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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)


"It's good to know you're finally cooperating."

There he stood, two scientists staring into each others eyes, challenging one to back down; one wore a smirk, the other a glare colder than the vast expanses of space.

"You're going to fucking regret this," was the response.

Calvin's glasses lay, broken, on a nearby counter; they were useless. With nothing to soften his normal eye color to a more gentle brown, his eyes were ablaze with acidic fire. The man before him simply grinned.

"I'm still surprised you aren't thanking us for bringing you back to protect your little girl," he added, although when he looked back up he drew away slightly. Calvin's posture--scratch that, everything about him--screamed that he did not fear death. Whether because he had died once, or because he knew he would only be brought back once more because of his skill in breaking people, could not be told.

"All of the tools you need are set out; if you need anything else, just let us know," Calvin's opponent said stiffly, before leaving the room. Calvin himself sighed, running a hand through his hair. It hung loose now, with nothing to keep it up, flowing to about his shoulders where it stopped. He had started growing it out mostly after he helped Naomi escape, in an attempt to forget those times. Now, they were back, more vivid than any night terror.

"Everything is just wheeling backwards," he murmured, picking up the remains of his glasses. Which really only included the frames, with bits of glass scattered about on the counter. He had been endlessly relieved to see that Matthew hadn't been included in those who had been captured, but seeing Derrick had worried him. Derrick was Vladimor's servant, and Calvin was well aware of how close Matthew and Vladimor had grown; after his 'death,' they had, most likely, only grown closer. And Derrick happened to be the 'clean slate' he was to be working with. Pissing Matthew off worried him more than pissing the noble off, however dangerous his shadows may have been.

His thoughts continued to stray, and dwell on the smidgen of jealousy Calvin couldn't help but admit he felt, but he shoved it away. A time like this wasn't a time to focus on himself. He steered his thoughts towards Naomi's safety, and quit stalling. He left the room, following the directions the scientist who'd challenged him and given.

Before long, he came to Derrick's cell. He recognized the servant, as beaten and haggard as he looked, and paused outside of his cell. He could feel himself distancing himself from the whole situation, whether he liked it or not; but when he looked up, his eyes were dark and haunted, and the strange glow that normally existed was dimmed to almost nonexistence. He was wearing a lab coat, as it was the only thing available. He could've been mistaken for a normal scientist, had Derrick never seen him before.

Sliding the key into the cell door's lock, Calvin twisted and pulled, opening the door. "Get up. We're going somewhere." The entire time, he was careful to keep his mind on Naomi, on her safety; on the fact that they had to keep her drugged to prevent her escape; on the fact that escape was improbable, and this was all he could do. He barely registered anything else, letting some sick version of muscle memory work things out for him. To Calvin, his own reactions were ridiculous; everyone he'd befriended had survived experimentation, and managed to stay strong; what Calvin was experiencing was nowhere near that. So why did his reaction have to be so damn weak?! He felt the temptation to scream until his throat was raw, but shoved it away as well. He had no excuse for what he was doing.
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Leonardo doesn't speak as he watches him tear life from this man. Instead he watches, cowering away in response to the look in the boy's eyes. When he's dressed he nods, shifting back into his lion form, once again picking up the knife in his maw. He runs up on one of the scientists, tackling him down and slashing his throat with powerful claws. Leonardo kill for the need, never for want. One, two, three, four. Down the stairs he takes them all, before they even have the chance to raise their gun. He even passes Violet, not seeing her in his daze. Instead of going out front,he breaks through the back sliding door, dashing around the pool, and back through the sand. He stands and waits for Matthew, no human able to keep up with a wild animal such as himself. As soon as Matthew caught up Leonardo runs again, but behind the human, diving between his legs and standing again to where Matthew is situation on his back. He looks behind his shoulder, before bolting down the desert sands, out of sight behind the sand dunes from any scientist until the sand began evening out again. Though he kept running, far, far, far from the house, his mind driven and powering his body on his fight or flight instinct. Soon, a good distance down the sand, his body collapses along with Matthew on his back, his shifts back into human form unwillingly. His body rolls across the sand the morning cold saving him from the usually scorching sand. He breaths heavily, laying in the sand, trying to catch his breath. "Okay....okay....Where- where do we go? Is there some sort of back up plan-or-or..." His voice kept getting caught in his throat due to the air trying to force its way to Leonardo's lungs. "Fuck, shoulda stayed in the zoo..."


