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Fandom Once Upon A Time

Emma glanced down at her message on her phone sent by Killian. Diner? hmm, actually that wasn't a bad thing since she had just passed it. She sent a text back saying, "Sure, I'll meet you there." and with that being sent, the woman headed back in the direction of the diner. It didn't take long to arrive at the place. Upon entering, her eyes scanned the inside seeing if Killian had made it there or not yet. @blink0623

~ Yzma ~

The pirate had caught on to her, and she knew it. Yzma may have been quite the extravagant actress, but she realized when she was being toyed with. No bother, it could still be fun to see how far the pirate would go. She'd also be lying to say that she wasn't getting a thrill out of the “dashing rapscallion”. Yzma knew him well, whether he knew her or not. The tyrant-turned-valiant...

“Captain Hook. Hm, I know your reputation young man and I must say... I feel fortunate to be offered such a brrrrrrilliant partnership!”

She turned her eyes towards the woman who had just entered for a second, realizing it was none other than the Sheriff Ms Emma Swan. 'Swan', she thought, realizing it was her name Killian had muttered when she brushed his shoulder.

“You know, if it helps, I can make myself look like her...”
Killian had no idea what this woman could possibly do or what she was even planning. He didn't see the harm in striking up a 'partnership' with her. She certainly wasn't capable of anything as bad as Rumplestilskin or even himself.

He went to ask her of what reputation she knew of when the door opened and the bell rang above the door. He turned and smiled as Emma walked in. "When you need me, come find me." He said somewhat distracted. He walked over and smiled at her.

"Swan. I thought you'd have Henry with you." He ordered a hot chocolate with cinnamon for her and a glass of gin for him. He sat in a booth across from her, "what adventures do you have planned today?"

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Emma walked in the diner, taking a seat in a booth across from Killian. Being asked about Henry reminded her of what she was originally going to do in the first place - stop by Mary Margret's house to see if Henry was there. However, she supposed that could wait for later. Henry was a smart kid, most likely he wouldn't get into any trouble while she was gone. "Well, I thought the same thing. But he sorta took off this morning." She answered truthfully.

"To be honest, I actually don't have anything planned." She told him before taking a small sip of the hot chocolate. Though she did need to check up on Henry, she could always just text him later. Apart from that, she really didn't have anything planned for today. "What about you? Are you planning to do anything today?" She casually asked back. @blink0623
I've had plenty to do already, he thought as he drank his alcohol. He fingered the glass around after he was done. He looked up at her and smiled, "No, love. Actually...I was going to see someone at the hospital today. A lass was hurt this morning."

He needed to know if Feather was okay and how she got here. More importantly, how she was still alive after all these years. If she was indeed a pirate, what brought her to Storybrooke? He stood up and held his arm out to Emma, "I'll accompany you to your family, m'lady."

Pan didn't find the magic he needed in Regina's vault under her father's mortuary. He'd made mess and been able to clean up and get out of there before Regina got there and cursed it. Peter headed out and down the street. He pulled the collar of his leather jacket up close to his ears in an attempt to keep himself warm in the cool winter air, his green beanie just wasn't doing it anymore. He didn't see Killian and Michael.

Michael had sent Killian away and had looked in the makeshift tree-fort. He had written Peter a quick letter telling him he needed to come to the toy shop before six if he wanted to see Michael at work. It said he missed Peter and that he'd be waiting for Pan to swoop into his window during the night and take him home, to Neverland now that Rumple's dad had been killed. The island was their's again. After writing the note Michael had finally headed into work. He was late but it didn't bother him. It annoyed his boss a bit but Michael tried not to let it bother him.

Peter would gladly take Michael home with him. He planned to but he didn't want to run into Michael before he knew how. Sure Rumple's dad used his shadow to become portal jumper but that was dark magic and Peter didn't know what would happen to his heart if he used it. He usually used Tink's pixie dust and believed. If he believed he could jump worlds he could. Sadly, Tink wasn't around at the moment and he had to settle for an advice app on the green smartphone he'd acquired when he entered this world. Pan still needed magic. He was in need and well...he was going to need to see Hook's "Crocodile" or at least steal something from the shop. He had everything in there. Maybe he had Tink locked in a lantern or something.

