•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬


jumped and let out a growl, His tail flicked then went back to basking.


watched Jinx with His piercing blue eyes, He flexed his claws then Jumped out from the tree, He tackled her and yowled, He did this just to frighten her, He let his claws slide though her fur, and pinned her down with all his body weight, He purred with amusement.

Fire & Sand

They wrestled in the yard for a few minutes, then a glass sliding door opened, They froze and quickly crawled underneath some bushed, three large dogs appeared, then sniffed around and began to mark their territory, Then the biggest dog they had ever seen walked out, He was black with massive paws and teeth to match. "Uh oh." Sand whispered, The dog pricked his ears, They had got them selves into trouble now.


then began to walk again, As cars soared by making his pelt fluffed and then he jumped into The brush. he began to run to where they had left the prey, His paws falling lightly, his senses on full alert for any danger.
Jinx meowed surprised then hissed at Scourge knowing it was him because of his claws, "Are you trying to scare me to death?"
Autuumn followed, her ears listening to the sounds of the forest she loved so much. something seemed to be eating at Egan, but she wouldnt press the matter if he didnt wish top talk about it.
Kaleb heard the Kit mew excitedly and purred to himself as he thought how Samie would fall in love with this kit too. She had such a big heart for kits and he began to wonder when she would meet a Tom good enough for her and had some of her own. Snapping out his thoughts though he kept his attention on the Queen (that is the real name for a female feline) but spoke to the kit Patches.

"My sister is named Samie and the kit that is hers is named Connor. She looks like me and Connor is a smaller gray. My name is Kaleb." he purred.

Samie waited patiently with Connor, the smells of felines everywhere assaulting her senses. Toms and Queens were everywhere and the faint scent of canine worried her as she thought of a mutt coming across her and Connor. Movement brought her out of her worried state as her eyes fell on the cutest kit she had seen in a while and a big gray Tom that seemed to be following behind her. Connor's ears perked at the new cats and Samie set him down, her paw falling on his little gray tail to keep him by her side until she knew who they were.

"It's that kit I saw before!! Can I play mom? Please?" he mewed and purred, trying to wiggle out from under her hold on him.

Samie ignored him and kept her green eyes locked on the larger Tom, her tail slightly moving back and forth in a nervous action more than playful one that most thought it to be.
Hazel could sense the frustration wafting off of the tom, he obviously did not appreciate the rude behavior of the rouges but he would get used to it. That is if he survived long enough, he seemed a bit unused to the customs of the wild but he would most likely adapt. The she-cat was not one to judge a cat by their past, it wasn’t fair and she would struggle to settle anywhere if her past was known.

“It’s a valid question, I am snooping, or so it seems. To be truthful I haven’t a singular idea of why I was watching you. It seemed as if it might be interesting and amusing and if it came to a fight I might have lent a paw,” she mewed standing up on the tree branch. She knew that once she unfurled herself it became more obvious that Hazel was not just some run of the mill queen. She was thin, some cats called her petite but still muscled. Her coat was a rich creamy white with stripes of brown that blended and blurred with the scars in her coat. Her tail was merely a stub, a more recent loss, something her old mate had taken from her as she made her escape. But that had been weeks ago and it was healed over, no longer grotesque and bloody.

“However now I have a question for you, why are you here? This is rogue territory, a rough place for a kit,” she mewed looking pointedly at the little grey bundle beside him.
Patches looked at Kaleb when he talked, responding with an "Okay!", and bounded forwards eagerly, coming to a stop in front of the queen and her kit. "Hi!" she said, then, for the third time that day, "I'm Patches!"

Gray approached more slowly, examining the two cats; the mother did look like the tom he had just met. She, however, looked a bit uncertain about them. "Hello," he started cautiously, settling himself down. "I met your brother- Kaleb-" Gray motioned with his tail, then looked down at the kit in front of him. "He said that your territory could be a safe place for Patches to play." After a second, he elaborated, "Her excitement has already gotten her into enough trouble today, and your own kit seems eager enough."
Scourge purred, "Possibly" He got off of her and sat beside her, he was a small ton, but that never masked his danger. He would never back from a fight.

Egan picked up the mouse and his vole, Leaving the other two pieces of prey for her to pick up. He walked around trying to find a comfy place to rest, The sun was vanishing quickly and he didn't like being in the open when he slept. It meant he was vulnerable to predators, He was getting more tired, and then his whiskers twitched quickly, and saw an open gate, the smell of cats, not even adults, they were young, about a year or so, then dogs, a lot of dogs.

