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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Rosie frowned when Mizuti passed out and scavenged around for her water bottle and a towel, wetting the towel a bit and putting it on his forehead and placing the water bottle on the floor. Sighing a little and checking her brothers arms, thinking about what could have possibly done this...Who. "Mizuti..Try to remember.." She whispered to him, starting to wonder if she should call for help.
Mizuti stirred As he heard his sisters voice. He slowly woke up at first but a memory of the attack came back to him. "M....mother was there.....m...mother sent it after me....she called it a slicer...." Mizuti tried to sit up but fell back onto he bed as his body began to hurt him and more of the memory came back to him. "Mother said I'm just a lab rat...that we are all just dead weight..." Mizuti sat up and hissed in anger at the memory he rememberes
"Well, if those assholes didn't lock me up for a month, then maybe they wouldn't be dead. I hope they thought about that, and I hope that it was the last things running through their heads. Damn dirty..." He fumed for a moment, then calmed himself. "So you tried to die eh? How the hell did they get to you in time?" He realized that question was irrelevant. "So we're both dead men."

@Midnight Phantom
Cicero said:
"Well she wasn't meet me I always make people upset with my choices but you were defiantly one of the best choices that helped drown out the bad one." He said while looking down at her hugging her "If she does try to find you we can deal with it when the time comes we can deal with it...together." The boy stated while looking away embarrassed at what he said for some reason
Stell nodded quietly and blushing but smiled. "Yeah.. Also Nick you blush a lot.."she said softly and giggled at her boyfriend wanting to tease him a little bit before kissing his jaw. "Ah but you're cute,I like teasing you so much because I love you Nick.."
"I don't think people turn into stars Cicero, but maybe you're right." Tabitha replied, saving his thoughts before they both forgot what he had been trying to say. For a second Tabby just looked up at the stars while she walked, before nearly slipping on ice! "I shouldn't let myself become so distracted!" her mind scolded her, but the cautious attitude of her brain didn't reach her joyous heart. Instead, she practically skipped ahead, taking advantage of the fact Susan was slowing Cicero down. "We're almost there!" she called to them without looking back. She waited here and there for them, but she didn't actually stop until she was almost at the mall doors, a crowd of people not far from her entering and exiting them. "So, do you have any plans Susan? I... haven't been a mall before." Tabitha's words near the end of her sentence came out as more than a mumble. If the laws of grammar didn't forbid it, she might not have finished her sentence at all! She glanced at Cicero, hoping maybe he'd come up with an idea for once besides the obvious, which was stealing. It wasn't like thievery wasn't one of Tabitha's favorite pass times, but she wanted to do a bit more before security arrived and tried to drag them away.

"Looks who talking when your the one blushing right now." The boy observed smiling at her and laughing a little while she kissed "And your adorable that's why I tease you and cause I love you." He said to her while he did the same thing she did which was trace a heart across her chest

"Wait they can't oh well I guess I was told wrong when people could be whatever they wanted to be." He said pretending to pout but stop when he seen Tab almost fall but she just skipped away before he could say anything 'I guess shes fine.' The boy thought to himself while he finally managed to walk up to the girl taking the girl off his shoulders "You guys can do what ever it is you want....I uh have something I need to buy." He stated quickly entering the mall leaving the girls alone

"Uhh...I guess we can look around I could use some more lipstick I ran out a couple of days ago." She stated while putting her hood down looking at Tab and was wondering what Cicero had to buy she shivered at the thought of him buying something "So what do you think Cicero's buying?" The girl said emphasizing the word buy cause they both knew he was most likely going to steal what ever it is

With that comment, Vladimor finds himself slowing down with his food. However, when Matthew takes hold of his sleeve, he thinks he'll try to say another snarky remark, but instead the words had Vladimor choking on his food. Matthew seemed to be in a hurry after that, leaving before Vladimor could end his coughing fit and respond. With a still reddened face(Both from choking and his school girl-ness) he looks out the direction of the door, nervously finishing up his food, taking much more than a little of his time. He thought about what he just said, running through the boy's words like it was the most complex sentence in the world. "He means it...in a friendly way." No way! They had been through too much shit to call that friendly. Brotherly, whatever. He finishes up, throwing the trash away before leaving, jumping when Matthew was right outside. For some reason, he expected him to already be on the way to the house. "Uh..." He wanted to say something, but for some reason, it felt inappropriate to bring it up. He quickly shuts his mouth, looking out towards the street, calling over an idle taxi before turning to Matthew. "Shall we go?" He smiled awkwardly, showing a bit of teeth in it before he heads over, getting in, looking out the window the rest of the time.

