull moment, eh? I think we may want to put this on hold until residents aren't being impaled. One moment" Dorian went to the door quickly and popped his head out to see Allistair and the mayor as well as thugs. "Hello madam mayor, fencer I've never met, and injured thugs, mind keeping it down." Dorian went in to a loud whisper voice "I'm trying to conduct a business deal in here."
Killian watched him with an eyebrow raised. "Relax, lad. The thing about Pan is if he doesn't want to be found then he bloody won't be." He took a drink of his rum and thought for a minute. Out of all the places he found Pan, the real one, he was always up in that tree of his. His tree wasn't here so maybe...

"Follow me, mate." He walked outside and towards the forest. He thought about Pan and Michael and their...thing they had. As they ventured further, he looked over his shoulder, "Just wait to show your affections until I walk away, okay?"

Michael sighed. Killian was right. If Pan didn't want to be found he usually wouldn't be. He was a mysterious child and that was something that had drawn Michael to him in the first place. He was 14 and Peter was 15 when they'd met and this curse had made him older. He worried about what the curse did to Peter. Would he be older or younger? Would it be creepy to be in love with Peter if he was in the body of a tween? Michael shuddered at the thought. The blonde teenager watched as Killian headed towards the woods. Michael rolled his eyes. "He's not in the woods Hook...I've looked for him in there so many times that I know the paths you should take and the ones you shouldn't. It was the first place I looked....it only made sense he'd go somewhere familiar."


Peter was a cunning boy of 16., though he looked 14 and acted like he was 12. Peter enjoyed fooling around and building things in the woods, he often got lost and forgot things without anyone to help keep him on track. He usually stayed in the woods of the outskirts of town, hidden by the trees. Thank God that the Storybrooke forrest had plenty of wild berries and edible plants, not to mention the Robin's Merry Men lived in them. Peter had been known to steal food from them and other campers in the past, he was sly and left no evidence. No one knew it was him. He was in hiding in fear that he would be mistaken for the false Pan that had been locked in Pandora's box and then killed by the Dark One himself. Peter was living in a treehouse he'd made with branches, stollen pieces of lumber, and tarps. The boy's pan flute hung from a loop on his belt and his dagger was hidden in the inside pocket of his leather jacket. The boy was in the cemetery at Mayor Regina's Crypt. He knew about her heart vault, Peter was good at snooping. That's where Regina keeps her magic and Peter needed it to put together a stronger cloaking spell around his makeshift treehouse.

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Killian stopped and sat on a trunk nearby. He kicked the dirt with his boot as he thought. If they were still in the enchanted Forest he might not have helped. He had turned back to his pirate ways and had even traded Prince Eric's life for the Jolly Roger. The realm had heard Captain Hook had gone soft and he had to prove them all wrong.

He sighed and stood up. "We know Pan is good at hiding. We know he can survive out in the forest." He said out loud, "He's not in town. There's only a few more places where he could hide."

He walked down the street and past the docks. He wouldn't go there, especially if he was still afraid of him. As they came to the graveyard, Killian leaned against Regina's vault. He smiled smugly at Michael. "There he is, mate." He said motioning to a tarp with his hook just barely noticeable through the trees.

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@CrimsonAvenger77 @blink0623

Snowfeather gasped as she opened her eyes. She was met by the gaze of a man she had never seen before. She put a hand to her head and remembered the two men who had attacked her. "Ow... My head!" She tried to sit up but she couldn't, her head hurt too much and she was still gasping for air. She could only think of one person who could help her.

When she was 11, a year before she became a pirate, she and Killian had been playing tag in the woods. She had slipped on something and hit her head, passing out at the impact. When she woke up, she had still been in the woods, Killian smiling down at her. She had asked him what had happened and he answered, "I helped you!"....

"Killian..... Killian J-Jones... Bring me to Killian Jones..." Feather passed out once more, her thoughts all centered on Killian...

Flameheart got dizzy and stopped spinning she got up shook away the dizziness then she grabbed all her usual things and walked outside

In camouflage booty shorts, a black tank top, camouflage sunglasses, black combat boots, a spiked black choker necklace, camouflage leather gloves and hidden guns and knives all over with her hair tied back in a ponytail she strolled around town with a big grin on her face​

~ Regina ~​

The brightly dressed stranger puffed free from Regina's hold, only to spew out some righteousness and hurtful prejudice. Being used to it didn't make it hurt less. The prejudice, the comments, the condescending attitude... Some of it was deserved, but shouldn't anyone be allowed to make amends when their intent was sincere? People were so quick to judge, yet so slow to understand...

“Fine. Fine! I suppose since I'm condemned to being a villain any attempt I make at helping others is in vain. You're welcome, by the way, for the ambulance I called.” She turned around and continued off, yelling back “Ms SWAN is on her way. I'm sure you'll be glad to have HER help.”

It was unbearable. She did her best, but it was never enough. 'I can't be good', she thought, 'no... they won't LET ME be good...' She came across a girl in black combat boots and an aggressive choker, grinning madly.