The dogs sniffed around, and once the biggest one got to close, Fire and sand bounded out of the gate, they crawled under it and slipped away quickly, But the dogs would have none of this, Then jumped onto the side of the house that protruded and leaped over the fence, The biggest one was dominate and he was in front of the other 3 dogs, Sand mewed with fear, they were in trouble now, Fire was in front of her and was running as fast as he could.
Autumn picked up the other two peices of fresh kill and sat with Egan, her ears twitched and she looked warily towards the sound of dogs.
"I know what dangers are here and that kits shouldn't be part of it." Kaleb hissed as he took in her cream colored and its swirls of caramel brown, his mind finding the mix to be slightly appealing to his tastes.

Kaleb shook his head and looked out toward where the kits were and the tom with his sister, his eyes gleaming with protectiveness as they glanced back up at the queen.

"I came because I don't like fights that have kits in it. My sister would hate me forever if I let a kit get hurt." he sighed as he spoke, his long reddish tail flicking on some leaves and making a loud crunching sound.

Samie saw the hesitation in the Tom's eyes and relaxed hearing her brothers name.

"It is safe." she said with a purr as she released her hold on her Kit, hearing the sounds of the mongrels disappearing further as they chased something she didn't know, and let him rush toward Patches excitedly, his tail whipping behind him with his eagerness.

When Connor got closer to her he immediately began to sniff at her furr, his tail swinging behind him with great force as his head perked up and he began to walk around her.

"My name is Connor! I like your name! Its cool! You smell like the woods. I'm not allowed to go in there. Mom says its full of big cats that would hurt me." he mewed with pleasure and began to paw at her own tail, crouching down low as he readied for a pouch on it.

Samie laid down in the soft grass and curled her long bushy tail against her side, her eyes watching the two kits with a mothers protectiveness. She didn't mind the Tom anymore. If he had a kit and was willing to let it play with her's then he wasn't a threat. Besides, Kaleb usually had a good judgement when it came to the rogues that neared their territory.
Scourge shook his head "no." he mewed and pressed his nose on her shoulder.

Fire and Sand began to pant, Sand felt as if her legs were about to give out on her. She slowed her heart feeling like it was about to explode, The big dog caught up fast to Sand and opened his jaws to crush her.

Egan dropped the prey in shock at the large dogs.
Hazel nodded, “Well,” and at this point she leaped from her perch upon the branch, “I wish you the best of luck. Who knows you seem like a put together tom cat and with a little work you might be able to start a clan. Add a little order to this chaotic territory, maybe I’d even join,” she mewed sitting down in front of the large oak and licking a paw. She knew that she was lost in the massive roots that seemingly cage her and jumped onto one of the gnarled knots that broke the mossy ground. She balanced on it casually once again longing for a tail to steady her.
Kaleb eyed the queen with curiosity before he shrugged his shoulders and leapt onto one of the massive roots near her.

"I don't wish for a clan. I only want a family and that is it." he mewed with longing before he rubbed his tail against the rough bark, his claws unsheathing for a moment to sink into the wood for balance and boredom.

"Why are you in rogue territory anyways? Why haven't you found a home to call your own whether human or not? You don't see a lot of Queens roaming about nowadays...Just wondering." he said as he looked into her eyes, his own gleaming from the sunlight peeking through the branches over head and making his fur seem like it was on fire.
“Who knows why I am here, I can’t tell you if I don’t know myself. Maybe the rogue life suits me or so I think at this moment. Or maybe it’s because nothing I have seen has caught my fancy. I can be a peculiarly picky cat at times and I very well may have decided nothing is good enough for me,” Hazel mewed her eyes darting to follow his movements.

“And you seem to be thinking of the small picture, how long can a gamily satisfy you? Do you not think that maybe you will want more from life? If you settle down now the harder it will be to leave so you must pick wisely. I on the other hand have the freedom to roam and leave," the queen mewed unsure as to how that made her feel.
Kaleb yowled with laughter as his ears folded back against his head so as to not hurt his own hearing, his sharp fangs gleaming where the sun flashed on them as he let out his mirth.

"All cats are picky. Why do you think Humans prefer mutts? They are simple and don't care what they get. They are dumb beasts. We on the other hand know what we want and will get it no matter what." he mewed with delight and humor as he stretched out his long limbs, his chest lowering to the ground while his hips tried to reach the skies.