Pan headed into town trying to hide his face from the others. He avoided the toy shop and headed towards Mr. Gold's shop. He stopped abruptly when he ended up in front of Granny's. He ended up seeing Hook through the window and chatting up some blonde. He had to warn her! Hook was a liar, a cheater, and a no good liar.

Pan pushed open the door and let it slam shut behind him. He drew his dagger from his jacket and growled, "Codfish!" Pan got in a fighting stance and crouched a bit,"Get away from the lady!"


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Killian was just about to pay for the drinks when the diner door slammed shut. He whirled around and to his surprise found Pan. He listened to the "endearing" term that was yelled and his knuckles went white as he clenched his fist. He was a lad who never used his brain.

He slowly moved protectively in front of Emma, keeping their eyes locked. "Ah, Pan. You've come out of hiding." He fingered his sword then let his hand fall away. "I'm not going to fight you, lad. You don't have magic here. I like a fair fight."

He brought his hook up and traced it with his finger as he thought. He wouldn't hurt him. If he was going to charge at him so be it. Then Pan would be the villian and not him.

"This is Emma by the way. I quite fancy her." He looked up at Pan and smiled, "As we're talking about who we fancy, run along to Michael. I helped him actually. But let that be a little secret, hmmm?" He uncorked his flask and took a drink, keeping his eyes on him.

Dorian had just finished his route and sold a few copies of "History of Fish" so he decided on a break. Dorian made his way to Granny's diner and walked in just a few moments after Pan. Dorian saw the two ready to slice and dice so he interjected "Always with the violence, look, pirate guy, I'm sure you're a nice enough guy. Never got your name by the way. That's besides the point. Boy wonder over here, you may want to avoid threatening people in the presence of the only law enforcer in town. Anyway" Dorian called back to the server. "Mind getting me a club sandwich?"

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Emma watched with a raised brow as the scene unfolded right before her eyes. This guy that Killian adressed as Pan...was he really, Pan? Didn't the one in Neverland look quite different than this? She couldn't help but wonder that there might actually be two. The girl kept her eyes trained on the boy who entered, "Who is he?" She asked Killian, hoping for a better explanation. Even though Dorian had enter the scene, she still locked eyes with Pan, not sure whether he was hostile or not...but it was always better to be safer than sorry. @blink0623 @wonderboy1234
That Dorian fellow entered the diner and Killian internally groaned. Right on cue he made a comment and Killian smirked. He always had to say something. He had a feeling they were going to not get along.

"The name's Killian Jones." He said turning him around with his hook, "I would suggest keeping your thoughts to yourself, mate."

He patted him on the back then looked at Pan as he heard Emma's question. Dorian was quite lucky he ran into Killian here instead of the Enchanted Forest. So was Pan.

"That is Peter Pan. Rumplestilskin's father impersonated him and locked the lad in a box. Once we defeated him, the lad was freed." He glanced down at Emma and smiled, "He's harmless unless he's got that sparkling dust. Then he's quite annoying."

Dorian had a look of surprise on his face. The Captain Hook, during his time with Anastasia, Dorian learned of such a pirate, though they were just rumors, some said he took on a fleet with nothing but his ship. Dorian smiled and said "Your reputation precedes you, captain, and keeping my thoughts to myself isn't exactly my strong suit. Neither are sharp objects, come to think of it, deadly things aren't exactly my favorite pastime."
Pan blinked confused. This woman wasn't afraid of Killian. Why wasn't she? Hook was a bad man, a pirate no less. Law enforcement?! Hook fancied a girl who was in law enforcement...that was um...unexpected.

Pan's eyes widened when Captain Jones openly told him to run along and find Michael. How dare his rival talk to him about the boy he loved. Peter glared at Hook and twirled the dagger between his fingers.

"Magic? Oh I still have plenty of that...the fairies made me their warrior to protect the island. They made me one of them. I can fly without the dust...I need it to cross realms and you can cross realms. The Jolly Roger is a magical vessel. Correct? How else would you have gotten to Neverland in the first place," Peter said. He sheathed his blade and glared at Dorian. He had no right to criticize him...no one in here did.

The boy did a backflip into the nearest table and sat cross legged on it while he pulled his pan pipes from the loop on his belt.