“What are you so happy about!?”

@Wild Born

" that's just it I'm just happy well I'm going for target practice now bye " Flame said and dashed into the forest laughing

Flame got her favorite tree covered in cuts with chunks taken out and she ran up to a stump away from the tree and began to do all kind of flips and cool ways to throw knives

Emma rubbed her eyes groggily as she sat up on her bed. Damn...she must have slept through her alarm. This was no good at all. Especially with the town being so active recently. The female quickly got out of bed, changed into her normal, regular day clothing and headed to the small kitchen in her apartment. She grabbed a travel cup from the cabinet then filled it up with some coffee before heading out the door. Strange enough Henry wasn't here...and since school wasn't here...he was probably over at Mary Margret's house visiting the new baby. Actually that didn't seem like a bad thing to do at all. As she walked down the streets of Story Brooke, the women pulled out her phone as she looked for any recent messages.

~ Yzma ~

Yzma laughed ridiculously as she laid down the newspaper. “Ah Gaaarfield, you make me crave lasagna. Hmmm, speaking of which. Excuuuse me! Waitress?” No one answered. Well, no one actively answered, but Yzma knew when she was being ignored. She got up, took off the ridiculous bolero and walked towards the kitchen, casually passing through the door.​

“Granny?” she looked around to see who was cooking, “well whoever is in here”, she continued in a buttery tone, “can I change my order to french toast, brown bread, stacked with cheddar cheese, bacon, sausage, spinach, apples and eggs or whatever seems appropriate in a breakfast-inspired lasagna? Thank you deeeear!”

Yzma strode out of the kitchen as if nothing happened, sitting back down at her table and laughing as she re-read the comics.​

"Look, I'm sorry for my brash demeanor, I know you were trying to help. But the poor girl had her brain bashed senseless! This is hardly the time to be arguing!"

He raised his head, listening for the ambulance Regina had called.

"Do you know this Killian fellow she's asking for? A relative of hers perhaps?"

Allistar pulled off his coat and balled it up, placing it gently under the injured girl's head, then checking her head and torso for serious damage. He began muttering, more for himself then anyone else.

"Some heavy bruising on the stomach, neck, and skull, but nothing she won't live through. Thank goodness we got here before they could do worse."
Killian knew he was right. If Michael needed him again he had his number. He turned around and walked back to town. He didn't want to see their reunion anyways.

An ambulance drove past him with its sirens blaring. Never a dull day here, he sighed and walked towards the noise. All he wanted was to sit with Emma at the diner or take Henry to something today. So far everything was far from planned.

He rounded the corner just as the ambulance stopped. He saw Regina and thought about Pan. "Regina!" He called jogging over to her, "I just found, Pan. Not the masochistic one in Neverland. He's set up camp just outside the cemetery. I think you should check on your vault. The boy likes magic and well...we know what's in there."

~ Regina ~

Regina heard Storybrooke's new ridiculously coloured hero yell something from the alleyway. She didn't care. Actually, she did, but the girl was out of harm's way and her saviour pompous... 'She's on the right track for everlasting happiness', the mayor thought.

As she managed to calm herself down she saw Killian walking towards her, mumbling something about Pan – the actual Pan – and her vault. HER VAULT! “What!? Like Hell if he or anyone will set foot in there! Thank you.” Instantly she was enveloped in purple smoke and disappeared.

Regina reappeared within her vault. She took a few moments to sense if anything was displaced or missing. Thankfully, everything was accounted for. “Fine then, if the fairy boy wants to poke around here and get nosy, I'll leave a surprise for him.” She focused her powers for a few seconds and outstretched her hands sending a ripple coursing to the walls of her crypt. Regina looked around, satisfied. Pan was a nasty little brat. Even the real one. Poking around in other people's business, stealing, disrupting the peace with his awful crowing. Regina had no idea what he might be after in her vault, but it was out of the question she would even give him the chance to snoop around. The protection she had put up would be far more than enough to deter him from even trying to break in. And if he SOMEHOW did...

“I won't bother walking or I'll miss breakfast at Granny's”. The mayor poofed herself back into town, right in front of the diner, but took a second to think before going in. “I don't know if I have the patience for the old crone this morning...”
Killian watched the puff smoke and the vanishing of Regina. It certainly was faster than walking. He had also sensed she was having a bad morning. He made a mental note of not fueling her anger towards the 'one handed pirate'.

He turned and watched the paramedics start unloading the stretcher. He peaked around the ambulance and looked in the alleyway. His childhood best friend was laying on the ground not in good shape. He looked at the man by her. He cautiously walked over with his hook glinting in the sunlight. If he had attacked her they would be taking two to the hospital.

"Hey mate. Killian Jones." He said relaxing and kneeling next to her. The man didn't look dangerous. He motioned the paramedics over and watched them load her on the stretcher.

"You'll be okay." He touched her hand and watched as they put her inside. He'd visit her later in the day. He turned to the man and raised an eyebrow, "I don't think we've met."

