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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

MermaidShireen said:
Nox could hear them, the newly recaptured experiments. She could hear one boy panicking from fear of the dark, another experiment worried about his sister. The scientists must have been to excited by their new toys that they had forgotten to re-drug her... Or maybe she was just fighting through the drugs. Nox didn't know which. Reaching her mind out to the boy in the dark, she calls "Hello? Can you hear me?"
@King Anthony

Vladimor is shaken by the voice in his head, hoping that it wasn't just him going insane in the dark, but he responds nonetheless. "Mmhm..." It was louder in his head, but out loud it was just a soft breath. He keeps his eyes closed, trying to think of himself as somewhere else, rather than in a small, dark cell. When he thought about home he was given thoughts of abuse and crying, having to sneak out to avoid this, though coming home just to be beaten again. Then next was here, and he bites his lip. After he was free, he spent his life on the streets, begging since he hadn't access to his funds. It was cold and hard for him. Where was the happiness in his life. He thought he could crack a smile at meeting Matthew, but he just remembers the countless times he's insulted him and got angry with him, and once more, he was left in the dark, here. There almost was no good times at all, but Vladimor will just accept it since it won't ever seem to get better. @MermaidShireen

Derrick wakes up soon, in a cell of his own. There's light here, albeit dim. It looked like an asylum cell. Worse; without windows. The servant feels ashamed that he failed to protect Vladimor. He felt so crippled in useless in this cell, and there wasn't anything he could have done. His fist pound against the cold metal door, for quite the time. When he forces himself to realize how futile his actions were, he steps back, sitting down on the hard bed, feeling the metal support rods pressing into him at he sat. He looks around the simple cell, nothing at all there to aid his escape- Except the vent. Though, it was to high to reach, even if he stood on the bed, so he huffs, burying his face in his hands, a cumbersome weight on his shoulders. He'd find a way to him, he's sure. Although that was the only thing on his mind. Derrick hadn't thought of the experimentation he'd go through, each session more painful than the last. He hadn't thought about joining the hordes of disgusting mutation, or perhaps the mass of failures, death occurring by such. It didn't cross his mind; only getting to Vladimor. He'd wait.​
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Cicero said:
The girl shook her head not looking back at him "No....I'm just mad at myself is all."She told him plainly looking back at him "What are you doing all the way back there I thought we're walking together?"The girl asked confused with a small smile before turning her head forehead and continued to walk in silence again. Trying to get the image of his face in concern out of her head "I guess he really does care...."Susan said to herself in a small voice smiling at the ground while her cheeks grew scarlet @LilyannaGaming
They meet with Vi and Silver in the center when he spotted figures coming for them. Fane summoned his wind for a temporary shield. "Vi! Get Susan out of her." Fane yelled. Silver grabbed at the daggers concealed at her boots. Vi grabbed Susan forcefully and refused to let go as she teleported them away. Silver's eyes turned the deepest red they could go. Fane realeased the shield and called upon the water nearby as he tried to slow them down. He was going to let Silver kill them, Sense she prefered it. He preferred to Wound and run. Silver took down one of the Scientist with ease. The next one riled her up, when he tried to stab her and knock her out. "Idoit." She muttered as his lifeless body fell to the ground. A guard seized Fane as a scientist tranquiled him. "FANE!" Silver yelled as she cahsed after them. He stopped her by sealing her in a Air dome. "Run.." He said before he slipped from consensuses. The darkness engulfed him. Silver fell to her knees. Completely usless as he was dragged away. She had just got him back, Then lost him again.
LilyannaGaming said:
They meet with Vi and Silver in the center when he spotted figures coming for them. Fane summoned his wind for a temporary shield. "Vi! Get Susan out of her." Fane yelled. Silver grabbed at the daggers concealed at her boots. Vi grabbed Susan forcefully and refused to let go as she teleported them away. Silver's eyes turned the deepest red they could go. Fane realeased the shield and called upon the water nearby as he tried to slow them down. He was going to let Silver kill them, Sense she prefered it. He preferred to Wound and run. Silver took down one of the Scientist with ease. The next one riled her up, when he tried to stab her and knock her out. "Idoit." She muttered as his lifeless body fell to the ground. A guard seized Fane as a scientist tranquiled him. "FANE!" Silver yelled as she cahsed after them. He stopped her by sealing her in a Air dome. "Run.." He said before he slipped from consensuses. The darkness engulfed him. Silver fell to her knees. Completely usless as he was dragged away. She had just got him back, Then lost him again.
Susan smiled and waved to the girl before looking at Fane confused "Run from..."The girl asked didn't finish her sentence since Vi actually listened "Hey Vi let me go!"She demanded while punching at the girl's arm with her weak fist knowing it would do anything to help free her. Looking at Fane "Be safe...."Susan whispered to herself before being teleported looking at Vi punching the girl in the face"What the hell why didn't we stay to help them!?"SuSu asked anger overwhelming her normal personality following to her knees crying "I wanted to help to actually show myself and you guys that I can help!"She said wiping her eyes sniffling a bit "I wanted to prove to him that I cared for him...."The girl muttered to herself looking at the ground helplessly.
Cicero said:
Susan smiled and waved to the girl before looking at Fane confused "Run from..."The girl asked didn't finish her sentence since Vi actually listened "Hey Vi let me go!"She demanded while punching at the girl's arm with her weak fist knowing it would do anything to help free her. Looking at Fane "Be safe...."Susan whispered to herself before being teleported looking at Vi punching the girl in the face"What the hell why didn't we stay to help them!?"SuSu asked anger overwhelming her normal personality following to her knees crying "I wanted to help to actually show myself and you guys that I can help!"She said wiping her eyes sniffling a bit "I wanted to prove to him that I cared for him...."The girl muttered to herself looking at the ground helplessly.
Silver cried. For the first time in years she was actually totally lost. Torn between her brothers capture. She looked at Vi who had been on the building over looking them.