Rei gets to the hospital, taking Hunter out of the taxi, carrying her inside. She spoke quickly to the receptionist, and she immediately calls over people from the emergency room, people coming over with those weird rolly-beds she didn't know the name of. She was allowed to follow, but she said she was just a bystander and didn't want some poor girl to die. She was asked to stay, but Rei declined. They asked if she knew the girl but she said no, and was on her way quickly. They were states away from their lab, they probably wouldn't know she was an experiment until some time later...She could leave behind. She was just in the front of the hospital when she heard a gunshot, quickly deeming the area unsafe, bolting away from it quickly. Rei finds herself a comfortable distance away from the hospital, in an alleyway. He sits on the cold wet ground, panting and not the least bit worried that her jeans were getting wet. After a while of sitting there, still distraught about the absence of her dear brother, she curls up and sits there until she can hear the faintness of Rin's voice in her head once again, this time, clearer than the last bit of static she'd heard from him. "Rin!?" She perks up, looking around, but realizing that Rin's presence was still far off. "Where are you?!" She calls out in her head, finding a direction to run in that feels most like her brother.

Derrick is surprised when Orious objects to such a thing and pulled him into such a tight hug. He simply laughs, shaking his head. "I refuse to make such a promise...Really, if you're hurt, I'd put you before myself." He said. Maybe it sounded endearing, but it was his job as a servant. He wasn't too important and could simply be replaced. "Plus it wasn't anywhere vital...I'm right handed if you hadn't known. The blood was on his left. "Anyways, we should go to sleep, it's late and I'm beginning to get sleep deprived..." He says, gaze shifting as he pulls himself out of the hug, yawning.​

Tabitha waved goodbye to Cicero, but he was already stalking off to the entrance-way. Tabby smirked without meaning to. Was he really that eager to steal? Her attention didn't wander for too long however, as she quickly made her way to follow after Susan, who was already slowly making her way into the mall too. "I'm not quite sure, but if there's a food court I'm sure he'll visit there first." Tabitha responded. The girl didn't really have much to say after that, too focused on the sights around her to care. Even this early in the morning teenagers her age and young adults were walking or waiting around outside, listening to music on their new cellphones or saying things that made Tabby blush. How could they say things like that so openly in public?! Most were joking of course, but there was one couple that Tabitha had to make sure she kept her eyes off of: Their bodies were so close to each other, and their tongues were practically down each other's throats. "This place is so- Wow!" Her original thought was to think of this place as weird, but "wow" seemed like a better word to describe it after she stepped inside. The place was huge, with store after store crammed inside one building, and a giant space in the middle of the place to perhaps make the clients feel more comfortable. Tabby could've sworn the place didn't look so big from the outside. "Woah, is that a fountain?!" The delicate girl's excitement couldn't be contained, and without considering the consequences of her actions she took Susan's hand and dragged the girl along with her to the beautiful decorative pool. Inside of it were pennies, dimes, and even a few quarters, all peacefully resting at the bottom of the pool. Tabby sat down at the edge of the fountain and stuck a finger into the water, before pulling it back out. The water was freezing! "I can see why so many people like it here..." Tabitha commented in a dreamily voice, looking around in awe. Several people stared at the two girls like they were crazy, some people were checking them out, but Tabitha barely paid attention to any of them. This place was absolutely perfect!

Ooc: Poor Tabitha's too friendly for her own good! xD Taking shower now! Will respond to @King Anthony 's post once I'm done.​
Mizuti awoke to see Rosie sleeping on a couch which she must have brought into the unused hotel building. Mizuti tried to sit up and he noticed the bandages were still there but he could move again. He grabbed his bandana and put it on but left out the window he then thought to himself. He seen a strange looking woman running down the street that looked older than Rosie a couple years who stopped a few feet once she came to the gate. Mizuti got off of the bed from the window and walked to Rosie and shook her gently. Though mizuti knew she was a deep sleeper he had t attempt at waking her. "Sis..big sis wake up. A scary person is coming over here I want to hide..please wake up would if its a scientist again..."

