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Fantasy Oliver's School for Gifted and Different Children - Always Open!

Sylvia stood up from her seat and hovered towards the podium with hands clasped together in front of her and her back straightened. She felt euphoric at the thought of teaching music and a little worried of her capabilities as a music teacher. Sylvia also mentally groaned at the prospect of not-so-serious students, picking her class just because it's 'easier'. Sylvia smiled at the audience as she stopped at the podium, pushing any worries aside.

"Thank you, Mr. Thorn," she said, throwing him a quick nod and smile before turning back. "Hello students. I'm Miss Sylvia and I will be teaching music. I thank those who have chosen to take my class and I'll be looking forward to teaching you. Introductions and thank yous aside, I'd like to say a few things about the subject I teach. Music is a subject that revolves around practice. Yes, talent may give you an edge. However, even the most talented still practice for hours on end. It's a long and hard road to be as masterful as Beethoven or Vivaldi, but rewarding nonetheless. That is all. Thank you."

Sylvia drifted back towards her chair and sat down, gesturing for Oliver to continue on.
Winter sat at one of the tables looking nervously at the other students around her, her legs twitching as she every nerve told her to flee and to get somewhere higher.

As she looked at the teachers several spiders crawled out from her sleeves and made there way to the stage and up to Oliver's (feet/hooves?) And up onto his shoulder.

Slothtastic Slothtastic
"Now then Students! Eat as much as you wish!" Oliver said with a smile, raising his glass in a toast before sitting back down and beginning to eat. Oliver looked to the spiders, muttering something to them as they moved their way back down. He smiled again and picked up a lamb rib.​
raven flame raven flame verdantdreams verdantdreams August August Uasal Uasal
Rin remained still in his seat, even as they were given permission to begin eating. He eyed some of the items on the table but made no move to grab them. Rin had never thought himself to be a shy person, but this setting made him feel uneasy. He figured it was because this was his first time away from his mother. Rin took a glance around once more, then hesitantly reached out to fill his plate and eat. He would have to adjust if he wanted to make it through this adventure, and he had to pull through to make his mother proud-- which was very important.
Winter looked to the spiders as they came back and nodded at what they told her as she to went to fill her plate and eat
Oliver looked to the students and smiled some more. Barbacue sauce had gotten on his hands and lips from the lamb ribs. He grabbed a napkin and wiped his hands and lips on it, ridding himself of the pesky sauce.
Winter sat there chewing on a porkchop bone out of bordem as she looked around the room then back at the teachers
Rin slouched in his seat slightly, nibbling on a bread roll. Most of his plate consisted of bread related items. He was tempted to try some other things as well, but the only thing he seemed distant on was meat. It wasn't that he hated meat, he . . . he just didn't want to eat something like that in front everyone else.
Sylvia sat there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She can't eat, for obvious reasons. Might as well socialise bit. She turns to her two colleagues beside her.

"So, how long have you two been teaching for?" Sylvia asked, directing her question to both of them. She, admittedly, is still a little new to teaching. "I have to confess, I'm in need of advice."

Slothtastic Slothtastic Uasal Uasal
"I don't know. I'm new to teaching as well. My only advice is to just do what you think you should do." Oliver shrugged, giving a small nervous smile. "Man, this shirt feels weird... how do you people wear these things? It feels so unnatural..." He commented, messing with his shirt some.
verdantdreams verdantdreams Uasal Uasal
Winter soon got up and left looking to be in a panic or having a panic attack as she was pron to doing in very large crowds
As Rin's mind wandered, his seat started to get a little frosted. He only noticed this when someone a little far off had gotten up, seeming in distress. This snapped Rin out of his thoughts, and made him take notice of his slip up. He slowly got up from his seat, but when he did he realized he didn't have anything to do. His attention went back to the female who had originally snapped him out of his thoughts and decided that maybe this was a good time to try to do the act of friending . . . She did seem bothered, so maybe he could do the friending to make her feel better.

raven flame raven flame
Raven soon made her way outside and soon started to climb the school making her way to the roof, as she sat there she was breathing hard her eyes cinched shut as she tried to calm down not only from the sudden ice appearing but also she was not used to being around people.

When she was around large crowds she became nervous, scared, and over all ready to attack anyone that came near her.

August August Slothtastic Slothtastic
Rin was really determined to reach out to do the friending, and it kind of made him feel like he was being weird when he even followed outside. From there he had only caught enough to watch her climb onto the roof of the school. He blinked in surprise for a moment, before taking a deep breath and cupping his hands together over his mouth in some makeshift cone.
"Hello up there!" He called out from the ground, his uncertainty growing as he waved his arms. Maybe he should have just left her alone . . .
"You look like you could some company! Or maybe a friend of some sort . . ." Rin mumbled that last part quietly, so he didn't expect Winter to hear it. "I'm Rin!" He shouted again, since they were very far apart. He kind of felt silly but at the same time he couldn't help but smile.

raven flame raven flame
Winter looked at him and pulled her head back over the ledge and after a minute she vaulted over the edge and landed in a tree
A good ways away from the school, the sight of a female quickly running towards can be seen, her messenger bag and ebony hair blowing back in the wind. The expression on her face a mix of exhaustion and panic. She knew she should have left home earlier, but alas, another victim was claimed by one powerful enemy: bed.

"Oh man, I'm late, first day on the job...this is not a good look for me...late, running like a madman, and out of breath...I need to start working out again..."
Rin tilted his head slightly as he followed Winter's movements. Once she had safely landed in the tree, he cautiously stepped closer, finally letting his hood fully fall off. "Hi again!"
Winter looked down now standing upside down "hi there you said your name was len right I'm winter, winter Evans" she said smiling
"Nice to meet you Winter. My name is actually Rin, but that's pretty close for shouting up from the ground to the roof." Rin plopped right down by the tree still looking up, "So . . . Why did you leave the feast? Did you get uncomfortable?"
Y-yeah I don't go well in large crowds I'll actually attack someone when I'm having a panic attack, and I have had bad experiences with ice users.....um no offense rin really" she said not looking at him

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