•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

Patches sat abruptly, saying, "Oh! Sorry." Her tail swished. "I talk loud."

Gray noted the affection between the two cats impassively, standing some ways behind the kit; what was more important to him was how the others' fur only bristled more. Gray took a breath and forced himself to act more calm. There was a kit here, after all. "Come on, Patches," he said, eyes on the other tom for a moment before motioning for the kit to follow. He had hardly started off, however, when she complained.

"Why can't we talk with these cats for a little?" whined Patches, defiantly staying seated. "My mother used to have lots of friends for me to play with!"

Gray paused, taken aback by the comparison to the kit's late parent. He turned back around. "We're on their territory," he said, lowly.

"I promise I'll be quieter," Patches practically whispered.

Well of course she didn't know about staying off of others' territory. She had been raised, after all, as a house cat. Gray's ears flattened, but before he could respond, the kit spun around and addressed the two other rogues brightly; "You don't mind, do you? I mean-" she spoke in a lower voice. "You don't mind, do you?"
Kaleb suddenly stood up and leapt off the wall, his massive paws landing in the soft grass with barely a thumping sound and then carrying him swiftly and silently toward the edge of the woods as he sprinted where he scented two toms, a she-cat and a kit. They were too close for comfort and he knew that a fight was usually what happened when other rogues met. Samie had stood too but instead of racing after him, she gathered her own kit by his neck scruff into her mouth, careful of her sharp fangs and leap off the wall, walking slowly toward the end of the tree line as soon as she landed but quietly with grace only a she cat can possess. Connor hung loosely in her jaws, his ears flat against his head as he pouted. When she got there she stopped and sat, waiting with Connor still trapped in her jowls.

As Kaleb approached the other four cats, he made his movements louder so to let them know he was there. His green slitted eyes took in the appearance of the other toms, evaluating their sizes and strengths. The big Gray seemed more concerned with the kit than the prospect of a fight. This made him glad. He had hear a tid bit of the conversation but he still stood on his guard as he looked over the other two. The older tom and young she cat were just protecting their territory. That was good too. This was going to save him some fur off his back. Coming to stand off the side of both his eyes fell on the kit, his eyes flickering with humor.

"Kits are loud no matter what you do. If it is play you are looking for I have a kit in my territory just behind us in the field beyond these trees. I claim the abandoned houses that the humans left behind and the areas around it." he purred to her as he looked at the big gray, signalling with his tail to begin to move the kit in the direction he spoke of.

"They will be out of your territory in a few moments and you may resume whatever you were doing before this." Kaleb said with a slight hiss at the end as his eyes never left the larger tom.
Autumnsheathed her claws."i guess i forgot." she had meant no harm, and was a bit dissapointed to see them leave, she loved kits. they were so rambunctious and cute. she did , however understand territory. though she was also not from his territory, she wandered to much to claim any place as hers.
As Hazel ambled through the forest she happened upon a group of cats. The tension was tangible in the air but she was drawn to watch. Maybe if she stayed long enough she could get answers. Silently she leaped into a tree and lounged across a low hanging branch, yet again the she-cat was no hiding her presence but she was not obnoxiously forcing herself upon them. This position also gave her easy access to any escape route she chose or even a wonderful position to pounce from if she decided to fight. Hazel smiled at the idea of a good brawl, it had been a long couple of days since she had sunk her claws into anything that really fought back.
Egan stared right back at the other tom. "Fair enough." He said with a purr, "Go with him if you feel comfortable.

Only Egan's eyes shined with aggression, "Come on Autumn." He said with a purr, and turned his back on the other cats, Small cats didn't scare him, Especially house born cats. He flicked Autumn's ear with his tail playfully and purred with amusement.
Autumn purred, flicking her tail at his shoulder. she was the first cat she had met since leaving her mother, and was quite enjoying herself.
Egan purred and put both of his paws on he shoulder and pushed her onto her side, He watched her land in the leaves and he let out a meow os laughter and raced off, His long tail whipping behind him
Autumn got up and shook the leaves from her pelt, racing after him. she let out a playful growl as she gained on him a bit.
Egan leaped against a tree and landed behind her, his tail sweeping against her back as her jumped over her, He dashed off in the other direction and came to an abandoned house, He smirked and left his scent on a tree and on the door way, He ran inside and up the stares, He jumped onto a large dresser and pressed himself against the ceiling and the dresser, And curled his tail around him hiding his face and pinned his ears back.
Autumn turned and looked around. he was fast, very fast. she had lost sight of him for a bit so she followed his scent. she dashed up to an abandon two leg den, and hesitantly entered. her ears twitched around, and she scented the air, following his scent up a set of stairs and into a bedroom. she looked around, her tail twitched with curiousity.
Kaleb's long ears flicked back in irritation at the only slightly larger Tom as it left, watching at the barely hidden flirtation the she cat and tom were giving each other. He hated other cats that thought they were superior just because of their size. Looking at the kit and the other Tom, Kaleb's fox like tail twitched as he began to walk back to where his sister was waiting with her kit. Remember something though he paused and lifted his head toward a nearby tree, his green eyes locating a rather pretty she cat lounging above him.

