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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!

Rin looked down at Winter, snapping out of his thoughts. "Oh no, its alright. Sorry you bumped into me." He apologized, tempted to extend a hand to her but of course as mentioned earlier, the cold and spiders do not mix well. He turned his gaze over to his mostly frosted over key for the number, then around the hall again. Maybe he had passed his room? Remembering Winter's presence he spoke up again, "What number do you have?"

raven flame raven flame
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Cinder Ashwood
Cinder piped up, hearing the a thud outside of her door, she looked over quickly as her expression changed from surprised to puzzled. She head voices, they were too faint to understand what they were saying, but Cinder knew they were there. She also saw glowing lights creep in through the cracks in her door. She hesitates but eventually she gets up, slowly walking over to the door. Just in case, she grabs the dagger lying on her dresser. She reaches the door, putting her small hand on the door knob. She slowly turned it, pulling open her door cautiously. Her face returns to surprise and shock as she completely opens her door. Her mouth stays slightly open as she straightens her posture. A lovely Rabbit woman, more graceful than the stars and a fox woman who reminded her of fire. They floated around a woman on the ground, light spilling out of her. She didn't look dead, unconscious maybe? But Cinder didn't really know what to do, so she stood there, hiding her dagger behind her back.

DVationz DVationz
Pippy was sat on his bed thinking about home, how normal his life used to be before he found out he had powers thinking that the weirdest think in his life was his friends, any now he had powers that could do things that even the smartest of people couldn't understand his life was so different the only thing that could really give him comfort was that there were others like him people with powers, people he could talk with to and maybe understand how and when he got his powers.

As Pippy was walking around when he heard a loud thud from the hallway outside his door, he walked slowly towards his door when he heard another door open he grabbed a glass and placed it against the door in the attempt to hear anything from the other side but when he heard nothing he slowly opened the door and looked out to see a girl who looked around his age, she had dark hair but that was all he could see from where he was, as he moved his door a little further open he fell forward and the door flew open with him going with it.

Rishi__ Rishi__
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder quickly looked up in surprise, she saw someone had fallen but she didn't really trust it, her guard was up and so were her adrenaline levels. She brought out the dagger she was hiding from behind her back, not hesitating to speak she said "Who are you, are you here to hurt this girl?!" Her voice was hinted with an English accent, she was from Europe after all. Cinder looked down at the glowing girl, secretly hoping she would wake up and return to good health. Cinder moved a bit closer to the girl, as to protect her as she pointed the dagger with one hand at the strange figure and covered herself with her cloak with the other hand.

She waited for and answer as she would occasionally switch her gazes, her pale, delicate face being lit up by the glowing dark in the now night that had fallen upon the Earth. She tried to look and seem menacing as possible, she hadn't the time for a fight.

DVationz DVationz PippyOmega PippyOmega
Pippy stood back up before he looked at the girl who was now holding a knife he began to walk backwards as he hit his door he stopped and looked around to see the girl lay down on the floor she seemed to be glowing which shocked him "I didn't touch her I promise I just left my room because i heard a loud thud coming from out here"

He raised his hands and began walking closer to the glowing female, he looked at the girl with the knife "I'm not going to hurt her, i just want to see what happened do you know?"

Rishi__ Rishi__
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Cinder Ashwood
Cinder quickly looked up in surprise, she saw someone had fallen but she didn't really trust it, her guard was up and so were her adrenaline levels. She brought out the dagger she was hiding from behind her back, not hesitating to speak she said "Who are you, are you here to hurt this girl?!" Her voice was hinted with an English accent, she was from Europe after all. Cinder looked down at the glowing girl, secretly hoping she would wake up and return to good health. Cinder moved a bit closer to the girl, as to protect her as she pointed the dagger with one hand at the strange figure and covered herself with her cloak with the other hand.

She waited for and answer as she would occasionally switch her gazes, her pale, delicate face being lit up by the glowing dark in the now night that had fallen upon the Earth. She tried to look and seem menacing as possible, she hadn't the time for a fight.

DVationz DVationz PippyOmega PippyOmega
Pippy stood back up before he looked at the girl who was now holding a knife he began to walk backwards as he hit his door he stopped and looked around to see the girl lay down on the floor she seemed to be glowing which shocked him "I didn't touch her I promise I just left my room because i heard a loud thud coming from out here"

He raised his hands and began walking closer to the glowing female, he looked at the girl with the knife "I'm not going to hurt her, i just want to see what happened do you know?"

