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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!

"I'll go check up on her," Sylvia volunteered, a hand raised. She had nothing to do anyway. Might as well go mingle with the students, right? Sylvia left her seat to find the runaway student. She ascended towards the ceiling, phasing trough the floors. She looked around each floor before going back up. Soon, she reached the roof, scratching her head, a puzzled look on her face.

'Where could she possibly be?' The woman floated around, peering over ledges.

raven flame raven flame
Slothtastic Slothtastic
Clair O'Reilly

Clair listened carefully to what the music teacher had to say, the ghostly woman was the music teacher and apparently her class was no doss either. Unfortunately for Clair, the woman's introduction was far sorter than her own and much more in line with Thorn's. Had Clair babbled on to much? Had she already messed up? Do the kids think of her as stuck up?

With a soft sigh Clair pushed these thoughts aside, what had been said was already said and worrying about it would do no good. Instead Clair opted to engage in conversation with Oliver himself, Sylvia being absent and all. With her head remaining upon her lap, Clair began to speak with a polite tone in response to what Thorn had previously said "Well, I must say I'm quite fond of my clothing. However in saying that I'm also quite a bit older than you, perhaps it's a generation type thing. Also I'd like to thank you for your previous compliment, it's been quite a while since someone complimented me on the way I look. Even if it was an empty compliment it was still a kind gesture."

Slothtastic Slothtastic
"Oh . . . no offense taken. " Rin smiled a little trying to show it didn't bother him, but this was countered as he pulled his hood back up. "I'm still kind of hungry, so I think I'll head back. Do you want me to grab your plate for you? If you're hungry that is . . ." He slowly got up to his feet and dusted himself off, not looking at her as he spoke.

raven flame raven flame
"An empty compliment? Oh nonsense, it wasn't empty. And I am surprised people do not compliment you more often. Everyone deserves a compliment once in a while. And I mean what I say. Unless I'm angry, don't take me serious then." He laughed some, "You know Ms. Aisushima is late it would seem. No matter, she may be sick."​
Uasal Uasal criticalInsomniac criticalInsomniac
As if on queue, in came Amaya, trying to catch her breath. After taking in a few deep breaths, she cleared her throat and glanced around before her eyes stopped at the Headmaster. With slight dread, she straightened herself up before making her way towards him and giving an apologetic bow out of respect.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Headmaster Thorn...seems my timing was a bit off. Live and learn, I suppose? Heh...promise, this won't be a normal thing for me, won't happen again."

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Once Winter had reached the top, the first thing she sees are a pair of boots. Sylvia glanced down at her, an eyebrow raised and her lips pulled into a small concerned smile. She chuckles and backs away in habit to give her room (even though she didn't need to as she is intangible).

"There you are, my dear. Are you alright?" Sylvia asked, genuinely worried.

raven flame raven flame
Rin watched her climb back on the roof and sighed, a mini cloud of cold air escaping as he did so. Once Winter had made it up, he walked back inside the school to rejoin the feast and get her a plate. Oddly enough there seemed to be another teacher [?] that among the other ones who had introduced themselves. One of them was missing he noted.
Rin didn't think too hard on this change, and simply returned to his seat. Grabbing another plate to add food for Winter to save for her while he ate his own fill.
As if on queue, in came Amaya, trying to catch her breath. After taking in a few deep breaths, she cleared her throat and glanced around before her eyes stopped at the Headmaster. With slight dread, she straightened herself up before making her way towards him and giving an apologetic bow out of respect.

"I'm sorry I'm late, Headmaster Thorn...seems my timing was a bit off. Live and learn, I suppose? Heh...promise, this won't be a normal thing for me, won't happen again."

Slothtastic Slothtastic

Winter smiled "that would be nice thank you I-I'll be on the roof so you know I didn't leave and make you have to find me" she said to him crawling back up the building verdantdreams verdantdreams August August

Clair O'Reilly

Clair was quite shocked to hear Oliver's response, he was being genuine while complimenting her appearance! He wasn't mocking her through sarcasm nor was he complimenting her out of kindness. It was quite shocking, today as a whole was shocking and it seemed as though it would become even more shocking as it progressed.

