•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

Egan purred and let her go. he crouched down and lashed his tail side to side, "Now lets wrestle and ill show you some moves to use when you are pinned or something to watch out for when you pin another cat."
Autumn nodded and braced herself, she was completely ready for anything, she was going to learn as much as she could, and frankly, she was happy to be in the company of another cat since she had been wandering on her own for so long.
Egan lashed his tail and leaped for her, He tackled her and wrestled her until she was pinned against the ground "When you are in this position, Your under belly is exposed, that is a fight stopped, Raking your unsheathed claws down some ones belly, ends the fight fast. But your throat is also exposed to the cat who is being pinned, That is also a fight stopped, You can rake their throat or bite it and cuz off oxygen either way, But you have to be fast if you want to live."
'if im not properly pinned i should be able to get their underbelly as well right?" she said attempting to push her hind paw against his slomach to demonstrate.
"good" there was an energetic glimmer in her eye as she pushed up with her hind legs, jumped to her feet and onto his back, quickly demonstrating the move he had taught her earlier.
Egan did a counter move Drop and Roll He Dropped onto his back and rolled over so he knocked her off of him and he stared at her with a glimmer of satisfaction, He put his paw on her chest and purred loudly showing his delight of teaching his female.
"nice shot." Autumn purred. "but im not dont yet." she pushed him off her and stood back up. she licked a paw triumphantly, "you better watch out, im a quick learner."
Egan purred "Good." He meowed and looked around, what now? he thought and then looked back at Auburn, He sighed "What do you want to learn now? How to hunt right?" he smiled and let out a mew of amusement
Egan purred "alright, lets hunt." then an idea struck him "Lets hunt a lot, so we can save some just encase." he purred and smiled and licke dhis jaws, he could basically taste the voles already.
"good idea" Autumn agreed. as they looked for prey, it occured to her that she hadnt gotten this toms name. "im Autumn by the way." she mewed a quick introduction.
Egan purred and put his tail on hers "I'm Egan." He mewed back then pressed his belly against the ground and scented the air, He Smelled a mouse or two, He crawled forward until he saw the mouse, He leaped into the air, and sunk his long claws into the mouse, He picked it up and put it next to a tree, and put some dirt over it to hide the scent, He then scented the air again to find more prey.
Autumn followed suit, crouching, but still making a bit of noise. she came up on a vole, and some how managed to pounce it, though less clumsy then before. she took her prey and stored it near Egans. she watched his crouch and mimicked his stance, quieting her footsteps as she came up on a squirel. she easily pounce and slayed her pray, carrying it proudly over and burying it with the others
Samie looked up from her perch on a brick wall, her unnatural long ears flicking toward the north as she heard some noise coming from a small wall a few feet away. Standing on her long legs, she stretched lazily in the bright sun and looked down, her sparkling green eyes catching the movement of something Gray. Within moments a small kitten was struggling to climb the wall, his small sharp claws frantically trying to grip onto the smaller holes in the cement. Samie grinned and grabbed the scruff of the kit, pulling him up the rest of the way as soon as he got toward the top.

"Thanks mom!" he purred as he rubbed his fluffy head against her chest, a deep rumbling coming from his own chest as he purred his delight.

Samie licked one of his ears affectionately before she stood and walked silently along the wall, her tail signalling the kit to follow her. Immediately he was at her back paws, trying to follow after her the best he could as he stumbled and caught his claws on a few holes.

"You need to keep your claws sheathed Connor. That is how you don't trip so much." came a deep male hiss as a much larger reddish orange feline jumped on the wall from a close by tree branch.

His eyes were a dark green and stared at the two other cats. Samie stopped in front of his and hissed, her tail twitching in irritation. Connor looked at her and then at the male, his ears folding back and his little fangs flashing as he tried to hiss like his Mother.

"Move Kaleb. I heard some noise over there." she growled at her him, her eyes hinting at her annoyance with the male.

He began to lick his paw, not moving a single inch from his perch on the warm sun heated brick.

"Cool it Sis. It's merely two kits wrestling." he purred in a nonchalant way as Samie brushed past him and smacked him with her tail as she did, her eyes now focused on the two cats below her as she came to pass the smaller fence and gazed at them as they play fought.

Connor followed her, not afraid of the bigger male and hissed as he passed, his tail trying to copy his mothers as he flicked it at Kaleb, but hitting softly since he didn't have the proper strength yet. Kaleb glared at him and almost swatted at the kit but stopped when he thought about what his sister would do if he inflicted pain on the runt. Ignoring the urge, he merely followed the kit and Samie and stood next to them as they sat watching the tan and ginger kits.
After Scourge walked away Jinx sighed again then climbed up to her spot on the roof going back to watching the kit and tom, again waiting for something interesting to happen between them.
(Hello fellow RP Nation inhabitants, I am copying and pasting this message to all of the RPs i`m currently engaged in because i have both good and bad news to share with you)

The Bad News: Due to time constraints related to both; school and the need to find a part-time job I will no longer be able to stay as active in RP Nation as i need to be in order to keep a high post density, therefore i must drop any RPs I am involved in, i really am sorry about that fact.