He played a little tune and looked up at Emma,"I wasn't locked in the box for very long...just after Regina's first curse Tink got me out and helped Michael and I escape to the enchanted forest before things got to bad. I got to know Mulan...and Philip. Though they know me as Mason...kinda had to go undercover because rumors of Malcolm's version of me had somehow spread to the mainland. Then I ended up here because of that Zelena fiasco." Hook turned back to Hook,"Help me get home pirate...and do come home with me and Michael...Neverland will get boring without any pirates to fight."


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"Peter Pan is asking me for help?" He chuckled and flashed his signature Killian grin. The boy was smart in not coming after him. He would have helped Emma throw him in a jail cell and let him rot a bit.

He had planned this day so he could ask Emma out on a date. He would ask her, but he had to get away from Pan. He somehow knew too much all the time. He couldn't risk him somehow ruining this.

He turned back to Dorian and raised an eyebrow. "My reputation? If you knew about me, you're brave for not holding your tongue today. Lucky for you I've changed. Turned over a new leaf you could say. Besides being a devishly handsome pirate, if you want to learn more about 'sharp objects' come see me. Every man should know how to use a sword."

He walked over to Pan and crossed his arms in front of him. He didn't have the Jolly Roger anymore. He had traded it for a magic bean to find Emma. "I can't help you. My ship wasn't magic. I used magic beans which I'm fresh out of." He shrugged and took his pan pipes. He set them on the table. If he heard those blasted things again he would crush them.

@Deadkool @wonderboy1234
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"I think I might take you up on that still, I'm more interested in deception. Swordplay had it's place, I admit, but as does a cleverly placed word here of there. As for being glad we aren't back in our land, if we were I'd have an army at my back, also, I doubt you would be spending your time with miss Swan, pleasure to meet you by the way, if you had not turned a 'new leaf''.
Feather opens her eyes to see a bright light above her. As her senses stabilize, she realizes she's in a hospital. "Wha?..." She sits up and looks around. "Hello? Anyone there!?" She starts to panic. She had never been in a hospital before. She started panting and she tried to stand up. As she did, she fell to the ground, a searing pain spreading through her whole body. She cried out in agony.
Pan's eyes saddened and he avoided Hook's gaze when he heard that Hook's ship wasn't powerful enough on its own to cross realms. The boy let Hook take the pipes from his hands and place them next to him on the table. There was no use in fighting anymore. There was no way he and Michael were ever getting home. Which meant he could never see Michael again...he couldn't deliver the bad news. It would hurt him too much.

Peter got off the table and grabbed his pipes. He walked passed Hook and Emma, defeated, using the back door so he could go back to the woods and into hiding again.

How could Hook have changed so much? Was he really good now? Peter didn't believe that for a second but what if he was. That would mean that Peter had lost his villain and there would be no more pirate adventures in Neverland. Without Hook and his ship what would be the point in going home anyways. He sulked and left the diner like a wounded puppy.

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Killian watched him go and nodded. The boy would stop at nothing to get what he wanted. He knew it was only a matter of time before he was visited again. Even if there was any magic beans left, he couldn't leave. Not with Emma here.

He looked at Dorian on his way back to the table. "Whenever you want to learn, mate, I'm ready. You should be able to fight for your woman." He winked at him and sat back down across from Emma.

He took a deep breath and realized his palm had gotten sweaty. She had a power over him that he couldn't deny. It brought out the best in him, but she still could make him incredibly nervous.

"Emma, would you care to join me for dinner tonight?" He asked her with a smile.

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Nurses and a doctor rushed into Snowfeather's room. One of the nurses interjected "Miss, you're not in a very good condition, we rwally need you to stay in bed." The nurses began helping her onto the bed, she was not fit for phyically strenuous activities right now, in her condition.

