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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

He blinked when he stated that most of the test subjects at the lab had done something special with their lives… Last hed checked, committing suicide wasn't anything special. But, nonetheless, he'd gotten in because of this.

"Thats intense line of work to get into before twenty four… If I am to be honest, the reason i got in is because I uh… Well, I slit my wrists and waited for death on my bathroom floor. So then the lab came along telling my family, 'Hey! Give us your kid! We'll fix him up!' Then off i went."

He chuckles. "But, I can't really say they failed. Im not depressed anymore. But I don't think psychopathy was intended, you know?"

@Surprise Meteors
iiimee said:

"Why did you run? Don't you know you could've ruined my work?!" Rin raised his voice as much as he could without his voice being heard from too far away. The last thing he wanted was for them to be found, just because Mew had done something stupid. Rin quickly put a hand on Mew's chest, feeling to make sure the stitches were intact before figuring out what Mew had said. "What? What do you feel?" Rin asked. With a hopeful heart, Rin reached out his own mind, searching for the one girl who filled his life with glee: His sister. He could feel her presence, but barely. "Sister, can you hear me?!" Rin's excited mind called out to her, but he was sure she could barely hear him, if at all. The boy turned to Mew, jumping up and down with sudden energy. "She's nearby! Let's go find her!" For the first time in perhaps Rin's existence, he gave off a dazzling smile that showed the pure joy he felt. He grabbed Mew's hand, forgetting for a second that this man loved him, and he'd acted so cruel toward this man earlier. "Let's go!" he repeated, grabbing Mew's hand and trying to pull him along to where he sensed Rei's presence.​
"I do know,but I'm sure you don't want to go back to the lab either,okay? I tried to get us away and out of sight..." He said as he checked Mew's stitches and sighed. He opened his eyes showing his red irises and stared at rin for a moment."i think it's Rei..."He answered with a serious gaze. Noticing rin's sudden smile his eyes widened and he blushed giving a terrified look feeling like he had broke rin. "You okay rin?" He asked quietly and followed him quickly.

"Stealing? Oh my, how dare you suggest such a thing!" Tabitha said in a voice full of false innocence, before dropping the act and punching him in the arm. "Of course we can!" she told him enthusiastically. She had to admit she was a little jealous when Susan ordered him to pick her up, but that didn't last long and she hid the quick spark of emotion well. When Cicero lifted Susan on his shoulders, Tabby simply took her place beside him again, happy just to be around him and even around this girl, despite the way she fawned over Cicero. Tabitha knew their rivalry wasn't nearing it's end, but she hoped they could become friends later on too. "Susan, do you know about any stars or constellations? I don't know many, but if you look over there you can see the star Sirius- He's one of the brightest stars I think, and he's right next to that other one, making them sort of look like a couple." Tabitha pointed at the star and talked about it like it was a person. It obviously wasn't, but Tabby felt close to it like it was one. If anything, it was similar to naming your stuffed animals as a child. Not many people her age liked to personify things, but even since Tabitha escaped the facility, that was exactly what she had been doing with that star. She had many fond memories of just gazing up at it, and she hoped that maybe there would be somebody else who gained fond memories from it too.

Ooc: Wait for @King Anthony to post before I post for Rin...​
"Yea stealing!." The boy stated happily while spinning making Susan almost fall he had to stop and help the girl back onto his shoulders but he just started humming about the stuff he was going to steal while Tab explained the stars to Susan he took her hand again and kissed her on the lips before looking at the stars like nothing happened

"No I haven't but I like looking at the stars and I know Cicero does too don't you." She said while looking down at Cicero messing with his hat almost making it fall off his head

"....What oh yea sure." Cicero muttered while looking up and Susan and Tab before looking back at the stars oblivious to Susan messing with the hat "Tab you said those two stars were like a couple right? Cause if so we could make those stars well not technically but..." He said trailing off forgetting what he was going to say
Cicero said:
"Apparently someone tired." He said in a matter of fact tone before laughing and putting his arm around the girl while looking at the ceiling He didn't want to sleep yet he was tired was he just scared that the moment he woke up Stell would be gone and everything she said was a lie...no Nick trusted her word she wouldn't leave
Stell sighed softly mumbling half asleep blushing."...I tire easily..."Stell dozed off and she rested her head softly against nick's chest and unconsciously ended up hugging him talking a little bit in her sleep a little bit about something like she was having a argument in her dream. "....I'm not a child...stop it........idiot......ah no,he's not like that.......stupid, I'm not going to listen to you.....I love Nick and That's why..."
Nick heard this and looked down at the girl he was happy that she loved him but he didn't know who she was talking to in her dream world but he decided against waking her up he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead hoping that would in some way help before putting his hand against her side some what hugging her in return "I love you too." He whispered in the girls ear he knew if she woke up she would just giggle and tease him but that's pretty much what this turned into they both teased each other but was fun none the less
Note: Listen, I know condoms aren't exactly something mentioned in a PG-13 rated RP but... Is anyone still a little jumpy whenever they're not directly mentioned? It makes me feel like Cicero's chars are knocking up all the females. X_X