Within a few moments of mentioning the tardy teacher she appeared before the two in quite a state of hurry. Once she had apologised for her tardiness Clair shot the woman a smile "Hello, My name is Clair O'Reilly. I teach the combat, tactics and strategy class here."
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After standing back straight, she turned her attention to the fellow teacher, smiles softly and bowing her head once in greeting.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Amaya Aisushima, I'm the Animancy teacher...which is good, because with how hard my heart is beating, I'll probably need an animancer soon." She let out a breathless chuckle, trying to inject some humor in her situation, despite risking digging herself in a deeper hole.
"Ah! Miss Aisushima! Don't worry. I understand. And you're right it does seem you need some Animancy yourself!" He laughed, "I am sure that you will stay true to your promises, and if not then at least not be too late!" He smiled, picking up a brownie this time and popping it into his mouth. Some of it falling down his shirt. "Darnit..." He grumbled, brownie crumbs littering his shirt and around his mouth.
Uasal Uasal criticalInsomniac criticalInsomniac
With a nods, Amaya visibly calmed down. "Don't worry, now that I know the distance, it won't happen again. At the very least...not when I can avoid it." She watches as the Headmaster attempted to eat the small treat, then quickly turned her head, clenching her eyes shut slightly, mouth clamped in an attempt not to let any easily-amused giggles at his expense escape from her. Alas, she wasn't able to silence herself completely as a few giggles managed to escape her lips, much to her dismay. "F-Forgive me, sir, I don't mean to laugh..."

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Fennik was one of the students who got there late, which would seem weird since he can fly, but hey ! They said no judging !
He ate from his plate of fried chicken, wondering if it was cannibalism or not...
He got up and went outside, sitting down near an edge with his wings moving on his back as he looked at the moon with his feet dangling over the edge.
(Sorry, I'm late ! Damn you timezones !)
(I'll post later today, sorry for the delay I've been away with school)


It had been quite the travel to get to this school from southern California. She had spent much of that time in flight as a golden raven thanks to a lovely alchemical brew she had recently created. Now she was flying through the air looking for the building, in which upon finding it, swooped down and flew through the doors. Being a minor goddess meant she could move inanimate objects such as doors out of her way, but beyond that her only power was that of her task as a goddess. As she flew through the halls above everyone she eventually found the headmaster and landed before him. Looking up to him she gave a cry to signal her presence. "Greetings mister Oliver Thorn. Ikiru Hito, it's a pleasure to meet you." As she introduced herself she bowed, one wing across her chest, the other behind her, and a very interesting sight to say the least.
Slothtastic Slothtastic
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Hito. It is indeed a pleasure to meet you. Youve found a new Alchemy recipe I suppose?" He asked, looking over her strange appearance.
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The New Elixir

Yes, anyone would ask that question knowing who she was. "Finished it just before this journey yes. The Raven Elixir is what I'm calling it for now." As if on cue her form began to smoke a faint white and then


Before Oliver now stood a golden haired girl who seemed as if she was still in her early twenties. Her eyes also gave off a golden glow, shimmering as if light against watery waves. Her attire was made fully of leathers and a lace skirt, almost too short despite her petite figure. Two crystalline earnings hung on each ear and her leather gloves seemed in pristine condition despite her line of work. "Hmm... five days. I'll have to make note of that later..."

She then took hold of a small bag attached to her waist and pulled out a chocolate candy and flicking it into her mouth. A look of pure ecstasy erupted across her face as she giggled. "Oh how I missed my sweets! Did you know I almost died from trying to eat my yummy treats as a bird? A rude human mistook me for an actual bird! To think people believe in things like golden ravens..."
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Oliver chuckled at her burst into happiness.
"I can see that happening, some are very weird people." He said, turning to face the students now. It was beginning to grow late.
"Hmm... it is beginning to grow late. How much longer should we allow them to stay up before they are assigned to their dorms?" He asked the other teachers.
DVationz DVationz criticalInsomniac criticalInsomniac Uasal Uasal verdantdreams verdantdreams
Charlotte could almost taste the tension in the air, but she wasn't sure if it just was her imagination. She was nervous, she could admit that to herself - this wasn't something she was used to, even though she is a rather social girl she had never been around this many people at once before. It wasn't bad or uncomfortable, it was merely alien for her.
She ate slowly, trying to seem proper in fear of being judged by those around her. Charlotte hated this feeling, being scared of absolutely nothing. An useless fear, a stupid one; and she is very much aware of it.

Ice Breaker

Ikiru shrugged, "Good question. I'll let you decide that. I won't be sleeping much if at all tonight." Her task had been ignored along her journey and that meant many souls were waiting to be sent off to their next lives. Pushing the thoughts aside she smiled. "I'm gonna go meet some of my potential students!"

Before there was a chance to stop her she was gone in the crowd, greeting new faces as she passed. Then she noticed a particularly shy looking girl. Walking over to her she sat down, pulled out two chocolates, and rolled one across to the girl. "Ikiru Hito. What's your name?"
Slothtastic Slothtastic Dessertid Dessertid

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