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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

When Matthew mouthed his name, he winks, raising his eyebrows. The crossdressing Vladimor flicks the older boy's nose lightly, standing and turning so the new wouldn't show off his bulge, but his rear instead. The way he walked back had such a sway in his hips it had the men hollering for more. He spent a little bit more time on the pole, once even licking up the pole seductively, making sure to hold the eye contact on that one particular person. (Until he then thought about how many STDs he'd contracted at that moment.) The show persisted for a couple of more minutes before Vladimor headed back off the stage, and was instantly met with the manager who insisted that he'd stay and take a job position here. He politely declines, but thanks her for the offer. He takes off all the clothes and wipes all his makeup off. (Not before taking a quick selfie first!) When he's back in his clothes the manager once more comes to him with a thick envelope. She tells him it's the amount he's earned from tonight and he bows, thanking her. Afterwards Vladimor seeks out Matthew, finding to sit by him. "Enjoyed, chief? Lipgloss is kinda sticky, aha." Vladimor was still pulling mascara from his lashes, and there was some blush still left on his cheeks. Or was that just him? "It's getting late, and I'm startin' to get a headache from these lights. Ready to bounce, soon?"

Matthew didn't have a clue what he was going to say when Vladimor left, and he still didn't have a clue what he was going to say when Vladimor returned. He just looked at Vlad for a while, as if to make sure that was the person he loved for a while before speaking. "You have a headache? You didn'tt take nearly as many shots as me, or maybe you did. I wouldn't have done that no matter how much I drank." The boy spoke a little too loudly and his speech was still somewhat slurred, but it was clear from the way that Matt was handling himself that he was more tired than drunk at the moment. Also, his head hurt like hell. "Anyway, you said we're leaving right? I can't wait to sleep." He didn't bring up the cross-dressing, only because he didn't know what to say to it. Vladimor... even as a chick, Vladimor was stunning. It was weird for Matthew to think that, but it was true. He got up and- though it was awkward to do in front of the stripper pole- leaned down to give Vlad a kiss on the cheek. He wouldn't have kissed Vlad on the mouth right now, only because he had no clue where those lips had been. "I... really appreciated tonight, but do-nn-ta let me get like this again. You understand what I mean, rightt?" Dammit. Without even thinking about it, Matt was back to kissing and licking along Vlad's face, down to his neck and back up again. Still, he might it short this time, ending the kiss with a playful bite before moving away. The nearby guys looked at him like he was a freak, but he didn't care: In fact, he was proud to be one.

Vladimor shrugs, but cracks a grin when Matthew kisses him on the cheek. "I hate lights like these, I think it's just that. I'm not like....col' har' drunk right' now. Just like I dunno...6/10?" He stands, rubbing the back of his neck, watching with his half-lidded blue eyes. He only chuckled at the intimate affections that he received, and when he backs up, he flashes a look back at the rows of men who some didn't take long to catch on. Taking Matthew's hand, he walks back through the crowds to make it to the exit. When they exit out of the stuffy building, he realized he swayed a bit, and found it harder to stand straight. It felt like he just left out of something surreal. Breathing in the fresh(ish) air, he lets go of Matthew's hand, pushing his fingers through his tangling black hair. "I'm not too drunk, but in no shape to drive. Plus, I'm pretty sure those other two are...somewhere 'r whatever. Taxi,taxi, who has the taxi..." Vladimor's voice was obviously worn, and he spoke a little to loud and had to adjust to the new level of volume outside. It was a lot quieter. He mumbled a few incomprehensible things as he raised his hand for an idle taxi. It slowed for him, and he tells the address, tripping over it a couple of times before he got it right. He got in the back, and was sort of in a daze, a goofy smile on his face as he spaced out.

