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Realistic or Modern Okkulten Wald

Edward Feintofen

As being a German amongst those who he once called enemies Edward had to get used to it. All the shunning and dirty looks. At least the Red seamed a bit polite, unlike the other two. "Guess I should have stayed asleep. The most I could do as of now to make up for what my country has done to their people is be polite and nice. Sorry for ruining your game Konstantin." Edward said, turning back to his bunk. He sat down and inspected his gun, or at least he looked like it. He was thinking about how he could gain their trust, to prove to his new "allies" that he was with them. 



Fred Worthen


Captain Worthen remained stone-faced during his bumpy ride across the French and Belgium country-side. He looked lazily out the side of the jeep, almost growing accustomed to being jolted out the side of it on every bump they hit.

After the first initial contact had been made with the shambling corpses and the abominations that accompanied them, Fred was quickly thrown into a company command slot and ordered to attack with his brand new unit. He and his 250 man unit attacked headlong into the newfound enemy, with disastrous results. Only 8 men, including Fred, were able to retreat back to Allied lines, where overwhelming firepower stemmed the advance from the horrors. As soon as he was done reporting to higher, Fred immediately requested leave, hoping some time in Paris would clear his head. It didn't help much, since Fred found little time to sleep in between reliving the moments of his previous "battle" in his head. 

Regardless, a week came and went, and Fred was cut new orders to report to a "Chaplin" squad, located in the new UAP camp near Malmedy. Of course, the orders didn't say what role he was to take in this new unit, so he figured this was some sort of punishment. He sighed and caught a convoy heading towards the front lines.

He cursed under his breath as the town came into view ahead of him, as Malmedy had been a site of war-crimes in the previous war. A site where hundreds of American PoWs were sprayed down by retreating Wehrmacht forces. "All things in the past." Fred thought to himself as he passed by and approached the fresh UAP camp. He dismounted without so much as a wave to his "taxi" and started the arduous process of checking in. A few hours later and Fred was bouncing between identical looking tents, searching for this "Chaplin" squad.

Once again, irony at its finest. "Is this suppose to be my saving grace?" Fred mumbled to himself as he finally found the tent in question. He slung his Thompson over his shoulder and picked up his duffel bag, drooping his head as he entered through the flap to the tent. 
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He shrugged and smiled, turning to glance over towards her with the cigarette tight between his fingers. "Ah, no one can really forgive z'them. Not after zhe shit z'they pulled. Feel a little bad for zhe guy, but he reminds me of Berlin. In the Reichstag." Konstantin remarked, dragging another smooth lungful of smoke - almost choking like a teenager over his first tobacco in surprise of his companions drop of the towel.


The way her willowy figure curved, watching mesmerized at the silky skin he dared to wish touching. Of course, he fell into a silent admiration, slowly stretching up to his feet. The back of his knuckle tracing across her cheekbone. "Aren't you cold?" Sokolov murmured, cocking his brow in question to break the impending silence. He'd not seen a woman in such raw primality since Berlin. His temptation was threaded by the desire that agonisingly stood before him. In his tent no less.



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[SIZE= 14px]She watched him, evermore in her cat-like nature, studying him as he did her. She took a step forwards, closer, her smaller hands coming to rest on his chest. She smiles cheekily at him, despite the situation, and pushed at him lightly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Quite warm, actually."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Her hand moved up, thoughtfully tracing his features with petite fingers. She delicately outlined the curve of his bottom lip, the last his features to observe, and that was where her focus lingered. When she looked back up to meet his eye, she said, without a hint of her usual flippancy;[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Aren't you going to kiss me?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@HumansArentReal[/SIZE]


Leaning into her touch, he smiled in passing at the cheeky grin. Like a man bewitched, his gaze found little else in comparison to the woman standing before him. Of course, this primal observation that lingered between them was broken.


