•Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

"im so sorry....i tried so hard....why? why take such a young she cat?" autumn yowled in frustration. she looked up at the sky, as if she expected a miracle to happen. it was unlikely. "sh-shall we..." she gulped, "bury her?"
Scourge let out a soft purr, "Why wouldn't I?" He asked and rubbed his back against her chest his tail under her chin, when he flicked his tail, and let it tap her nose, He purred and flex his huge claws "I need your help." he said in an all serious meow.

Egan pressed his nose against Autumn's ear and licked her forehead, then looked at the Tom, "Well?" he meowed.

Fire stared at Egan, "Bury her." He said then pointed over next to a patch of sun flowers Next to those, He said then turned and ran off inside the woods.
Gray watched, terse, as the rabbit spotted the butterfly. Contentedly, it went back to eating - much to the rogue's relief. He watched Kaleb next, evaluating his motions; the tom leaped with utmost precision, killing the rabbit without any struggle. Gray had to acknowledge the other's skill.

He leapt out of the undergrowth, hearing Kaleb's words; at the last jibe, he felt his fur bristle slightly. "My mistake," he mewed softly. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Seeing the tom begin back towards Samie, Gray decided to hunt for himself and Patches as well. "One minute," he said, and sidetracked back into the woods. Leaping a log and sniffing the air, he moved stealthily; he'd find prey before long.

Vole. Perfect.

This time, his technique was flawless, his paws making no sound against the loose dirt. He crouched as he approached the rodent, eyes trained on its small form; the vole looked about, but didn't sense the danger. Gray leaped, and with the ease of practice, quickly killed the prey.

Taking it in his mouth, the large tom ran back through the forest to where the others would be laying. He slowed, though, when he noticed that they were sleeping.

​(Eh, didn't have Internet for a little.)
Autumn let out a sorrowful sigh. she got up and walked to the spot the young tom had pointed to and began to dig. she dug till there was a hole big enough to accommodate the small felines body. she walked back over and with Egans help, brought the body to the hole and buried her. Autumns tail dragged behind her. she was upset and exhausted.
Jinx purred softly as Scourge rubbed his back against her chest and his tail flicked her nose, but when he said he needed her help she looked at him surprised. Scourge didn't seem like the kind who would need help with anything. She watched him more curious than before and asked, "With what?
Kaleb watched this time as Gray left and made his own kill, tracking back into the clearing almost as fast as he had disappeared to hunt. He had made it to the clearing slowly since his kill was a rabbit and quite heavy but never removed his eyes from his sister and the slumbering kits. He saw the tom enter and began to walk forward himself to make his presence known to Samie but before he took a step she had lifted her resting head from the top of the kits heads and whipped it toward him, her eyes lethal at first with protectiveness and warning.

Upon seeing who it was, Samie relaxed and gazed about the clearing once to search for Gray and found him a ways away from Kaleb with his own kill within his jowls. With a welcoming purr to both Toms, Samie uncurled her tail from Patches and Connor to motion the males forward.

"You both did wonderfully!" she purred with joy and affectionate sea green orbs.

Kaleb flicked his tail in happiness much like a dog wagging its own and trotted forward lifting the rabbit into the air with his jaws still around the neck in a showy manner. Samie merely rolled her eyes and flattened her ears in a motion meaning "loser" at him before mewing in laughter as her brother tripped over the rabbits hanging foot. Kaleb stumbled and landed on the grassy ground in a huff, his mouth releasing the kill and dropping it as he fell. When he recovered and looked at her with a sullen expression, Samie just mewed louder, and thumped her fluffy reddish tail vigorously with happiness upon the earth floor.

"Glad the kits are sleeping or else you would have never lived that down dearest brother of mine." Samie purred with delight as she stood slowly and walked toward Kaleb as he pouted near the rabbit.

Kaleb looked at her and grumbled to himself as she neared and grabbed an ear to drag the thing back toward the kits.
dragged his rough tongue across his whiskers and smirked, "Just a bit of dirty business." he mewed and blinked at her, "Follow me Please." He meowed and walked into the woods, his claws making scratched in the hard dirt, Then he scented the air and let out a low growl, he then started to walk faster, His tail high in the air in a defensive way, He was small, but he could fight, and he would kill, He then came to a large fence, and sniffed around.

Sleet laid on a rock then she swiveled her ears to the familiar sound, she flicked her tail and she Jumped onto the top of the fence and bared her fangs at Scourge and growled loudly.

Bone jumped over the fence and stood a short distance distance from Scourge and flexed his claws "Well." He growled "Long time no fight." He growled and lowered his head.

Rex jumped up beside his sister and bared his fangs as well "Kit." He growled "You are biting off more then you can chew."