@King Anthony

moving his arms around derrick as they laid there orious had said nothing after what they had just did and his face was blushing. The vampire watched derrick for a moment before leaning in licking the human's neck and nipped at it. he let out a soft breath and smirked before doing it again. He only glanced up at derrick again for a second before leaning in nipping at his jaw then ear. Orious then pressed is lips to the human's."derrick..." he mumured and brushed a hand down his side. Orious' lips close to derrick's ear breath soft tickling down his neck and he held the smaller male close.
Derrick even after all that felt still incoherent, his vision or mind still not straight. In between the whole thing, he can't remember seconds, or minutes, or even an hour behind him. He hums softly, running his fingers through long black hair that resembled so much of Vladimor. Over cold skin, and warm breath, and this size difference. All just like his Lord, Vladimor. Even with how discombobulated this poor servant was, he smiles, for a reason that Orious wasn't too knowing about. When he spoke, his voice was hoarse, from the drugs and all the noises he'd been making. "You know..." His eyes close and he focuses on his words. He doesn't even remember he was drugged, how he got here, in this room with this man. "When I moved in you, I swear the holy ground was...Moving too." He tried to sit up again, but his head hurt so bad it was easier just to stay down. "Could you feel it, Vladimor?" He held his head to steady the wild dizziness as he sat up, grunting in pain.

Orious' violet eyes were now staring at the human and he seemed quiet ticked off by those simple words. he frowned and tilted his head,he gently pushed away derrick's hand slowly. He gave derrick a bitter stare.".....honestly you can be so cruel somtimes....even after what we did and you still go calling out another man's name..." orious told him and with that he pinned down derrick seemingly pissed. His dark hair falling over his face."....you know of how I feel and you just blow it off or use me because of it...I'm just a replacement for vlad,that's what you think of me isn't it?!" orious told him and stared at derrick obviously hurt,expression full of anger and he seemed quiet upset. he moved away with a deep exhale not able to look at derrick. "...and if you even do keep me around it's just because you feel bad about it...that's cruel...especially when Vladimir is obviously with someone else..." he looked down and pulled off his crystal placing it on the bed. he stood getting dressed and only a moment he leaned in kissing derrick before moving away and away from him sitting on the edge of the bed still. He smiled."...but I can't say I'm all that good either.....no matter how much a jerk I can be know that I will do anything for you..." He told the smaller male.
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[QUOTE="King Anthony]
Vladimor shrugs, but cracks a grin when Matthew kisses him on the cheek. "I hate lights like these, I think it's just that. I'm not like....col' har' drunk right' now. Just like I dunno...6/10?" He stands, rubbing the back of his neck, watching with his half-lidded blue eyes. He only chuckled at the intimate affections that he received, and when he backs up, he flashes a look back at the rows of men who some didn't take long to catch on. Taking Matthew's hand, he walks back through the crowds to make it to the exit. When they exit out of the stuffy building, he realized he swayed a bit, and found it harder to stand straight. It felt like he just left out of something surreal. Breathing in the fresh(ish) air, he lets go of Matthew's hand, pushing his fingers through his tangling black hair. "I'm not too drunk, but in no shape to drive. Plus, I'm pretty sure those other two are...somewhere 'r whatever. Taxi,taxi, who has the taxi..." Vladimor's voice was obviously worn, and he spoke a little to loud and had to adjust to the new level of volume outside. It was a lot quieter. He mumbled a few incomprehensible things as he raised his hand for an idle taxi. It slowed for him, and he tells the address, tripping over it a couple of times before he got it right. He got in the back, and was sort of in a daze, a goofy smile on his face as he spaced out.


[QUOTE="King Anthony]


Matthew let of a small sigh as he got into the car next to Vladimor. His drunken bliss was over, and he was just now going into his hangover stage. Still, he didn't complain about it. Vlad was worse off than he was, and though he was exhausted, he knew he had to play the role of an adult now, with the taller male still heavily drunk, or at least he seemed that way. "Six out of ten? Yeah right!" Matthew thought, more interested in watching the faces Vlad made than the scenery outside. It was just building after building, person after person... No matter what bright lights were displayed, or what brilliantly coloured clothes the men and women wore, they all looked the same to Matthew right now. He only had one thing he was interested in at the moment, and that was the child-trapped-in-a-man's-body sitting next to him.