@JadeWuvsCookies @King Anthony
Yea but aren't you curious about why he said buy it didn't sound like he was going to be sarcastic I wonder what it will be but yea the food court would most likely be his first stop." The girl commented laughing a little stopping only to be dragged by Tab again to a fountain "Yea people throw money into the fountain to make a wish." She said while digging two pennies out of her pocket and gave one too "Here now you can make a wish but you can't tell anyone or it won't come true."The girl said dramatically

Well they were right he did visit the food court first but he found nothing interesting he needed to find the jewelry section of this stupid maze mall he eventually found it and looked around finding a bracelet with a heart on it he picked it up and walked up to person at the booth "How much for this?" He asked politely "Oh sweety that will be 20 dollars." The cashier said all Cicero did was put the money on the counter and left placing the bracelet case in his pocket 'Now I gotta find Susan and Tab again cause I'm bored already and I want to steal some stuff.' The boy thought while stealing random things along the way smiling
mewbot5408 said:
"I do know,but I'm sure you don't want to go back to the lab either,okay? I tried to get us away and out of sight..." He said as he checked Mew's stitches and sighed. He opened his eyes showing his red irises and stared at rin for a moment."i think it's Rei..."He answered with a serious gaze. Noticing rin's sudden smile his eyes widened and he blushed giving a terrified look feeling like he had broke rin. "You okay rin?" He asked quietly and followed him quickly.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

With that comment, Vladimor finds himself slowing down with his food. However, when Matthew takes hold of his sleeve, he thinks he'll try to say another snarky remark, but instead the words had Vladimor choking on his food. Matthew seemed to be in a hurry after that, leaving before Vladimor could end his coughing fit and respond. With a still reddened face(Both from choking and his school girl-ness) he looks out the direction of the door, nervously finishing up his food, taking much more than a little of his time. He thought about what he just said, running through the boy's words like it was the most complex sentence in the world. "He means it...in a friendly way." No way! They had been through too much shit to call that friendly. Brotherly, whatever. He finishes up, throwing the trash away before leaving, jumping when Matthew was right outside. For some reason, he expected him to already be on the way to the house. "Uh..." He wanted to say something, but for some reason, it felt inappropriate to bring it up. He quickly shuts his mouth, looking out towards the street, calling over an idle taxi before turning to Matthew. "Shall we go?" He smiled awkwardly, showing a bit of teeth in it before he heads over, getting in, looking out the window the rest of the time.

Rei gets to the hospital, taking Hunter out of the taxi, carrying her inside. She spoke quickly to the receptionist, and she immediately calls over people from the emergency room, people coming over with those weird rolly-beds she didn't know the name of. She was allowed to follow, but she said she was just a bystander and didn't want some poor girl to die. She was asked to stay, but Rei declined. They asked if she knew the girl but she said no, and was on her way quickly. They were states away from their lab, they probably wouldn't know she was an experiment until some time later...She could leave behind. She was just in the front of the hospital when she heard a gunshot, quickly deeming the area unsafe, bolting away from it quickly. Rei finds herself a comfortable distance away from the hospital, in an alleyway. He sits on the cold wet ground, panting and not the least bit worried that her jeans were getting wet. After a while of sitting there, still distraught about the absence of her dear brother, she curls up and sits there until she can hear the faintness of Rin's voice in her head once again, this time, clearer than the last bit of static she'd heard from him. "Rin!?" She perks up, looking around, but realizing that Rin's presence was still far off. "Where are you?!" She calls out in her head, finding a direction to run in that feels most like her brother.

