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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cicero said:
"Umm....I uhh...w-wanted t-to....k-know if ummm..."The girl stuttered trying to find the words that were on the tip of her tongue while she was looking around the room regretting Vi and Silver leaving her only defense against running away. "I..umm w-wanted to...umm k-know i-if ummmm m-maybe...y-you w-would umm..."She said looking at the exit debating on whether or not to run out of the room or stay and actually try "Y-you c-can say n-no.....b-but w-will y-you.........never mind!"SuSu said with her face complete red while running towards the door embarrassed and ashamed running into her room locking the door and jumping on her bed "Dang it Susan you had one job and that was to not chicken out...."Susan told herself while hugging her pillow closer to herself
Once Vi and Silver stopped talking they walked out of the infirmary srea. Vi saw susan and followed her. Placing her finger on the keypad, overriding the lock. She walked in slowly. "Susan, Are you okay?" She called out as she opened the door. She walked to the bed sitting beside Her.

Silver went the opposite way and found Fane, standing there with a confused expression. Humming she looked at him. "Why don't you go ask her for a pinic in the dome room? I sure she would love to>" She said before punching his soulder. He laughed when she did and threw a few more air blast as he thought.
iiimee said:

When Vladimor pulled him in for a kiss, Matthew just leaned forward and went with it, which was shocking. Who was he, and what had he done to the shy young boy who would barely look at Vladimor a few days ago?! This transformation was almost frightening, but then again, so were Matt's actual transformations: Vlad and Leonardo learned that tonight. "Let's sleep... Damn, I really hope this headache ends by morning." His last sentence came out jumbled and quiet, but that was only because Matt went in for another kiss... and another. He knew it was getting kind of old, but he really didn't want to be alone tonight. He wanted to sleep, and then everything would be fine by morning. He gave Vlad one more strawberry and ate the last one himself before setting the plate down on the nightstand and laying down next to Vlad on the bed. On the other side of the lord was that stupid lion, but whatever- Matt could deal with his presence, if it meant keeping Vladimor happy. Wrapping his arms around Vlad, he was very careful not to touch the younger male's claw marks. Still, a territorial side of Matt kicked in when he thought about his marks on the lord. 'He's mine, even if he's not.'

@Cicero @Surprise Meteors @LilyannaGaming @mewbot5408 @bloodfire

Please contact Emmett to see if he needs to continue his scene before we jump to morning. Sorry for being slow, but I promise from here on out, the RP won't be focused on just the couples or
"Alright, chief." He pushes Leonardo over a bit, causing the lion to stand and sit far enough to where the humans wouldn't be all the way at the edge of the bed. (Even though it was a large bed, he takes up a large portion...) He indulges in each small, cute kisses. Vladimor lays down, Matthew following after and wrapping his arms around him. He hums softly in content, slinging an arm around Matthew's waist to pull him as close as he can for the night. A comforted sigh came from his nose as his chin resting above the smaller boy's head, and like the creeper he was he takes a short moment to sniff his hair. Running his thumb in circles under Matthew's shirt, he once again found himself in tune with that little song, perfect for a moment like this. "My honey, I know that with dawn...that you will be gone...." He closes his eyes, the sleep catching up with him when he did, a layer of exhaustion blanketing over him. "But tonight, you belong...to me." And his sleep took hold of him. If only poor Vladimor knew how perfectly accurate that song was at this time...


Thaddeus slams his hands on the table, glaring at the representative of the lab his son escaped. "I'm FUNDING you, I work in shadows to make sure you get EVERYTHING you need, and keep this place from being TORN DOWN. Now look, Mr. Espar," The man takes a deep breath, calming himself, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "The least you can allow me is let me be an escort in your miss-" He was interrupted by this weak man's words, "But, sir it's-" But a more power man's word holds the bite. "Let me finish." The old man at the desk doesn't want to mess with Mr.King with this tone, so he hushes himself. "I understand the risks, I know. If you won't let me go as ally, I'll go as a bystander, and which ever damage is inflicted upon me, will rebound to you and your facilities." Defeated by Mr.King's 'offer' Mr.Espar nods solemnly at him, and they discuss details.

When it was time to go, Thaddeus had his own transport, while not as modern as the men's vehicles, it proved just as effective. He lead the armored vehicles with his armored horses to their destination, which, was closer than they had imagined. Las Vegas.

"Get ready to see daddy, pretty boy."

There was no happiness, just a snarl pressing back his teeth.

