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Fandom Once Upon A Time


Junior Member
Do you love OUAT? Then come join us! Accepting all characters and even some new fairytale ones! I'm asking all RPs be a minimum of 2 paragraphs.

Please keep cursing to a minimum! And no explicit writing. I understand that intimacy may happen, but I don't want that to be detailed. Thanks!
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Killian stood on the dock early in the morning. It was peaceful. There was a light breeze which lightly lifted the ends of his long coat. Storybrooke was peaceful. For now, he thought. There was always something, or better yet someone, happening in this small town. He always found himself in the middle of it, too.

He walked towards the main road. Just a few days ago this town wasn't even here. It had once again been dropped back into the enchanted forest. Everyone except for Emma and Henry. He smiled at the thought. He would go to the ends of the earth for that lass.

He entered Granny's Diner with the bell tinkling above. Leroy was already there eating his daily breakfast. Killian nodded and sat down a couple chairs down. He ordered some eggs and pancakes before taking a drink of rum out of his flask. He hoped today would stay quiet. It would be nice for once.
The light breeze passed through Snow's long, blonde hair. She smiled and put on her hat. She started walking towards the diner and as she got closer, she read the sign. Granny's Diner... She let out a sigh and put her hand on the handle. She turned it slowly and the door creaked open and she quickly put a finger on the bell over the door, stopping it from tinkling.

She walked inside and inspected the diner. It was cozy but not really her taste. She quickly drew back into the shadows as a muscular man with a black mustache walked past her. Once he disappeared through the door, she turned her attention to a man who was sitting at a table. The man was beyond familiar to her and just looking at him sent a wave of anger through her. She went up to his table and sat down to his right.

"Well, well. Who would have known that you would be here, Killian..." She snapped as she dug her sharp finger nails into the wooden table, leaving a mark.
Jessica sat on a bench in the park, looking into the water with curiousness. It hasn't been too long since she arrived, and she still doesn't get a lot of the things that the people do here. She's not used to these things called "Cars." Instead of horses. Or a "Diner." Instead of a tavern. She shook her head, wanting the thought to go away. She pulled her hair, as she sat alone in the park, just watching the fish in the water.
Killian was just finished his food when he felt someone sit beside him. He turned and looked at her. That face was so familiar. But no, it couldn't be. After hearing his name who knew exactly who it was.

"Snowy?!" He asked, dumbfounded. A million question raced through his mind as he looked at her. She was definitely all grown up. "How are you still alive?"

He thought about the last time he had seen her. He had been twelve years old. She left with her father. And yet, here she was over three hundred years later.


“I was pulled this way and that for longer than I can remember. And my problem was that I always tried to go in everyone's way but my own. I have also been called one thing and then another while no one really wished to hear what I called myself. So after years of trying to adopt the opinions of others I finally rebelled. I am an invisible man.” Belle sat on the library floor in between bookshelves skimming the pages of a Ralph Ellison book, one of her favorites to be exact. The peace and quiet of the library let Belle's mind open and immerse itself into story. For a second she was no longer in Storybrooke. Instead she was in the deep south following the journey of The Invisible Man.

The chiming of the clock on top of the library was what brought Belle back to Storybrooke. Her head snapped up tearing her eyes away from the pages as the clock dinged and donged marking the hour. She had been reading since the moment she got to the library. Belle had meant to dust the place and clean up a bit, but once her hands were on a book she couldn't help but pry the book open and read. With most of her morning spent on reading, Belle stood up from the library floor, admired the towering shelves of books around her, and began doing what she came here to do in the first place, clean the library.​

Meg was working her usual opening shift at the diner. It wasn't the most glorious job, but somebody had to help Granny served all the citizens of Storybrooke. Meg had finished wiping down tables on one side of the diner when she spotted a new table. She approached the two sitting in the booth handing them each a menu. "Killian. Snow." she greeted them both. Working at the diner has given her a chance to meet all those who live in the town.

She took out her order pad from the apron. "Despite the fact that the sun rose minutes ago, I'm guess your choice of beverage would be rum?" She asked in her usual sarcastic, disinterested tone. Meg waited for confirmation of their order.