Derrick is surprised when Orious objects to such a thing and pulled him into such a tight hug. He simply laughs, shaking his head. "I refuse to make such a promise...Really, if you're hurt, I'd put you before myself." He said. Maybe it sounded endearing, but it was his job as a servant. He wasn't too important and could simply be replaced. "Plus it wasn't anywhere vital...I'm right handed if you hadn't known. The blood was on his left. "Anyways, we should go to sleep, it's late and I'm beginning to get sleep deprived..." He says, gaze shifting as he pulls himself out of the hug, yawning.​

Cicero said:
Yea but aren't you curious about why he said buy it didn't sound like he was going to be sarcastic I wonder what it will be but yea the food court would most likely be his first stop." The girl commented laughing a little stopping only to be dragged by Tab again to a fountain "Yea people throw money into the fountain to make a wish." She said while digging two pennies out of her pocket and gave one too "Here now you can make a wish but you can't tell anyone or it won't come true."The girl said dramatically
Well they were right he did visit the food court first but he found nothing interesting he needed to find the jewelry section of this stupid maze mall he eventually found it and looked around finding a bracelet with a heart on it he picked it up and walked up to person at the booth "How much for this?" He asked politely "Oh sweety that will be 20 dollars." The cashier said all Cicero did was put the money on the counter and left placing the bracelet case in his pocket 'Now I gotta find Susan and Tab again cause I'm bored already and I want to steal some stuff.' The boy thought while stealing random things along the way smiling

Matthew just nodded, but he doubt Vladimor even saw that with the way he practically rushed over to the taxi. This time the taller boy didn't hold the door for him, and Matt didn't expect him to. He got in and stuck as close to his side of the taxi as he possibly could, only glancing over at Vlad twice during the whole ride. On both occasions, Vladimor's eyes had been glued to the the windows, as if there was something so fascinating out there that he just had to see. Matt knew better than that. He had ended up doing the same, being the master of avoiding eye contact, but instead of nervousness, Matthew's emotions had shifted into a sort of resigned despair. He had obviously scared Vladimor away, and there was no indication this would change, at least for tonight. Without even trying he could be certain all words he'd attempt to say would just die in his throat, but when the taxi pulled over and Matthew rushed to open the door and leave with shaky hands he felt the need to quietly hum a tune. It wasn't anything special, more a mix of small songs that had snaked their way into Matt's memories, but this small act comforted his restless spirit. Any form of comfort would be welcomed right now, when Matt was already too afraid to face the young man who'd been his support these past several days.

"Where-" That was the only word Rei communicated to him that he could hear, but Rin didn't care how complicated the sentence was. Right now, Rin loved that word: It was that single word that proved to Rin that she was nearby. "Of course I'm okay!" Rin exclaimed, too excited to scold Mew for asking such a stupid question. Police sirens could be heard not too far from here, but once again Rin didn't give a fuck right now. His sister- no, his life was close by, and he'd do anything to find her! "I'll find you!" Rin yelled telepathically, not knowing if she could hear him or not. She'd be able to soon, if they just got a little closer to each other... With each step the boy felt her thoughts become more clear, until- "Ah!" He let out a yelp and fell to his knees, covering his ears to block out the ringing in them. "W- Why...?" The distress was clear on Rin's face when he realized why he could no longer hear her. He had been using his power non-stop for days, no weeks, just to stay close to the girl's side and keep her out of trouble. Now he was paying the price, not only through physical pain but also the mental and emotional pain of knowing that now he'd have to find his sister without his power. Could she still hear him? Even if she could, it must be so strange for the girl to see that none of her doting brother's thoughts were directed at her.

Tabitha, being the true innocent she was, took the girl's words to heart and held the penny close to her chest, making a wish before finally throwing it in with a not-so-dramatic splash as it slowly sunk to the bottom of the pool. "Have any of your wishes ever come true?" Tabby asked, leaning back slightly (careful not to fall into the fountain) and put her hands behind her head in a sort of content pose.​
"...No not really." She said while her cheeks stared burning she quickly turned away hoping Tab wouldn't notice her wish was special to her and she wishes for it every time not changing a single word about it she just wanted to know what her feelings where for Cicero not like she would tell anyone that

Cicero made his way to the front of the building looking away for the two girls he was here with he finally found them he sneaked up on the two of them grabbing both of them by the arm "Hia."The boy stated before laughing at seeing Susan's reaction she looked terrified he knew Susan couldn't handle being scared but before she could complain he a cookie in her hand she just started nibbling on the cookie "Ok i'm done actually shopping now time to shoplift." He said kinda loud before looking around laughing like it was a joke
Mizuti screamed in pain as he heard rins thought scream into his mind even though they were separated. Mizuti began crying frm the aftersoc of the pain and began scream more untl he spoke quietly with his mind due too much pain. "Rin. Stop shouting. Stop screaming please your hurting my head" mizuty huddled on the floor and rocked back and forth in pain hoping he didn't wake up Rosie. @iiimee @JadeWuvsCookies
((Hunter just got left in a hospital all by her lonesome poor bby))