Matthew wasn't killing with the same passion this time, but whether it was in cold blood or not didn't really matter once the scientist fell down the stairs, cracking her skull against another scientist's on the way down. He hadn't even intended to kill them, but in his rush he had shoved quite a few people out of the way. They tumbled down the stairs, but there were no casualties other than that unfortunate pair. Neither Leonardo nor Matthew had noticed Violet in their desperate flee. Matthew should have been resting; The dart in his arm would have normally sedated him, and it wasn't like that needle hadn't done some damage to his shoulder, but he kept running with the instinct of a newly escaped wild animal. It was funny, because that was exactly the sort of creature he ended up riding to safety.

Matt collapsed alongside Leonardo without much choice. Still, unlike Leonardo he immediately gets up. It didn't make sense that Matthew was still this awake, but very little made sense when your body had so many genes and chemicals in it thanks to experiments performed on you as a child. He looks down at Leonardo after the human-lion raises a question, but doesn't speak until he's finally caught his breath. With those hands on his hips, a raised eyebrow, and a scowl across his face, Matthew should have looked comical, but anything but a smile was far from it at this point. "I have absolutely no clue where we are, but I know we can't return to that house and get out alive. Do you want to be a martyr today or run somewhere safe? I'm tired of the former." It looked like Matt was going to start crying toward the end of the sentence, but he just bit the inside of his cheek and shook the feeling off. Grabbing Vlad's knife that was on the ground, he wiped the blood off on his shirt before shoving the weapon in his pocket. He didn't dare look at it, but he placed a finger on his hand to make sure the ring was still there: It was, and just from feeling he guessed it didn't have any blood on it. "You can stand, can't you?" Matthew asked, after extending his hand to the taller man. It may have looked like he was emotional only seconds ago, but now Matt's face was void of all personality or expression. The only thing that stood out were those dark brown eyes on his pale face; They flickered and burned like the embers of a fire, even if the rest of him was as cold and unfeeling as a corpse, or even worse- one of those scientists.

Note: In honor of our returning character...



Derrick, upon hearing the large metal door open, looks up. In those dull red eyes of his, almost all fight was gone, the last shreds of it obscured by the fear in his eyes. Upon seeing the lab coat, reality locked on him, and there was no avoiding it. When he meets the eyes of the man, however, everything unsettles more than it already has. The same man he met that short time ago, back at the cabin. Was he a traitor then, or a traitor now, Derrick thought. Now, then, what would it matter? The outcome was still the same. Derrick's fingers tremble, but he tries his best to still himself, trying to put on a stronger face that'd be helping no one. He knew, when he stood, he be led to nowhere good, but he obeyed. Because the outcome would be the same, there's no reason to resist. Well, perhaps if his master were here, he'd tell him to fight. Tell him to sit down, and listen to no body but he. "Vladimor..." He thought, his eyes dulling even more so. He could almost imagine the lord here as he stood up, following the former ally down the cold halls. Vladimor would scream and fight this man, willing to rip out his throat if he'd even dare lay a finger on Derrick. And Derrick wondered, now with his 'abilities', how much stronger Vladimor is. "Are there...any specific plans for me, or am I just something random to play with?" He asks, his voice quiet and weak...exhausted.

Leonardo, while Matthew was getting the weapon, attempts to change back into his lion form, but his body rejected it, too exhausted to properly to so. The look on his face was so dejected, and it felt like someone had torn away something very important from his being. Being a lion was something Leonardo was in tune in, and not being able to do so what clawing at him. He looks at his paws- his hands, fingers and it all felt wrong that he was forced to be this way. He looks at Matthew, taking his hand and using to assistance to pull himself up. "I can...Give me your pants...You have underwear, and I feel too bare." He says, and honestly, even in the situation they're both in, Leonardo will refuse to run around naked. It's just weird when you don't have fur.​
mewbot5408 said:
(This is all my characters responses except shard and elias)
Izabell had just gotten to the lab and walked down through smiling widely. Izabell wasn't wearing his usual girly pastel clothes and he was in fact he was wearing dark gothic/punk style but still feminine clothing. He even had dark eye shadow and black lipstick. Izabell stepped on the tile with his boot heels clicking on the ground as he made his way over to one of the rooms checking out the file of who was inside. "Mmmmm...I want to play with this one...." He told the doctor licking his lips suggestive. The doctor nodded."very well,anything for our best worker." He told izabell whom brushed back his blonde bangs and took up a box of things going and setting up the table with various stringes,substances,and other things."send in my toys to their rooms and I'll make sure the job is done.." izabell added and picked up at stringe of a substance injecting it into his own arm.

