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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!

Eventually the it grew late, and Oliver stood.
"Everyone, it is beginning to bear curfew. If you'd please go to your assigned dorms, everyone has their own, it will be on the keys that are currently being handed out by my helpers." As he said this, small wooden beings began to move around, each one holding a bag of keys. They may have looked adorable to some, some of them stumbling on their roots which acted as feet (baby groots). "If you wish to get a roommate you may ask me or the teachers here. But for now, it is time to turn in. Classes are on the left side and dorms are on the right." He smiled to them all, "Teacher dorms are up this stair way, if you need one please don't be afraid to ask!" He said, the baby groots moving back towards where they had came from, the classroom areas. He motioned the teachers to follow him up the stairs behind their head table. "I bid you all, adue."
Uasal Uasal August August verdantdreams verdantdreams Vampiress Vampiress raven flame raven flame criticalInsomniac criticalInsomniac Rishi__ Rishi__ Ribbit Ribbit DVationz DVationz Dessertid Dessertid
((I hope that's everyone!

Sleep Is For The Tired

Looking up, Ikiru noticed everything had moved rather quick and she was not prepared. Noticing Oliver wanted All the teachers to follow she sat up and skipped over to him, following his lead. "Until tomorrow dears!" She then turned and waited for Oliver to lead her away.
Slothtastic Slothtastic
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder was happy that she had finally received her key and was able to get some rest for once. She leaned down a bit and smiled at the small creature with her rosy cheeks and dimples. "Thank you little one." She patted it's head and collected her key. She made her way to her dorm, cozy and small. She shut and locked the door behind her, making her way to her room and listening to the wind rustle the trees outside as she laid on her bed. She hoped for a storm tonight, one with lightning and thunder.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
Winter sighed as she headed to her dorm thanks to her spiders telling her what was going in inside the school to get her key and headed to her form looking deep in thought and worried at the same time
Nicollas walked back into the hall and grabbed a key from the small, tree like creatures.
Due to his wings, walking among crowds was very hard and since he was already pretty clumsy he bumped into many people, saying "sorry" quickly as he tried to reach his dorm before people started getting mad.
He opened the door and fell onto his bed like a tree, falling asleep almost immediatly, as he hadn't recovered from the long flight.
Ella ran into the room. "Oh god I'm late, very late." She took the key almost running into the creature. "Sorry!" She exclaimed as she held the room key she slowed down before realizing her backpack had dropped outside cursing she ran out to grab it and saw a little kitty. "I wonder if I can keep you, hmm I'll call you Izzy.... I'm keeping you safe." She said picking up the cat and backpack the slowly sprinting to her room before she got caught. Slothtastic Slothtastic
Oliver led the teachers to their rooms. It was a simple hallway with rooms on either side, although they seemed bigger. In front of each door was one of the small tree like creatures, each holding a key for the teachers.
Rin hesitated, holding the extra plate that he got for the spider girl. After much debate he concluded she wouldn't remember or even want cold food, which it was due to the frost that had taken over as he stood in thought.

He set the plate down and calmly walked over to the creature to collect a key with a slight nod of gratitude before heading off to his room. Or at least in the general direction of the rooms.
Ella looked at kitten and smiled praying she would be allowed to keep her and then she kept walking nearly hitting the wall as she tried to find a symbol. "Where is it where is it?" It was then she realized that she unintentionally followed the headmaster and then she bumped into him. "Oh my I am so sorry, I didn't mean to follow you I was just looking for my room."
"Um I actually found it... I'm Ella Black I'm the uh hybrid student.. Half human... Half Vampire, please let me keep the cat sir please." She said in a pleading tone. Slothtastic Slothtastic
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder closed her eyes and listened to the approaching storm. "Where's Cane?" She thought to herself. It didn't really matter though, she knew when she awoke in the morning he would be curled up right beside her, sleeping soundly. She smiled, missing that little rat. Cinder got up, changing into sleeping attire and got into bed, she grabbed her book from her bedside table, beginning to read.
"You can keep the cat, there is no problem with that." He said reassuringly.
"But you should get to your dorm, curfew is in place. And those found wandering outside their dorms past 11PM will be sent to my office." He warned. He was already getting tired. "Now, goodnight miss." He smiled towards her once last time before making to his room, moving to head inside.
Vampiress Vampiress DVationz DVationz
Ella nodded as she walked wondering where she could find a collar and other cat neccisites for Izzy in the morning. She kept walking until she finally found her room. "Phew finally." She said unlocking the door and going in slowly.
Winter sighed as she bumped into some one and grunted as she feel to the ground looking up at the ceiling and sat up only to see rin "sorry about bumping into you rin" she said looking sheepishly at him August August

Alchemist Nonsense

"Well I'll let you lot sleep, I've got notes to write down and alchemy to perfect." Waving to Oliver and the others she quickly took her room key and walked in, locking the door behind her. "Time to settle in..."

