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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!

Khaleesi dusted off her clothes before she slowly looked up, hearing the sweet sound of a man's voice. She blushed softly, not because the guy was cute, but because she was embarrassed. She pushed a piece of her beautiful hair out of her face and then got off the wall, looking at his sword, eyes wide. "I-I.." She stuttered, and then cleared her throat. "I'm fine. I fell." Slowly the short girl heard the music, which gladly kept going and smiled softly. "I was walking by and I heard your music, then I tripped over myself. I didn't mean to both you." She said, her eyes still focused on his sword. She wasn't scare, more confused on why he grabbed his sword when she kicked the door. Even more confused on why he brought a sword to school. The girl looked at the boy, looked at his figure, her eyes moving from his eyes, to his chin, down to his hands, and then back at the sword. "Sorry once more..."
CuddlezScarf CuddlezScarf
Roku noticed the girl's blush, and softly smiled. She looked pretty cute, and insanely adorable. He noticed that she was looking at his sword, and he put it down, thinking that it was probably getting her nervous. He placed it against his door softly, and listened to her story. "Ah. That makes a little bit sense I guess..." Roku said with a giggle. "Oh, don't worry. You didn't bother me at all." Roku said as he gave her his hand. "Are you sure you are okay?" Roku said with some concern.

PixieDusts PixieDusts
Khaleesi smiled lightly and giggled lightly. As she watched him put away his sword her heart rate began to slow, her eyes slowly looked around the hall, still alert, but not as nervous. She played with a strand of her hair, looking down softly. The man had very nice and handsome features, his eyes were probably the thing that caught Khaleesi's attention the most. They were a golden looking color, which matched the sun, which was interesting to her. She slowly straightened up, still being short, but tried to be as tall as she could, since she did look like a 10 year old. She watched as he extended his hand and she stared at it for a moment. He then spoke once more, asking her if she was alright. "I-I'm fine..." She stuttered and then looked back at his hand. Was he trying to shake her hand? What was he doing? She looked up into his eyes, and ignored his hand, not wanting to be weird or anything. "I-I'm Khaleesi..." She mumbled.​
CuddlezScarf CuddlezScarf
Roku watched her stand up, but also noticed her features. Even though she tried acting tall, she was still short, which was pretty cute of herself. Her hair was very long, and smooth looking. He noticed that she didn't shake his hand, which was fine by him, probably thought of something else. Roku put his hand in his pockets, and smiled at her. "That's good." Roku responded, hearing that she was fine. He listened to her name, and smiled, noticing his difference to the name's in the Underworld. "That's pretty cool name. It's unique, never heard a name like that." Roku said, trying to make it sound like a compliment. "I am Roku. Roku Alphva, but you could call me Oku if you are feeling lazy." Roku said with a giggle. "I am from the Underworld Realm, what about you?" Roku asked, curious of where she lived.

PixieDusts PixieDusts
Khaleesi blushed as he put his hand away. She slowly rubbed the back of her neck and heard his name. 'Roku... What a nice name.' She thought before she looked up from the floor, and up into his sun eyes. "I um, I lived in the Human Realm..." Nothing big, had a normal life until she was about 14. She smiled softly and then twiddled with her fingers. "W-well... it's getting kinda... Kinda late..." She said and then looked at her feet, smiling at them. "I um, I should get back to my room... It was nice to meet you, Roku" She mumbled before she slowly started to walk off, a smile brightly on her face.
CuddlezScarf CuddlezScarf
{Imma stop there so it's not a 1v1}​
Roku smiled hearing her comment about his name, and listened to where she was from. "Human Realm. Interesting." Roku said with a smile. He put his hands behind his back, and smiled. "Yeah I suppose it is getting late." Roku said to her with a sigh. "Alright then. Bye bye Khaleesi. It was nice meeting you as well. Come by whenever you want to." Roku said waving to her with a smile. He grabbed his sword, and walked into his room. "Well that was very interesting." Roku said with a smile as he went over to his bed, and laid down with a smile on his face.

PixieDusts PixieDusts
Matt's footsteps echoed in the empty hallways. Most of the students had already retired to their rooms for the night and that was where he, himself was going. He walked into an area where two staircases split the room into two. He headed up the one to the right as it led to the boys dorms. Covering a yawn with his hand, Matthew climbed up the staircase to his room.
The Satyr grumbled,
"Well. It is past curfew and there's class in the morning. So please do go to bed students. And don't open your door for anything else. Rumor has it there's a ghost that haunts the school!" He laughed, he seemed to be joking but there was that serious edge.
"Now! There's an exciting class tomorrow so get to bed! And if you two spirits could please not terrify the students that would be great!" He said with a smile, already moving back.​
Rishi__ Rishi__ DVationz DVationz PippyOmega PippyOmega
Pippy put his hands against the wall and pushed himself up from the floor, he looked down at the girl, who was still sat down "Well I guess I might see you tomorrow?" he walked towards his room but before he closed his door he took one look back at the girl and the two spirits.

DVationz DVationz Rishi__ Rishi__

Pippy sat down on his bed and began to think about what it was he had just seen: two ghosts, another elf and the head of the school, "Wow, this is going to be different" and smiled as he began to lay down and slowly closed his eyes in hopes that he would get a good sleep.

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