"Who said I wasn't?" He remarked in amusement. Warm, rough palms found purchase upon her flesh, slipping down and toward the small of her back to pull the Frenchwoman in further. Ducking his head to her height, to claim his kiss against soft lips. The scent of feminine fragrances, and delicate figure was something he'd missed. Fighting out in the middle of virtually nowhere, with a load of men who were considered mostly illiterate farmhands.


His cap was abandoned, relishing in the seconds that passed in sensual bliss. Passing over every inch of the Vixen who dared to stand so braizenly before a man.



Edward Feintofen

Edward looked up to the man at the entrance of the tent. "Welcome to the party, or whats left of it" he said, welcoming the man inside. The man looked like another American, great. Another person who yearned to put a bullet in him before, maybe even so now. Edward stood up and walked to the man. Standing tall, he extended a hand, "Edward". It was a weird feeling, shaking the hand of a former enemy. A man he may have shot at before, a man he may have thrown a grenade at him before, a man he may have tried to kill.




Sabine broke their kiss for a moment, grabbing onto to Russian's coat. 

"Konstantin, off." She murmured, pulling on the garment in question. 

"I can't be the only one naked, that isn't how this game works." 

She grinned, her expression less keen than usual, only due to the glazed over look that seemed to be present in her eyes. 

"You'll be alright being absent from...whatever it is you do for an hour or so?" She asked, more than a little breathless with firey red cheeks matching her hair.

(Sorry for the short post~) 

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Sokolov gave a good-humoured huff before shrugging off the great coat, jacket and uniform till his chest lay as bare as her own. Beneath the collarbone to the right, had been tattooed 'C.C.C.P.' In standing with the Soviet Union. The top of his shoulder was scarred from shrapnel, whilst a jagged silvery line just below his ribcage was reminiscent of a bayonet injury. 


Glancing toward the pocketwatch on one of the makeshift military tables he winked. "Lets be honest, no one does anything here apart from get ready for zhe apocalypse." Leaning in he pressed a smattering of kisses over her jaw and neck, till mischeviously cocking a brow. "Unless you have paperwork I don't know about?" Konstantin grinned wolfishly.


Desire was evident in his eyes. Hell, he probably didn't care if she ended up interrogating him. He remembered being told that no officers should have distractions, but - Konstantin was hardly going to follow such meagre orders. Not when he'd become emotionally and somewhat physically tangled into the situation.




[SIZE= 14px]The Parisian matched his wolffish grin with on of her own, a small moan escaping her after his assault on her neck. Her mouth found the numbers on his collarbone, latching on to leave a hickey for the record books; as if anyone kept records anymore. Finally she sat back on her haunches, watching him as she regained her breath. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"So, are we going to..." she made a gesture with her hand, a small smile on her lips before she returned to somewhat seriousness, "We don't have to. I don't want to force anything upon you, Grizzly." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@HumansArentReal[/SIZE]


"Backing out of something like this? You must z'think I'm crazy, huh?" He laughed, breath hesitantly catching on the back of his throat a moment, whilst the hickey settled. From the heat of her lips to the chill of the tent. "Although you're sounding unsure yourself. So what about z'that hm? Do you still want to? Because I am also incredibly good at sitting around. I do it quite often." Konstantin joked, inclining his chin to gently rest his forehead upon hers. "But you're courteous to ask. I know not many women do." He then commented, continuing to perhaps lose the edge of lust in his eyes, replaced by a rather sweet-tempered man.



Sabine mocked him then, even imitating the accent. 

"Backing out of something like this? You must z'think I'm crazy." She kissed his cheek, lingering there for a moment to whisper in his ear:

"Show me what you Ruskies are famous for."

She switched to his native tongue, her voice low.

"заставить меня кричать."

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Everett "Yoshi" Yoshioka


Yoshi, ever so silent throughout the ordeals, peered down at his watch, before glancing up towards the interior of his tent. Letting out a quiet breath, he formed a small smirk, as if smiling to the gods above. His eyes gently came to a shut and, as if signaled, a static crack would ring out throughout the tent-filled camp.