LilyannaGaming said:
Once Vi and Silver stopped talking they walked out of the infirmary srea. Vi saw susan and followed her. Placing her finger on the keypad, overriding the lock. She walked in slowly. "Susan, Are you okay?" She called out as she opened the door. She walked to the bed sitting beside Her.
Silver went the opposite way and found Fane, standing there with a confused expression. Humming she looked at him. "Why don't you go ask her for a pinic in the dome room? I sure she would love to>" She said before punching his soulder. He laughed when she did and threw a few more air blast as he thought.
Susan looked towards the door. "I'm fine I just chicked out was all." The girl said looked at Vi with a smile "So what do you wanna do now?" SuSu asked looking around the room still blushing from the situation
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Exhausted eyes fluttered open, and their owner wondered where the hell they were. However, the bright and piercing lights of the lab answered their question easily enough. The one person in their vision wore a twisted grin.

"Great to have you here," they said, their grin turning into a knowing smile. The subject--we'll just call it "C" for now--of the scientist's cruel gaze narrowed their eyes dangerously.

"What do you want?" C's voice came out as a dangerous growl, not unlike a tone they'd used before, in a time seemingly completely different from this one. One before painful screams had made C regret--

"Is that any way to treat me?" the scientist asked mockingly, interrupting C's thoughts; their gift was a venomous glare.

"Just tell me what you want!"

"Fine, fine.. Except, you should know very well what I want." C's cold gaze widened, the first show of anything other than hatred or anger they had given.

"I refuse!" C shouted at the top of their lungs. The thing that man requested.. Never in a million years! C would not bring ruin upon the one dearest to them, not a second time!

"Fine," the scientist replied, giving an overly dramatic and sorrowful sigh. "But this makes things so much harder."

Glass cracked, but nothing could be done.

Vladimor, shaken by a nightmare wakes to he sound of heavy motors and the stop of hooves. Uneasy about these sounds outside, Vladimor frees himself from Matthew's hold and he shuffles over to the window to peek outside. There was a horse, and a couple of cars, and while no one was on the horse, he could see who he recognized as the 'search and capture' team. He narrows his eyes, looking back to the sleeping Matthew. He didn't deserve to go through this. Vladimor quietly walks back the the bed, lifting the mattress to where he could slide his fingers along until he found what he was looking for. He pulls out a blade. Beautiful carbon silver engraved with his family's symbol. He stands, looking over the sleeping boy. His fingers trembled. Vladimor gently slides the blades into his hand, closing his fingers around it, his hand linger over the other's. He was scared, he didn't want to go. Leonardo was roused by Vladimor's movements, and he only watches him. The noble takes off the most signature ring on his finger, the one with his last name and symbol, and slides it onto Matthew's fingers. He also takes a note, removing all his piercings and setting them on the table. (He didn't want them to be ripped from his body...) Vladimor notices the lion's stare, and goes to the other side of the bed to speak quietly to him. "Okay..." His voice was quiet and shaky, and he couldn't stable himself out, "I'm not sure if you're an experiment or you're an actual lion and I'm just wasting my breath...but...Please, can you keep him safe for me? This is the master bedroom, of course they'd look in here...Please, can you make sure he gets out of here fine?" Leonardo stared at this kind man who was so selfless. Or maybe it was actually selfishness...? This boy..The lion nods sternly, and Vladimor smiles, petting him for a possible last time.. Once more he goes over to Matthew, leaning down to kiss his cheek. For a moment he got caught and whispers into his ear, "Please know that I love, you Matthew...I love you so much..." When all this was said and done, shadows pooled in his hand, soon forming their way into a sword. It worked better than an actual sword to him. He leaves the room, locking the door behind him.

Derrick, still passed on the couch, was woken by someone flipping him off. When he hit the hard floor he cries out, looking up to see nearly the split image of Vladimor; his father. Extremely long grey hair tied behind him so neatly, and eyes that were once a vivid blue faded to nearly grey. When he looks at his face, he doesn't see Vladimor. He is not cruel, or unkind. This man, however, is much more than those things. He's a madman. "You pesky little SNEAK. You've been on the run, givin' my loyal ones the run around, and draining out my money like it's yours..." He gives a harsh kick to Derrick side and he fell over, grunting. Unlike when he was little, he stood back up. He look on his face was enraged. "You! It's your fault!" Derrick yells with an accusing finger pointed in Mr.King's way. "You're the reason why he's here! Why I'm here! Why all these poor kids are here!" Smack! He took the hit. Though he didn't recoil, he didn't flinch. He took it. "I'm older, now. Looking for Vladimor has made me stronger. I'm not some WEAK KID ANYMORE!" He through a straight punch at Mr.King's face, and hell, did it force the recoil. In the time, he quickly snatched up his saber from under the couch, pointing it towards the man. "Thaddeus, you're a disgusting old man." The end of his blade was pressed into Mr.King's cheek, making a small hole where blood beaded around the tip of the blade. Although Derrick was in control, he trembled. Thaddeus knew he had more power than he will ever, and Thaddeus knew this terrified Derrick. A smirk sent chills down the servants spine, and a twitch cause Derrick to move his blade, forming a cut across the man's cheek.

