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Fandom Odyssey of Power

Kyero said:
All individual paragraphs must meet the minimum sentence requirement. It doesn't matter how many paragraphs there are. If they don't all individually meet the minimum requirement, then it's incomplete.
Alrighty, then. Thank you for the clarification.

Time to mush some paragraphs together. (And maybe splice some really long sentences.) Semicolons BEGONE!

....Okay. I'm pretty sure my CS is done. (I_I)

Everything seems to match up with the template's requirements. Hopefully, I didn't miscount my sentences, or miss any typos.
Jesus Christ, I'm really lagging behind. I'm forcing myself to actually write up the character's backstory. Maybe it's some sort of burn out.
Natevess said:
Jesus Christ, I'm really lagging behind. I'm forcing myself to actually write up the character's backstory. Maybe it's some sort of burn out.
It happens, i'm currently drawing a blank for what to write for the final part of my character's backstory.
An easy way to get past a block like that is to keep things simple and anti climactic. It is much easier and more fluid to think if what would happen naturally than to come up with a intricate plot.

A complex back story may seem special at the time, but in contrast it takes away from how special the journey of the RP will be to that character. And it takes away from good ideas that could be implemented and actually played out at a later date. Also a simple back story leaves more room for character progression in the RP.
...Though, occasionally, it is fun to throw in some ridiculous and excessively dramatical events. The cinnamon for the toast, if you will. :)
I know, but this RP is extremely detailed and complex, and I wish to write something that holds up to the standard.
*pats* Save that for the RP, friend! The bio is really just a summary of your character's life. It's rather difficult to fit the intricacies of 30 something years in a single summary.
Natevess said:
I know, but this RP is extremely detailed and complex, and I wish to write something that holds up to the standard.
Detailed and complex are two different things. Depth is much more valuable than complexity. Especially in character development. And depth does not have to be complex.

The goal is simple, to create a saiyan. However normal it may appear, the true worth of that character will be shown in RP. And you would be surprised that by the end, what started out as a simple and normal character became something magnificent and unique at the end. A good GM will offer every opportunity for a character to grow. The best thing about relying on this way to make a character unique, is that you may be surprised at the outcome.

Lol what she said.

There is nothing wrong with a few twists and dramatic flavor to your character, but when you use it in excess it can desensitize the readers and you subject yourself to the threat of spectacle/power creep. Make a character that you believe you can play effectively and enjoy, and trust that character. Good things will happen.
I'm sure that was for KingHink, but I shall steal a bit of your thanks. *runs away, gleefully clutching a shard of thanks in hand*
Natevess said:
Aight, thanks for the advice.
Anytime :) and never worry about asking for help on anything, even just a block. Collaboration is the essence of roleplay, after all. There is no reason why we can't help each other. Heck, it took me about over a week to finish Fae due to writers blocks and not finding time.

I don't like blocks >.>

How do you know a thanks is not a liquid?
Can't it be all three? Liquids can be frozen into solids, or evaporated into gases.

Okay, okay, let me correct myself.

Trignome said:
I'm sure that was for KingHink, but I shall steal a bit of your thanks. *runs away, gleefully clutching a shard of frozen thanks in hand*
Now, watch as I put it in this mason jar and thaw it out. *shakes jar* And then, I drink it. *cackles* I have consumed your thanks! Whatever shall you do now...?
*vomits sparkly, rainbow thanks all over the floor* Noooooooo! The essence of thanks is too much for my waxy form. How do I absorb such greatness? *rolls around in the gooey puddle of prismatic light*
Perhaps. But I know better than to drink something without reading the label. Natural selection at its finest.


Trignome said:
*vomits sparkly, rainbow thanks all over the floor* Noooooooo! The essence of thanks is too much for my waxy form. How do I absorb such greatness? *rolls around in the gooey puddle of prismatic light*
Normally you are supposed to bask in it. For external use only.




*rolls to and afro* Oh hey. I didn't know you could do this too!

So, I have a few questions for you, Kyero. I do not believe they have been covered yet, but with the plethora of information contained in this RP, I could have easily overlooked them.

The first set of questions is: Is there any sort of money system in place? And if so, would it even be something necessary? What I mean is if money exists, what would the characters be able to buy? Are scouters something that is commonplace and can easily be picked up at a junk store/marketplace? Or would it be common knowledge on how to build them? A funny image comes to mind of my character walking the aisles of a store looking for things to buy.

This leads me into my second set of questions which are: Are cybernetics such a thing in this RP? Several times throughout the DBZ series several characters have been mechanized with body parts that they were once missing. Such a prominent figure of Frieza becoming Mecha Frieza comes to my mind in this regards. And if they are a part, would they be something our characters could have done to them? And where would such a place exist?