She came to in a hospital bed, plugged with IVs and her short hair wrapped up in a bandage. The first thing she could think to do, even in her groggy state was to yank the needles out of her arm. Little did she know that doing this would set off a nurse's alarm, sending a woman in scrubs rushing back to her. The sudden sound of a gunshot made both women freeze, Hunter's body tense, ready to spring at any moment. She was wide awake now. There were a million and one things should could hear, from the frantic mentality of the nurses and patients to the sound of a girl calling out for her brother. The twins. She wasn't sure why she could hear it this time, when she hadn't been able to before. But here she was. The stunned nurse was running back to the nurse's station, leaving Hunter enough time to strip herself of the rest of the wires and run down the hall. She headed for the stairs, knowing the elevator would take far too long. She had no idea where she was going but down and out was the plan. She nimbly skittered down the white washed steps, almost slipping when she lost her balance. God knows what kind of drugs they had given her.

She slammed open the swinging door into the crowded lobby. There were officers of every sort crawling here. Hunter needed to go. Now. She quickly scanned her surroundings, searching for the nearest exit. She spotted a back door leading to the ambulance bay which was currently unoccupied. Hunter scrambled for it, hoping that she wouldn't be noticed. She burst through the automatic doors and headed for the only place she could think of. The inner city. It would be busy there and she would be hard to track. She would stand out a little bit in her torn and bloody clothes but she had to get away from here.

With a burst of excitement to find her brother, she continues sprinting, her heart racing as Rin's voice was clear in her head. There was an abrupt cut between the flow between her and Rin, and she skids to a stop. "Wah!!!?" There was a popping noise in her ear and though she was so close to Rin, she felt defeated. These things were the sounds of lost connection, when one of them overextended their minds, and when it was finally their limit. Tears brimmed in her eyes at this feeling of defeat, but she shakes her head. "He's nearby!" She says aloud, continuing in the direction in which she started. "Rin!" She yells above all the cars and the people and the noise jumbled in her head. "I can feel him..." She says that almost as if it were literal. This isn't part of their little mind tricks or such, it's just the natural bond between two twins. It kept her going. Even then, Rei eventually felt burnt-out. She wasn't as athletic as she looked and running just a mile was work! She huffs and pants, but refuses to give up on Rin. The burning fades into numbness, and she slows as she coughs, wheezing and gasping for air. Rei only gives herself before she starts again.

The young lord finds it hard to say anything, but now with how Matthew acted now, he felt more scared more scared to bring it up. When they got out, he paid mind to how fast Matthew leaves, and to how he hums. Before Vladimor opens the door to the house, he swallows hard, clearing his throat. He hastily takes hold of Matthew's hand, struggling to find his words. "S-so- You, uh..!" He coughs, his face turning read, figuring he'll say something easier. "You'll...still been spending the night in my room...correct?" He unlocks the door to the house, bringing Matthew along side him. Vladimor passes Derrick and...Orious? His servant bows, welcoming home, and it almost felt natural. "What happened to you hand?" Vladimor asks. Derrick simply mentions Orious was in a tight spot. "We'll speak of this tomorrow." Derrick nods sadly, but his gaze meets where Matthew's hand is being held by Vladimor, "Ah?!" He jumps at the sight, looking elsewhere before quickly telling his lord goodnight before Vladimor goes on into the elevator with Matthew.

"So, you...will? I mean, if you really don't wanna, there's the room next to me, but, uh...I'm sure in the master bedroom the bed is softer...." He didn't know, he just wanted an excuse for Matthew still sleeping with him.​
Rosie slowly arose from her sleep after hearing Mizuti's voice and being shaken "Mizuti.. Whats wrong?" she sprung up off the couch when she saw him rocking back in forth "Mizuti? What's going on?" she cocked her head and touched his arm, connecting with his feelings like earlier, immediately feeling him being scared and slightly in pain "What are you scared of little bro? I'm here, tell me." she hugged him tightly, keeping him close.