Matt was the first to get out of the car, and as any gentlemen would do he made sure to hold the door open for his drunk would-be lover. "You can walk, can't you? I don't think I can carry you, and I'm sure as hell not undressing your ass." It was unlike Matt to use specific phrases: "ass" was one of them, but in his half-affectionate, half-in-too-much-pain-to-smile state, it felt oddly appropriate for him to use it. That was all fair enough anyway. After meeting Vlad, Matthew was doing a lot of things he'd never have done.​
Vladimor got out, tipping over in the slightest when he got out so abruptly. "Yeah, I'm goo' chief." He takes another breather before heading to the door, unclarity unsettling on the tall noble. Although it was clear as it was, he could see his front door broken, an entire hole broken through the door. This immediately set him off and sobered up pretty quickly by anger, he storms into the building. There were large imprints in the floor that followed in a pattern that could be footprints. His staircase was wrecked, and the ceiling was pretty fucked too. The lord's eyes narrow, and in seconds all the color pours from his eyes, leaving blank white and a soft glow. He snarled, his teeth bared in disdain. Not wanting to travel up broken, hazardous stairs, he took the elevator, his fist aggressively slamming the button to the second floor, creating a small dent in a the small metal plating. The doors close after a second, taking him to the second floor which was not as bad, but still wrecked. From the stairs to one room in the hall, it was torn up by the same destruction as downstairs, and one of the rooms had a broken window along with a broken door. "This is how they pay respect to the house of mine that was supposed to be our HAVEN?!" His blank eyes filled with rage, snapping hard with his teeth, grinding them together. A growl had risen from his throat, and his shadows behind him, bubbling and snaking their way from the floor and across the walls, covering the entire hallway in inky black. There was a crack from the pressure of what they were pressing against the interior of the house. He held his head in his hands, walking down the floor that remained nearly unscathed, besides the one hole in the wall caused by Orious earlier in the day. With a harsh turn he was met with....A lion?

That's right. Leonardo had been at the club, but nothing appealed to him there. He went out to eat instead and headed back to the house to take another nap in the master bedroom. The random outburst of what most likely had been the owner roused him from his slumber. Going out to investigate, he was met with some kid who he noted, wore some pretty expensive looking rings on his fingers. Like a common house cat, Leonardo things to rub against this boys leg, purring in an instant manner to hope what would calm him.

And Vladimor, being the guy he is, gives in. His eyes pour back to color, and a more focus look crosses his face as he sits straight down on the ground petting the lion. Oh, boy he LOVES animals. He pets his fingers through it's mane, and unlike most lions, it wasn't very tangled. His eyes practically sparkled and it took his mind, if only for a moment, of his house instantly. The large cat sat itself across his lap, and he grins, even with the heavy weight of a full grown male lion crushing his legs. The noble pets along his back, intrigued. How did a lion get in his house in the first place, though?


Matthew would have liked to say he didn't give a fuck about what Vladimor was yelling about, but the truth of the matter was that he did. That's why, when Vlad opened and closed the elevator at a speed too fast for Matt to follow, he just took the stairs up, racing on tired legs in the hopes he that he would get there first. He didn't. In fact, it took two minutes more for him to, simply because his legs slipped out from under him at one point. This really sucked, but what Matthew didn't know was it could get worse. "Hey- Woah! Fuck! Fuck, am I seeing things?!" Matthew knew he wasn't, but he still had to ask. On top of Vladimor was a giant lion who looked rather content in his position, but Matt didn't care how happy the poor feline was: It was a wild animal, and it was on his boyf- friend. It was on his friend.

