•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

Scourge noticed Jinx and flicked his tail in amusement, she wanted something to happen, Scourge then left the she cat to babble on immediately, He jumped from the roof and began to walk down the alleyway, A smirk crossed his muzzle showing his sharp teeth, He walked across the street, a car honking at him when he passed in front of hit.
Autumn crouched down and began to eat. he was a kind tom and she felt she could learn a lot from him. "i apologize for asking you to teach me like that so suddenly, i was recently seperated from my mother, being the last of my littermates to leave, and i never properly learned to hunt or fight."
Egan sat you and licked his Muzzle Did this female insist of him teaching her to fight as well? He swished his tail with amusement, "You want to fight?" he asked and purred slightly, He was good with fighting, His teaching was iffy but he was a good Fighter.
Jinx recognized Scourge when he left the other cat and her ears twitched surprised, but when he walked in front of the car she quickly climbed down from the roof and ran to him. When she was close enough she tackled him to the side of the road. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?" she asked annoyed with her ears pinned down on top of him.
"ive been alone for awhile, i figure i should learn to fight so i dont get the dung beat out of me by some random cat." she batted her paws in the air "i would teach them what claws feel like" she let out a playful growl.
Scourge smirked "No." he growled and pressed his hind paws against her soft under belly "Just trying to get your attention." He said then kicked her off and got up onto his paws again.

Egan purred and twitched his tail "Follow me." He turned around and began to trot though the woods his paw steps soft and he looked back a few times to assure she was following him.
Her ears perked when he said he was trying to get her attention, but when he kicked her off she had a feeling he wasn't trying to get her attention for the reason she wanted and quickly got up looking at him annoyed then asked, "And why would you want to get my attention?"
scourge sat down and folded his tail over his paws and licked his paw "Because. If you lived as a rogue most of your life, You would want some one around sometimes." he purred and yawned.
Scourge purred again "She saw me as a threat and wanted to investigate, I dont deal wits cats i dont know. Just might lead to trouble." he meowed and put his paw over his ear and washed himself
"You don't really know me too well though," she meowed laying down as her tail swayed back and forth watching him clean himself. She couldn't help but smile as she watched him, he was so cute to her she was amazed did something so risky to get her attention, then again he probably knew he could save himself or she was just too predictable.
Scourge stopped cleaning himself and cleared his throat, He stood up and began to walk away, His claws unsheathed, His body was stiff. "I have known you long enough." he growled and kept walking.
Jinx quickly stood up her ears lowering as she watched him walk away and sighed. She didn't dare say anything though since his claws were unsheathed and it didn't seem like he was happy.
Autumn followed, carefully placing her paws. her steps were a bit more quiet, but still made noise, "im starting to get the hang of this!" she purred with delight.
Egan purred and then ran ahead, He stopped in a clearing, it had a tree trunk he pressed his paws against the tree "Sharpen your claws." he said then raked his claws down the tree leaving deep in graves.
Autumn Sharpened her claws on the log, and turned to him. "all ready!" she flexed her newly sharpened claws.
Egan smiled, "When we do this, You have to have your claws Sheathed, So we dont hurt each other, ill try my hardest to be easy with you." he winked then got into a fighting position, "When you do this move you have your claws unsheathed, But when we practice, we have to try not to unsheathe our claws, just in case we may have to fight soon, for real." He purred
"alright" she sheathed her claws, and mimicked his fighting stance. she felt energetic, she couldnt believe she was learning to fight! no way she would be afraid of anyone after this.
Egan hissed and leaped behind Autumn he Judged her distance from him carefully; then lashed out with his back legs, taking his weight on his front paws. He then turned around after his paws had hit her hind legs (if his claws were unsheathed it would have caused damage) He whipped around and jumped onto her back, And bit onto her scruff, not hard enough to cause her pain, but enough to shock her body, He then put his paws on her shoulders, and flexed his claws just barely to sign that would be where he would have dug his claws in.

Autumn was caught up in the move as he pushed her around, she watched and felt every part of the move, until she was underneath him. she lay there, noticing where his claws would have landed if it had been a real fight. she gasped, "wow! terrific! you are quite the fighter!" she pushed up with a little force and rolled out from underneath him.
Autumn jumped behind him, lashing out with her back legs as he had. she followed throughand did her best to emulate his technique.
Egan rolled out form under her and , leaped onto her back and put his paws over their eyes. For the moment she is blinded, he flexed his claws slightly again to sign where he would sink his claws into the soft skin around her eyes.
"thats really effective" she growled lightly from under him. "now watch those claws." she mewed teasingly. she held her eyes shut and wriggled around a bit, trying to escape his grip.

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