"Orson, Corsby, Kelly and Chaplin Squads, please report to their barrack tents immediately. Orson, Corsby, Kelly and Chaplin squads, to your barracks immediately." Ordered a voice, transmitting over the camp's loudspeaker. The camp's attitude quickly plunged. Laughter died down, and conversations switched from tales of brothels to low murmurs and whispers. Crowds of men and women began to shift into opposite directions, disappearing into the folds of the tents. After a few minutes, the once busy campsite would be nearly a ghost town, with only a few humans shuffling in the open.

Yoshi, ever prepared, simply stood himself up and dressed himself in his coat. Collecting his field gear from his bunk, he fitted the leather bandoleers and pouches over his uniform, finally collecting his magazine-less carbine. Dragging his bed to the center of the tent, he threw a cloth bag onto its center, before finally twisting to face the tent's entrance, hands folded over the barrel of his weapon.



@Reaper 1-1

@Romulus Scipio



He could've rolled his eyes but remained in the embrace, till nodding slowly. "It's a good accent. I can't find a fault with z'that." Konstantin shrugged, ducking his head as she kissed his cheek. Hot breath, hitting his neck and jaw as she whispered in low, delighting tones. Like honey, but with far more intent. 

"Я заставлю тебя кричать вместо этого." Sokolov replied. The rough syllables of heathen language dancing off his tongue with far more grace than any English he spoke.


Interrupted momentarily by the loudspeaker he raised both brows, grasping Sabine, to nip and bite at her neck. Leaving a reddish hickey, right at the base of her collarbone. He pulled away slightly to peer through the small opening of the tent, chuckling lightly. "Do we ignore it?" He murmured, returning to his previous acts of indulgence. 



Fred Worthen


He eyed the German with slight trepidation as he approached, hand stuck out towards him. He scanned the man up and down for a second before grasping his hand firmly and beamed a grin towards him. "Captain Worthen, a pleasure." He looked once more at the markings on the man's uniform, looking for the infamous dual lightening bolts. "If ya weren't SS, then I look forward to working with you." He had heard rumors of the combined arms squads the UAP had put together, but he wasn't tracking he would be placed in one. Fred began running other scenarios through his mind he would have to go through. 

The loudspeaker cracked alive and brought Fred back to reality. Was it a go order already? He chuckled under his breath at his luck as he slung his gear onto the nearest bunk before looking at Yoshi in the middle. A few thoughts went through his mind, mostly questioning the validity of an United States Army 2nd Lieutenant who also looked...Japanese...? Fred shook it off again, figuring it was just another thing he would need to get used to. 

Fred had most of his gear on, but started to feel around in his duffle bag for a few stray magazines he had packed away. As he reached in, he looked towards Yoshi and spoke up. "Hey, L.T., gimme a brief here. What's goin' on?"


@Reaper 1-1

Everett "Yoshi" Yoshioka

"Ah, Captain, always a pleasure." Yoshi smiled, preforming a half salute towards the German, before quickly turning his attention down to the bag lying before him. Slipping its latch off, he would flip it open, removing a sizable stack of papers. Plopping them down, he pulled a large, yellowed piece out of the pile, before returning the stack back into the bag. Unfolding the paper, a sizable map of Europe would be revealed, complete with markings of various color and size.

"The big push." Yoshi would simply explain with a smile, before removing a pen from his pocket. Hovering it's tip above the map, the Lieutenant would give a light tap to a large blue triangle. "Camp Hollywood. That's us." He would explain, before motioning toward the East. The map would be adorned with various lines, all pointing in its direction, each ending on a large black dot. "The Autumn offensive. I'll explain our mission when the rest of Chaplin shows." He would nod, setting the pen aside. 

@Romulus Scipio
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She groaned, pressing her face into his chest with an exasperated sigh. 

"We should probably go." She mumbled, her voice vibrating lowly against his chest. She pressed a few more kisses there, smiling up at him from her safe haven in his embrace. 