"Derrick! You do not treat my father like that. He stands taller than you." At his true lord's voice, he turns lowering his sword. "You go fight the scientists, I'm dealing with him myself." Derrick pleaded, "But sir-" A wave of Vladimor's hand cuts him off, and Derrick bolts to do as he's told. "Vladimor." Said a rough, gravelly voice. "Father." A more liquid, smoother voice spoke. There was the metallic noise of a sword unsheathing. "This is what you do to my property?" He growls as Vladimor steps closer to him. "That's what I asked everyone else." He didn't seem to happy about the state of the house, either, but it was the smallest concern. When Vladimor lunged at him, his father was faster and was incapacitated, hit and was dropped to the floor. Vladimor stares at him, and is drowned in a flood of memories that didn't seem too unlike now. "You stupid, worthless boy..." He kicks him, and again, thrice, and up some more. Thaddeus pressed his boot against Vladimor's cheek, digging his feet in and crushing his jaw against the ground. He steps off and yanks the boy up by his hair, smacking him across the face a couple of times before punching him back down. It continues like this, Vladimor so rarely trying to reach for his blade in a pathetic crawl, tears in his eyes as he tries to evade his father. It goes on. Once more, Vladimor is picked up by the hair, a defeated look in his eye, nearly lost of the last shred of defiance. His eyes were darkened, and blood dripped from his nose, and split lip. "Pathetic, oh so worthless child. You're a disgusting little snake, slithering all over my family's perfect name." Snake...slithering. Vladimor, in this repeat of traumatic events nearly forgot he was what he was. Shadows slithered around the man's ankles, pulling him down and away from himself. Shakily, he stands, looking down at his father. "Political suicide, or poetic justice? Killing your title or killing you?" Vladimor hadn't known why he wanted to kill his father...I mean, sure he's done a lot but...Vladimor urges shadow at microscopic levels into Thaddeus' blood stream, killing each cell, on by one. At first Thaddeus didn't know, and he won't know until it's too late and his body starts shutting down. "Let go!" He shouted, Vladimor only leads his shadows to create a tie on his ankles and wrists to keep him there. His mouth too, he couldn't stand his voice.

Soon both Derrick and Vladimor were both out, seeming to have the upper hand in the fight. ("That one isn't one of ours, but he shows promise, one said without their knowledge.) Soon the numbers increased, and both of them realized that with swords, they'd be better off giving up. But defeat was served the hard way. Dart guns. Derrick was the first to fall, drugs already in his system, and Vladimor was next. The last thought on his mind was Matthew's safety.

Vladimor wakes tied, in a dark, moving vehicle. "Derrick?" He called out. There's a quiet yessir and he sighs. "Where are we?" He couldn't cut his ropes. Shadows don't work without the presence of light, so he's kinda stuck. "Captured..." When he heard Derrick's voice crack and tremble, Vladimor could tell he was crying. The ride was silent, and when Vladimor smelled a gas being lead out into wherever he was, he got dizzy and couldn't manage to stay awake.​
The scientists had forgotten to re drug her this time, they had been to busy and excited by recapturing their creations. Nox could hear them. Her body still couldn't move, but her mind could. Reaching out her mind to any of the newly caught experiments "Hello? Please! If you can hear me, please answer."

@Trombone Geek @King Anthony

((I'm back! Finally.))
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The deep rumbling of a car shouldn't have been enough to wake Naomi and immediately shove her into an alert state. Beside her, Milee--curled up in her wonderfully fluffy housecat form--stirred slightly, yawning and raising her head. Yellow eyes blinked open, but immediately darted to the window.

"It's too quiet.." Naomi remarked tensely. Milee nodded, shifting into her human form rising to her feet.

"We should be able to get them away--" Milee began, only to be interrupted by shouting downstairs. The two cast each other a glance and took off towards the living room. Derrick was there, fighting.. Vladimor?! No; he was older. His father, maybe? Naomi was about to dart over and help when Vladimor appeared, and told Derrick to go deal with the scientists. Milee's eyes widened, and fear flickered within for a moment.