He shrugs.

"My mom was gonna shoot up in the bathroom." He gives a brief chuckle. "Heh. Lemme tell you, she really needed some heroin after that..."

He rubs the back of his neck. "Took me a few days to stabilize. I got really close to the edge there..." Allen lays down.

"Heh, I guess the lab made me realize that when people are shitty to you, it's silly to kill yourself... You gotta snuff the cause."

He closes his eyes. "Anyways. Night, Leo."

@Surprise Meteors
Mizuti felt his sister connect and pointed at the window over the bed. "A scary woman is outside she was coming through the gate...she wasnt from the silent room either..." the silent room. Mizuti remembered that torture room. The silent room was the most sound proof room in the facility sector him and his sister was held in. The room is able to increase silence so much that any held within could hear their heart pumping the blood or their own stomach growling as if it was some kind of monster in front of them. Although him and Rosie endured the torture of the silent room it was quite clear for Rosie that mizuti didn't want to go back to the silent room. "Big sister...mizuti doesn't want to go back into silence...mizuti doesn't want to...." Mizuti began to cringe in fear of the memory as he began crying. "Don't let them take me sis...dont let them drag mizuti away...dont leave me again..."

Mew let out a deep breath,looking up for a second before placing a hand on rin's shoulder crouching down his collar jingles as he tilted his head to look at him with a serious gaze. "I'll take care of things, okay? You can trust me, I'll find her." He said softly,holding out a hand a smiled a little bit."now can you walk or do you want me to carry you? It looks like your powers were over used....I remember the last time that happened..." He said and mentioned something from being in the labs but it was unintended.
Rosie held him closer and whispered "Hey, hey Mizuti it's okay.. You aren't going anywhere. You are staying with me.." She let him go after a minute and looked outside the window "We need to move locations.. You'll be safe with me.. Let us switch forms and leave." She says in a calming voice, walking back over to him and holding her hand out "Come on little brother. It'll be okay. I'm not going to leave you, ever." She smiled her soft smile and her eyes remained calm.

Mizuti nodded and changed form into what looked like a spider and dragon in one singular form though he still remained the same height but his faceless helmet was now his true head. Mizuti stretched his wings and decided on food. "Sis I'm hungry...there is a mall just two blocks away...can we eat first...if I don't eat soon I might...I might attack a human again...we don't need that now..." He sat at the window and looked at rosie. "Please big sis can we...?"
Rosie smiled and shook her head "Of course we can go eat! You might wanna change into uh, something a little less noticeable or smaller if you wanna fly there." She laughed a little and patted him on his head, shifting herself in a white hawk, shrinking greatly in size but not the regular size of a hawk either and looked at her brother. "Come now, little bro." her eyes twinkled at him as he sat at the window, slightly heading out the door but keeping an eye on him.
Mizuti nodded and shifted himself to her size. "Sis..maybe we can play some pranks again. We haven't done it in forever. Let's prank some people at the mall...come on please? Like old times back when we went on that food heist?" Mizuti fast flapping his wings fast in excitement as he broke a small hole into the window..

"Please sis come on. Let's play pranks and have fun too..pleeeeeaase?" Mizuti hovered in the air and almost lost his air as he became too excited to wait much longer

@King Anthony

Orious sighed shaking his head and looked down at him. "Derrick...you need your hand when you work. It's not worth hurting yourself for my sake...I don't like seeing you in any pain,especially if it's my fault..." He murmured quietly and soon when the two others approached them he grew quiet moving away and following derrick as he left.
Not bothering to wait for Rosie any longer mizut flew out the small hole in the window towards the direction of the mall. Knowing his older sister would be able to find him he was relieved not only of going to eat dinner and prank people but of the fax that Rosie was safe. Flying as hard and fast as he could mizuti seen some strange looking people sitting at he fountain. He landed on top of the base of the statue inside it and watched them listening to the conversation between them. Knowing he was as small as someone's hand he decided to be careful as his body was more fragile than at normal size. Mizut shited his body back t ismhuman fr but kept the wings out in case he needed to escape.

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