Vi flinched as she was punched in the face.

"You know what?! That man out there just made sure YOU where safe instead of his sister. The only person he cared for a while. NOW he sacrificed himself for your damn safety. He wouldn't have don't that if he didn't fucking care. He loved you. Everyone could tell." Vi said walking to the leadge. She watched as Fane was dragged away and he stopped his sister from saving him. "No..." She said as she watched as silver fell to her knees.
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver cried. For the first time in years she was actually totally lost. Torn between her brothers capture. She looked at Vi who had been on the building over looking them.
Vi flinched as she was punched in the face.

"You know what?! That man out there just made sure YOU where safe instead of his sister. The only person he cared for a while. NOW he sacrificed himself for your damn safety. He wouldn't have don't that if he didn't fucking care. He loved you. Everyone could tell." Vi said walking to the leadge. She watched as Fane was dragged away and he stopped his sister from saving him. "No..." She said as she watched as silver fell to her knees.
The girl's face became red after listening to her and after what she just did "I wanted to help him! You could have teleported all of us away you do it all the time so why not then!?"She asked her before her eyes widened "H-he did......I'm such a fucking idiot!"Susan told her herself while following behind the girl looking at the ground ashamed "Vi...I'm sorry for punching you I just....my emotions got the best of me I know that wasn't the best way to take them out on you I just didn't want the fact the Fane was gone to be real."Susan explained looking down seeing Silver on her knees. After staring at her see seen the scientists drag Fane off
Cicero said:
The boy was laughing while watching the scientintist glare at him. "What was it someth I said...." The boy asked following short of finishing his sentence while he seen Tab. The boy started struggling to get free to help her "Don't be if they didn't find you I would have gladly been captured if it meant you were safe." He told the girl getting kicked in the face again spitting up blood. "This need to stop.....what can I do though I'm useless in this situation." He thought to himself glaring at the scientists holding his girlfriend down growling a bit struggling to get out of his own problem didn't matter now the only person that matter was Tab. "You mean you would have gladly died for her?" One of the scientist asked stomping on his chest making Cicero gasp from the sudden loss of oxygen spitting at the male getting kicked in the side. When his adrenaline started kicking in he wrapped his tail around one of them tripping them bringing his tail around choking one
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

((Please note Vladimor and Derrick are slightly a head of time, and will be synced better when everyone who needs to be is finally captured))