"I-I don't want to go back.." she murmured, before her gaze hardened into determination. Her form collapsed in on itself, morphing into a large cat, much more dangerous than her previous form, and raced outside. A few screams and a fierce yowling was all Naomi heard; signal enough that Milee was stirring things up rather violently.

Her eyes darted around the house, moving towards the back door. There were a few soldiers there; Naomi took off towards them, trusting her abilities--

Schwick. The smooth sound of a dart being fired; Naomi fell to her knees, a powerful sedative flowing into her veins. It didn't take long for the small child to pass out. She was picked up, carried away, and the guard who had shot her clambered onto the roof of the house, quietly making his way towards the front of the house and setting his sights on a troublesome pair. One wasn't one of the experiments, but with his fighting spirit it'd be a good idea to take him, too. So he fired, and hit the servant; another man took out the young lord.

Rufus had taken to wandering Vegas in the wee hours of the morning, toting his unusual sword behind him. Someone behind him scuffed their shoe on the pavement, and Rufus turned around.

"Well, well, look who it is," the redhead remarked with a grin. "Thought you were s'posed to be cozyin' up with the other kiddos." There was a tinge of threat in his voice, but nothing more than that.

"Orders change," Dante replied offhandedly. She noted carefully how Rufus tensed slightly.

"So, what're you doing here, then? I wasn't planning to intervene with the attack. I'd rather not get m' arse kicked, ya see," Rufus replied. Dante shrugged.

"We're taking all we can get," she said, suddenly rushing at Rufus, sword in hand. The redhead was caught a bit off guard, but quickly rose his sword to block, only for Dante to dart aside and swat her opponent away with enough force to send him slamming into a wall. The breath was knocked out of him--Rufus wasn't used to fighting others with enhancements--and coughed a bit, about to struggle onto his feet before Dante kicked him in the head, knocked him out, and jabbed him with a dart just in case. She hauled him onto his shoulder, casually walking away from the scene.

Cryx's eyes widened as she caught sight of the surrounded house. So, she didn't have an excuse for disappearing for a week; she'd just left, and waiting for Naomi to recover. The girl should've known, even in a crazed state, it was a bit hard to kill Cryx. So the woman had bode her time, waiting patiently, until she was sure Naomi was okay. Then she had returned to this! She felt the rage bubbling up, and took off, not even bothering to hide herself, leaping onto and beating the shit out of a man who'd prepared to shoot a dart at Milee. The shapeshifter nodded gratefully before taking off to look for Naomi.

There! But it was too late; the girl was being shoved into a van, gagged and bound and quite unable to defend herself. Milee ran as fast as she could, only for one of the newer supersoldier-based experiments to tackle her and pin her to the ground. By the time the girl had gotten herself free, the van was gone.

Cryx watched hopelessly as the van left, loaded with all of the members of their group that had been taken away. She hung her head--she'd failed Calvin, having made a promise to protect Naomi after his death. What good had that done? With a sigh, Cryx went to check up on Milee, who was dressing her wounds with an angry expression.

"You did your best," the woman murmured, sitting next to Milee, who just shrugged helplessly.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick still confused and disoriented by the drugs, wasn't able make too much sense of what Orious said. He blurred between 'Vladimor' and Orious, but it all seemed a mess to him. When Orious pinned him down, Derrick looks up, and sees the violet. When they weren't that benevolent shade of blue, he frowns. When Orious got up so did Derrick, but shakily and off balanced. He sat on the floor so it was easier, putting his clothes on. Derrick cringed when the vampire kisses him. Eventually, he stood up on shaky legs, the world not making sense to him, causing him to stumble. Though on his own, he made it to the door, not saying a word to Orious as he leaves, keeping his hand on the wall to keep him steady. His head was pounding and it took all his power just to get outside. He asked some bystander if he could call a taxi for him, slurrishly explaining he was drugged and just wanted to go home. The bystander was kind enough to do so for him, and he even offered to be an escort, but Derrick declined. He was sort of able to muster his address, and he ended up passing out on the way to the house.

The taxi driver woke him, and after that nap, he felt only a little better, but not by much. He got out, and the driver said it was on his so he just stumbles out, heading towards the front. Seeing the damage, he didn't even question it, but made himself a place on the couch and just passed out.​

Orious watched derrick leave deciding not to follow not did he decide to go home instead the vampire left the place. It was probably better if he didn't see derrick anymore, after all he probably would grow to hate him now. Good. Truthfully Orious was getting attached to him and it was distracting to his job. What did he have to lose,anyways? Nothing. The whole reason he ended up with the government was because andreous didn't want any to do with him anymore and sold him and izabell off. The experiments made Izabell no longer himself. Not to mention Orious had excepted the simple fact that he was going to die. The vampire didn't return that night but instead found himself going and staying in a hotel.