"Vlad, I really don't think you should be petting it. Don't those things have rabies?" Matt reached out a hand to touch the beast, but quickly retreated it the second Leo made the smallest of movements. He was scared, but not for himself. Lions ate a lot of meat, right? Vladimor might have been strong, but could he overpower a lion? Suddenly, an idea came to his Matt's head. "Wait right here." he told the taller male, and with that he walked toward a restroom to change.​
Vladimor shrugs, "I thought you could only get rabies from a bite. Look how friendly he is!" He nuzzled his face in the wild animal's fur, smiling as it leaned into his touch. "It's not like I can go anywhere..."

Leonardo growls in the direction of Matthew when he referenced to his current species as "things", but doesn't act too far out due to the petting he has been long due for. But, so "Vlad" was this boy's name? interesting. He almost wanted to think short for Vladimir, but it wasn't too much of his concern since in this form he couldn't speak human tongue. His tail flicked about contently and he purrs, nudging his muzzle into Vladimor's large hand which he found a perfect fit, rolling back onto the male when he pets the top of his muzzle.

Once Matthew closed the bathroom door, it didn't take long for him to take strip down and shift into a lion. Oh sorry, you thought he meant change his clothes when I said he was going to change, didn't you? Despite rarely using his powers, Matthew was a shape-shifter... He just hated being one. His body immediately felt a little more sore, and that was hard, considering how he still had a hangover. The headache seemed twice as bad, now that he was in a smaller shape. He actually wanted to be a large lion, but thanks to the pain, he had to settle for a lioness. It didn't make much difference to him either way: The body felt foreign, and it was only the animal's instinct that told him how to control it.

Walking out, the first thing he did was try to claim Vlad, grabbing unto the boy's pant-leg and tugging on it. "Come on!" he seemed to say, but after a second he remember what Vladimor wanted: somebody playful. With a low growl that replaced his usual sigh, Matt stopped tugging and instead rolled over unto Vladimor's legs, looking up at the shadow-wielding boy with big, dark brown eyes. For a grumpy human, Matt could make one happy cat. Of course this was only to get Vladimor to go to bed with him. He didn't want that stupid lion attacking Vlad in his sleep.​

When a lioness soon made it's way out, Vladimor's eyes look up and nearly sparkle in intrigue. Leonardo, however didn't seem too amused. He watches her, glaring with a frown. "Tranny." He tells the lioness in their tongue, who was only seconds ago a male human. When she pulled at his new "friend"s pant leg, he growls, standing up, causing Vladimor to raise his hands in defense. Leonardo leaps over and stood over the lioness, a deathly look in his eyes. As a barbary lion, he was much larger than the non extinct family of his, albeit somewhat shorter. A common lion, a female with a smaller build nonetheless, couldn't possible outmatch him. "Quit." He growls out, baring his teeth growl continuing to rumble back in his throat.

"Hey now..." Vladimor mumbles, hands still raised nervously as he shuffles his legs from under the lioness. He looks around nervously. "Matthew?" He calls out, trying to look for the boy, but he was nowhere to be seen. He scoots back a fair amount away, watching the two. Hopefully there's not lion murder next to the destruction of the house...​

Matthew's eyes widened in surprise, but then narrowed in anger. Lions could speak to each other?! He knew they had some levels of communication, but to hear foreign words that he clearly understood coming from a lion's mouth was confusing. "Get away from him!" he growled. Without thinking, he bared his teeth back at Leonardo and swatted at the male. He seemed shocked, but only for a few moments. He growled again, only this time it was followed by him trying to get up.