~Mary Margaret~

Mary Margaret woke up to the sound of her newborn child whining. It was time to feed her child. She picked up her son and carried him with her to the kitchen. Mary Margaret began to make his formula. She was heating the bottle and while she waited for it to be warm enough she spoke softly to her son as she rocked him back and forth. The bottle was warmed and she tested it on her skin.

Mary Margaret placed the bottle in his mouth as she sat down feeding him. She began humming softly as the baby ate. Mary Maragret loved her life here. The baby finished the bottle and then she began to get him dressed. She planned to take him on the morning walk and maybe she would take him to visit his big sister Emma and his nephew Henry.
Snow growled at hearing her childhood nickname and stood up, her chair falling to the ground. She grabbed Killian's shirt in her hands and lifted him off of his chair. "Don't you dare call me that!" She snapped and let him go, pushing him away from her. She rounded on Meg and smiled. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave." She smiled and walked out of the Diner, the bell tinkling above.
Jessica stood up from the bench and decided to go the "Granny's Diner."

When she got there, she saw someone storm out of the doors, angrily. She sat in one of the booths and waited.
Killian was bewildered. He had no idea why she acted that way. He hadn't seen her since they were kids. Unless...he shook his head. There was no way she was the shipped he and his crew had attacked with a female captain. And if she was, he knew why she was upset. He had taken quite a bit of gold and killed some of her men.

His eyes shifted over to Meg. His jaw clenched as he looked at her. During the curse when they were in the enchanted forest she had come aboard his ship for a while trying to get away from someone. They had become more than friends. Every time he saw her he felt immense guilt. He didn't know if he would see Emma again so he had tried to fill the hole she had left in his heart. Unfortunately, he had feelings for Meg too.

"I've got to go." He said pushing past her. He walked outside and over to Emma's apartment. He needed to just see her smile. He knocked on her door and patiently waited.
Snow heard a voice behind her. She spun around to see two men, probably at the age of 28 from the looks. They smiled at her and one of them tried to grab her. She started running and the men followed her. She ran into an alleyway between two buildings, both apartments and realized it was a dead end. She screamed in pain as one of the men caught up to her and grabbed her arm, twisting it. She cried as he pushed her onto the ground. The other man lifted her chin up with his finger and whispered. "Let's make you bleed shall we?"

Snow growled and tried to wriggle out of the man's grasp but he was much stronger than her. She realized that there was nothing she could do but scream for help. "Help!! Somebody help me!!" She kept yelling until the second man covered her mouth with his hand. She bit him and as he withdrew his hand, she continued screaming, hoping for someone to come...
Snowfeather once more stopped screaming as one of the men kicked her hard in her stomach. Her vision was blurred as he her kicked again and again. She started coughing up blood and she gasped for air. This is it...., she thought. I'm going to die.... I-I....

She was rolled over by one of the men and he lifted her off of the ground, his hand at her throat. She tried to make him let her go by clawing at his hands but it only made it worse. The corners of her eyesight was fading and she closed her eyes. She did not know how but as she cried out in hope, a scream escaped her. "HELP!!"

She opened her eyes, energy flowing through her again. She tried to struggle out of the man's grasp but once again lost hope as he just squeezed her tighter.

The man pushed her up against a wall and as her head hit the brick wall, she passed out...

~ Regina ~

Light peeked through the curtains, accompanied by a refreshing breeze and the sweet sound of chirping birds. Regina slowly opened her eyes. She had been awake for a while but wanted to enjoy the peace of her mansion a little while longer. At least, that's what the once-evil-queen wanted to believe. In reality she was afraid of waking up and being alone, yet again. She sighed and rolled onto her back. A robin flew onto her windowsill to sing yet another good morning. Regina got up slowly and cocked her head, smirking and she approached the window-turned-concert-hall. “Snow... I have no idea how you put up with this...” She turned and started picking out clothes. “I have to make sure not to go TOO nice or I'll have to suffer the entire flock...”

Regina stepped out, locking the door behind her and closing her jacket just a little tighter: it was a chillier morning than she expected. The bird came back. “You're mocking me aren't you? Do you think my life is so devout of meaning I need a 'sounds of nature' soundtrack to accompany my every move? Well I DON'T, thank you very much.” The bird cocked it'S head and flew away. Regina marched on and towards the diner: the one place she didn't feel quite so alone, despite the still awkward silent stares she got from some of the townsfolk.