Rishi__ Rishi__


Spirits of Death Suck At Their Job

The white Rabbit spirit, Usagi, replied to both people, standing beside the glowing Ikiru. "Children, calm down... we are the one you see collapsed before you. I am Usagi, a spirit of accepting your fate and granting those who embrace me a swift and merciful end. My other half here, she is Kitsune," When mentioned she gave her toothy grin and stood mere inches from the new arrival and took a deep breath through her nose. "I smell fear from this one Usagi." The white robed woman sighed, "You scare everyone with your bloodlust dear Kitsune. She is the spirit that chases those who refuse their fate and run from us. Nobody escapes their end and as such we are the last one they see." She then looked down at Ikiru, "She is us, and we are her. Part of being a goddess. We mean none of you harm." Kitsune chuckled and appeared beside Usagi, her firey shadowed hair gently blowing behind, the two spirits menacing in their own rights.
Pippy stood there paralysed he was both scared and curious about these spirits normally he would run and hide but for some reason he felt better about walking up to them, he spoke with a tone that was much calmer that when he was talking to the female with the dagger so a British accent could be heard if listened for "I'm curious about how this happens, do you choose when to show your self or does it just happen"

DVationz DVationz Rishi__ Rishi__
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder was surprised by the sudden speaking of the spirits and moved back a bit to standing beside the strange boy, but not completely putting her guard down, she did put her her knife away, under her cloak. Cinder mostly stood in awe at the spirits. She spoke in a soft tone now, crossing her arms and asking. "Will she wake up anytime soon?" Of course Cinder had plenty of other questions but she didn't really have all of her thoughts together, and it was quite late.

PippyOmega PippyOmega DVationz DVationz

Francis: I walked down the hall, somewhat nervous somewhat excited to be beginning at a new school, whistling as I walked.
Khaleesi was late of course, it wasn't that the girl wanted to be late, it was more of that she was lazy. She giggled softly to herself as she hopped off her motorcycle and then looked around the place. Magnificent, it was big, beautiful, nice entry. She slowly placed her helmet in the bag attached to the motorcycle and grabbed her keys, placing them in her leather bag. She grabbed her duffle bag, swinging it over her shoulder and smiling at the beautiful sun, it was slowly wandering down the sky, moving past the trees, and letting the moon take it's place. She hummed a sweet melody, walking swiftly up the path to the main entrance. She wasn't sure if she would get in trouble for being late, but she honestly didn't care.
Khaleesi's Outfit

Khaleesi's black skirt tickled her thighs as she walked. Her boots, clicking softly on the path to the door. Khaleesi's hair swayed back and forth with every soft walk she took, she walked up to the door, and slowly opened it, taking a deep breath as she stepped in. The place was very nice. It had beautiful wall patters, beautiful lights and plants, everything was just, gorgeous. She smiled happily as she heard some woman talking, and followed the voice, which was then followed by a man's voice. She made her way to a big room, with lots of chairs and tables, and food. Thank god she ate before she came here.

Khaleesi watched as another girl came up to the stand and just stood there, talking smoothly, everything looked wonderful. Khaleesi stood in the doorway, watching as everyone ate and talk and then walked away, up into a few halls. Slowly she heard the sound of small little footsteps and turned around, being met by what looked like a tiny tree, it handed her a key, and then stumbled away. She giggled lightly and looked at the key. 'Must be my room.' She thought and shifted the bag to the other shoulder, continuing to walk down the halls. It didn't seem to be the right hall for her room, there were rooms with chairs and desks, some that you couldn't even see though. she sighed heavily and then made a turn, looking down the next hall.

Khaleesi walked slow, so once she heard more steps and talking, she must have been in the right place. After taking a few more turns, she noticed rooms with numbers on them, must have been the room numbers. She smiled lightly, stopping her soft hum and then continued to walk, looking swiftly at ever door until she saw her numbed. Khaleesi slowly opened the door and walked in, throwing her stuff onto the small bed that was placed in her room. She looked around the room, it was getting a little late.

Slowly she heard talking in the dorm halls and opened the door, slipping out, and away from the small crowd of people. She wasn't even tired, so she began to walk around, looking through the windows until she found the perfect on, and stood there, looking through the small window, into the night sky, that had painted stars and a moon among the dark sheet above them. {Refering to the sky}
Assuming no one stopped the Squirrel, it continued on towards the teachers rooms and into Oliver's. Where it squeaked nonstop before he had awoken.
"Damn... what time is it?" He grumbled, getting up and taking off his shirt.
"No wonder I was so uncomfortable."
He put the shirt up and moved on out. Following the squirrel till he arrived at the destination.
"Oh. Hello."​
DVationz DVationz PippyOmega PippyOmega Rishi__ Rishi__
No Image Available

Questions Everywhere

Usagi looked to the boy first, but before she could speak Kitsune did. "It happens when dusk falls. Ikiru is a goddess of death in the Japanese pantheon, but she's also mortal. As such we are her immortal... companions. Feel free to run if you wish, your fate was sealed the moment you laid eyes upon us." Usagi smacked her friend, "That's not true, his fate is yet to come. You'll get your chase soon enough." The white figure then looked to the girl. "She will wake at dawn when we return from doing our duty as death bringers. However I do believe she'll wake with quite the headache from collapsing." Suddenly a third figure joined the party. "Greetings satyr." The spirits spoke in unison to the new arrival.