Scourges long hair covered his light blue eyes and smirked a sharp tooth smile. "That's what you think." he said and lashed his tail.
Jinx hesitantly followed Scourge and she was going to ask him what kind of dirty business, but then heard his low growl and sniffed the air. She smelt cats but none that she recognized. She followed Scourge to the fence but stood a bit behind as Sleet jumped onto the fence and growled at him, Jinx already didn't like her. Then she saw the two toms and was worried why Scourge brought her; she knew how to fight but she still wasn't great at it.
Bone Let out a merow of laughter and Lashed his tail He then unsheathed his claws and lunged for Scourge.

Scourge saw the toms next move and went under the tom, he then turned quickly and leaped onto the toms broad shoulders, He sunk his Huge claws into the toms shoulder bladed and bit the back of his neck.

Sleet hissed and jumped for Jinx, he claws slicing though her cheek, she put her hind paws on Jinz's side and jumped away from her knocking her into her side quickly.

Rex bared his teeth and Lunged for scourge, His claws unsheathed, but they barely grazed the fur on Scourge's shoulder.

Scourge let out a very loud growl and screeched and slammed his paw into Rex's throat and sunk his claws in deep, Rex fell onto his side gasping for breath, Scourge then went over and put his paw on his throat again "Who's afraid now?" he hissed and lifted his paw, and swung it back down, he felt his claws rip though the tom's throat and he smiled as his blood covered his one white paw.

Rex watched his life flash before his eyes and blood trickled from his paws, He revisited the memories of him attacking Scourge as a kit, Leaving his with a torn ear and scared cheek. Now it was over.
Egan let his tail run across her side and rest on her back "Its alright, The dog got her spine, there was no way to save her." He mewed and licked her with his rough tongue, he let out a soft comforting purr and he whispered something clearly to her "Ill, Never Leave you alone in this cold horrid world." he said and twitched his whiskers on her cheek.

"thank you" Autumn murmured, standing a bit closer so that her fur brushed his. "same here." she promised.
Autumn grabbed her prey as well, and followed quietly. she figured it would take a bit to recover from her shock. her tailed hung in the air, swishing back and forth.
Jinx hisses in pain as she falls down to the ground having no time to react, but she quickly got up and slammed her paw into Sleets head hopefully hard enough to keep her in a daze for a second so Jinx could think of what to do. She noticed Scourge killing one of the toms though and couldn't help but worry about her own life, she's never killed a cat but she had a feeling the she-cat she was fighting has. 'Why in the world would Scourge bring her to fight with some cats she didn't know?' Jinx wondered watching the she-cat closely.

(What abou Fire? He just lost his sister and they left him.)
Autumn crossed the road with ease. she walked right up to Egan till their pelts brushed again. his warmth was comforting.
Sleet hissed and shook her head and bared her teeth at Autumn, Then she went for her side again she sunk her claws into her side and bit her scruff, she raked her claws down her side and shook her violently then let her go knowing she was dazed she went and leaped onto her back, and sliced her claw though the side of her ear, She purred and jumped off of her landing in front of her, Her tail lashing and her teeth bared.

Bone got out of his blood Puddle and bit onto the back of Scourge's neck.

Scourge yowled loudly in pain.

Bone held tight and shook the tiny tom back and forth and let him go.

Scourge hit the fence, his blood splattering against the fence and dripping down, His eyes got large as Bone stood over him, Scourge saw the flash back of Bone, Rex,And sleet torturing him as a kit.

Bone lift his paw and unsheathed his claws, they shinned in the sunk and he baredhis teeth in a grin, "Ill see if it will end fast." he growled

Scourge felt immobilized with fear of the memories, she shut his eyes tightly and waited for the deathly blow.
Gray stayed a little behind Kaleb as they approached Samie, holding his smaller kill in his mouth- but brightening at the queen's compliment. He set it down, even as the other tom showed off his rabbit- and as he tripped. Samie laughed, and the happiness was infectious. Gray found his tail waving contentedly, his body relaxed; he didn't laugh along with the queen, but he felt like if he had, it wouldn't have been a bad thing. Gray couldn't remember the last time he'd felt like laughing. Surely it had been as a kit....

The two siblings seemed so happy; they teased and badgered each other incessantly, but it was in good cheer and both seemed content. Gray felt out of place in their little utopia.

Kaleb was dragging his kill over to the kits, and Gray followed his example by taking the vole. Looking between the other cats, he eventually padded over to Samie, offering the meat. The rabbit would be more than enough for both kits. He couldn't speak through the vole in his jaws, but he figured the queen would understand; it felt completely natural to Gray in the relaxed mood.
Jinx stayed on the ground in pain as she looked over at Scourge seeing him with his eyes closed and Bone above him. She felt terrified and weak, but she didn't want to give up just yet. Slowly Jinx got back on her feet and lunged at Sleet knocking her on her side then quickly jumped for Bone, tackling him to the ground. She ran around Bone and stopped in front Scourge glaring at the other cats with her teeth bared.

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