Vladimor woke for the second time, groggy and sluggish. When he opens his eyes, there's no light. His fingers curl and tremble. It's been years since his fear of the dark, but not looking, that was only a little less than 4 years. The poor boy is thrown all over again into the illusion of being here as if it were his first day, a poor little terrified boy who was scared of the dark. Eyes widened, he calls out fearfully: "Derrick?" Once, and one last, and he gave up. On shaky legs he stood, his body weight seeming to force his knees to buckle under him. His lip quivered and the dark weighed on him once again as if he were the frail child he was years ago. "I want..." His small, cracking voice managed pitifully. "I...want..to leave...!" With that Vladimor stood, bolting straight forward, but coming into straight contact with a wall. He stumbles back, hitting the floor with a defeated whimper. He crawls forward to the wall, feeling around it. It was cold hard metal all around, forming a cylindrical shape. There's only a couple of steps before he reached the other side. A wheezy breath crawls out of his throat, and there begins to be a weight in his chest. Vladimor drops to his knees, clutching his chest, trying his best to remember his breathing exercises that Derrick taught him. Eventually he was curled up on the ground, tear brimming in his eyes that'd never spill. All while unaware that he was being watched. Reaction to recapture: Recorded.

Vladimor having his panic attack, doesn't realize all his shadows have been neutralized.

Thaddeus, gasps as he was released, catching his breath from the pain that was going in his chest for a reason he hadn't known. When he recovered, he stood. He wasn't to deal outside, but to find any other of his sons little 'friends." Making his way around all the rubble, he goes upstairs, top floor first. He walks down the hall, heels of finely polished clacking against the wooden floors. Thaddeus pauses when 3 men rush past him, stopping in front of 'his' room door. The man simply watched and waited.

Leonardo watches Matthew as he wakes, the feline being extremely tense and on alert. When he approaches, he doesn't respond, instead he stands, claws unsheathing. It was almost obvious that he wasn't just a lion. Either extremely tame or an experiment, and the latter made more sense. The men weren't something he could just wait out, and with darts, nothing he could simply outrun. He growls when Matthew only pockets the knife, quickly going over to grab the handle out of his pocket with his mouth, holding the handle in his maw. He then, with a set expression looks at the door, in a ready to pounce position, rear wiggling in readiness.


"I guess I deserve that, but break it and I'll kill you." Matthew mutters. Despite the pain, he made sure not a single one of the piercings dropped from his hand. Every one of them counted when they were all that he had. Matt mentally counted the seconds that passed. It was exactly twenty, before the three scientists are their door charge through, immediately aiming their guns are Matthew. The boy, being a little catatonic and knowing he'd only slow this lion-guy down, threw his piercings right into the faces of the different men quickly before slipping past. When he did, he was greeted with a sight. "Vlad..." he murmured. The taller male, even with all this chaos around him, looked so calm and resigned- only it wasn't Vlad. When Matt looked again, he saw that this man was older and had a more serious expression on his face, nothing like Vlad's even on the boy's cruelest days. "Who are you?" Matthew asked, but he didn't wait and let the stranger get the upper hand. He knee'd him right between the legs, wrapped his arm around the man's throat, and slammed him loudly against the wall, probably damaging it in the process. He kept a foot against what the knee of what he guessed was the man's dominant leg, forcing his leg to remain straight and unable to kick back. For a short skinny-kid, Matthew sure was strong. His hands weren't choking the stranger yet, but the look in his eyes implied he was considering it.

The scientists took extra measures to restrain them after that. None of them had darts on them, but they did have cuffs they put on Tabitha's hands and feet. For Cicero, they attached one smaller pair to his right foot and his tail, keeping something even as slippery as a tail from being used to it's full capacity. They picked up Tabitha and dragged Cicero by his arms, walking them out to one of their silver white vans and opening it. "Are you ready Ms. Cat?" the scientist joked as he stepped up to put Tabitha on one of the gurneys. The girl resisted fiercely, as she had been this whole time, but her arms were growing tired and were bleeding from the sharp edges of the handcuffs, and once they were off, her hands were shaking so much that they proved useless. She kicked once the ones around her ankles were off, but the result wasn't very different. "Why are you all doing this? You can't even use us as weapons unless we're under control, so what's the point?!" Tabitha was on the brink of yelling, but neither she nor the scientist who was strapping her in cared. "Because sweetheart," he said once had had strapped her in. "We can control you." Planting a taunting kiss unto the crying girl's lips, he turned to the other scientists who were trying to keep Cicero under control. "Bring him in boys! I'm done with this one."

Rin still hadn't tried to put up a fight, even when he was strapped to a gurney and loaded into one of the white vans that- if they had windows or a logo- might have looked like an ordinary ambulance. Still, despite how many times they drove around the city of Las Vegas, Rin had always been aware that they weren't regular trucks. They were supposed to be soundproof, but screaming was often heard from inside them anyway, and there were countless times before this moment when he had covered Rei's ears and told her that they should go somewhere else, because on the street next to them one of those vans was driving past.