Instinctively the boy turned his head toward Vladimor when called, but his ears flattened against his head when he realized he couldn't speak human. "I'm here!" he tried to say, but it came out as some weird half-growl, half-barking noise. "Man, what was I thinking? This sucks!" Looking back on it, Matt had no clue what he had intended to do. This lion was huge; even in human form it was almost as big as him. He seemed friendly enough. There was no reason for Matthew to defend Vlad like that, but after all that happened tonight, the boy who was usually a loner felt the need to. It wasn't just about protecting Vlad- It was about claiming him. He wasn't allowed to openly, so he needed to secretly, whenever he could. Was this desperate? Without a doubt, but Matt was ready to admit he was desperate. He was ready to admit that, to anyone except Vladimor.​
Leonardo roared, his maw still open threateningly when he was swatted at. He got up quickly, bounding over to the long haired male, standing in front of him in a defensive type of way. Vladimor laughs nervously, taking a step back, but with each step, Leonardo followed. "Quit!" He repeats, warning him. He flinches when he feels a hand come in contact with his head, but calms himself when he sees it is the "Vlad" The look he gave him was strange at at the moment, his instincts couldn't trace to understand it. However, it did urge him to stand down, a laxness reaching his stance at the man's hand. Vladimor then walks in front of Leonardo, holding his hands up once more, looking at the lioness.


Matthew tried to understand the scene in front of him, but failed. What was Vlad doing? It took a long time of staring and watching for Matthew to understand that Vladimor was defending him, and even more time for him to slowly walk up to Vlad. "Take that, stupid lion!" he thought, but he didn't say it. He was being a stupid lion too, so there wasn't anything fair about him taunting this one. "...Awrr!" Suddenly, Matthew felt the need to pounce of Vlad, and he did! He dug his claws in without realizing it; He was too busy nuzzling the young man's chest to care. Oh, if only he knew had moody lionesses could be! Matthew was oblivious to this fact himself, but when he was in the form of animals, he'd sometimes take on a few on their personality traits. This was one of those times, and they certainly hit him hard! "Love me!" the poor boy-lioness seemed the say, but luckily this came to an end- a rather abrupt one. Suddenly exhausted, lion-Matthew took his (literal) paws off of Vladimor and went back down to the floor. He blinked slowly, and by the time he reopened his eyes he was in human form again. That wasn't what he cared about though:

"Vlad, I'm tired!"​

Vladimor stepped back a little shaky at the approaching lioness. When she pounced, Vladimor tried to evade it but ended up backing into the impeding grip of her paw; and pray to the stars, it didn't feel good. He couldn't register the nuzzling as he focused on the claws digging in his back, the weight of the animal toppling him over causing him to fall further into the sharp weapons. he hisses and cringes, face wrenching at the pain that shot through him. When she receded he slowly stands with the aid of the male lion. When he stood, he felt something wet down his back, and he grimaces. With a random naked Matthew on the floor, he wasn't even stricken as confused, but wondered what the other lion was. Just some intelligent run-away or one of them? It didn't matter. He slowly makes his way slightly down the hall, Leonardo following his side until he reaches his room. He paid Matthew zero mind, shutting the door after his new feline companion.

He carefully strips himself, cringing when the cloth brush against the scratch. He goes into his bathroom, looking in the large cabinet for the first aid kit, pulling out a couple items before sitting on the bathroom counter, back towards the mirror. It wasn't bad, but it didn't feel good. He cleaned himself up, wrapping himself before putting the kit up, heading to the bed, who was occupied by Leonardo. He lay next to him on his stomach, sighing. "Tomorrow will be a better day." He told himself again, almost the 560th time in his life. Vladimor wasn't sleepy, and the pain was keeping him up, so he sat, running his fingers through the mane of this lion. He finds a tag, deeply embedded in the mass of fur. "Leonardo? I can work with that."​

Matthew didn't understand why Vladimor walked away so fast. "I must have surprised him." the boy thought innocently, standing up and walking over to put his clothes on. He had put his boxers on and was pulling his shirt down when he noticed something: his fingernails were covered in dry blood. It wasn't a sight that Matt wasn't used to, but after going into the slow realization of why he had blood on his hands, he went into panic mode. "Fuck... fuck, fuck fuck fucking fucker's fuck!" He cursed for a while, all while running a hand through his hair and trying to figure out what to do. Could he just go in and apologize? Those claws were huge... No, he needed to do something better.