Dorian saw Killian's attempted at "wooing" this Swan lady. Heh, the great captain Hook flustered, this is a rare sight. Still, Dorian didn't want to pi** off the one guy in Storybrooke voted, most likely to impale someone. Dorian grinned and nodded at Killian before taking a seat across the diner. His sandwich arrived and Dorian began eating, he still couldn't get over Hook having a girlfriend, law enforcement no less. It was laughable, and Dorian couldn't help, but let a little chuckle escape him as he was thinking about the pair.
Deadkool said:
Nurses and a doctor rushed into Snowfeather's room. One of the nurses interjected "Miss, you're not in a very good condition, we rwally need you to stay in bed." The nurses began helping her onto the bed, she was not fit for phyically strenuous activities right now, in her condition.
Dorian saw Killian's attempted at "wooing" this Swan lady. Heh, the great captain Hook flustered, this is a rare sight. Still, Dorian didn't want to pi** off the one guy in Storybrooke voted, most likely to impale someone. Dorian grinned and nodded at Killian before taking a seat across the diner. His sandwich arrived and Dorian began eating, he still couldn't get over Hook having a girlfriend, law enforcement no less. It was laughable, and Dorian couldn't help, but let a little chuckle escape him as he was thinking about the pair.
Feather squirmed in pain and her screams echoed through the building. "Let me go!! I have to return!! My crew, The Snow Bird!!" She wriggled out of the nurses grasps and stood up once more, this time succeeding. As the doctors lunged for her, she dodged them easily, regaining her balance. She rushed out of the room and out of the building. She was still wearing her normal clothing, lucky. She ran and ran, without looking where she was going. She found herself outside Granny's Diner when she stopped. She shrugged and opened the door, not bothered by the bell. She went up to the counter and sat down on one of the chairs.

She looked down at her hands that were resting on her thighs. Feather sighed and a tear fell down her face. I should never have exposed myself.. Whatever I do, I just end up hurting people, and myself. She folded her arms and laid them on top of the desk and buried her face in them. She sobbed silently, hoping that none would notice. Her whole world was crashing down on her, killing her every second. Why can't I have some happiness in my life?...

Feather lifted her head. She marched out of the Diner and slammed the door behind her. She did not care if anyone noticed her or tried to take her back to that hospital. She was going to end this now... She ran into the woods until she stumbled on a root and fell. She looked up to see the Toll Bridge. She smiled.

"Finally.." She said. "I can finally end this, once and for all...." She took out her gun and checked it. Yes, there was one bullet left, one bullet. She raised the gun to her head but hesitated... This wasn't the honorable way to die. She screamed and her voice echoed, spreading through the entire woods. She threw her gun away and started walking. "Where is a psycho killer when you need one?" She muttered.
Mary Margaret smiled watching her grandson hold her son. "He does look like grandpa." she said with a smile. She just loved knowing her family was all together in the same town. "My morning was great, I was actually go to take your uncle for a walk over to Granny's, did you want to come?" She asked cheerfully as she cleaned the kitchen. After she finished cleaning she went to grab the stroller and supplies that she'll need to care to the newborn outside of the home. "What do you say Henry? I could buy you hot chocolate just how you like it." ((@Cheesesandwitch I'm sooooo sorry I took so long to respond. I was on vacation this week and I just got home))


Meg had just watched Killian and Pan go at it in the middle of the diner. Great just what I need, another mess to clean up she thought to herself. Despite her and Killian's past, it was clear by the way he jump to protect Emma that he was over her. But that was fine for her. Meg stuck her chin up in a prideful manner, and continued taking care of the customers at granny's. The only table she hadn't approached yet was Killian's and Emma's. They had their drinks, maybe they just weren't eating anything. She knew Granny would be mad if she didn't at least ask.

Meg walked up to where Killian and Emma were sitting and asked, "would you two like to look at a menu or is it just drinks for this morning?" she asked in an emotionless tone. She waited for a response from the pair, she just wanted this shift to be over with so she could go back to her lonely apartment for one and lay in bed. Meg kept telling herself that this desire to leave had nothing to do with their past. They shared one night and it meant nothing, she kept telling herself.
"That sounds nice" Henry said with a smile "Mom may be there" Henry handed the baby back to Mary Margret with a smile "Is grandpa coming?" Henry asked curiously not knowing where he was. @shygirl3


((It's okay sorry I didn't reply back. I'm usually asleep by eleven o'clock))
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~ Regina ~

“Oh whatever.” Regina muttered to herself as she turned away from the diner door, ultimately deciding to have breakfast at her office. She strode down the street and watched everyone go about their business, only to have a rise in her loneliness. Simple things like asking how someone's day was going seemed beyond her: she anticipated the person's reaction... Animosity. 'The hardest part is not being able to blame them...' She pulled out her phone to text Henry, even virtual contact with her adoptive son made her feel better.

Good night, I love you xox
I love you too mom
Good morning Henry. I hope you slept well. Join me for lunch? At home? I'll cook, I've decided to take the day off.

