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Fandom Once Upon A Time

Seven o'clock was the time set for the date. That was actually perfect, giving Emma her time to get ready and finish up other things that had to be done today. It would also give her a chance to think was this even the right decision. Her and Killian had a...strange...history together. She knew he moved on from it, but as for herself. After what happened with Neil, Emma had a hard time forgiving others much less trusting others. Now, Emma seemed to be slowly removing her walls one at a time and still wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do.

During the hours she had of free time, the blonde female made her way back to her apartment and to her closet. She decided to go ahead and get things ready for tonight. Her eyes scanned the closet for any clothes that might be...usable... for tonight. Emma didn't want something too fancy but she also didn't want to seem like she didn't care either. Cause truthfully, she did care.
As Meg walked out she heard an all too familiar voice. Keeping a passive face she responded, "I don't know what you're talking about." She continued distantly "I'm not hiding anything, I felt and feel nothing for you." She said bluntly. Meg looked at him "anything else captain? or am I free to go?" He spurted out his apology. While his apology might have been genuine, Meg knew better than to trust men. They're all liars.

Meg shrugged "you did what you felt you had to do." Meg backed away "You two look happy together." she stated coldly. Meg tossed her ponytail behind her, "If you don't mind I've been working all morning. I'm tired so I'm going to go." she pulled her wrist free of his hook and walked away towards her apartment. ((@blink0623 ))
After breakfast with Mary Margret and Prince Charming Henry went over to Regina's for lunch "Hi mom how are you" Henry smiled "Mom can I spend the night?"

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David started his morning early at the sheriff's station. Once Emma and Mary Margaret came back from being sucked into the Enchanted Forest, he became deputy as Emma resumed her post as sheriff. He was there earlier than normal since he was already awake. Neal was such a wonderful miracle to their family, but having an infant who didn't sleep through the night was difficult. He had taken the five o'clock feeding so Mary Margaret could sleep in.

Later that morning he decided to go home and check on his family. Emma and Henry had since moved out. They missed them, but they only lived down the road. It was rare not to see Henry every day.

He decided to stop at Granny's for coffee. His eyes scanned the diner for any sign of Mary Margaret. He didn't see her, but he did see something else. Killian Jones, Captain Hook, with his daughter. His eyes narrowed as he watched Emma smile at him and he smile at her in return. He didn't know what they were discussing, but he didn't like it one bit.

He went to open the door and thought better of it. It would only lead to a confrontation between the two. He instead turned around and headed back home. Mary Margaret always seemed to soothe his every worry.

"Oh, good morning Henry." He smiled at him. He gave Mary Margaret a kiss and picked up Neal. He smiled as he cradled him. Henry received a text and he looked over his shoulder. Regina. Things had been...civil between them. At least with Henry it was.

The rest of the morning he talked with his family and played with his baby. As noon rolled around he waved to Henry as he left to go to Regina's. When the door was shut he turned to Mary Margaret. "I was walking towards the diner this morning and guess what I saw? Emma and Hook. They were smiling and talking and...and I just don't like it. I don't trust him one bit with her."

~ Regina ~

Regina smiled as her boy came home for lunch. She saw less and less of him lately, seeing as Swan was in the picture and the Charmings were reproducing again. Considering all that had went on in Neverland with the fake Pan, the lessening quality time was increasingly unbearable. Lunch was pleasant, as always. Though a teenager and sometimes angsty, Henry was a nice boy, kind and generous, and most importantly: caring.

Regina's heart swelled when he asked to spend the night. “Of course, Henry! This is still your home! Your room is always there for you – and I am too!” She was glad to have spent so much time and energy keeping his room clean and ready for sleep-overs. She never used magic to get it done either; she felt it was important to do it herself... As if there were something magical in not using her powers. “Did you want to rent a movie or do anything special tonight? We could have some fun!” Family... she missed it terribly.

Henry smiled as he thought of what would be fun for both of them. He loved Regina and knew she had a good heart and was always happy to spend time with her. "Do you want to work on operation mongose? We will find your happy ending mom I just know we will" Henry had been wanting to help his mom find her happy ending but with uncle Neal just being born he wanted to spend some time with him to. @Azure
Mary Margaret happily greeted David when he came in from work. She enjoyed her morning with her family, then waved goodbye to Henry as he left to go to Regina's. As soon as David closed the door, she could tell something was bother him. She chuckled a little bit hearing how protective he is over his daughter. She pulled him in for a hug "David, Emma is an adult. You can't really control who she talks to or smiles at." She said with a slight smirk.