Orious looked around the damn hotel room eyes widening at the red and he sighed remembering izabell's voice. Idoit brother! Placing his hands against the wall and slowly standing before moving quickly hurrying out the door. The vampire rushed down and out of the hotel before making out on the streets. Maybe he'd check on the others one last time before leaving again. Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he drew a deep breath blowing out a few puffs of smoke. He headed down the sidewalk when he picked up on the sounds of a lot of commotion stopping for a moment in silence at a corner.

Awakening at slowly rising up to his feet with a sharp cough,ears flattening and fresh blood was now on the pavement. A pair of dark red eyes opened and mew quickly got up looking around franticly. Rin. they took rin. His eyes widened as he remembered the incident and he tried to stop them but somehow they had found a way to elctrocute him and sent his body into temperary shock which had knocked him out cold on the Sidewalk. They didn't even bother to take him but instead left mew laying there blacked out. Mew ears flattened and his eyes widened remembering rei. They didn't take rei too did they?! He frowned and quickly hurried around picking up on rei's signal and called out for the twin in hopes for a response. He swore to protect both of them After all even if they forgotten."rei?!! You okay?! Awnser me!"

It was too late the scincetist had already taken off with stell and taken her back to the faculty. He passed right by cicero,tabitha,and rin through the hallway carrying the blue haired female off to one of the rooms. He turned into the room and set the female on the bed. it was only a while before stell awoke with her leg chained to the bed post and she had a nurse going quickly about the room checking things here and there as well as taking notes. Stell's blue eyes directed to a weird thing sitting in the middle of the room. She was highly unsure as to what to the and then the scincetist came in speaking of butterfly evolution For some reason. Stell eyes widened as she cuaght bits and pieces of what they were saying.



@King Anthony

@Trombone Geek

[QUOTE="King Anthony]Derrick, upon hearing the large metal door open, looks up. In those dull red eyes of his, almost all fight was gone, the last shreds of it obscured by the fear in his eyes. Upon seeing the lab coat, reality locked on him, and there was no avoiding it. When he meets the eyes of the man, however, everything unsettles more than it already has. The same man he met that short time ago, back at the cabin. Was he a traitor then, or a traitor now, Derrick thought. Now, then, what would it matter? The outcome was still the same. Derrick's fingers tremble, but he tries his best to still himself, trying to put on a stronger face that'd be helping no one. He knew, when he stood, he be led to nowhere good, but he obeyed. Because the outcome would be the same, there's no reason to resist. Well, perhaps if his master were here, he'd tell him to fight. Tell him to sit down, and listen to no body but he. "Vladimor..." He thought, his eyes dulling even more so. He could almost imagine the lord here as he stood up, following the former ally down the cold halls. Vladimor would scream and fight this man, willing to rip out his throat if he'd even dare lay a finger on Derrick. And Derrick wondered, now with his 'abilities', how much stronger Vladimor is. "Are there...any specific plans for me, or am I just something random to play with?" He asks, his voice quiet and weak...exhausted.

Calvin didn't reply for a moment, although his brisk walk slowed slightly for a moment as if to show sympathy, although it was quickly hidden again.

"What happens, happens," he replied vaguely, not answering his question. Something that was supposed to be distant, in the back of his mind, shoved its way to the front, and Calvin found himself saying something he really didn't want to say. "Although, it's been a while since I've gotten to play with a clean slate." He managed to regain his sense in time to restrain anything else that might've been said, and hid his flinch at his own words. This was ridiculous.

He didn't apologize for his words, but acted as if they didn't exist instead, preferring to ignore them. He remained silent until they reached a medium-sized room, a metal table with restraints sitting in the middle, bolted firmly to the ground. All around the room were a variety of tools and substances, all carefully organized and out of reach from the table. Calvin gestured to the table, giving Derrick a chance before forcing him into anything.