After yawning and flickering his ears toward her direction so as to listen if she moved or spoke, Kaleb settled down on the root he was on and watched Hazel lazily, his tail twitching every now and then as he watched her muscular feline form. He saw her bobbed tail and wondered if she had belonged to a human family once like him but threw it off as he knew no other cat belonging to a normal human clan could have experienced what he had in his life. The tortured screams of his parents and the other rescued kits were enough to make him shiver in the warm rays of the sun and shake him out of his thoughts again as he forced those memories away. Opening his eyes he had momentarily lowered, Kaleb locked gazes with the intriguing she cat.

"I long after something so small because I don't need anything else. To simply live and teach my own kits the ways I know, loving my beautiful Queen mate for the rest of my life, and not having to risk my life every damned day is the only thing that seems to spark any happiness within me. Huge adventures with thrill are all for those tough brave toms with no regard to their lives. I want to have a life, not throw it away seeking something that might never happen. Being a father and mate are the biggest adventures I could ever hope for." he purred with longing, his expression one of sorrow and joy blending together at the thoughts he created.
Hazel smiled at his humor, “I suppose you are right, ignorance is for mutts and living is for cats,” she mewed still watching him intently. The Queen was not the kind of cat who just trusted openly, no those days were gone and over but she could still enjoy a conversation while being cautious. She noticed the way he was drinking in her figure, much the same as she was doing to his however his gaze seemed to linger in a way that hers did not. Hazel could tell he was trying to decipher her past passed on her looks and she was trying to do the same of him. She was not sure why, she had no plans of following him and depending on how the next few days went she may never see him again. He was not looking to start a clan and she was not interested in a personal relationship, she wanted to float freely or to lay her roots quietly without much emotional responsibility.

His eyes locked with hers and for a moment Hazel thought she could see something about him; he was not as easy going and free as he made off to be. Something behind him still lingered; he had a past but the details of it were still obscure to her. His words of his desires for the future although opportunistic seemed genuine and she knew many a she-cat who would take the bait and run with that. She however was not one, and not because it did not sound pleasant but because she was sure something would mess it up. His dream was seemingly impossible but in order for it to even have a chance of taking off he would need a queen who would take that bait full heartedly. “So, uh who’s the lucky queen? The pretty kitty who has stolen your heart and is gonna raise a family with ya?” she mewed. Her tone was not one of sarcasm just curiosity. She honestly wanted to hear his answer to this question because she knew it would be just as sweet as his previous ones. This tom really wore his heart on his pelt and seemed unafraid of the consequences that might come with it.
Sand looked behind her and let out a yowl as the dog bit onto Her, She hissed and clawed his face as the dog shook her, Egan hissed at Autumn "Stay here. No matter what." He said unsheathed his claws and ran for the large dogs, Fear was clouding his mind but he couldn't let a cat so young die, Fire looked back at his sister, the dogs were running for him now, he turned around and kept running, His sister was running though his mind, her blood curdling screeches turning his blood cold as ice.

Egan leaped into the three other dogs path, the stopped and stared at him, teeth bared, and tongues lolling with excitement, Egan then got terrified at the dogs massive teeth, He arched his back, His pelt bristled to half its size and let out a loud and long Hiss, one dog barked then lunged for Egan, Egan ducked and raked his claws along the dogs belly, The dog yelped, Egan then, Leaped onto the dog that had the cat in its mouth, He put his paws over the dogs eyes, and dug his claws into the dogs eyes, The dog dropped the cat and howled in pain, blood dripping down his face, Egan then jumped off of the dog, blood covered his paws, He turned and started to run, Leading the dogs away from the other cat, Then he thought he saw his life flash before him.
Autumns pelt bristled as he ran off after the dogs, she disobeyed his request and followed, she watched him fight and as Egan led the dogs away, she crouched next to the young she-cat who had been bitten. "it will be ok, aside from this bite, do you feel any other pain?" she asked, then began to try cleaning up the wound. she cringed at the metellic taste of blood and the wreak of dog, but continued to do what she could to help.
Kaleb noticed the way she looked at him that same way he did her and waited before he answered her. He had met a few Queens in his life, some very pretty and stuck up while others were more prone to throw themselves at him just for a good one time thing and leave. He always hated both, how they acted and the deplorable ways they seemed to think. The only Queens he had met that were anything like the way he liked were all mated already and he was not one to take another Tom's mate.

"At present there is no Queen. I have yet to meet one unmated that is neither a total prissy human obsessed feline nor a strutting sex craved she cat who thinks only of themselves. I wish for a female that is an equal, not one who thinks they are above me or one that is clearly obsessed with being below me." he grumbled the last part as his eyes took a dullness to them, the thought of those prancing flirts in the alley ways at nights making him a bit repulsed and causing his tail to curl in reflex.