It had taken him at least two minutes to walk up the many steps to get upstairs, but in his hurry to get downstairs, he only spent thirty seconds on them. He rush-walked to the kitchen, and didn't stop until he had found what he was looking for in there: dark chocolate. "Good, now I just..." Matthew had grabbed several bars, meaning to just take them upstairs, but upon further inspection of the fridge's insides, he had a better idea. "He won't forgive me that easily. I need something better." It would still be fairly simple to make, but it was the thought that counted, right? Hopefully it would be this time. Matthew wanted to make it up to the taller male, but he wasn't suicidal nor patient enough to make something extravagant this time of night. Taking out the strawberries, he set to work at cleaning them and was very meticulous about how he chopped off the ends. Late winter was not the season for strawberries, so it was a blessing they were as sweet as they were: He didn't want to ruin that blessing by chopping off some of the perfectly good red fruit. When the chocolate was done, Matt made sure to dip the strawberries into it very carefully. He was tired, but if his gift didn't at least look pretty, it might prove useless. He was so worried that his arms shook ever so slightly when he placed the strawberries on the plate. He decided the classic "flower" look would be best, with three strawberries in the center while the others around the outside of the place faced away from the three. It was finished. "Well, here goes nothing." he told himself, before lifting the dish and very, oh-so-very cautiously, making his way back up the stairs.

The thoughts Matthew had been trying to suppress came rushing at him as he stood in front of that door:

"What am I doing?"

"Was all of this really necessary?"

"He won't forgive me."

"I need to stop this! It's weird."

"He's probably done with me anyway."

"Will this be the end of us?"

"That lion hasn't mauled him to death, has it?"

"Vlad?" Matthew called his name and knocked on the door, which had at first felt like an impossible task with how tight it felt. "I... brought a peace offering." he said, swallowing some of his pride in the process. "Idiot! Why can't you just tell him what it was? Also, what's with that pause? He won't think you're sincere." These little thoughts were screaming at Matt, but he just ignored them by reassuring himself that Vladimor wouldn't hate him after this. He wouldn't, right? Matt's shoulders shook slightly, and for the first time in a few days, he felt real terror. He didn't want it to end like this.​
Leonardo perks up quickly, stare cautiously locked on the door, beginning to hiss at the voice on the other side. Vladimor hushes him, and he silences himself, but still not happy with who he was dealing with. "A peace...offering?" He raises a brow, confused. He slowly sits up, not to irritate his still fresh-ish wounds, his blanket falling from around his elegant frame, exposing his half-naked body to the cold air. "Come in?" He asks, unsure of what to expect. Leonardo seemed to be on guard, a tense look in the direction of the doorway from Vladimor's side, said boy petting the feline in attempt to calm him.

After being invited in, Matthew entered the room. He would have preferred to say he didn't hesitate at all, but every second held a certain level of significance in a situation like this. He watched Vladimor's face for a moment before looking down at the dish in his arms. He couldn't have looked for any longer, after having seen the hostility in the taller male's vividly blue eyes. "I was a jerk tonight, but please... forgive me." The words weren't hard to say because Matt didn't mean them, but because having both your crush and the supposedly dangerous creature next to your crush stare at you was disconcerting. He gulped, but even still his tongue felt dry, and when he opened his mouth, the words he meant to say refused to come out. "Maybe they were meant to be lost in history." Of course, Matt didn't actually agree with this thought that popped into his head, but at this moment in history, he felt like everything involving him could easily be washed away from Vlad's life. It made him more desperate, but still that silence persisted, polluting the air and making Matthew feel suffocated. In the end, all he could do was look at Vladimor with eyes that said "I'm sorry." Matt glanced at Leo too with a similar look, but it was shorter and still somewhat irritated. He didn't like cats after all, and one that posed a danger to Vlad would never be completely welcomed by him, which was ironic, because tonight he proved that he was the danger.