"Can I use one of your shirts? I'm fairly certain it would work as a dress. Something with a collar, perhaps." She teased, rubbing the tender, red skin at the base of her neck, sensitive from his ministrations. She shivered, a small noise of contentment slipping between her lips. She looked over him longingly. 

"Next chance we get, I'm jumping your bones, Grizzly." 

With a devious hand, she reached into the space between them, fingertips brushing over a rather sensitive, and prominent, portion of his anatomy. She giggled, a devilish smirk plastered on her face.


Fred Worthen


Still rummaging around in his duffel bag with his left hand, he returns a quick salute with his right hand. He grins as he found the magazines in question and rips them out from the depths of his bag. A few spare maps and overlays come spilling from the bag as well. He slaps one of the magazines into his Thompson with a thud and started to sort through some of the copies of the maps he was issued. 

"Autumn Offensive, huh? Looks like I got here just in time. What makes 'em think this one will go better than the summer offensive? I can tell ya from personal experience, it didn't go well." He takes a moment and lets out a brief grunt. 

Next, Fred begins dialing in his SRC "Walkie Talkie". He had already stopped by the local fire base and had dialed in their frequency, so he started doing some basic radio checks. Fred presses his thumb to the dial and barks a quick "All stations this net, this is Charlie-Romeo, comms check, over" into the receiver. 

He looks at Yoshi as he holds the speaker to his ear, listening to the responses as well as talking. "So riddle me this, LT, is this 'Chaplin' squad, named after the actor? I figured it would've been named 'Chaplain', and they just mistyped it on my orders." He shrugs slightly and fiddles with the dials on the radio. "Would've made sense with all this unrighteous shit."

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Cradling the back of her head whilst she leant into him with a grumble, Konstantin sighed with some disappointment. "I suppose." Returning her gaze from within his arms, he pressed a final kiss to her forehead.

"Of course, I have a few spare in my bag. And you can even put zhe collar up." The Russian remarked, clearly amused. He'd been seconds from replying when she moved down slightly to make any arousal he had, about ten times worse. Sokolov glared playfully, moving in to flick her nose before turning on his heel to unpack a neatly folded khaki shirt. Which once straightened out, appeared almost twice the size of the tiny woman. Well, tiny in comparison to the 6'4" Russian, who could easily block a doorway with his shoulders.


Drawing up his trousers, and suspenders whilst suiting up in his military uniform, Konstantin didn't both too much with his hair. Sticking it under his Officers cap to collapse back down and quickly shove military boots onto his feet. Gun swung under arm, grabbing the thick, woollen greatcoat. Pausing a minute, Konstantin offered it towards Sabine. "It's cold, no? And you'll be wearing only a shirt. But as far as jumping bones go, I doubt I'll be complaining." Clicking his tongue, the Soviet sighed again, heavily. "But pulling z'that trick on me, is going to give me a hell of an uncomfortable time."



Everett "Yoshi" Yoshioka

Yoshi responded with an assured grin, lifting a finger a pressing it against the seas north of Germany. A long, wavy blue line (alongside a less an professional rendition of Kilroy), bordered nearly all of the European continent. "Planes have been heading up here for the past few months. At first, they did it just to keep the dead from following them back to our lines, but the eggheads started to notice something." Yoshi illustrated, dragging his finger back to Camp Hollywood. "The zeds began to freeze. In the ocean, in the snow, whatever. Solid as a block." He grinned, returning his hands to his side.

"So, for the past few weeks, the Powers have been flying all sorts of missions over Germany, trying to drag as many north as possible. Less for us to deal with, and we ain't stopped by the winter snow. You guys should be familiar with that." Yoshi finished, lifting a sly eyebrow towards the German officer, before shifting to the next subject. "And yes. It is named after our mustached friend. Words are locked behind languages, but names? Every one knows Chaplin. Same with Orson Welles and Bing Crosby. Easier for Ivan, Hans and Pierre to remember."

@Romulus Scipio


The Parisian whimpered and glared after he flicked her, but she took pity upon him then, and licked her lips in thought. 