Whether Derrick did so or not, Calvin didn't care; he spent his time observing the tools and mixtures, making sure the tools were in working order and that the liquids and such were nothing new to him. Satisfied, he turned back to the servant, waiting patiently for his decision.
Nick growled losing the scientists he went into an ally and out of frustration he punched the wall making a small crater into it putting his head on the wall sighing "So much for super strength if I can't even protect Stell....."The boy muttered to himself punching the wall against. The boy heard someone talking to him so he looked at the exit to the ally seeing scientist looking at him "Hello Nick....I should tell you something not only could you not protect Stell but you couldn't protect your brother as well."The man said walking up to him "Now why don't you come with us and we'll make you stronger."He offered before Nick grabbed his throat crushing his windpipe throwing him at the wall he took off towards the exit getting close lined by another scientists "Why the fuck do you have so many of you guys?!"The cat boy questioned getting up and rubbing his throat glaring at them while two walked up pulling out knifes swiping at the boy. Nick jumped back avoiding the cut his shirt taking the attack at the other knife came from above Nick put his hands up blocking it. "You can't run or fight much longer kitty."The figured said grinning as the other cut the boy's stomach. The boy grabbed the man he blocked by the hands twisting his hands until he heard a snapping noise he continued to twist until the knife was facing opposite of him jabbing it into the man's eye letting him fall to the ground Nick held his stomach breathing heavily while grinning. "Why are you grinning you know you aren't going to leave this place alive if you don't come with us."The man said prying the knife from his dead fried glaring at the neko "What's the matter all pissed cause you lost one person? If so I have some motivational advice for you fucking deal with it!"Nick stated running at the man and vis versa. Nick raised his face punching the man in the chest and the man jabbing Nick in chest barely missing his heart as the man lost his breath falling to the ground clutching where he was hit. The boy pushed the man to the ground with his foot slowly stomping his foot up the man's back until he was at his head Nick grabbed the knife and ripped it out ignore the blood that came with it "Am I going to the facility now?"He asked pushing onto the man's skull hearing a crushing noise looking down so see the scientist's head crushed. "Time to go find the others....great."The cat boy said with false joy while ripping the shirt from the dead scientists wrapping up his wound before walking out and finding his hat
(Sigh now I have to learn how to control four Chars at once. In different spots.)

Silver began to stir reaching for her knife, SHe realized where she was. Turning to her left she saw Susan there. "What the hell happened? Where Is Vi? I need to go get Fane back!" She shouted. She leapt soundlessly out of bed. pacing the room. Looking at susan wildly. @Cicero

Fane woke up in a room, Alone for the moment. He listened to the scientist speaking. Talking of transporting him with another occupant. he shuddered at the thought. He prefer alone over anyone , but his sister. He watched the scientist bind his hands. He sighed knowing he couldn't direct his power without it. He hoped Silver and Susan where okay. He was thinking as he was given a high sedative and thrown into a room with Elias (I hope that's right) @mewbot5408

Vi ran with the two as she fell behind she constantly teleported as they went out of her view. (So the whole time she was a flashing purple light beside you.) She smiled as she caught up to the guys and they stopped. "Need a place to hide?" She asked slowly materializing. She was beginning to feel drained and knew once she got these to the bunker, She would pass out. @King Anthony @iiimee

Lyna stepped into the falculty hallway. Her feet clicking as they made contact with the floor. She held onto many Needles. She walked as if she where a controlled. Walking to the first door she entered. Smiling as she walked to the Experiments. She disabled the sercurity Cams. and Mics. As she did anywhere in the faculty. "Are you okay?" She asked the Neko boy. She smiled as she held out water. "It's okay im not like the rest. Im like you" She said calmly.
The girl jumped back a bit seeing Silver wake up so suddenly "Calm down I'll explain okay."She said calmly getting up and gently placing her hands on the girl "Now don't get mad or anything and I know that's hard for you to promise but try."The girl said leading her to the bed sitting her down "We were some what ambushed by scientists while in the park....Vi went back to the house to get others. As for Fane I'm afraid that will be impossible at least with only three of us..."She answered trying to make sure the girl would stay calm.

The boy didn't looked up from his chained posted only growling some "You can drop the act."He told her duly looking up at the water then at the girl spitting at her "You aren't like the rest of us! You never will and never can we don't go around kidnapping teenagers for your fucked up research!"Cicero said his eyes filled with rage and a hint of sadness. Cicero struggled against the restraints ignoring the pain every time he jerked his wrist forward and with his ankles biting at the girl snarling.
Cicero said:
The girl jumped back a bit seeing Silver wake up so suddenly "Calm down I'll explain okay."She said calmly getting up and gently placing her hands on the girl "Now don't get mad or anything and I know that's hard for you to promise but try."The girl said leading her to the bed sitting her down "We were some what ambushed by scientists while in the park....Vi went back to the house to get others. As for Fane I'm afraid that will be impossible at least with only three of us..."She answered trying to make sure the girl would stay calm.
The boy didn't looked up from his chained posted only growling some "You can drop the act."He told her duly looking up at the water then at the girl spitting at her "You aren't like the rest of us! You never will and never can we don't go around kidnapping teenagers for your fucked up research!"Cicero said his eyes filled with rage and a hint of sadness. Cicero struggled against the restraints ignoring the pain every time he jerked his wrist forward and with his ankles biting at the girl snarling.
Lyna sighed. "I didn't risk my life for rigging that explosion to help you guys escape. Not to be treated like this." She got on her knees and looked at the boy. Forcing him to drink the water. "Why do you think no security is coming? I disabled the cameras and Microphones to speak to you." She said calmly. "My words and actions are not false." She said standing up. Her palm pulsed with her power and her eyes lighten up. " you think I like it here? I would have done anything to run with you guys, but I chose my fate to stay here and ease the pain of others." She said glaring at him.