Wandering in a shadowy fog filled abyss which as he walked became a familiar room. He came to awakening as the beautiful violet fluttered only to gaze upon a hotel room stained in red. looking around he noticed the room stained in bright red. His violet eyes widened and orious watched as a figure approached him. "Ahhh...I must go now ori,be a good boy okay..." a voice all to familiar said and with that izabell was seen leaving the room.
(Assuming they're at the house)

Stell's big blue eyes widened as she didn't believe what was happening. She was going to move but only a moment too late when she felt a sting to her side and dropped down closing her eyes and slipping into a dream like state. " Ahhh, it's good to see you again miss.." a scientist said and scooped up the small female in his arms carrying her off.

Nick watched everything to confused to actually move but forcing his legs to chase after the person that took Stell. "Get back here so I can rip your fucking head off!"He screamed out to the person ignoring the fact that his hat flew off some ways back right now nothing mattered but getting the girl he loved back no matter the price of it to himself "Come on you'll have to get tired eventually...."The cat-boy said more hopeful then knowing.

Cicero said:
Susan looked towards the door. "I'm fine I just chicked out was all." The girl said looked at Vi with a smile "So what do you wanna do now?" SuSu asked looking around the room still blushing from the situation
Silver and Fane walked in. "Lets go for a walk in the park. It well by mornig now." Silver said smiling brightly as possible. Fane agreed while slipping beside Susan. "Ready?" He asked. Vi and Silver nodded awaiting the girls response . "We might as well, it will clear our heads, and get us some exercise on the sun." Vi said gleaming at susan,
LilyannaGaming said:
Silver and Fane walked in. "Lets go for a walk in the park. It well by mornig now." Silver said smiling brightly as possible. Fane agreed while slipping beside Susan. "Ready?" He asked. Vi and Silver nodded awaiting the girls response . "We might as well, it will clear our heads, and get us some exercise on the sun." Vi said gleaming at susan,
The girl smiled and nodded while her cheeks started to burn while looking at everyone. "Well what are we waiting for?"She asked getting up from the bed smiling brightly at everyone mostly Fane hope he wasn't mad at her or anything "So how big is the park?"The girl questioned with a confused and hopeful face hoping there would be plenty of room to run around. Then again that's what parks are for
"Its big and its far from the house you were staying at. Also its usually empty, since its pretty secluded." Vi said. Fane nodded and they all grabbed hands. Vi worked her power and they appeared three miles from the house. Fane looked a Susan. Thinking things over. "Silver and Vi why, Don't you two go of that way and me And Suusan take this way." Pointing to his chosen path, The left. Silver and Vi nodded "Meet up in the midldle?." Vi asked.
"The girl nodded in response and clapped "Great!"She said while teleporting smiling and laughing "Well what do you wanna....."SuSu trailed off growing red while looking down at what Fane said "Are y-you sure y-you w-want too?"The girl asked him but sighed knowing she lost looking at Vi or Silver with hopeful eyes she'll say something to stop the humiliation she was going to undertake
"Yes. Come one. Its a short jog to the center and then we will be back with the others." Fane suggested Smiling as he noticed her uneasiness. Silver and Vi walked silently and moved quickly. They stayed to the outer edges of the path, @Cicero
The girl sighed a bit in defeat nodding looking up to see the other two walking away "Dang it you two..."She muttered to herself looking up at Fane with a tint red face before looking away and turning her head "L-lets....g-go we d-don't want to k-keep them w-waiting."Susan said quietly while walking the other directions of the girls @LilyannaGaming
Fane followed silently. "Susan, Are you mad with me?" He asked to her silence. He managed a weak smile as he looked at her concern. He could just make out the shadows of the girls running. He laughed in his head. @Cicero
The girl shook her head not looking back at him "No....I'm just mad at myself is all."She told him plainly looking back at him "What are you doing all the way back there I thought we're walking together?"The girl asked confused with a small smile before turning her head forehead and continued to walk in silence again. Trying to get the image of his face in concern out of her head "I guess he really does care...."Susan said to herself in a small voice smiling at the ground while her cheeks grew scarlet @LilyannaGaming

The night was long for Rin, even when everyone had left him alone.