She gently touched her hand to his face, "I love how protective you are over Emma, and I know you can't stop being her father but give Killian the benefit of the doubt." She shrugged, "maybe she's changing him. You never know. Besides you said they were just smiling and talking, maybe they're just friends." She suggested and held Neal, trying to rock him to sleep for his afternoon nap. She finally succeeded and tucked the child into his crib. "How was your morning?" Mary Margaret asked as she made herself some tea and sat down on the couch. It wasn't often she got to relax due to constantly caring for Neal, so when she did, she took full advantage of the opportunity.

David listened to his wife. He sighed and smiled, shaking his head. He was right. She always knew what to say. It was one of the many reasons he loved her so dearly.

As she rocked Neal, he thought a little bit more of that pirate who set him on edge. He had saved his life in Neverland. He knew it was for Emma, but he still more than appreciated it. He also came back for Emma and brought her and Henry to them. Maybe Mary Margaret was right. Maybe the selfish pirate was indeed changing.

He looked up at her question. "It was slow. To be honest, I kind of liked it. There's always so much going on around here." He sat by her on the couch and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Emma never came in today. I was a little worried about her, but once I saw her in the diner I figured she overslept."

He smiled at the thought of his beautiful, blonde daughter. It amazed him how much he loved her. He loved her as much as Neal even though he never was able to raise her. He felt guilty about that every day, but she was here now. That's all that mattered to them.


Killian watched Meg go. He knew her well enough to know that she didn't want to be followed. He wouldn't stop trying. No matter what she said to him, he could see it. She cared. He was sure seeing him with Emma wasn't helping, either.

With a sigh he turned and walked back to the small house a local fisherman owned. He let Killian stay there until he found something more permanent. He walked to his room and changed his clothes. His long black jackets, vest, and leather pants were gone. He replaced them with black pants, shirt, vest, and a leather jacket. The color hadn't changed, but he looked different.

As the time ticked closer he decided to walk over. He bought a single long stemmed rose as he made his way over to her apartment. His first thought was he was grateful he didn't have to see David tonight. After that all his thoughts were focused on Emma. Before he knew it he was at her door. He straightened his jacket and knocked.

The light blue dress she wore fit perfectly against Emma's skin, even complementing it on it's own. Her eyes watched herself from the mirror that was on her dresser. What she was wearing was a bit formal. Then again, going out to dinner normally meant wear something formal. After being satisfied with the way it looked on her, Emma worked on her make-up and accessories. Normally she wasn't too keen on wearing jewelry, but she did manage to slip on a silver necklace to accompany the dress.

Her ears perked to the knocking that was heard against her door. That was most likely Killian. Not wanting to keep him waiting, Emma walked over to the door of her apartment just before opening it. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the man who was suppose to be taking her to dinner. He looked...stunningly handsome....in the apparel that he wore. "Hey." She greeted, "Is...is that a new suit?" She asked. Well, it could have been old since she never really did see him in a suit to begin with. @blink0623
He turned around around as she opened the door. "Swan..." He took a breath as he looked at her, "You look stunning."

"No, actually I purchased this for our evening." He stepped forward and handed her the rose, "Quite handsome, I know. I figured if I'm going to be in this world I needed to dress the part."

He held his arm out and smiled. He made small talk with her as they walked to a little Italian restaurant he had found. They were escorted to their table and quickly pulled out her chair. He sat in his across from her and smiled, "How's this for a date?"

He waved their waiter over who brought them a basket of bread and some wine. Killian smiled at the beautiful girl across the table from him. She had actually agreed to go on a date with him. Things were looking good for the two of them. For once, they could talk without having to chase a monster.

((Damn, I thought I replied to this xD ))

The restaurant she was taken to was absolutely amazing. Emma smiled softly as they were both taken back to a table for two. The waiter brought them both some wine and bread. For a first date with Killian, Emma had to admit she was impressed on how well he chose for the place. Not to mention it was one first times they actually got to talk without people either out to kill them or worse. "This place is really nice." She admitted, before taking a sip of the wine. "And um, thanks for taking me here." Emma wasn't too sure what to talk about...there was so much she could talk about and also so little. "So how's adjusting to life at Story Brook working out...?" She asked, deciding to bring up a subject.
He smiled as he watched her. She always had something to say to him, mostly derogatory, and yet here she was with nothing. He waited her drink her wine and his mind raced. No, be a gentleman. He chided himself.

"It's...difficult sometimes. It's so vastly different from other realms. Talking phones, moving picture boxes, that devil box that plays music unexpectedly." He shook his head as he took a bite of the bread. Although it was hard to be here, he would stay the rest of his life here with her. He was trying. Clothing was the start.