Silver snarled, but sat down. " I'm going to fucking kill them all. Every last one. They think they can control us. But they haven't meet me." She said completely normal. Her eyes a mournful silver.
LilyannaGaming said:
Lyna sighed. "I didn't risk my life for rigging that explosion to help you guys escape. Not to be treated like this." She got on her knees and looked at the boy. Forcing him to drink the water. "Why do you think no security is coming? I disabled the cameras and Microphones to speak to you." She said calmly. "My words and actions are not false." She said standing up. Her palm pulsed with her power and her eyes lighten up. " you think I like it here? I would have done anything to run with you guys, but I chose my fate to stay here and ease the pain of others." She said glaring at him.
Silver snarled, but sat down. " I'm going to fucking kill them all. Every last one. They think they can control us. But they haven't meet me." She said completely normal. Her eyes a mournful silver.
The boy laughed "Like hell if I believe you!"He said before spitting the water at her "I might be stupid all the time but I have common sense and I know scientists like you will say any lie in order to gain out trust!"The boy yelled glaring at her duly "Just hurry up and get the torture or whatever over with so you can laugh about it with the others of your kind."The cat boy said looking back at the ground "Also getting fake powers and having a fake story doesn't help me believe you especially since I've already especially since I was already experience many lies....heck i'm living one."Cicero declared trying to move his restrained tail "I wish I could slowly watch you all die....I will gladly be the one that does it also."He said laughing to himself

"Silver thinking like that won't help us get Fane back okay."She said sitting next to the girl rubbing her back gently "We need to train and find the others."The girl stated getting up and slamming her fist into her hand looking at Silver with a serious expression. "I don't know about you but I don't want to be the useless girl that can't be good for anything!"SuSu said offering her hand to help the girl up smiling

Derrick frowns at the man's answer, but doesn't press further on the topic. Instead, he continues on following. When they entered a room, Derrick feels uneasy at the sight of table, and he swallows hard, looking over to Calvin. Thats where he wanted him to be. It beckoned, and Derrick only ever knew how to obey, so he sits. He passes a nervous glance over to all the tools, then the restraints. "Your-...Your name. Please remind me of it." Requested the servant who laid down, shifting uncomfortably on metal. Maybe he'd find some comfort in remembering this man's name, but what good'll do in the end? His peace of mind, perhaps. "I can handle pain." "I can handle pain." He repeats in head. Oh and he can. He learned to stop screaming and crying when he was seven, and even with Vladimor at his side, Thaddeus was something he learned to handle as well. Maybe he was weak mentally, and his mind screamed for him to resist,but another half of him said "You can sit through this, and maybe you'll see Vladimor again...!" A grin crosses his face, and for a brief moment, he thought of this more as...a doctor's appointment rather than painful experimentation. Like...he's just very sick and needs surgery to get better again..That'll work.

"Nothing you do will cause me to bear a grudge."

He spoke softly, weakness still laced in his voice. Did holding or grudge or not really matter? Along his travels in search for Vladimor not so long ago, he heard rumors that these scientist were ruthless, uncaring of what anybody thought. But not...this man, is he? All again for his peace of mind. Lying, deceit, it's the way the world worked, even with yourself.​
[QUOTE="King Anthony]

Derrick frowns at the man's answer, but doesn't press further on the topic. Instead, he continues on following. When they entered a room, Derrick feels uneasy at the sight of table, and he swallows hard, looking over to Calvin. Thats where he wanted him to be. It beckoned, and Derrick only ever knew how to obey, so he sits. He passes a nervous glance over to all the tools, then the restraints. "Your-...Your name. Please remind me of it." Requested the servant who laid down, shifting uncomfortably on metal. Maybe he'd find some comfort in remembering this man's name, but what good'll do in the end? His peace of mind, perhaps. "I can handle pain." "I can handle pain." He repeats in head. Oh and he can. He learned to stop screaming and crying when he was seven, and even with Vladimor at his side, Thaddeus was something he learned to handle as well. Maybe he was weak mentally, and his mind screamed for him to resist,but another half of him said "You can sit through this, and maybe you'll see Vladimor again...!" A grin crosses his face, and for a brief moment, he thought of this more as...a doctor's appointment rather than painful experimentation. Like...he's just very sick and needs surgery to get better again..That'll work.

"Nothing you do will cause me to bear a grudge."