He jumped back out of his thoughts though when he heard a scampering below one of the roots near by. A small, sandy colored furred rodent, trying to scurry away undetected from the predators above, had with its tiny clawed feet, became caught on drying old leaves that made a small crunching noise as it passed over them. Freezing almost instantly, the small mouse like creature waited with loud heartbeats as it listened to any sounds of a possible threat. Kaleb had instantly stopped all movement and became very quiet, his eyes glued to the tiny creature as it waited and listened for a few moments more before beginning to scurry away again toward the base of the large tree. In a flash Kaleb had jumped onto his four limbs and sprang upon the unsuspecting victim with claws unsheathed and deadly poised for the kill. It was over in a matter of seconds and with the now non-moving creature in his jowls, barely any blood but a drop of two coming from the creatures own mouth, Kaleb jumped once more onto the roots near the Queen he was with. Moving cautiously closer to her he dropped the rodent at the base of the root she was upon and moved back just as slowly as he had approached before he was once again on his own large root and sat down to observe his companion with open curious green orbs, waiting to see her reaction....
Sand cried and howled in pain he stared at Autumn her eyes dim, He nodded and rested her head down blood pooled around her, Her small fragile body twisted in a horrid way.
His words were pleasant and almost new to Hazel. The idea of a tom appreciating a queen for more than just a piece of territory that he could control was refreshing. She was so used to his polar opposite that she was almost skeptical of his words but the truth lay in his eyes. They were steady, unfaltering no perverted desire clouded them. Hazel could see how he struggled with this desire for a true queen and how tired he was of searching. And for a moment she wished that there was some way for her to make that desire to come true. However she could not help with that. No this tom needed a fresh untouched queen who could see how lucky she was without becoming weak like putty in his paws.

“Well whoever you find shall be a lucky Queen,” she mewed readying herself to depart. Hazel could feel herself becoming too attached to his words and that just would not do. She sheathed her claws and stood preparing herself to leap onto the mossy ground and away from the precarious roots. However before she could complete that thought a scuttling on the ground caught her attention. A sandy mouse had made the mistake of wandering into dangerous territory leading to certain death. She snuck one eye away from the prey making sure that the tom also saw it. His eyes were glued on to the creature and he seemed to be planning an attack. The queen held her breath unmoving so as to allow him to take the kill.

The fiery tom took the mouse within moments; she admired the speed and agility with which he captured his prey. One moment a flickering heartbeat was present the next it was gone yet everything still continued. There was no pause to recognize the creature’s death, the world just kept moving seemingly without a care. Hazel did not fancy herself a sentimental cat but to say that death even at her own paws or for food was difficult for her. She liked to take a moment and silently take the creatures for its death no matter how sappy it seemed.

When he offered the mouse to her Hazel was once again shocked by the tom’s kindness however she did not accept it. “You caught it fair and square and I can fend for myself,” she mewed despite how tasty the catch looked. Hazel was independent and once she found time she was going to go hunting. The queen just needed to settle long enough to get a feel of a territory.
Autumn was begining to feel helpless, this young she cat was in a terrible amounnt of pain and she knew she had to do something. she dashed to a nearby tree and retreived some cobwebs. she tried her best to dress the wounds, and then proceeded to find some poppies nearby. she took a few seeds and offered them to the young she cat. "eat these, they will ease the pain." Autumn licked her shoulder comfortingly before she worked about the she cat comfortable. she shuffled her paws and made sure that the young cat was laying in such a manner that she wouldnt be in so much pain. Autumn realized the things she had done were minor, but she continued to work.
Sand sniffed the berries and licked them up, she hissed and yowled in pain as the she-cat moved her, She flexed her claws over and over, She drew back her lips in a snarl and growled, she felt the pain ease off but she knew for a fact, the life of her was slipping away.

Egan turned around and lashed out at the dogs, His claws slicked into the dogs cheek, it yelped then lunged for Egan, He hissed and sunk his claws into the dogs chest as it landed on him, the dog yelped and stepped onto Egan, Egan yowled In pain and hissed loudly.

Ash heard the yowls of pain, he then ran to the scene, it was horrid, dogs attacking one cat. He flexed his claws, they were thin but long and sharp, he leaped onto the dog and bit onto the back of its neck, he sunk his claws on deep on the dos neck and upper back.

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