Sophileon said:
So, I have a few questions for you, Kyero. I do not believe they have been covered yet, but with the plethora of information contained in this RP, I could have easily overlooked them.
The first set of questions is: Is there any sort of money system in place? And if so, would it even be something necessary? What I mean is if money exists, what would the characters be able to buy? Are scouters something that is commonplace and can easily be picked up at a junk store/marketplace? Or would it be common knowledge on how to build them? A funny image comes to mind of my character walking the aisles of a store looking for things to buy.

This leads me into my second set of questions which are: Are cybernetics such a thing in this RP? Several times throughout the DBZ series several characters have been mechanized with body parts that they were once missing. Such a prominent figure of Frieza becoming Mecha Frieza comes to my mind in this regards. And if they are a part, would they be something our characters could have done to them? And where would such a place exist?

As of now there is no money system because it doesn't seem to be necessary. Whenever we make time skips or something, it can be implied that we bought or acquired through various methods what we need such as an overabundance of food. I really don't see the need to complicate things like that. Scouters, on the other hand, are crafted for the Saiyans by whoever is the 'mechanic' of the Raid Group they're in. Each Raid Group has its own mechanic back on the home world, and they are non-combative individuals either by choice or because their power levels are too low to qualify for Raids.

When it comes to cybernetics, I'm on the fence. On the one hand, my rational mind says "why not?" Cybernetics are part of our world today, so why not a more scientifically advanced race like the Saiyans? On the other hand, my practical application mind says "not a fan." Reason being is because how can a cybernetic limb concentrate and maintain levels of Ki? Energy is a bit more complicated than most of us understand unless we have a PHD in physics or some other profession dealing with it. I myself am no expert by any means. But still I find it hard to believe that cybernetic enhancements will be able to focus and harness Ki in the same way that a biological body would. To my practical application mind, the thought of energy being concentrated through the cybernetics and the circuitry being overwhelmed and the limb destroyed in a fiery explosion causing further health and bodily structure complications is too great to allow.

So for the second option, I really don't know. Because I'm a realist at heart, I can only suspend my disbelief for so long unless I hear an explanation as to how and why it should be able to work from someone who I know for sure knows what they're talking about and is not just saying "Well why not do it this way?" purely because they want it to work. Know what I mean?
A few suggestions on cybernetics.

The first being quite simple. Cybernetics do not conduct ki. Simple as that.

But let us get into more complicated matters. First off, let me start with that this is a scientifically advanced race, while we humans are not. Any intelligence that is fluent with such technology as spaceships, mecha, and even things that can read metaphysical data, are to be able to know how to do things that we, as a lesser intelligence, do not believe as real. A relatable example being the difference between 1900 and 2015. What is "real" or "possible" can not really be determined so surely. If we were based solely on realism of what we know, the saiyans would struggle to get any farther than the moon of Metahn, or would be to old to fight by the time they reach a target planet, if not dead. A single light year, takes a really really really long time to traverse.

Moving on, let us start with what Kyero said about overpowering the circuitry. Firstly, that is assuming that Ki would travel through the same conduits as everything else. Secondly, wires CAN melt if overloaded. But that is easy as a fix as using the right wire. Different sizes and materials handle different loads, and if the amount of ki was a problem then the thing could just be rewired to handle the estimated load. This is assuming that ki behaves like electricity. Thirdly, the prosthetics that any saiyan would get would most surely be able to stand up the hazards of a battle. Be it hitting hard, taking a major block, even blocking ki. Would that not then mean that if a cybernetic was shot with ki that it would also overload? This would have been a design flaw that would have no doubt been paid special attention given how common ki is in combat. Not to mention that any overloaded circuits could easily be protected from doing further harm with circuit breakers. Handy devices those things are.

Now let us delve into some possibilities of how ki might be able to travel through the cybernetic body part.

1. The prosthetic contains organic/bionic elements, be they synthetic or donated, to serve as pathways for the ki to be channeled.

2. Ki from the body, is converted into a different form of energy within the prosthetic. This could also be used to explain what is used to power such cybernetics, unless we feel the need to add the humor of them having to change their batteries every now and then. This could also be used to explain that within a certain range, until the limits of the cybernetic is maxed, the more your power level rises the stronger the cybernetic is, as if it is "growing stronger" with you.

3. What we have said so far assumes only that ki can only be excreted directly from the body. In the anime, it is often shown that when using ki, it is actually most often not touching the body but is instead an inch or so away from it. Applying that it can be projected at a distance. Other examples would include the spirit bomb, which is formed at an even greater distance. Following this precedent, it would not be too hard to imagine that they simply just project their ki to the wherever on the prosthetic rather than channeling through it. This might be easier for them if they embrace 'phantom limb syndrome'. Synchronization would be easier.