He spoke softly, weakness still laced in his voice. Did holding or grudge or not really matter? Along his travels in search for Vladimor not so long ago, he heard rumors that these scientist were ruthless, uncaring of what anybody thought. But not...this man, is he? All again for his peace of mind. Lying, deceit, it's the way the world worked, even with yourself.​

Calvin stared at Derrick for a moment when he requested to hear his name, but shook his head. "My name is not who I am right now," he said, in a tone the scientists here would consider extremely unprofessional. When Derrick sat down, Calvin nodded. "Thank you for not fighting in vain, it would only hurt you more." The boy, he noticed, seemed to be taking strength in something.. probably Vladimor. Pathetic; after the pain the lord was about to experience again, it was unlikely he'd be the same..

"Nothing you do will cause me to bear a grudge." Those words truly caught Calvin off-guard. He paused mid-step for a moment, staring past Derrick and at the wall as if he could see something nobody else could.

"Don't lie to me," he replied quietly, distancing himself again. "If you could lay down, that would be wonderful. We don't need anyone getting hurt," Calvin said, his voice as emotionless as it could get. The first part of experimentation was testing the subject, figuring out what would work best, and breaking them to mold them into a pawn for the facilities. Of course, it usually didn't work, but that's why Calvin was brought back; Naomi had only made it through thanks to a deal with him to be a bit more gentle, so long as she acted broken. Sympathy wouldn't do, however, and he knew that.

He didn't watch Derrick lie down (if he did); instead he turned back to the counter, picking up an empty syringe. First things first: discover what Derrick might be most compatible with.
Cicero said:
The boy laughed "Like hell if I believe you!"He said before spitting the water at her "I might be stupid all the time but I have common sense and I know scientists like you will say any lie in order to gain out trust!"The boy yelled glaring at her duly "Just hurry up and get the torture or whatever over with so you can laugh about it with the others of your kind."The cat boy said looking back at the ground "Also getting fake powers and having a fake story doesn't help me believe you especially since I've already especially since I was already experience many lies....heck i'm living one."Cicero declared trying to move his restrained tail "I wish I could slowly watch you all die....I will gladly be the one that does it also."He said laughing to himself
"Silver thinking like that won't help us get Fane back okay."She said sitting next to the girl rubbing her back gently "We need to train and find the others."The girl stated getting up and slamming her fist into her hand looking at Silver with a serious expression. "I don't know about you but I don't want to be the useless girl that can't be good for anything!"SuSu said offering her hand to help the girl up smiling
Lyna was blasted back from the water. Her skin sizzled with electricity. She coughed a little. "Damn, That shit hurt." She mumbled. She zapped him softly. "I'm not like them. " She said, smiled a little. "If you want me dead, Just wait until you escape. I have others to tend to. "She said as her wrist collar sizzled to life. She quickly put the key away. As a scientist came in. "Lyna, Are you okay?" She nodded and he glared at the Neko and left the room. She felt the collar release it's magic stopping of her powers. She managed a weak smile. "Please drink, I don't know what they have in store for you, But you will need energy." She said pushing the water to him.

Silver growled. "I can get him on my own!" she stood pacing the room her eyes still regular. She looked at the bracelet and shook it a little. "Lets go train you then." She said walking into her bathroom to change. She sighed and flexed her fist and shuddered at the thought of Fane. She sighed changing quickly. She walked out of the bathroom and Smiled the best she could when she reached for her hoodie. "Ready?" She said as she walked to the magic room. @Cicero
Stepping quickly and with blood on one side shard walked in the direction of Matt and leonardo with a frustrating growl. "That idiot where did he go?!" She made her way over not fazed by the naked lion boy and tilted her head narrowing her dark purple eyes at Matthew with a very frightening air about her. The tall female seemed pissed off for some reason. "Come with me....I know a place,also here.." She tossed some clothes she spotted on one of the bodies that seemed okay except the lack of a head.

A bio chamber visible in a area across from where some other experiments were thrown,a doctor stood at the side watching as something awoke. Opening the strange capsule like device and out stepped a naked male. He was guided over and sat down on a table as they did a few tests on the dazed subject. The male was tall with blonde hair and beautiful eyes, he bore massive black wings and a pair of horns going up from and pointing out behind his head.


A bar a bit more wrecked than it was last night, was what Leo Valkas woke to. That, and the terrified screams of the remaining occupants of what they had thought a spilled drink came from the floor, with jagged peices of glass protruding from his back at various angles, raking against the floor as he sat up, a formless face looking down at the cracked and broken dance floor. He sat like this, his legs sprawled out in front of him, his back hunching over his large form, his hands placed in between his legs. After 30 minutes of resting, he looked up from his meditation to see a few blaring sirens and the CDC walk in, armed with tazers and... Buckets of water? Interesting.