Regina puffed herself back home to start cooking. She munched on a breakfast bar as she got cracking on lunch. Apple pie for dessert of course, it was her speciality. It made her snicker every time she started to peel the fruit. Memories of the Enchanted Forest and a whole other lifetime came flowing in. She had changed so much over time she couldn't recognize her memories as being her own... Regina put down the apple and let out a few silent tears in the empty manor. She couldn't stand being alone anymore. She wiped her eyes dry and got back to business.



~ Yzma ~

When the pirate flirted a little and left her hanging at the sight of his blond love-interest, wheels started turning in Yzma's head. Love's magic ties were quite binding, weren't they? She observed a few moments, after having returned to her seat. Nothing was certain between the two, yet they seemed enthralled nonetheless. Love, the actual thing, could prove to be quite the powerful weapon if properly harnessed. The old crone chuckled as she paid the bill and left, still lost in thought. Gold – Rumplestiltskin – had brought magic back to Storybrooke during the original Curse with a True Love potion. That was proof enough it was capable of incredible things. 'Hmmm... But then why didn't the Dark One try harnessing it himself?' That's when it hit her: 'Dark One'. Could it be Gold was too vulnerable to Light Magic to attempt any extended manipulation of True Love extract? It was a weak hypothesis, since he was QUITE powerful, but it was logical enough to consider. Yzma had no such constraints... She wasn't even magical, she was a chemist. Being mundane had it's advantages: one without power can not be stripped of them. Not to mention the well-known rule: “Magic always comes at a price!”

“Excuse me, may I have a piece of paper and a pen please? Thank you darling.” She scribbled down a few lines on the small piece the waitress had handed to her, not even realizing how loud her cackling was growing. She definitely needed to work on being less conspicuous. “Excuse me again dear. Could you be so kind as to give this to the gentleman sporting a hook for a hand? Thank you.” Yzma slowly walked out of the diner, trying to make intense eye contact with Killian but utterly failing to do anything more than have people at nearby tables intensely raise eyebrows. She made her way home, still randomly laughing every other minute.

I already have a service to ask of you. Don't worry, I will make it more than worth your while. Come to the Pharmacy at 1 AM, just to make sure no one sees you. Also, it's much more dramatic and romantic. I would send you a letter with more instructions, but I do hate paying posting, so just come by tonight.

Looking forward to it,

Yza Curaca

Henry pulled out his phone and read the text from Regina and texted back- Of corse mom, I'd love to have lunch with you. Dose 12:30 sound good?

Henry smiled "Todays going to be a good day"

@Azure @shygirl3
At first Emma was unsure of how to answer Killian's question. Dinner would be nice, and going with him would also be nice. But was that something she really was willing to do? To be honest, there was no reason why she should decline. Besides, this would be kinda relaxing.

"Alright, count me in." She agreed, a small smile resting on her face. "Dinner would be great. What time...?" @blink0623
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Killian's eyes lit up. He bit his lip and thought for a minute. "I'll see you at seven." He smiled. Despite their past Swan had let her barriers down a little bit more. They had come far from him being tied to a tree and her holding a dagger to his throat.

He glanced up at Meg as she talked to them. "No, this is all." He felt like he needed to talk to her. The look on her face said it all.

As he was getting up he read the note handed to him by the waitress. The woman wanted to meet him at 1 am. Somehow, he always found himself in the middle of some scheme. He would hear her out. If she wanted to hurt Emma or her family he would back out. Simple as that.


That afternoon he waited around the back of Granny's. His mind was racing with thoughts. He had already planned the date and bought new clothes. Swan will be quite caught off guard, he thought and chuckled. If there was one thing Killian Jones knew how to do it was planning a date.

His mind drifted back to why he was here. Meg. He remembered very clear the woman coming up to him on the docks and asking to be taken with him. He didn't know from who, but he did sense she was running from someone. He had agreed. Over the course of seven months he had fallen for her and she for him. Then he left her and his crew to sail to find Emma after receiving a very urgent note. That was the last time he had seen her until he came back here.

He watched her walk out. "For as close as we got on my ship, you're very good at hiding your emotions lass." He stepped out of the shadows and looked at her. His hook caught her wrist so she couldn't run. "I wanted to tell you I was sorry. I had to find Emma and bring her back to her family. It was the right thing to do."


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