The Good News:
Just because i cant RP at the moment does not mean that I wont still read some of your posts and pay a visit to the shout box whenever i find the time. I will be able to return in ernest no sooner than the middle of May (when school ends) or sooner if i can help it.

Once again I truly apologize if i screwed up anything in the story by just leaving like this : -_- :

I hope to write with all of you again real soon!

His ears twitched slightly as the faint sound and smell of other cats reached him. There were others in this direction; Gray decided that they'd better turn the other way. Thankfully, Patches hadn't noticed the signs as she hopped along. The last thing the older tom needed was the kit becoming curious and rushing off into other cats' territory-

"Hey, d'ya hear that?" asked Patches, ears swiveling as the sound of a cat's yowl came. "Is it other cats? Lets go see!" The young kit bounded to their right, jumping over a small log and crashing into the leaves.

"Patches!" Gray hissed, quickly moving to her and holding her back with a large paw. "If this is their territory, then we have no business here."

"Aww," said the cat. "Can't we just say hello?"

Gray knew the other cats would have heard Patches bumbling about anyways; he didn't have much choice, looking over his shoulder to where the noises had emanated.
Hazel remained on her ledge seeing as everything seemed to die out. For some reason the cat she had been conversing with left abruptly in the middle of the conversation. It was bizarre, and quite rude. However most rogues did not value polite manners anyway so she was not sure why she was so surprised. The she-cat stood and leaped from the balcony as the afternoon waned as she knew the two legger would soon be back. She padded into the forest and was immediately hit by the sound of all the cats.
Egan was stalking a rabbit, when a hiss from a feline right when he leaped made the rabbit bound down into its burrow, He gave a his and pinned his ears back, He hated losing prey to someone else noisiness, He growled and his ears swiveled the the direction of the hissing and a small cat babbling. He growled and lashed his tail quickly, letting it flick side to side to show his frustration

Scourge looked back and watched her leave, He sighed and then clawed himself up a large oak tree, he laid on a large branch and watched the ground from his vantage point

Ash walked away, his tail flicking quickly side to side, His claws still flexed, he then went and walked though the ally way, he growled softly and yawned as the sat down on the warm side walk, he laid on his back and rubbed his cold body on the ground, He purred as he got warm, His pelt was damp slightly from being in the tall wet grass, He opened his eyes and looked around a bit, he closed then and kept purring, the warm sun beating onto his soft belly.
Samie scented the air before she turned to look into the surrounding forestry, her spot on the brick wall hidden from view by the large tree. As she scanned the area, her green eyes fell on a kit who had fallen into a bunch of leaves. Kaleb had already seen the kit and ignored it, his eyes falling on the big gray behind it as they approached their territory. Both of the siblings laid down on the fence, ready to attach if necessary but staying docile for the sake of both kits, the new one and their own Connor.

"A kit! Another Kit! Can I play with it?" Connor purred with excitement, his lighter gray tail softly twitching behind him as he climbed all over Samie to get a better view of the newcomers.

"We will have to see Connor. We do not know them and so we do not rush to them." Kaleb said to the young male next to him.

Samie's fur along her back began to stand as the other felines came, the scent in the air full of many other cats other than the two they could see.
The forest was a buzz with the sound and scents of felines. There was one hunting to her left and near to that tom was a few other cats. One seemed to be a kit but she was unsure. Then there seemed to be some above her head but still far enough away that Hazel could not pinpoint their location and was therefore sure they could not see her. What she did not know was whether or not any of these cats were together, was this some kind of rogue ridden territory or was it dominated by a clan or cat? The she-cat was cautious in her movements but not secretive, Hazel did not hide her presence.
Autumn heard a hiss, and while carefully placing her paws, managed to get to where Egan was without making a sound. she twitched her ears and mewed in a low voice, "whats going on?" she flexed her paws and her tail twitched apprehensively.
And then they had noticed them, the tom looking angry and the she-cat looking apprehensive. Great; all he'd wanted to do was just get to the other side of this forest! "Keep your fur on," Gray growled at the tom, his own ears twitching slightly, not wanting any trouble now that he had Patches with him. "We're just passing-"

"Hi there!" said the kit, somehow popping up in front of him. "I'm Patches!"

Gray moved forward, blocking the young she-cat. "As I said, just passing through," he said, giving the others a glare. He attempted to herd the unruly kit away, but Patches would have none of this and squirmed out through his legs.

"Who're you?" she asked the two others, brightly. Why was Gray being so grumpy? She certainly didn't know. The tom in consideration narrowed his eyes, exasperated at the kit.
Egan growled at the other tom. His ears pinned against his head, His tail lashed, "I'm Egan, And your on my territory, Being quite loud." He said to the kit, He showed no aggression towards the young cat, but the Tom sure had a lot a wits to come into his territory and be a hateful old sack of dirt, The fur between his shoulder blades bristled slightly and he growled under his breath "Just being loud." He said quietly to Autumn, "Sheathe your claws before you get your pelt ripped off and i have to save you" He purred letting his whisker twitch against her nose and he placed his paw lightly on hers. "No trouble, Never start trouble." He whispered again "Only end it." He said with a slight growl in his voice.

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