Also, unless the cybernetic contains pressurized combustibles, then a fiery explosion would be highly unlikely. Any explosion would be cause by the following, if such an explosion occurred; it is the ki doing the exploding, the energy source/battery exploded, or an excess of electricity caused violent arcing.

Overloaded circuitry and wiring will smoke and burn. Under normal circumstances, the worst that would happen would be a simple flame and black smoke. That is, if something goes wrong. As I mentioned, breakers normally protect against surges. As do fuses. Something as mechanically complicated as cybernetics would no doubt have safety protocols. Mechanical and digital.
KingHink said:
A few suggestions on cybernetics.
The first being quite simple. Cybernetics do not conduct ki. Simple as that.

But let us get into more complicated matters. First off, let me start with that this is a scientifically advanced race, while we humans are not. Any intelligence that is fluent with such technology as spaceships, mecha, and even things that can read metaphysical data, are to be able to know how to do things that we, as a lesser intelligence, do not believe as real. A relatable example being the difference between 1900 and 2015. What is "real" or "possible" can not really be determined so surely. If we were based solely on realism of what we know, the saiyans would struggle to get any farther than the moon of Metahn, or would be to old to fight by the time they reach a target planet, if not dead. A single light year, takes a really really really long time to traverse.

Moving on, let us start with what Kyero said about overpowering the circuitry. Firstly, that is assuming that Ki would travel through the same conduits as everything else. Secondly, wires CAN melt if overloaded. But that is easy as a fix as using the right wire. Different sizes and materials handle different loads, and if the amount of ki was a problem then the thing could just be rewired to handle the estimated load. This is assuming that ki behaves like electricity. Thirdly, the prosthetics that any saiyan would get would most surely be able to stand up the hazards of a battle. Be it hitting hard, taking a major block, even blocking ki. Would that not then mean that if a cybernetic was shot with ki that it would also overload? This would have been a design flaw that would have no doubt been paid special attention given how common ki is in combat. Not to mention that any overloaded circuits could easily be protected from doing further harm with circuit breakers. Handy devices those things are.

Now let us delve into some possibilities of how ki might be able to travel through the cybernetic body part.

1. The prosthetic contains organic/bionic elements, be they synthetic or donated, to serve as pathways for the ki to be channeled.

2. Ki from the body, is converted into a different form of energy within the prosthetic. This could also be used to explain what is used to power such cybernetics, unless we feel the need to add the humor of them having to change their batteries every now and then. This could also be used to explain that within a certain range, until the limits of the cybernetic is maxed, the more your power level rises the stronger the cybernetic is, as if it is "growing stronger" with you.

3. What we have said so far assumes only that ki can only be excreted directly from the body. In the anime, it is often shown that when using ki, it is actually most often not touching the body but is instead an inch or so away from it. Applying that it can be projected at a distance. Other examples would include the spirit bomb, which is formed at an even greater distance. Following this precedent, it would not be too hard to imagine that they simply just project their ki to the wherever on the prosthetic rather than channeling through it. This might be easier for them if they embrace 'phantom limb syndrome'. Synchronization would be easier.

Also, unless the cybernetic contains pressurized combustibles, then a fiery explosion would be highly unlikely. Any explosion would be cause by the following, if such an explosion occurred; it is the ki doing the exploding, the energy source/battery exploded, or an excess of electricity caused violent arcing.

Overloaded circuitry and wiring will smoke and burn. Under normal circumstances, the worst that would happen would be a simple flame and black smoke. That is, if something goes wrong. As I mentioned, breakers normally protect against surges. As do fuses. Something as mechanically complicated as cybernetics would no doubt have safety protocols. Mechanical and digital.

I'll take a closer look at all of this tomorrow once I get back home. Some of what I read while skimming seemed perfectly plausible, so give me some time and I'll give the whole cybernetics thing another whirl.
Hink basically stole the words right out of my mouth lol.

Something else to consider is if Ki is conductive like electricity, and is fully extended through an arm then the cybernetic appendage could simply be made out of a material that is conducive to allowing the easy flow of electricity within it. Such materials such as silver ( even though it does have a very low melting point ) and copper come to mind.

Of course these two metals are conductive, and as I said, silver has a low melting point, but this is where Hink's argument can easily be employed with the usage of proper wiring and breaker system properly installed within the cybernetic appendage, which would allow for the 'heat' from the Ki to be expunged or dealt with without causing a fiery explosion or bodily harm to the Saiyan.

This is, of course, only a proper argument if Ki is to be considered electrical in nature.

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