Hostility on Vladimor's side? That wasn't it. However, he did look interested in the treats the boy held on the plate."Ooo, sweets- Owowow!" He attempted to crawl forward on the bed, but his movements made his back sting, so he ended up back on on his rear. "...I don't hold grudges, ya know. But that definitely wasn't playing' nice. Hurts." He told him, a sheepish laugh hidden away in his voice. "Feed me?" He asks, looking once more at the plate, humming softly as he lays head head on Leonardo, keeping his upper back a safe distance away from being flat against the pressure of the bed. He had a soft, welcoming look in his eye, and it was all the truth that there was no grudge in them. Leonardo, lays on his crossed arms, unamused by this man's words. "He gives in too easy."


"Really? That's it? He gives in too easily."

Matthew lifted his head up at Vladimor's words. With only one more look into the taller male's eyes, the suffocating feeling Matt had been feeling evaporated, replaced by relief. He was still pretty uncomfortable, especially when he had to get on the same bed as the lion he had upset earlier, but Vlad made it all worth it. The warmth in Vlad's eyes, his cheerful tone, his reclined position showing off the rest of his lovely figure... Matthew felt bad knowing that it was his claws that forced Vladimor into that position, but it didn't change the fact that Vlad was beautiful, no matter what he did. With careful but much more confident fingers, Matthew gently placed one of the strawberries into Vlad's mouth. "Sorry." he told the runaway lord again, but this time a faint smile was on Matt's face. Vladimor had forgiven him- What more could he have asked for this time of night? "Oh, you have something... here!" During their cute feeding session, Vlad managed to get chocolate on the side of his mouth. Matt, being the resourceful young man he was, took this as an opportunity to semi-directly kiss it off of him.​
mewbot5408 said:
Orious' violet eyes were now staring at the human and he seemed quiet ticked off by those simple words. he frowned and tilted his head,he gently pushed away derrick's hand slowly. He gave derrick a bitter stare.".....honestly you can be so cruel somtimes....even after what we did and you still go calling out another man's name..." orious told him and with that he pinned down derrick seemingly pissed. His dark hair falling over his face."....you know of how I feel and you just blow it off or use me because of it...I'm just a replacement for vlad,that's what you think of me isn't it?!" orious told him and stared at derrick obviously hurt,expression full of anger and he seemed quiet upset. he moved away with a deep exhale not able to look at derrick. "...and if you even do keep me around it's just because you feel bad about it...that's cruel...especially when Vladimir is obviously with someone else..." he looked down and pulled off his crystal placing it on the bed. he stood getting dressed and only a moment he leaned in kissing derrick before moving away and away from him sitting on the edge of the bed still. He smiled."...but I can't say I'm all that good either.....no matter how much a jerk I can be know that I will do anything for you..." He told the smaller male.
(I'm reposting because you didn't respond)
mewbot5408 said:
Orious' violet eyes were now staring at the human and he seemed quiet ticked off by those simple words. he frowned and tilted his head,he gently pushed away derrick's hand slowly. He gave derrick a bitter stare.".....honestly you can be so cruel somtimes....even after what we did and you still go calling out another man's name..." orious told him and with that he pinned down derrick seemingly pissed. His dark hair falling over his face."....you know of how I feel and you just blow it off or use me because of it...I'm just a replacement for vlad,that's what you think of me isn't it?!" orious told him and stared at derrick obviously hurt,expression full of anger and he seemed quiet upset. he moved away with a deep exhale not able to look at derrick. "...and if you even do keep me around it's just because you feel bad about it...that's cruel...especially when Vladimir is obviously with someone else..." he looked down and pulled off his crystal placing it on the bed. he stood getting dressed and only a moment he leaned in kissing derrick before moving away and away from him sitting on the edge of the bed still. He smiled."...but I can't say I'm all that good either.....no matter how much a jerk I can be know that I will do anything for you..." He told the smaller male.