On her way to Granny's Regina heard screaming in a nearby alley. She ran towards it and saw two men assaulting a young woman. “HEY!” She stopped, yelling at them and preparing a fireball. “In case you didn't know the Mayor of this town has a bad habit of doing awful things when she loses her temper.”
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It was an average morning in Storybrooke for Michael Darling. He woke up in his room his teddy in his arms. It was something he still used and loved though he was 17...or well he looked 17. In reality he was probably around...if he was born in the early 1900s then that would make him at least. Nah...let's not do the math. He was still a kid, like his Peter. Now that he had his memories back he remembered the love he and Pan had shared but ever since the curse had been broken he hadn't been able to find him. A lot of people were still unaccounted for, not to mention that the town believed Peter was that monster who had tried stealing that Henry boy's heart.

Michael got ready for the day and crammed his teddy into his backpacks before he hopped on his bike and started to ride towards the toy store where he worked, God he missed Peter...he'd stop at Granny's on his way into town.

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NessieAlways said:


“I was pulled this way and that for longer than I can remember. And my problem was that I always tried to go in everyone's way but my own. I have also been called one thing and then another while no one really wished to hear what I called myself. So after years of trying to adopt the opinions of others I finally rebelled. I am an invisible man.” Belle sat on the library floor in between bookshelves skimming the pages of a Ralph Ellison book, one of her favorites to be exact. The peace and quiet of the library let Belle's mind open and immerse itself into story. For a second she was no longer in Storybrooke. Instead she was in the deep south following the journey of The Invisible Man.

The chiming of the clock on top of the library was what brought Belle back to Storybrooke. Her head snapped up tearing her eyes away from the pages as the clock dinged and donged marking the hour. She had been reading since the moment she got to the library. Belle had meant to dust the place and clean up a bit, but once her hands were on a book she couldn't help but pry the book open and read. With most of her morning spent on reading, Belle stood up from the library floor, admired the towering shelves of books around her, and began doing what she came here to do in the first place, clean the library.​
Dorian walked down the streets of Storybrooke toting a large briefcase. He strode confidently into the library and put a smile on his face. Dorian then saw someone, likely the librarian, he assumed. Dorian walked up to her, and said. "Hello there, I'm Dorian, perhaps you know me better as Dmitri, probably not actually. Anyway, I noticed you in this very library and thought to myself, Dorian, you know what that library needs, more books." Dorian sat his briefcase on a nearby table and continued. "I'm inclined to sell you some astounding texts. Hailey, as in the comet, his amazing book "A history of Fish"! Or perhaps you'd better enjoy "A brief guide to theoretical physics". Point being, I'm in the market to sell you at affordable prices, books you can't find anywhere else. This is practically the Gutenberg Bible. Books so exquisite, it'd be easier finding a sub-atomic particle in a haystack. Deal of the century. Now, before we continue to speak business, would you care to introduce yourself, madam?"

~ Yza Curaca/Yzma, wearing


The door of the diner flew open and in walked the sensual, eccentric, voluptuous, larger-than-life-yet-unsettlingly-skeletal Yza, in all her 80-year-old-pharmacist-and-fashion-model glory.

“Good morrrrrrrrrrrning Gran- ACK!” The door had swung shut on the extravagant bolero covering her shoulders. The gold, blue and green feathers had caught in the necklace so large it was virtually weighing her down, and then was swept along with the door as the mechanism forced it shut. Yza was pulled over to the side, strangled by the fashion she so adored and smacked against the window before sliding down to the floor. She sat up and pulled on the feathers with all her might, tearing half of them off her right shoulder and breaking the necklace in the process. At last, she was free!