Slothtastic Slothtastic PippyOmega PippyOmega Rishi__ Rishi__ (Sorry for such a delay, life kinda decided to kick me in the teeth :/ )
"That Seems Very Annoying, Falling Unconscious Every Dawn" Responded Pippy As He Noticed The Headmaster He Moved His Gaze To Meet His "Hello Sir, Apparently This Is Normal So I Think Everything Is Okay" He Looked Back At The Lady And Then Back Up At The Headmaster "I Think"
Slothtastic Slothtastic DVationz DVationz
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Roku N. Alphva


Roku's eyes laid on the new area in which he hold stay and learn. He still didn't feel right about going to school, but he just shrugged it off and walked to the office to his dorm key. Roku wore his usual outfit, which is the picture above, but had his sword to his waist and a backpack on his back with all of his stuff. He reached the office, gained his key from a lady, and walked to his dorm. He already felt uncomfortable about the idea of sleeping with other people in a room, but he decided it was how he would have to live for a while. He walked in, but didn't see anyone, so he proceeded to set up his own side of the room with his collection of things.

After an hour or so passed, Roku stood back and smiled seeing how the side of his room looked like his actual room. He laid on the bed with a big yawn, and began to watch the news in the Underworld. He wasn't surprised about the amount of carnage that was happening in the Underworld. It was a bunch of insane souls, running around doing whatever they want, but he was happy that it was still the same. He missed his home so badly, and wanted to go back, but in order to go back he had to get a diploma from the school. He put his phone down on the counter beside him, played soft calming music, and closed his eyes to think about home.

"I'm sorry, I do not recall you people being here. If I may ask, what is your names? And who are you?" He questioned, giving a small welcoming smile to the two. "I am Oliver Thorn, headmaster of this school and teacher of Magical Fauna and Flora."​
Rishi__ Rishi__ PippyOmega PippyOmega DVationz DVationz
Khaleesi looked through the glass window, staring outside. She didn't realize how long she had bee looking outside, her heart thumped as she listened to it, pulling her hair over her shoulder. She shivered softly and started to walk back to her dorm. She could hear the low voices of her teacher and her peers. She giggled very lightly and slowly came to a stop, listening to a soft sound. It was low at first, barely audible, but as she walked closer to a dorm room. She stopped at the door, slowly leaning against the frame as she listened to the music. There must have been someone in there so she tired to stay quiet, tried to make it so she didn't look like a creep, but she did.

As soon as she began to hum along she jumped and tripped over herself, landing hard on the ground. She groaned in pain, but not much pain and placed her hands underneath herself. "Are you kidding me?!" She growled, her foot kicking the door behind her, which she didn't mean to do. She growled and picked herself up, leaning against the wall across from the dorm room's door. "Fucking hell." She said and rubbed her shoulder, her hair moved to cover both her face, her hand, it was just all over the place. "Stupid klutz." She growled to herself once more and then moved her hair out of her face.
Person's music and door: CuddlezScarf CuddlezScarf
Matthew had skipped the gathering of the new children at in the gathering hall. He was slightly terrified that he might accidentally hurt one of them and he already knew most of the teachers here. He was sad to see the old headmaster go and was pretty convinced that the new one wouldn't do as well. So he skipped, as a sort of protest.

The evening fell and Matt found himself sitting under a tree, half asleep. A small creature sniffed him and woke him up. Jerking awake, Matt ended up scaring the poor creature and it ran away. He muttered sheepish apologizes and fixed his crooked glasses before heading back up to his room.
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder only nodded, becoming slightly tired as it was getting later. But she didn't want to leave the girl there, so she decided to stay and take care of her in the morning. Cinder slumped down against a wall, hugging her knees and watching the girl and the spirits. Like she had thought before, all of this was new and strange to her, she could do nothing but watching until morning.

DVationz DVationz PippyOmega PippyOmega (It's alright my friend, I apologize for my delay as well, I've recently become sick. I hope life works it's self out, getting kicked in the teeth by it certainly sucks, best of wishes to you my friend.)
Roku N. Alphva

Roku slowly began to fall asleep to the sound of his music, and to his calming thoughts about old sibling memories at the house. He began to slowly curl up into a ball, grabbing his blanket just to get even more warmer. The music played a simple, yet catchy tone that would make anyone feel calm. As he began to fall asleep, he heard someone kick his door and growl something. He quickly stood up, rubbed his eyes, and grabbed his sword. He opened his door, and saw a girl leaning against the wall across his door.

"Hey. Was that you? Also, are you okay?" Roku said with a soft tone, trying not to disturb anyone else.

PixieDusts PixieDusts

Pippy Looked At The Headmaster And Responded "My Name Is Pippy, I Belive My Powers Are That I Can Control Nature I Don't Know If I Have Any More" As He Finished His Sentence He Began To Lean On The Side Of His Foot And Fell Over, When He Fell Off His Door He Had Sprained His Ankle He Got Up And Tried To Put His Weight Onto His Other Foot As He Began Limping Towards The Female Elf And Sat Down Next To Her Grasping His Ankle In The Hopes To Find Out Where Is Hurt So That He Would Not Do It Again.

He looked at her, gave a slight smile to be nice and quietly introduced himself.

Rishi__ Rishi__
Slothtastic Slothtastic
DVationz DVationz
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