Now that he was in one again, Rin thought about all the ones he had walked past and failed to help. Did they even know somebody had been listening to their screams, or perhaps they were hooked up on so many drugs that they just didn't care anymore? Upon seeing the doors open and a girl Rin vaguely recognized being hauled in, he decided he'd ask her and the cat-boy just outside, once they were both subdued. That cat... Wasn't he the one who demanded answers from Rin and Rei, once his girlfriend went missing? Now that Rin thought about it, the girl being strapped down was his girlfriend. She had looked so pretty when Rin first saw her, but puffy eyes and handcuffs were definitely not her thing. She hadn't stopped crying ever since she was hauled in here, and even continued after the scientist left. "Hey, it's going to be okay." Rin tried to tell her aloud since he was unable to use his telepathy, but Tabitha just ignored him, unable to cope with the fact she was going to be sent back there, after only a few months of freedom.​
Cicero laughed looking at the cuffs on his tail "Why am I not allowed to let me tail free to choke you fuckers?" He asked innocently while laughed getting elbowed in the gut. While getting but in the van across Tab he growled up at the scientists buckling him in. "Now now kitty cat listen or you don't get any cat food when we get to our destination." The scientist stated while Cicero spit in his face smirking "Oh no I can not survive without that disgusting shit what will I ever do?" The cat boy asked sarcastically getting punched in the face and making the scientists leave out of annoyance with the handcuffs still on his hands and tail. "So Tab what up?" He asked stupidly trying to lighten the mood smiling at her.
Cicero said:
The girl's face became red after listening to her and after what she just did "I wanted to help him! You could have teleported all of us away you do it all the time so why not then!?"She asked her before her eyes widened "H-he did......I'm such a fucking idiot!"Susan told her herself while following behind the girl looking at the ground ashamed "Vi...I'm sorry for punching you I just....my emotions got the best of me I know that wasn't the best way to take them out on you I just didn't want the fact the Fane was gone to be real."Susan explained looking down seeing Silver on her knees. After staring at her see seen the scientists drag Fane off
Silver felt Fanes shield dissppear around her. Standing up, her eyes turned sinister. "Vi! Come here, we need to check the street for others." She yelled. She had stop crying and pulled the swords from her back.

Vi shook her head at Susan. "I couldn't, I went into shock. My body moved at the call of my name. Before I could fight it, we where here. I understand what you did. Honestly I kind of deserved it." Vi said looking at Silver. "Shit. Did anyone think to grab her obsidian bracelet?" She said laughing uneasy. "Be right there" she called to Silver.
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver felt Fanes shield dissppear around her. Standing up, her eyes turned sinister. "Vi! Come here, we need to check the street for others." She yelled. She had stop crying and pulled the swords from her back.
Vi shook her head at Susan. "I couldn't, I went into shock. My body moved at the call of my name. Before I could fight it, we where here. I understand what you did. Honestly I kind of deserved it." Vi said looking at Silver. "Shit. Did anyone think to grab her obsidian bracelet?" She said laughing uneasy. "Be right there" she called to Silver.
The girl watched Silver's sudden change in emotions sighing a bit turning her head to Vi "You didn't deserve to get punched you where just doing as you were told...."She said meekly while shaking her head "I thought either you or Fane had it I never considered grabbing it."Susan told her in a small voice "Will she be okay?"SuSu asked a bit scared
Cicero said:
The girl watched Silver's sudden change in emotions sighing a bit turning her head to Vi "You didn't deserve to get punched you where just doing as you were told...."She said meekly while shaking her head "I thought either you or Fane had it I never considered grabbing it."Susan told her in a small voice "Will she be okay?"SuSu asked a bit scared
"After her brother getting captured hell no. She's probably gonna murder the next enemy she comes across. Speaking of which. Look beyond the trees. The scientist are invaded the house. Shit! We should go help." Vi said turning to Susan. " come on grab my hand." She wasn't gonna force her again after last time.

Silver hissed and killed the unconsciousness guard. Fueling her fury she ran to the house looking for a damn fight. She wanted to kill every scientist she came across.

