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Finished [Odai Island-West Empire] A Monstrous Task


"Kaiju Enthusiast"


NOTE: This RP takes place within in the setting of Isekai Hell. If you're interested in this RP, or in the general setting of the universe, please check out the links above to learn more!

- For participants please link your character sheet in your first post.​
- Posting pace will typically stick to 2 - 4 days per cycle, depending on the player post rate. If you request further time, please let me know or be skipped. This RP will be leaning towards the mystery and thriller/horror narratives, alongside a good serving of combat encounters.​
- 5 max participants; prefer joining characters to be of newcomer - intermediate levels.​

You have been summoned to Hondoshire Harbor via an urgent flyer, which you've found posted in an Adventurer's Guild establishment. It instructed you to come to the City Hall to be debriefed of their situation by the mayor himself, promising compensation up front for any who answers their call. Upon approaching the City Hall, they'd struggle and push through a large protest of angry civilians, before being let in via the guards present at the front gates. Currently you're in the lounge, patiently awaiting to be called into the Mayor's office.
Location: Coastal City of Hondoshire Harbor, West Empire [Central West]
Time of Day: 3:15 PM
Weather: Warm and Sunny; Mostly clear; Large fluffy clouds clumping together up to the horizon; a firm but steady breeze blowing from west to east.
Current Goal(s): Wait to be called into the Mayor's Office for full debriefing.


On the central west coast of the West Empire, warm rays grace the bustling coastal city of Hondoshire Harbor. It was a lavish mediterranean-styled city; its red-tiled roofs blending nicely with gorgeous scenery as it ascends into the white shoreside cliffs and the lush green hills beyond. With majestic views of the bay, it's a popular tourist attraction for tourists and rich merchants who want a beachside getaway in their second penthouse. Most importantly, the Harbor is major source of trade in this portion of the West Empire, acting as the halfway point between shipments traveling up and down two major rivers that both flank it. The nearby islands off its coast also benefit from the harbor, both in receiving goods and for tourism of their own. For many this was paradise; a place that's both busy as it is laidback.

Yet recently, all has not been well. As a band of adventurous individuals wait inside the brightly lit lounge within the expansive City Hall, they could still hear the faint cries of an angry protesting mob crying out from just outside the perimeter gates. These weren't just a gather of lower or middle class people demanding for better wages; or a fickle of dysfunctional rich merchants and nobles complaining about petty theft. And it wasn't a minor protest of grievance either. It was an exceptionally large mob of mixed demographics from all walks of life comprising of all sorts of animal and beast folk. What they were complaining about would be drowned by the unified droning of their bombastic chanting, but whatever was ailing them was pretty serious. They had to squeeze and push through the tight fit mob, forcing them to be nestled together like a pack of sardines, just to reach the front gates and be let in via the guards expecting them.

The outcry they heard just after being let in was exceptionally vulgar.

Now they've been waiting for roughly 15 minutes within the nearly empty lounge, alone with the lavish decorations and aesthetics. You should've been in 15 minutes ago. Meanwhile the faint sound of classical music playing throughout the room was enough to muffle most of the ruckus outside, but only barely. While a few beast folk staff and government officials could be seen walking to and fro the halls, some having already offered the guests tea and cookies to pass the time, the usually lively and bustling locale were staunchly absent. Either they were hard at work in their offices or unable to even get into the building due to the mounting mob outside. Regardless, the calmness intermixed with the pressing tension felt both inside and out was notable.

Whatever was the hold up?
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Location: City Hall

"Excuse me."

"Please give way."

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to shove you."

Velvet came into Hondoshire Harbor because she heard it was such a paradise that offer many exquisite beachside experiences. Yet all of her plans went off the rail when she realized one thing, she had barely any money left. Moreover there's been an air of uneasiness floating in the city these past few days so she couldn't even enjoy the city's vibes. So here she's, pushing herself through the crowd so she could meet her would be employer and get some paycheck.

After all that struggles though, what awaits her was more waiting. For some reason the employer was unable to brief them about the job on time. She didn't really mind though, she wasn't in a rush. Instead Velvet closed her eyes, closing her mind off the ruckus outside and focused on listening at the elegant classical music echoing through the room. She remembered saying that she wanted to be a pianist once, when she was 5 years old. Maybe once she got the opportunity she would try to see whether she still had that fire inside her.


Some staffs tried to offer her some cookies and tea but she politely refused, her smile gave the staffs a glimpse of her fangs and they silently scurried away. Being unable to enjoy regular foods was one of her biggest regret, as a vampire her palate became drastically different than that of a regular person. Thankfully in her case it didn't come with unquenchable thirst for blood like she saw in the movies, but still, she could feel gazes aimed at her whenever she was in public area. She gradually learns not to care much about those gazes though.