[QUOTE="King Anthony]

The small servant boy holds his hand looking at it, "Oh this?" He smiles sadly, lowering it as he shrugs. "To be fair, it's not bad, it's a straight, clean cut. This was for your...starvation. It hurts, but other than it, I'm fine. I didn't cut my dominant hand, so I'll be some use to Vladimor still, just a little bit of a burden." He huffs, using the towel from earlier to gently clean most the blood off. "Can you walk? It's early in the morning, nearly day time. You should get some rest." He instructs him, putting the first aid up.

Orious shook his head a little hurt and gave him a annoyed sigh looking up at him."stupid...I don't care if it's for my sake don't do that! you need your ,if you need to cut yourself do it somewhere else where it's not vital.." He scolded then sighed and stood placing a hand on his shoulder and before hugging him tightly as if derrick was something dear to him."Thank you....I'm always grateful for you,derrick....but promise me not to hurt yourself like that...I don't know what'd I'd do if you messed up, I don't like seeing you get hurt...even worse than anything...please.."
iiimee said:
Note: Listen, I know condoms aren't exactly something mentioned in a PG-13 rated RP but... Is anyone still a little jumpy whenever they're not directly mentioned? It makes me feel like Cicero's chars are knocking up all the females. X_X

Honestly, for Stell I don't care either way. She's a adult anyways and wouldn't be a bad parent(in reference to another rp) but I don't want her to have any right now way too early for that in the story.....)
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((Ooc...Sorry for the long wait for my responses. I have been really busy))

mizuti awoke on a bed in some kind of house or apartment and loomed around wondering how he got there. He could not remember anything that had happened nor how long he had been out. All he remembered was meeting up with rin and cicero. He did notice though that he had the diamond bangles he wanted. Although he had no memory of robbing the museum to get them. He did notice his entire stomach up to his chest was bandaged up and he still had his bandana and helmet on. Mizuti sat up but immediately felt pain. Whatever had happened to him must have not ended well.

He got up and limped intk a room where he saw.several individuals. Only recognizing cicero. Mizuti only.managed to glow his helmet bright enough with a blue color to get them to notice as he struggled to stay standing and to breath.

@Cicero @iiimee @mewbot5408
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Cicero said:
Nick heard this and looked down at the girl he was happy that she loved him but he didn't know who she was talking to in her dream world but he decided against waking her up he stroked her hair and kissed her forehead hoping that would in some way help before putting his hand against her side some what hugging her in return "I love you too." He whispered in the girls ear he knew if she woke up she would just giggle and tease him but that's pretty much what this turned into they both teased each other but was fun none the less
A light blush tinted her cheeks and she slowly opened her green/blue eyes looking up at him a bit surprised he had heard her conversation and placed her Hands on his cheeks and leaned in kissing Nick. She pulled away and rested her head softly against his chest and sighed. "Love you too.."
"I didn't except that too wake you up." He stated with his cheeks a little red trying to not mention her talking in her sleep that was her business only so he wasn't going to get involved in it "So do you wanna do anything today or just stay here and sleep?" The boy asked while looking down at the girl
Ooc:No one's with you Cicero,Tab, and Susan are going to the mall Nick and Stell are in a different room and everyone else isn't at the house
ooc: I'm going to re do my post then so there is no confusion..looks like my post was a bit late but it's fine hold on
Mizuti had re awoken in an alleyway. He looked around confused as to the area of Las Vega he was in. He had no memory of meeting cicero or even rin. He had the diamond bangles and still had his wallet with his money but could not figure out how he got the bangles as he did not recall he ever robbed the bangles. Mizuti seen he was wrapped in bandages from the waist line and up his stomach ending at his chest under the arms with his left arm completely bandaged and his right leg bandaged. He got up after noticing an old boarded up hotel no longer in use and grimaced as he felt massive amounts of pain. Using a cruch he found next to a dumpster he limped over across the street and opened the gate which had a broken lock. Walking to the door mizuti bust it down and walked in.