LilyannaGaming said:
"After her brother getting captured hell no. She's probably gonna murder the next enemy she comes across. Speaking of which. Look beyond the trees. The scientist are invaded the house. Shit! We should go help." Vi said turning to Susan. " come on grab my hand." She wasn't gonna force her again after last time.
The girl nodded "I guess it was a stupid question to ask...."She said laughing a bit out of her stupidity before stopping and losing all emotion except fear "What?! I can't help though I'll just mess up and end up hurting someone."Susan said taking Vi's hand regardless "But I can try."The girl stated
Cicero said:
The girl nodded "I guess it was a stupid question to ask...."She said laughing a bit out of her stupidity before stopping and losing all emotion except fear "What?! I can't help though I'll just mess up and end up hurting someone."Susan said taking Vi's hand regardless "But I can try."The girl stated
Vi watched as silver ran off. "Yep she's gone insane." She said telporting her and Susan to the house. "Shit gets bad, find me. I will us out of here." She said looking at the girl with authority.

Silver laughed as she reaches the house. Everyone could tell she was beyond the defines of any anger or being pissed.
LilyannaGaming said:
Vi watched as silver ran off. "Yep she's gone insane." She said telporting her and Susan to the house. "Shit gets bad, find me. I will us out of here." She said looking at the girl with authority.
Silver laughed as she reaches the house. Everyone could tell she was beyond the defines of any anger or being pissed.
"But we can't leave her here!"Susan said looking at her sighing a bit and looking down "Okay fine....I understand."She said quietly while clenching her fist tightly together trying to hold back tears nodding again "But can't you just teleport her back home and but the bracelet on her?"The girl asked looking up with hope in her eyes
Cicero said:
"But we can't leave her here!"Susan said looking at her sighing a bit and looking down "Okay fine....I understand."She said quietly while clenching her fist tightly together trying to hold back tears nodding again "But can't you just teleport her back home and but the bracelet on her?"The girl asked looking up with hope in her eyes
"I could, but there's no way she will let me close to her, plus she's to far into the rage for the affects to kick in. It would take an hour for it to flare. By then she could have took it off and went rampage." Vi shook her head and sighed reluctantly. "Worse comes, I lock her in the bunker training room." She said flinching at the last time she did this. She looked at the hideout of the experiments. It didn't look, never mind. She bit her lip.

Silver smiled wickedly at the two guards behind her. She saw Susan out the corner of her eye. Being in the state she was she turned to the two guards and dispatched one quickly. Taking her fight with the more strong one. She laughed and killed him also. She turned and walked away towards Vi.
LilyannaGaming said:
"I could, but there's no way she will let me close to her, plus she's to far into the rage for the affects to kick in. It would take an hour for it to flare. By then she could have took it off and went rampage." Vi shook her head and sighed reluctantly. "Worse comes, I lock her in the bunker training room." She said flinching at the last time she did this. She looked at the hideout of the experiments. It didn't look, never mind. She bit her lip.
Silver smiled wickedly at the two guards behind her. She saw Susan out the corner of her eye. Being in the state she was she turned to the two guards and dispatched one quickly. Taking her fight with the more strong one. She laughed and killed him also. She turned and walked away towards Vi.
"I have an idea!"The girl said clapping her hands together "I blind her with my powers while you get the bracelet and I keep her in control until the effects kick in."She explained smiling a bit at her plan "Will that work?"Susan asked the girl looking at Silver shuddering a bit and looking down sad when the girl turned away
"Maybe! We will have to wait to get her a little off guard. Give it sometime." Vi said watching and flinching as both guards fell lifeless. She felt a little bad. She watched as silver approached with a wicked smile.

"Hello! How is it going Vi?" Silver said, though she was fighting against her power. Screaming in her head while it took over. Twirling her blades silver smiled.
She nodded while turning back to Silver jumping back a bit "Ummm Vi how about now?"She asked quietly towards the girl looking at the dead guards gulping. "Silver snap out of it its us Vi and SuSu."The girl told her trying to talk to her thinking it would help looking into her eyes "Don't you remember us?"Susan asked sadly trying to keep a straight face which ended up turning sad. "We want you to be safe so come home with us please."SuSu pleaded at her while looking at her blades scared at what she had in plan for them
Silver laughed "scared? No worries I never hurt my Brothers love one nor my closet friend." Silver said spinning wildly in a circle. Blades extended. She laughed as she fought against the dark. "Oh course I remember you! I'm not insane. Just pissed. Damn them scientist all to hell!" She said laughing. Yep, out of her own control. Vi shook her head at Susan. Silver just continued to spin her deadly and leathal blades. Humming.