Derrick still confused and disoriented by the drugs, wasn't able make too much sense of what Orious said. He blurred between 'Vladimor' and Orious, but it all seemed a mess to him. When Orious pinned him down, Derrick looks up, and sees the violet. When they weren't that benevolent shade of blue, he frowns. When Orious got up so did Derrick, but shakily and off balanced. He sat on the floor so it was easier, putting his clothes on. Derrick cringed when the vampire kisses him. Eventually, he stood up on shaky legs, the world not making sense to him, causing him to stumble. Though on his own, he made it to the door, not saying a word to Orious as he leaves, keeping his hand on the wall to keep him steady. His head was pounding and it took all his power just to get outside. He asked some bystander if he could call a taxi for him, slurrishly explaining he was drugged and just wanted to go home. The bystander was kind enough to do so for him, and he even offered to be an escort, but Derrick declined. He was sort of able to muster his address, and he ended up passing out on the way to the house.

The taxi driver woke him, and after that nap, he felt only a little better, but not by much. He got out, and the driver said it was on his so he just stumbles out, heading towards the front. Seeing the damage, he didn't even question it, but made himself a place on the couch and just passed out.​
iiimee said:
"Really? That's it? He gives in too easily."

Matthew lifted his head up at Vladimor's words. With only one more look into the taller male's eyes, the suffocating feeling Matt had been feeling evaporated, replaced by relief. He was still pretty uncomfortable, especially when he had to get on the same bed as the lion he had upset earlier, but Vlad made it all worth it. The warmth in Vlad's eyes, his cheerful tone, his reclined position showing off the rest of his lovely figure... Matthew felt bad knowing that it was his claws that forced Vladimor into that position, but it didn't change the fact that Vlad was beautiful, no matter what he did. With careful but much more confident fingers, Matthew gently placed one of the strawberries into Vlad's mouth. "Sorry." he told the runaway lord again, but this time a faint smile was on Matt's face. Vladimor had forgiven him- What more could he have asked for this time of night? "Oh, you have something... here!" During their cute feeding session, Vlad managed to get chocolate on the side of his mouth. Matt, being the resourceful young man he was, took this as an opportunity to semi-directly kiss it off of him.

"Mmm..." Vladimor licks his lips after the first, enjoying the second,and the next. There's no was such a boy would hold a grudge; you could probably shoot him and he'll forgive you the next day. "It's fine, things like that happen, I guess." He didn't really know, or think that. People don't usually turn into lions. "I'm startin' to feel m' hangover, t.b.h." He mutters before eating another strawberry. He was kinda sleepy, but something was keeping him from his body itself acknowledging that fact. When Matt pointed out there was something on his face, he was going to ask where until that sly little rabbit kissed it off. He caught him by the collar quickly, keeping him down for a more direct kiss. "Ya had something' on your face too, chief. It's called fine-as-hell." Vladimor chuckles letting go of the boy's collar, ignoring Leonardo's disapproval.


When Vladimor pulled him in for a kiss, Matthew just leaned forward and went with it, which was shocking. Who was he, and what had he done to the shy young boy who would barely look at Vladimor a few days ago?! This transformation was almost frightening, but then again, so were Matt's actual transformations: Vlad and Leonardo learned that tonight. "Let's sleep... Damn, I really hope this headache ends by morning." His last sentence came out jumbled and quiet, but that was only because Matt went in for another kiss... and another. He knew it was getting kind of old, but he really didn't want to be alone tonight. He wanted to sleep, and then everything would be fine by morning. He gave Vlad one more strawberry and ate the last one himself before setting the plate down on the nightstand and laying down next to Vlad on the bed. On the other side of the lord was that stupid lion, but whatever- Matt could deal with his presence, if it meant keeping Vladimor happy. Wrapping his arms around Vlad, he was very careful not to touch the younger male's claw marks. Still, a territorial side of Matt kicked in when he thought about his marks on the lord. 'He's mine, even if he's not.'

@Cicero @Surprise Meteors @LilyannaGaming @mewbot5408 @bloodfire

Please contact Emmett to see if he needs to continue his scene before we jump to morning. Sorry for being slow, but I promise from here on out, the RP won't be focused on just the couples or

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