Mizuti used the wall rail as a guide to try to keep standing and had seen a girl a bit older than him standing at the end of the hallway. He tried to walk but instead had fallen to the floor. No longer able to move mizuti's helmet fell off revealing his black bandana over his eyes as it rolled along the floor stopping as it touched the back of rosie's feet. Mizuti lay on the floor unable to move as his breathing was now slow and weak

Cicero said:
"I didn't except that too wake you up." He stated with his cheeks a little red trying to not mention her talking in her sleep that was her business only so he wasn't going to get involved in it "So do you wanna do anything today or just stay here and sleep?" The boy asked while looking down at the girl
"You made me aware of your voice, not to mention I can hear you clearly if you talk in my ear nick"

Stell smiled still blushing and draw a invisible heart on his chest with her delicate fingers still looking up at him making eye contact with him. "What do you prefer? I'm fine with whatever.."
"Oh yea for some reason I thought you would be too deep in sleep to notice figuring you were talking in your sleep I figured you wouldn't notice me whispering in your ear." The boy said laughing a little while looking down at his chest to see her drawing a heart he smiled and just poked her head a little out of boredom while he kissed her lips making is cheeks a little red
"That? When I dream It's a bit different from the usual, sometimes I end up in a different place...A garden, a friend of mine, Valentine, she came and she seemed rather upset with my choices...." she explained and sighed kissing him back smiling and blushing and hugging him close. "I don't care if she tries coming to find me....I'm happy with my choices."
"Well she wasn't meet me I always make people upset with my choices but you were defiantly one of the best choices that helped drown out the bad one." He said while looking down at her hugging her "If she does try to find you we can deal with it when the time comes we can deal with it...together." The boy stated while looking away embarrassed at what he said for some reason
bloodfire said:
Mizuti had re awoken in an alleyway. He looked around confused as to the area of Las Vega he was in. He had no memory of meeting cicero or even rin. He had the diamond bangles and still had his wallet with his money but could not figure out how he got the bangles as he did not recall he ever robbed the bangles. Mizuti seen he was wrapped in bandages from the waist line and up his stomach ending at his chest under the arms with his left arm completely bandaged and his right leg bandaged. He got up after noticing an old boarded up hotel no longer in use and grimaced as he felt massive amounts of pain. Using a cruch he found next to a dumpster he limped over across the street and opened the gate which had a broken lock. Walking to the door mizuti bust it down and walked in.
Mizuti used the wall rail as a guide to try to keep standing and had seen a girl a bit older than him standing at the end of the hallway. He tried to walk but instead had fallen to the floor. No longer able to move mizuti's helmet fell off revealing his black bandana over his eyes as it rolled along the floor stopping as it touched the back of rosie's feet. Mizuti lay on the floor unable to move as his breathing was now slow and weak

Rosie flinched and turned around quickly when she heard someone or something fall and something touch the back of her feet, surprised it was a person. "Are you okay?" She walked over slowly and hesitantly, touching his arm and connecting with his pain. As she did she gasped a little. "Come on.. We need to get you some help." She sat him forward a little and squatted down to put his arm around her shoulder, lifting him up off the ground.

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Mizuti looked at her and recognized the voice. He limped with her as she helped him walk. "S...sis...big sis...is the..that you..?" Mizuti continued to walk with her but he eventually he fell again. Not wanting to move anymore he decided to ask her. "Please...help....carry...carry me to..that room." Mizuti pointed at the open doors across from him which held a bed inside the was surprisingly good condition which he assumed was her new room.
Rosie looked down to Mizuti and nodded "Yes Mizuti.. It's me, Rosie." She smiled a little but gasped when he fell again, kneeling beside him "Mizuti.. What happened to you?" She frowned a little and looked to where he was pointing before picking him up and holding him close to make sure he was OK as they walked to the room, gently placing him down as she rubbed his cheek with concern. "Please tell me what happened Mizuti.."
mizuti looked up at rosie in serious pain. all he remembered was being bit by something that had also stung him. but he did not remember anything with razor teeth AND a stinger ever existed unless of course the scientists..namely their mother. had sent something after him. and knowing mother. she could send any sort of hellish nightmare creature after him at this point.

"i dont know...i dont know...it had teeth..claws...and a stinger...it bit me sis...and it stung the wound..it hurts sis. it hurts bad. i dont even know who helped heal me.. i need help. i need you sis. please." mizuti had passed out right then unable to stay awake. or conscious for that matter

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