On the way back from the club, Rei had yelled at Mew nonstop. The cyborg didn't say much back, but it was clear that he was ticked off. In the car, nobody spoke a word to Rin. It was a blessing in disguise, because Rin wasn't sure what he'd say, once he opened his mouth. 'This wound hurts. I hope Mew doesn't do something like that again.' he thought, lifting up the collar of his shirt to look at the dark hickeys along one side of his neck and shoulder. Rei could hear his thoughts, but tonight Rin didn't try to control them. Not only would it do nothing to stop the two from bickering, but Rin was also too weak to even try controlling his thoughts. He would be much better off resting, and he did, until finally the taxi halted and let all three get out, once Rin had paid the driver.

"I'm going to bed." Rin informed the two softly. He prayed that Mew wouldn't follow him, and was actually grateful when Rei stopped the cyborg in order to chew him out some more. Walking lazily through the halls, Rin didn't really know which room he'd sleep in until he stumbled upon it: It was almost pitch black. The bed and walls were both the same dark colour, giving the illusion that the flat-screen TV in the room wasn't black, but a light grey. "This will... do." The tired Asian boy mumbled. He crawled in to bed with all intents to go to sleep, but every few minutes he was startled by the image of Mew looking at him, that lustful, dangerous look in his eyes. Rin would have never admitted it, but he was tempted to give in. The way he felt, just thinking about the cyborg- He never thought about anyone that way before. The whole experience had made Rin's body tremble, but if that was from the fear or instinctual need for love, he couldn't be sure. 'Rei is... the only one I need...' He not only thought this; He tried to say it, but when he opened his mouth all that came out was a small relaxed noise somewhere between a murmur and a squeak. His eyelids were growing heavy. He knew that he'd be falling asleep soon, so he with his last bits of energy, wrapped the covers around him tighter. After what happened to him tonight, he needed all the support in the world.

"Rei, I'm sorry." Rin whispered out to his sister. All he received doing it was a smack across the head. "Shut up!" the scientist said. She was a tall woman with pretty red hair and a small waist. Despite her temperament Rin whispered a small "I'm sorry.", but all he got in response was another slap, this time across his face. In the room, there were about nine other scientists. They were being extra cautious with Rin, despite him not having any powers. The boy wanted to ask why that was, but fearing the "Shut up" lady, he decided to keep his mouth shut, let them put him in handcuffs, and finally draw his blood. They didn't use rubbing alcohol to clean the area, but then again, they probably didn't care what diseases Rin got. The boy gagged at the thought alone of how many experiments probably had used that needle before him. He squirmed around a little as they did it. "You are taking a lot of blood." he whispered without thinking. Once again, another slap. Twenty more seconds passed before they stopped, and when they did, Rin felt queasy. "Type AB!" one of the men in the group called. There was cheering, then laughter, then finally Rin was picked up. "You're coming with us, missy." the man who had drawn his blood commented. Again, more laughter came from the scientists, especially, the ones who were carrying Rin so recklessly. "Got it." he mumbled, but he really hadn't. He was being taken to the facility alone? Last time, Rei was with him, along with some other people he could only vaguely remember. What would they do to him, once he got there? After being free, Rin had managed to hear the horror stories of the other victims he met... Let's just say not everyone got connected minds and telepathy. If anything, minds weren't very common in the facility. They had a horrible habit of becoming unraveled.

The first word that escaped Matthew's mouth in the morning was "fuck.", not because he wanted to, but because that was what he and the rest of the group was about to be. Absolutely, positively, 100%, organically fucked. There weren't any scientists in Matt's room yet, but the sound of their tranquilizers whipping through the air was familiar enough to the boy that he knew they were there. He had heard them twice before, once when he was first taken as a normal boy, and once more during his escape from that facility in New York. He had hoped to never hear them again, but Matt was a realist: He knew he'd have to deal with these guys more than twice in his life. "Weapons, weapons... What the fuck is this?!" Matthew looked down to see that in one of his fists, he had a knife. 'That symbol belongs to Vlad's family. He's waiting for me, but I can't cover something like this in blood.' Feeling betrayed that Vlad hadn't woken him up but hopeful nonetheless, Matthew shoved the beautiful weapon that could have helped him survive this into his pocket. Did Vlad's father keep any guns or knives in this room? The boy searched, but all he came up with were sex toys and piercings... He'd take the piercings. At least if he threw those at people, they could stab into something. It was no more than a distraction, but make no mistake by thinking it was a bad one: Some of those piercings were sharp as fuck! Matthew could feel some of them stab into his closed fist. That wasn't a very good feeling for a needlephobe, but now wasn't really the time to think about that. Taking several deep breaths, he walked over to the lion, trying his hardest to ignore the feeling of his injured flesh. "You're an experiment too, aren't you? No lion waits at the door." Matt whispered this, but afterwards he didn't even speak at all. From the sound of it, three heavily-armed people were approaching. Matt loosened and then tightened his grip on the piercings again. A lion, no matter how big, couldn't take on three men at once with dart guns. Matt would have to be very careful about using these. He'd only have one shot to throw and run.