"What about you, Swan? You came back here to save your family. Do you miss New York?" He thanked the waiter as he brought him menus. Her handed one to her and listened for the answer as he skimmed the menu.

Rasputin sat at a table in a fancy restaurant eating a large portion of the unlimited soup and salad reserves. Still, he was growing full, time for the plan to go into effect. Rasputin unzipped a small bag made of a material foreign to him. Rasputin unzipped the bag and revealed a repugnant cockroach. He then sat it in his soup gingerly, a wide grin on his face. Rasputin then signaled for the waiter to approach before saying "I'm afraid I've found a bug in my soup, I assume my meal will be free." The waiter replied "Sir, I saw you put the insect in your bowl." Rasputin continued "Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I let this entire establishment know of your infestation." The waiter put on an crooked smile "Apologies sir, I'll go speak to my manager." A woman in business apparel approached Rasputin and said "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Rasputin responded by saying "I was hoping you'd say that. OH MY! THERE APPEARS TO BE A BUG IN MY FOOD! AND NOW I'VE BEEN ASKED TO LEAVE!" Nearby patrons spit out their food and began protesting noisily. Servers did their best to calm the guests, but failed. In the commotion Rasputin began to sneak away. Noticing the "savior", Rasputin shot her a wink before starting to sneak out the door.

@Apollogy8 @blink0623
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Killian turned to the man yelling and narrowed his eyes. This was to be the perfect evening he had waited months for. In the commotion a server was tripped and sent a bottle of wine crashing into their table. It's contents were flowing off the table and onto both of them before Killian quickly snatched it up.

His hand clenched into a fist and he looked at Emma. "I'll be back." He shoved his chair roughly back and followed the man responsible for causing this. Not only had he caused the mad dash to the door, he had winked at Emma. That certainly didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey!" He yelled as he followed him. He finally caught him and grabbed him. He swung him around and held him by his collar, "You need to learn proper form, mate. We'll start with manners. Don't you ever wink at my lady again. Next time I see you, I expect an apology."

He let go of him. Something about him made his skin crawl. He didn't like him on bit. He reared back and gave him a solid right hook to the jaw. He shook out the pain in his hand as he walked back towards Emma.

"This place doesn't have an infestation. I went into the kitchen earlier." He said sitting down, "We can stay or leave. It's up to you, love."

@Apollogy8 @Deadkool
Rasputin's jaw clicked out of place, sagging, his mouth wide-open. After a moment to grasp what had just happened Rasputin clicked the jaw back in place with a sickening snap. Rasputin's eyebrows furrowed, he certainly wasn't pleased. Still, his revenge would have to wait, this pirate seemed rather dangerous. "Mister...pirate, I'll be sure to keep the use of my eyelids to a minimum." Rasputin walked through the door, thus obtaining a free meal. "Stupid pirate, does he have any idea how much glue it'll take to keep this thing from flying off again!?" He said to himself.
Eeve sighed and glanced around. Good, no one was looking. She smiled and hurriedly tugged her school uniform down a bit more snug to herself. She'd been known for skipping out on classes. She was a natural book worm and it showed. She had great marks in nearly all her classes, except math. She was not so great there. She didn't have very many friends either, her being the daughter of the Dark One. She'd also been known to have sticky fingers. She'd been caught stealing a few times, but luckily, it was by Emma. She of coarse had to take the stolen goods back and apologize, but she didn't mind as long as her dad didn't know. Out of both parents, her mum was the favorite. Dad was just scary.

She took one more careful glance around and then turned and hurriedly jogged to the forest. She'd begun some magic training, secretly under Regina. So, she was careful to cover her tracks for fear of getting a rather heavy lashing from her dad. Odd to think of a 16 year old getting punished in such a way. She made her way down to the river, by the toll bridge. She walked a little east from it to a little hidden bank. There were several trees hiding her there. With a satisfactory nod she went over to a tree stump. She'd managed to magic the wood to carefully hide some of her favorite things. She placed both hands on the gnarled stump's bark and worked some magic, gently coaxing it open. She grinned as it easily opened to her. She nodded and carefully pulled out three particular things. A blue and white throw pillow, a blanket that was levi material on one side and blue plaid on the other, and then her own special copy of the story book. Once Upon A Time.

She smiled and laid out the blanket, levi side down onto the dirt and grass. From there, she took off her shoes and settled on the blanket, then set down her pillow and story book. With a satisfactory nod she smiled and sprawled out there and enjoyed the sounds of the rushing river and the singing birds.

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