"Well, I suppose there's time..." she mumbled, having just started buttoning the massive shirt which reached down perhaps an inch below her knee. She left the top unbuttoned and grabbed ahold of his suspenders, pressing her lithe figure tightly against his.

"Come here, Grizzly..."

{Some time later...}

Sabine dabbed at her (his) shirt, frowning at a small stain he had generated. 

"I should have just left the shirt off." She murmured, smiling back at him with another lick of her lips and a small smile. "That should fix that. Now come on, we're late as is." 



"лисица -" He'd barely had time to even complain. Although he certainly didn't manage any other complaints afterwards, pulling up his suspenders.

Whipping out a handkerchief to help rub off the stain with an odd laugh, Sokolov glanced upward. "You know, I could marry you about now." The Russian remarked, till almost throwing his greatcoat at her. "You're not wearing much under z'that shirt for one. And I doubt we'd want to explain anything else." Trying to contain the laughter, appeared harder than making his already dishevelled clothing look presentable. As well as finding an excuse as to why they were slightly late.

"Do you have shoes?" Grabbing her hand, in his rough paw of a palm, his brow rose in question. Seconds away from rushing out the door of the tent, gun underarm, to the proposed meeting already in place.



Edward Feintofen

Edward smiled when the man who he presumed to be American shook his hand. "Thank you Captain, and by the way, i wasn't in the SS. Wehrmacht." he said politely to Captain Worthen. Edward was glad that this American was at least somewhat welcoming. The sudden blast of the intercom ordering his squad back to the tent made him jump a slight bit. Edward saluted to the lieutenant who had entered. Listening to what he had to say, the lieutenant made a comment to him that did spark an interest. "I'm familiar with the Russian Front. Cold is no bother. Also, sorry if I have ever fired at you guys before. I knew I should have moved to Britain before the war."

Fred Worthen


"Cute." Fred let out a chuckle, radio still pressed against his ear. "Makes sense, the plan and the name." A few mumbled words squawk out from the radio and Fred draws a large circle a few grid squares out from their current location. He wrote down "Normal Round Extent" alongside the fresh line he had drawn. He measured out a few more grid squares and drew a hashed line circle, with a "Supercharged round extent?" next to it. The question mark at the end didn't exactly radiate confidence. 

Regardless, Fred nods to the German and smiles. "Like I said, if you aren't SS, you're fine by me." He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a cigarette and a lighter. The familiar "click" sound followed by a quick "fwoosh" signaled the tobacco had been lit, and Fred took a long draw, puffing out the smoke as he tried to calculate distances and directions.  He thought for a moment and looked up from his map at the German. "What do you normally carry into the field with ya? You use crew served weapons at all?"

@Reaper 1-1

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[SIZE= 26px]Sabine [/SIZE]

She smiled bashfully, color filling her cheeks once more.

"I may take you up on that offer if we live long enough."

[SIZE= 14px]She fit her small self into his greatcoat, giggling like a child, which was exactly how she looked in his coat; like a child playing dress up in her father's clothes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"No shoes...but I'll change when we get back to the tent. Hand me my towel?" [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]The discarded cloth which had started it all sat on the floor, having served its purpose.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Let's hurry before I change my mind." She teased, beaming up at her beau, the dimples in her cheeks standing out with the broadness of her smile. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@HumansArentReal[/SIZE]
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Reaching down for the towel, he grasped it in his spare fist, handing it off toward her. Ducking in for one last, quick kiss on the cheek before he began manoeuvring them both towards the main barracks. Although there was something ultimately hilarious about having Sabine's petite figure swathed in massive clothing. Especially a huge Soviet coat. Ah, but her laughter was worth the exchange.


Adjusting his cap, it's hammer and scythe slightly askew; Konstantin rushed across the camp, tugging the Frenchwoman in tow, till entering the barracks. A salute was issued, half-assed, but still respectful. "Sorry for zhe timing." He called breathlessly to those whom had already gathered. Beckoning toward Sabine in a gentlemanly manner, he held open the tarp with a subtle grin.



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