Taking the pouch at her side she grabbed hold of the bottom and flipped it. Suddenly it sounded as if an avalanche was occuring. The magical bag of holding finally emptying of all her things. Clothes, flasks, cases of herbs and reagents, candies of all sorts, potions, and so many more oddities that they couldn't be kept track of. "Hmm... where is my notebook?" Digging around through the mountain of things she pulled out a black notebook with the symbol of a flask and rock, the Alchemist insignia.

Opening it up she wrote a few notes before closing it, grabbing a gold colored potion, and leaving her room once more. "I hope you enjoy your night, I'll be back in the morning!" Without hesitation she walked toward the nearest exit to wander far into the forest's.
Slothtastic Slothtastic (Anyone who cares)
Oliver accepted his key from the baby ent(groot) like creature. He opened the door, entering and exiting to give it a bowl of something, in which its hands grew a bit to support the weight of the bowl as it left. He moved inside his room, it was as homelike as always. Plants were growing everywhere, and a very small pond was also near his bed. He laid down on the bed and began to sleep, hoping the others would do so before too long...

((Everyone agree to a timeskip?
[I think Winter bumped into Rin, but if everyone wants to I'm okay with it. Rin would have just apologized then go to his room to sleep]
Cinder Ashwood
Cinder sighed, she placed her book down on her nightstand after closing it. She grabbed her glasses and put them on. Maybe she could wander around tonight, bump into someone, make a friend, maybe. But did she really dare? There was a curfew, and she wasn't exactly a regular here at the academy, she was pretty new. Cinder kind of longed for a friend though, she was always too focused in school to notice anyone around her, so maybe tonight she could get out and about. She doubted herself, sitting up in her bed and looking around.

Early Spirits

As Ikiru wandered the forest she realized she had grabbed the wrong elixir. She had meant to use an elixir that sent animals away from her, but she had grabbed the opposite. Rushing back into the school she quickly walked through the student dorm hall, her heels clicking as she hurried forth. She had to make it back to her room, obtain the correct elixir, and leave the grounds to ensure nobody panicks at the sight of her limp body before her twin spirit forms had done their duty.

Suddenly she realized she was glowing faintly. "Oh no... not here... I can't split now, the students... the headmaster... no, no, no, no..." However it seemed that it would be too late. The glowing continued and she could feel her body weaken. "Oh dear..." Without warning she collapsed to the ground, falling into the door beside her and making an audible thud to anyone inside the room. That was not all, for two glowing lights melted out of her, phasing through the door even. Her twin spirits, the merciful rabbit and ruthless fox.

The spirits, although being of the same person, we're very different. The rabbit, which took form of a gorgeous woman with rabbit ears and a simple white gown, had accents of a soft blue, a sight that would sooth anyone it seemed. The fox however was much different. It took the form of just as gorgeous a woman, however her hair and ears seemed to end in flickering fire that made no sound and her attire seemed more ragged and tight fitting. Her red accents adding to the visage, giving the impression of a dangerous foe.

"Usagi... where are we?" The fox eared woman spoke to her benevolent friend, "I do not recognize this sight... where is the forest?" The woman in white, Usagi, replied. "I am not sure Kitsune... we seem to have an audience however." The two faintly glowing women returned to their animal forms, the one known as Kitsune pouncing beside the girl and giving a toothy grin. "She smells good. May I eat her?" Usagi bounded up onto a nearby desk, "No. She is not dead, nor is she running from us."
Rishi__ Rishi__
Oliver was still asleep, unaware of what was going on. Although he did seem to grumble something from his room. The animals in his room, however, began to notice something. A squirrel that was feasting on acorns lifted it's head up. Looking outside. Curious, it left through a crack in the wall, trying to figure out what was going on.
DVationz DVationz

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