She stood up, quickly and gracefully, trying to salvage what remained of her dignity. “Good morrrrrrning Granny's”, she repeated in a lower tone, and she limped, chin high up in the air, to a seat in the middle of the room. She snapped her fingers snobbishly at whichever waitress would see her first: “Excuuuse me? Can I have the special, hold the gravy with potatoes as a side dish with cheese, cheddar is fine. Thank you.” She paused a few moments to look through the morning paper that was conveniently already set on the table. “Actually change the potatoes to a salad. Thank you daaaaarling.”​
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Flameheart flipped hair hair and ran her fingers through the fiery strands and walked into Grannys dinner grabbed her to go box as usual and walked back out and ran back to her shop sat down at the front desk and began to eat her breakfast

Flameheart was soon finished and she whipped her mouth then threw away her trash and sat back down in her swirly big front desk chair and spun around admiring her gun shop​

Meg rolled her eyes as the two had pushed past her. "Bye." she muttered to herself as she grabbed the menus and walked over to another girl who had just sat down. This girl hadn't been in Storybrooke long and she was trying to wrack her brain for the girl's name. She walked over to the table and greeted her, "Jessica, right?" she said as she handed the girl a menu.

Just as Meg was going to ask the girl what she wanted to drink, there was a commotion at the front door. Yzma was stuck in the door. Meg rolled her eyes and asked Jessica "what can I get you to drink?". Meg heard the old woman order her food out loud to the whole diner, but chose to ignore her. Meg didn't jump at the snap of someone's fingers. One of the other waitresses could take care of her. ((@Queen of Fantasy ))

~Snow White~

Mary Margaret had just finished dressing her son when she heard her grandson come through the door. She picked up her son and went out to meet Henry. "Good Morning Henry!" she exclaimed in her joyful, sweet manner. She smiled at her grandson, "would you like to hold him?" she asked. ((@Cheesesandwitch ))
Michael's tummy grumbled a bit as he rode past Granny's. He decided it would be ok to be late for work....his boss would understand. Michael put his bike in the rack in the front of the store and secured it in with his bike lock. The blond boy headed inside the dinner and looked around. He was too late Killian Jones...the one and only Captain Hook was gone. He always ate breakfast here. Crap...Michael was too late. Hook was a good man but he was also a pirate. Part of him believed he had something to do with his Pan's disappearance but then he remembered how much the man kept his good form at all times. Michael took a deep breath and walked towards the pay phone in the back to call the pirate. Michael dug through the phone book and found a number. He dialed. "Killian?" Michael asked into the phone. He and Hook didn't see eye to eye in Neverland but this was Storybrooke...here it might be different. Michael cleared his throat,"I need your help finding Pan." @blink0623
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"Halt villains!"

The two thugs turned to see a colorfully dressed stranger lunge past the mayor towards them, a rapier in one hand and a dagger in the other. He swiped upwards with his long, thin blade and drew a deep scratch up the side of the larger man's cheek, then sunk the knife into his calf. In the same motion, spinning like a carnival calliope of death, he executed a series of three roundhouse kicks to the second man's stomach, groin, and face, before finishing his acrobatics display with a quick knuckle jab to the unfortunate man's Adam's apple. The first man pulled the dagger from his leg and slashed at Allistar, but he leapt back over the unconscious body of the other thug, and snapped his fingers together. The handle suddenly became greased with hot butter, and the man dropped it, clattering to the ground. Allistar pulled a second knife from inside his maroon trench coat, and rapidly bashed the hooligan four times in the temple with the pommel. The second man fell, and Allistar dropped his weapons, kneeling next to the blonde haired girl they had assaulted.

"Hey, miss, you alright?"
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Jessica saw Meg come up to her and hand her a menu. She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm Jessica." She said opening the menu. "I'll just have some tea." She said smiling.
"Of course!" Henry said happily Mary Margret handed Henry the baby. Henry looked down at the baby the looked at Mary Margret and smiled "He looks like grandpa" Henry laughed a bit "How was your morning? Mom woke me up and we had bacon and eggs and the usual cup of hot coco with cinnamon"

As Killian was waiting, his...talking contraption started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and pushed the green button, just as Charming had showed him.

"Killian Jones." He answered. He listened and his eyes darted to the door. Michael Darling. He sighed, "I'll be there shortly."

He hung up and knocked on the door again. "Swan, I'll be back later." He walked down the stairs and out onto the street. He watched his hook shine in the sunlight. He use to be a villian, but now frequently found himself going on quests savings lives. What a turn around his life had taken.

He walked into the diner and looked around. It had become busy since he left. He found Michael and breathed a sigh of relief that he didn't have to brush by the crazy old woman. He pulled out a chair and sat down. "Now, where have you looked for Pan?" @wonderboy1234

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