@SnowFeather @CrimsonAvenger77
"Hey. I'm Allistar Treye, freelance adventurer at your service."

He doffed his wide brimmed hat.

"So you're Killian! This young lady was asking for you. All she said, really. Those two bastards gave her quite a difficult time, but I gave them worse, if that's any consolation to you. She a relative of yours? I'm just happy she's alright."
Killian looked at the man. He was a strange fellow. He tried to remember him from any of the realms he had travelled to. The only place he could think of wonderland. It was full of colorful characters. And Cora...

He shook his head and smiled at him. "Aye. I also go by Hook." He motioned to his hook and looked at him, "The lass is a friend from long ago. The curse brought her here. Interesting those men bested her. She is a captain. What realm are you from?"

Snowfeather (Feather)


"Killian! Get down from there! You'll fall!" Feather stood at the foot of a tall oak tree. She was looking up at a boy who was crouching on a branch, far above her. He looked taller and older than her.

The boy yelled down. "No I'll be fine! I've done this before!" The girl put her arms on her hips and sighed. "You never listen to me!" She said, her voice filled with the tears that were soon to come. Killian looked down at her once again and frowned.

He climbed to the trunk and slid down, holding firmly onto the thick wood. As he landed on the ground he ran up to her. "Hey Feather, it's okay I'm fine. See? Fine." When she looked up, tears were forming in the corner of her eyes and Killian wiped them away. She nodded and smiled. "I just don't want to lose my best friend... I don't know what I'd do without you!" She said. Killian smiled. "Oh Feather, you'll never have to find out! I would never leave you. I mean who'd then keep you out of trouble." He said, a grin appearing on his face.

Feather punched him and he mouthed the word 'Ouch', though he didn't mean it. Feather smiled and said. "Oh yeah? Killian, you're the one who get's me in trouble in the first place, we are just lucky that you're good at excuses.." He nodded. "True!"

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Dorian was still standing in that alleyway watching the whole scene go down. Still, he wanted to continue his business deal so, Dorian repeated. "So, are you done making noise, business deal and whatnot. Bit too many swords for my liking. Dorian by the way, but something tells me you gentlemen aren't too interested in buying a copy of Theory of Fish"

@CrimsonAvenger77 @blink0623
Killian's head snapped up and he looked at the bloke looking at the pair of them. He nodded at his statement, "You are a perceptive man. Best work on Belle for that, mate." He turned to Allistar and nodded, "I'll see you around."

He walked back to the diner. He pulled out his talking phone and scrolled through the list to find Emma's name. As he looked up he almost ran right into Regina standing by the doors. He mumbled an apology and went in around her. Just when he went to press send he stumbled on a piece of clothing and dropped his phone, kicking it across the floor. He swore and looked up to see he was eye to eye with the crazy old woman.

"I um....my apologies, miss. I stumbled on your clothing." He smiled uncomfortably and stood up. He quickly picked up his phone and grabbed the darts out of the board. He finally hit the green button on Emma's name. When she answered he smiled. "Swan, would you kindly join me for a drink in the diner?"

He thought as he talked to her. That was the closest thing to a date they had ever had. After they were done, he hung up and started to throw the darts in the board as he waited.

@CrimsonAvenger77 @Apollogy8

~ Yzma ~

Just as Yzma was sipping her coffee, she felt a tug on her dress and saw a man fall beside her. He apologized clumsily and went on to the back of the restaurant to play darts. Oh,what a handsome fellow indeed. Piercing blue eyes, strong stature, the whole bad boy vibe working for him and his shirt was just open enough to... 'Focus...' Yzma had been somewhat distracted since Kronk's disappearance. She slapped herself and came to her senses. Pulling out a small kit from her purse she reapplied some lipstick and grinned wickedly in the man's direction.

“Excuse me, sir”, Yzma started as she brushed him on the shoulder and showed some leg, “you look like a very capable fellow... I am looking for an associate, of sorts. Very generic tasks: cooking, cleaning, chair carrying, asking squirrels for directions, lever pulling, llama killing, barely thinking and perhaps, every now and then...” she pulled him close by the collar and looked up at him sensually, “... some worshipping. Would you be interested? Hmmmm?” She leaned in, closer and closer, still looking up at him and running her finger from his collar down onto his chest.

“You aren't... intimidated by little old Yza Curaca, are you darling?”
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As he was throwing his darts he felt someone touch his shoulder. "Swan-" he smiled and turned around, mid throw. It was most definitely not Swan. The dart flew to the right and into the wall. He stared at her. When he finally found his voice to speak, he cleared his throat and pulled her hand away from his chest.

"You're quite the brave lass aren't you? I don't work for anyone else. I'm Killian Jones, Captain of the Jolly Roger." He crossed his arms and made sure his hook was showing. He knew she wouldn't be easy to thrawt. Maybe he could have a little fun with her.

"I like to work more as a...partner, of sorts." He stepped forward and put his face close to hers, "What do you say, darling?"


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