"It's not any of my business but why are you watching us?" he hissed at the she cat, having scented her when she jumped into the large tree.

He didn't really care why. He was just wanting to know if she was wanting to fight them or wander like most other felines did. The confrontation with that tom had left him itching for a good hunt.
Autumn gasped as she was pinned to the floor. when Egan pressed his nose to hers she scrunched her nose at the tickle of his whiskers and purred with laughter. "you nearly scared me out of my fur!"
Egan let out a merow of laughter and got off of her, He sniffed around the room, jumping onto the bed, he let his claws sink into the bed, his claws went though the blanket, though the sheets, and into the mattress, He drags his claws down and his ears swiveled at the sound of the thread being ripped apart.
Autumn watched curiously as he ripped apart some two leg bedding. she jumped up with him and sniffed around, taking in his scent along with extremely stale two leg scents.
Egan ripped into the pillows and feathers flew out, They covered the bed, floor, ans slowly and gently fell from the roof. He watched them fall one fell on his nose and her stared at it, He blew it off and he blew some feathers onto Autumn. His tail twitching playfully.
Autumn batted at the flying feathers, catching one between two paws. she flicked a few to the side with her, then one floated passed her nose, making her sneeze.
Egan swished his tail and sat beside Autumn, He let his tail res over hers and he put his head over hers, he purred and he shoowed this female affection, it had been a while since he had felt this way.
Egan shook his head, "No." He meowed quietly. Not since she died He thought to himself, He pinned his ears back in sorrow "I don't have a home." He mewed and leaped off the bed, his paws making a slight thudding noise, His tail swish side to side slowly he looked around, His ears still pained back with the haunting memory, his heart ached with pain, but he didn't dare show it, Pain was weakness, and weakness was vulnerability, and vulnerability was death.
Autumn watched him jump down, feeling a bit of sorrow from him. he seemed to quickly cover it up though. she jumped down after him and ran her tail along his side comfortingly, "something the matter?" she mewed quietly.
Gray, admittedly, was a little annoyed at how the new tom had presumed to immediately take charge- but really, if they needed a commanding voice to get by safely, then he wouldn't mind. He watched with narrow eyes as the tom and she-cat from earlier dashed off.

Patches, however, was ecstatic. "Another kit? Ooh! Cool! What's her name? Or his? My name's Patches!" The bouncy kit seemed to enjoy introducing herself, her tail waving happily.

Gray considered the new arrival, then looked over to where he had gestured. It was in the general direction he had been headed, anyways; it wouldn't hurt for Patches to relieve some of her energy. He nodded to the tom, then rose to his paws. "Come on, Patches," he said, nudging her towards the edge of the forest; "We can go meet whoever it is."

"Okay!" said the kit, leaping up and quickly scampering towards the other tom's territory. Gray looked to where the cat in consideration, who seemed to be busy, before using his larger legs to quickly catch up with Patches.
Egan shook his head "No." He said bluntly "Lets go collect our prey that we left." he meowed quickly changing the subject, He walked out of the room and bounded down the stares, He ran out of the home and along the side of the road, Careful not to get in the way of the cars, He sat at the end of the road to make sure Autumn got over safely.

i will return, i have to go eat :P brb
Autumn followed him out, and stood near the edge of the thunderpath. no matter how many times she had crossed, thunder paths still made her nervous. she looked to see if there were any monsters and carefully made her way across.

((kk see you in a bit))
Jinx jumped down to where Ash laid on the side walk and trotted away not wanting to disturb him. She walked through the tall grass and got to a fence seeing two kits playing together. Smiling she watched them wondering if she will ever have kits of her own one day.

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