He looked over to the bartender, who was hiding behind his bar talking frantically to the specialists. Leo wasn't concerned by these, instead he got up, and glided over to the landline, the scientists observing him, or trying their best to stop him from moving, mostly hurting themselves in the process. He reached the phone, and dialed in a number he tried to remember from the night before.

Dialtone. He left a message. "Hey Shard, I'm going to meet you somewhere nearby babe. House? Cool. Chao." He hung up, mob of scientists following close by him as if they were paparazzi. Leaving footprints in the pavement just left him feeling a bit more tired than when he woke up. He made his way to the destroyed house, and knocked on the door, or the splinters of it more precisely. He then decided to sit down on the steps to wait patiently for an answer, or for night to fall. The mob was still unsuccessfully trying to deter him, thinking that if they scoop up bits of him, he would pay attention to them, which made him not care even more.
LilyannaGaming said:
Lyna was blasted back from the water. Her skin sizzled with electricity. She coughed a little. "Damn, That shit hurt." She mumbled. She zapped him softly. "I'm not like them. " She said, smiled a little. "If you want me dead, Just wait until you escape. I have others to tend to. "She said as her wrist collar sizzled to life. She quickly put the key away. As a scientist came in. "Lyna, Are you okay?" She nodded and he glared at the Neko and left the room. She felt the collar release it's magic stopping of her powers. She managed a weak smile. "Please drink, I don't know what they have in store for you, But you will need energy." She said pushing the water to him.
Silver growled. "I can get him on my own!" she stood pacing the room her eyes still regular. She looked at the bracelet and shook it a little. "Lets go train you then." She said walking into her bathroom to change. She sighed and flexed her fist and shuddered at the thought of Fane. She sighed changing quickly. She walked out of the bathroom and Smiled the best she could when she reached for her hoodie. "Ready?" She said as she walked to the magic room. @Cicero
The boy laughed to himself hearing the electricity and the girl's mumble he jumped and glared at her when he felt the electricity. "If you weren't like them then you would have already helped us."The boy stated grinning a bit to himself as he started humming. Upon hearing the scientists he laughed "Oh my the big bad bug zapper needs to be checked up on?"He asked laughing even more...the boy sometimes wondered how he had gotten his insane side he clouded out the memories but now they came back with a punch. This place alone made him crazy and the test were just here to prove it "He looked back at the girl grinning ever so slightly as if he had just won something "I don't want a drink anything I'm provided if anything I'd rather die of dehydration or starvation before I accepted hand out!"Cicero said stubbornly keeping his grinning face in check the only anger he was giving off has the glare of his eyes as he looked at everyone in the room.

"No you can't! You can't do anything alone......no one can that's why people build friendships so they don't have to be alone."Susan stated firmly while remembering herself alone in the ally along and crying until the Cicero and Nick came along to cheer her up looking down sad to return to her happy self nodding. "Okay we could both use the training!"She said clapping and smiling skipping along side the girl "As ready as I'll ever be."SuSu told her skipping ahead turning around looking at the girl continuing to skip backwards "What do you wanna work on during training?"The girl asked before tripping over herself and falling. She quickly got up and dusted herself off "I think I have to practice on balance...."She said laughing a bit
Cicero said:
The boy laughed to himself hearing the electricity and the girl's mumble he jumped and glared at her when he felt the electricity. "If you weren't like them then you would have already helped us."The boy stated grinning a bit to himself as he started humming. Upon hearing the scientists he laughed "Oh my the big bad bug zapper needs to be checked up on?"He asked laughing even more...the boy sometimes wondered how he had gotten his insane side he clouded out the memories but now they came back with a punch. This place alone made him crazy and the test were just here to prove it "He looked back at the girl grinning ever so slightly as if he had just won something "I don't want a drink anything I'm provided if anything I'd rather die of dehydration or starvation before I accepted hand out!"Cicero said stubbornly keeping his grinning face in check the only anger he was giving off has the glare of his eyes as he looked at everyone in the room.
"No you can't! You can't do anything alone......no one can that's why people build friendships so they don't have to be alone."Susan stated firmly while remembering herself alone in the ally along and crying until the Cicero and Nick came along to cheer her up looking down sad to return to her happy self nodding. "Okay we could both use the training!"She said clapping and smiling skipping along side the girl "As ready as I'll ever be."SuSu told her skipping ahead turning around looking at the girl continuing to skip backwards "What do you wanna work on during training?"The girl asked before tripping over herself and falling. She quickly got up and dusted herself off "I think I have to practice on balance...."She said laughing a bit
"Please. If you don't I going to go ahead and help the others. I risked enough for you. "She said taking a small key and unlocking his tail only. She left the water their and began to walk out.