Waking up wasn't as easy for Tabitha as it was for Matthew. The scientists were already busting down the door to her and Cicero's room when she woke up: Thank god she locked it. "Cicero, wake up!" she hissed out. Already the sound of their banging was irritating her sensitive ears. Standing up, Tabitha tried to figure out what to do: She didn't have any weapons on her, and there were no windows for them to escape from. This was the worst situation she could think to be in. They were trapped, not just surrounded, but totally trapped. "Just... hide!" she finally whispered, but she wasn't sure what good it did. After all, her hearing wasn't just average, so it was possible her boyfriend hadn't heard her at all. Getting up, Tabby did a selfish thing for once in her life... She hid under the bed. It was one of the most predictable places, but if she was lucky, the scientists would be too stupid to search there. The covers around the bed were designed to be low to the ground so all traces of Tabby were hidden from sight, but she could've sworn her heart was loud enough for everyone in the house to hear... There were still people in the house, right? Tabby closed her airs, clasped her hands together, and without even believing in any specific god, she prayed for the others to be fine. "Cicero," she called again. "Please, before they find you!"​

((Please note Vladimor and Derrick are slightly a head of time, and will be synced better when everyone who needs to be is finally captured))

Vladimor woke for the second time, groggy and sluggish. When he opens his eyes, there's no light. His fingers curl and tremble. It's been years since his fear of the dark, but not looking, that was only a little less than 4 years. The poor boy is thrown all over again into the illusion of being here as if it were his first day, a poor little terrified boy who was scared of the dark. Eyes widened, he calls out fearfully: "Derrick?" Once, and one last, and he gave up. On shaky legs he stood, his body weight seeming to force his knees to buckle under him. His lip quivered and the dark weighed on him once again as if he were the frail child he was years ago. "I want..." His small, cracking voice managed pitifully. "I...want..to leave...!" With that Vladimor stood, bolting straight forward, but coming into straight contact with a wall. He stumbles back, hitting the floor with a defeated whimper. He crawls forward to the wall, feeling around it. It was cold hard metal all around, forming a cylindrical shape. There's only a couple of steps before he reached the other side. A wheezy breath crawls out of his throat, and there begins to be a weight in his chest. Vladimor drops to his knees, clutching his chest, trying his best to remember his breathing exercises that Derrick taught him. Eventually he was curled up on the ground, tear brimming in his eyes that'd never spill. All while unaware that he was being watched. Reaction to recapture: Recorded.

Vladimor having his panic attack, doesn't realize all his shadows have been neutralized.

Thaddeus, gasps as he was released, catching his breath from the pain that was going in his chest for a reason he hadn't known. When he recovered, he stood. He wasn't to deal outside, but to find any other of his sons little 'friends." Making his way around all the rubble, he goes upstairs, top floor first. He walks down the hall, heels of finely polished clacking against the wooden floors. Thaddeus pauses when 3 men rush past him, stopping in front of 'his' room door. The man simply watched and waited.

Leonardo watches Matthew as he wakes, the feline being extremely tense and on alert. When he approaches, he doesn't respond, instead he stands, claws unsheathing. It was almost obvious that he wasn't just a lion. Either extremely tame or an experiment, and the latter made more sense. The men weren't something he could just wait out, and with darts, nothing he could simply outrun. He growls when Matthew only pockets the knife, quickly going over to grab the handle out of his pocket with his mouth, holding the handle in his maw. He then, with a set expression looks at the door, in a ready to pounce position, rear wiggling in readiness.