Vi sighed teleporting back and forth. "No Of course she remembers us it's Welvoming." She said signaling Susu. (NOW) she turned to silver glaring.
The girl moved out of the way of the blade clumsy falling on the ground looking up blushing "Stop saying loved one....its weird sounding and i'm not scared!"She said her cheeks burning looking at Vi and nodded while quickly changing making a bright light appear around here making sure Silver as in it while she hugged the girl tight holding down the girl's arm. "I'm sorry Silver...."Susu told the girl hugging her closer and forming the blinding light again
Silver tried backing away hissing. "Bad SuSu! Bad!" She screamed shoving susu. She was unable to get out of the light she cursed and wildly spun her arms.

Vi grabbed her arm and shoved the bracelet onto Silver. Muttering in some ancient language. Casting a ward over Silver. Silver relaxed and slumped to her knees. Still shrieking. She flung her arms at Vi who dodged them. Vi cried looking at silver like this. Actually withering in PAIN! She hates her self for giving the bracelet to Silver. Vi knew it would do this.
Susan laughed a bit while getting shoved and pushed to the ground "I don't know I pretty much just helped."She said getting up looking up at Vi "What are you doing to her?"The girl asked her while walking up

(Sorry for the stupidly short post)
"Nothing, it's the obsidian." Vi replyied gloomly. Crying she looked at silver, who had fallen silent, but was still jerking uncontrollably. She released the ward that kept silver from running.

Silver remained glaring at the girls "traitors" she muttered.
Cicero said:
Cicero laughed looking at the cuffs on his tail "Why am I not allowed to let me tail free to choke you fuckers?" He asked innocently while laughed getting elbowed in the gut. While getting but in the van across Tab he growled up at the scientists buckling him in. "Now now kitty cat listen or you don't get any cat food when we get to our destination." The scientist stated while Cicero spit in his face smirking "Oh no I can not survive without that disgusting shit what will I ever do?" The cat boy asked sarcastically getting punched in the face and making the scientists leave out of annoyance with the handcuffs still on his hands and tail. "So Tab what up?" He asked stupidly trying to lighten the mood smiling at her.

Tabitha tried to speak, but it was hard to get anything out. Her throat felt dry, like she hadn't had a sip of water for several days. It took her a while, but by some miracle, she finally managed to force words out of her mouth. "Cicero..." she mumbled. She had calmed down somewhat, but the way her chest rose and fell revealed that her breathing was still unsteady. She was panicking, and no amount of breathing in and out was going to change that anytime soon. "Hey miss, calm down. Being afraid won't-" Whatever Rin was going to say was cut off by the feeling of the van starting to move. Silence fell upon those in the van, followed by Tabby's screaming. "Let me out! Please, let me out!" She fought against her restraints, but if she was in her right mind she would already have realized the how useless those attempts were. Still, she fought, screamed, and cried until her lungs gave out and her body was visibly shaking much more than when the man had strapped her in. "I... don't want to go back. Where's Matthew?" she sniffled after saying her best friend's name. She glanced at Cicero, her green eyes still brimming with tears that she tried to keep from falling. "Do you think he made it out okay?" She continued to feel sad for a moment, before realizing she was being selfish. "Oh, what about Nick? He's a jerk, but-" Tabby closed her eyes and turned away from the cat-boy, nearly choking on her tears. "Nobody deserves this Cicero. Not even those stupid scientists!" Her body finally relaxed thanks to both exhaustion and Rin's quiet whispers of "Ssshhh, it's going to be okay." Once she seemed like she was somewhere between sleep and consciousness, Rin looked over at Cicero, giving him a look that asked "Is she going to be okay?" The girl seemed sweet, but it wasn't the first time Rin would have heard of a experiment suddenly going wild after being recaptured. Those who went back a second time were always much, much worse- if they ever came out.

Ooc: @Cicero , you can time-skip to them entering the facility, if you want. Remember, it's a very high-tech one, so once they pass through the walls, there is no escape for our chars. (not yet, anyway!)​
"Fuck you!" Silver screamed passing out. Her body stopped the violent jerking.

Via sighed. "I hate it!! Obsdian is the only thing that makes her normal, yet it causes her pain. It doesn't make sense! Anyway let's get her to the base." She said gripping silvers hand. She looked towards Susan.

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