Vi looked at the boys and managed a weak smile. "Are you going to answer me." She said nicely. She walked around and sat down. Quietly she smiled. @iiimee

Silver nodded. "You are going to use your light until you get the hang of it. And can summon quickly. Your target is me." She said without pause as she walked into the room. She smiled as she quickly crossed and torches lit up.
LilyannaGaming said:
"Please. If you don't I going to go ahead and help the others. I risked enough for you. "She said taking a small key and unlocking his tail only. She left the water their and began to walk out.
The boy laughed some more "I don't know what you mean risked you didn't even do anything!"He said before getting confused staring at the girl growling a bit "I hate scientists nothing will change that...."The cat boy stated to himself.

LilyannaGaming said:
Silver nodded. "You are going to use your light until you get the hang of it. And can summon quickly. Your target is me." She said without pause as she walked into the room. She smiled as she quickly crossed and torches lit up.
"Okay....are you going to fight back?"The girl asked a bit scared while following her into the room changing into a light source "Well I guess I'm ready when you are."Susan said with more confidence then before
"Im not a scientist. Im sadly their puppet." She stopped abruptly. Pulling at her neck and wrist collars she frowned. "I cant attack them These wont let me. I am sorry I cant help you more than giving you pain killers, Food and Water. I unlocked your tail. Have fun." She said turning away. slipping on a little spilled water. She 'short socketed' instantly. She felt her body go crazy as she stood up. Coughing she wayed against the wall opposite of him. "Water hurts like hell, with skin contact." She mumbled breathing to keep her self calm.

"No im not fighting back. Just don't try to kill me." She said tighting her bracelet. "Go!" She said standing completely still.
"I still don't believe anything you say as long as I seen you in here I will never trust you regardless!"Cicero stated clearly moving his tail around trying to choke her but missed since she moved to the wall "Then don't drink it dipshit."The boy muttered looking back at the ground.

"Oh okay....I promise I won't."The girl said jumping a bit as she sent a small ball of light at the girl as it got close Susan got scared and quickly turned it left allowing it to blow up the ground
[QUOTE="King Anthony]Derrick doesn't understand, but again, doesn't press. Instead he lays back, flinching against the cold metal along his back. "I won't lie about something so simple. This is your job, isn't it? I won't hate you for doing work." He tells him, blinking as he looks over at the syringe in between the scientist's fingers. His gaze becomes shifty, but he says nothing else. He glances up at the restraints, and a thought passes if he's going to really need them. "My body might instinctually lash out in response to any intense pain...I guess it depends on what happens." He sighs, his breath shaking, revealing that he was much more nervous than he sounded. His eyes flutter shut, and he attempts to think of a brighter side to this, and at the time, there is none. "And that's alright, I guess."
As he watched the man, red eyes still dulled with submission, but soft smile ever so radiant in such a merciless, unforgiving place. A soft huff passes his nose as the man approaches, and he doesn't look the other way. Derrick watches, stilling his trembling.

Calvin makes no response to anything else Derrick says; after checking the syringe for cracks or damage, he sets it back where it belonged and moved to strap Derrick to the table. "This is just a precaution." We won't truly need these until the real trouble starts. "Some people are needle-phobic, and happen to lash out." After he was finished, he returned to the counter, picking up the syringe once more, giving a quick last-minute search for damage or dirt before turning back and laying it against Derrick's arm.

Calvin had to keep himself from counting out loud, as he'd occasionally done with a few other patients who were particularly jumpy, and pushed the needle into the vein underneath, drawing some blood before pulling away and grabbing a wipe, dabbing at the small prick before covering it with a normal, boring, brown band-aid. He was about to leave, although he turned and undid Derrick's restraints with one hand.
"I trust you not to touch anything; and if you do, things will get much more painful than they have to be," he said. "The door will be locked, so don't think about trying to escape." As he opened the door, he made sure the servant saw he was doing so before leaving. He simply crossed the hallway to a lab-like area that boasted no table. He planned to test Derrick's blood, and refer to his notes (and some of others', as he hadn't done this in a while and a few new things had been discovered) to see what would be most compatible with the boy to turn him into what the scientists wanted. They had carefully noted his fighting spirit, and skill. Calvin knew what they wanted; now, all he had to do was follow their orders. For Naomi, he reminded himself, but he couldn't help but regret what he was doing before he'd done it.

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