Cicero stirred a bit turning over a bit in the bed barely opening his eyes hearing banging on the door making him widen his eyes more and sit up looking around "Tab were are you?"He asked getting out of the bed and stretching a bit while hearing a voice making him look around before glaring at the door "Who's outside banging on the door so loud!?"The cat boy asked annoyed while heading towards the door knocking on it. "Hey shut up will ya!"Cicero demanded while heading back to the bed yawning. The scientists heard The boy tell them something and started banging on the door breaking it down glaring at him "You're coming with us Cicero."He told the boy while two other's filed in the room grabbing the boy attempting to bring him to the ground while Cicero's eyes widened in fear and rage. Struggling to get out of the grip punching one of them in the face and throwing the other one to the ground "Well...so much for a peaceful night of sleep I was finally get use to them again."The cat boy thought while looking at the three scientist in the room and the others in the door way growling to himself. "I can't even rely on my insane side...."Cicero mentally said while sighing to himself some how getting lost in thought as the scientist tempted to grab him again this time taking him to the ground bring him back "Well god dammit."He said plainly looking at all of them "Would you believe me if I said you have the wrong cat?"Cicero asked with a small snicker getting punching in the face "Guess not...would you believe a cat if it said you got the wrong human?"The cat boy asked this time getting kicked in the side making him wince a bit "You can come quietly and peacefully or we can beat you to a bloody mess which will it be cat?"One of the scientist asked glaring at him "Which one comes free of charge for me?"Cicero asked laughing while getting kicked in the side again "How about getting beat until you can bath in your own blood!"The other scientist said to the struggling boy grinning.

(This hard to understand? xD sorry if it is I tried my best to make a good post)

Note: Hey guys, I didn't tell you this yesterday, but yesterday marked the start of our fourth month roleplaying, since the roleplay started on Dec 2nd... Don't hit me with your "But Chase, not all months are 30 days." I know, you jerks! Just be happy I'm counting!


Tabitha could hear Cicero call out to her. She wanted to tell him that she was here, but before she could, the scientists came storming into the room. She could hear how they spoke to him and the impact they used to injure him. The girl was crying, but covered her mouth to keep as silent as she could. Cicero couldn't see her with the covers blocking her from view, but if he could, the first thing she would have done would be mouth the words "I'm sorry." She felt horrible... Why hadn't she just made sure he was awake?! He was joking around, making the scientists angry, but Tabitha knew Cicero well enough to understand that he wasn't happy about this situation: How could he possibly be? "I wonder if he thinks I've abandoned him." The thought made Tabby squeeze her fists until the knuckles turned white. So much adrenaline was running through her, making her heart race and her body tense up, ready to run when the scientist's searching ultimately led to her being found out. Despite the calming effects of adrenaline, Tabby found it hard to remain calm. Cicero jokes around? Smack. Cicero says something? Kick. Cicero breathes? Slap. The sound of them hurting him was unbearable, but in some small way, Tabitha knows she caused it. The guilt was almost as unbearable as the pain she felt when they found her.

"My, my, do we have lovebirds? Hey, maybe there's even a third one on the way."

Tabitha had been dragged out from under the bed by her legs, which wasn't very good, considering she as wearing a nightdress she found with nothing underneath. Of course, she didn't need pride right now. She needed an escape. The scientists who were holding her down now were both men, young and very much muscular. They were the sort of men women gawked over, but right now Tabby wasn't doing anything remotely close to that. She was struggling against them, trying to kick one unsuccessfully after he poked her stomach through the dress to prove his point. "I'm sorry Cicero." she said aloud without looking at the boy. She had been gazing at the ceiling this whole time, hoping to maybe blind herself or do something else that would make it easier for her to live through this whole ordeal. If she was deaf, she wouldn't hear them talk about her. If she was blind, she wouldn't hear them talk about her. If she was mute, she wouldn't be tempted to say anything back. She wasn't lucky enough to be any of these things: She was perfectly healthy, except she didn't feel like it after one of the men stepped on her neck, depriving her of oxygen until she was gasping. Finally he stepped off and let her breathe, but by them Tabitha's heart was beating four times faster than it usually was. Tears slid down the girl's face, but she was too afraid to speak. This wasn't what it was like at all when she first entered the facility: She had been a willing participant, after they promised to give her a better voice. Instead, she received dead parents and ears that made simply living a hell on Earth. Would she be heavily drugged again when she went back? She hoped Cicero wouldn't have to see her like that... The vague memory of it alone made her feel sick to her stomach.​
The boy was laughing while watching the scientintist glare at him. "What was it someth I said...." The boy asked following short of finishing his sentence while he seen Tab. The boy started struggling to get free to help her "Don't be if they didn't find you I would have gladly been captured if it meant you were safe." He told the girl getting kicked in the face again spitting up blood. "This need to stop.....what can I do though I'm useless in this situation." He thought to himself glaring at the scientists holding his girlfriend down growling a bit struggling to get out of his own problem didn't matter now the only person that matter was Tab. "You mean you would have gladly died for her?" One of the scientist asked stomping on his chest making Cicero gasp from the sudden loss of oxygen spitting at the male getting kicked in the side. When his adrenaline started kicking in he wrapped his tail around one of them tripping them bringing his tail around choking one

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