How many time had passed? Hours? Minutes? She wasn't sure. Her eyes were getting heavy. Maybe because she was a vampire that was supposed to be nocturnal, or maybe because she's so used on laying on the bed all day, but it's very easy for her to fall asleep during the day even with all the physical exercises she had been doing. Velvet was nodding on and off on her seat trying to keep herself awake, the classical music and the chaotic ruckus outside become ambient background noise as she fight her drowsiness.
Why walk when you can fly?
  • In truth, Aniel was not very associated with the adventurers guild and it would likely do him no good to be associated with such. Yet, like a child, he found the idea of going on an exciting adventure quite fun. It was more interesting than love and romance, hearts and the deity herself; which he was so accustomed to. He cursed them all, love was the reason he died...

    Although getting to stare at a cute guy or girl wouldn't be all bad—after all, it's good to feed your eyes candy here and there, right? Well, this would all be easier said and done if his destination didn't look like a hot mess of fluff and fur—"My oh me;" He'd have murmured to himself, wings beating the air whilst his red cloak trembled as a result. With a sigh, the swainling navigated through any flying folks and pushed through the ones gathered by the entrance. making sure to say "Sorry" a few twenty times.

    After all the hassle, Aniel was to wait in the waiting room. He was a particularly impatient person, for love could not wait and so too could not he—or so was his ineffable excuse. He huffed and puffed, arms crossed as he tapped the floor with the tip of his shoe. However, that quickly faded away when he was offered tea and cookies; "Oh my, why many thanks to you~♡" He said in an overbearingly sweet tone with a very genuine smile, the kinds you'd see on an old lady when you offer up your seat in the train.

    That annoyance of early had truly decayed in the moment, as he sipped from the teacup and took in the beauty of the area around him—"This is quite the fancy dig, isn't it?" He'd say out loud, looking at the darkly adorned girl across from him. "Oh, and the music is too nice, ah~ not to mention these biscuits which are too lovely too—" He'd bite into the cookie almost eating it in one bite but leaving only a small piece leftover; "Yes, now how could anyone be so sad and glum when surrounded by such good and lovely things? Every day's a day for love and whatever—oh my, do you want to perhaps see if they have a theatre here? Places like this in places like this surely have such grand theatres don'tcha think?" He'd speak casually as if they were best buds who'd known each other for a few many years.

    "Seriously, what's with all the dreariness? I'd be ecstatic to live in a romantic place like this every single day! Ah, to have money to settle down would be sublime." The dandy who did not introduce himself yet whined and mused incessantly, pausing to eat the rest of his cookie. "By the who—" He placed down his teacup, "Salve~♡ I'm Aniel; Aniel Valentino, messenger of the cruel Lady Love and trumpeteer of the good name of love! How's it?" He'd introduce himself, with a smile and tilt of the head.
Mentions ~ Develius Develius | [Velvet] Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
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Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae

“Ugghh… Surely I was about to die just then…”

Connor sat limply at the sofa provided for their use at the lounge. He came here for his next job, and seeing where it would be, he barely hesitated in taking it on. Hondoshire Harbor. Being in a coastal city is something that he does not happen that much for him; if at all, actually. The first time he set foot in this city was something that would be hard to forget. He only ever heard of it from stories, but the idea of seeing new architecture, real sailing ships, sea shanties, seafood, it was all the persuasion he needed.

Of course, the summoning he was supposed to go to as well. Connor was not here just to listen to these so-called sea shanties, definitely. Maybe he could take a stroll around the port later and ask for a sample...

A few people were stopping by occasionally, bringing them tea and snacks as they kept on waiting at the lounge area. Connor wasn’t going to pass it up, they’ve already been waiting for quite a while. With a beaming smile, he accepted the cookies he was offered. “Thank you kindly.”

Honestly, if it wasn’t for… whatever was going on outside, all of what they were shown as guests were fantastic. The atmosphere was great, helped by the decorations, music, and refreshments. One other person with him started piling on the comments, and Connor nodded along to every one of them. “Oh, I do agree with the music! It’s not quite the same as the songs we used to sing back home, but this feels… nice and relaxing…” he said.

Connor also took note of the girl also with them. Perhaps the atmosphere here proved to be too relaxing, as she appeared to be barely holding on, right on the verge of falling asleep right then and there. Can’t blame her though, with what he himself had to go through just to get past that crowd. The other person started introducing himself, and Connor followed along. “Haha, I certainly don’t have a fancy title of my own as yet, but I’m Connor Erland, at your service.”
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae Renny Renny

Rios had come to Hondoshore Harbor as part of a caravan escort quest. Now that he was here was nary a thing to do nor a desire to spend much of his already dwindling funds. His first action was to find more work since he didn't want his skills to degrade from rest he neither wanted or needed. Finding that flyer asking him to head on over to City Hall was certainly a stroke of good luck. The resulting crowd of protesting civilians wasn't. Rios had been squished between fishermen and nobles alike while attempting to make his way through the densely packed crowd. One of the larger women had attempted to sock him in the face for pushing her smaller friend aside. She backed down real quick once Rios displayed a few inches of glittering steel he was all too willing to cut her to ribbons with. Self-Defense was a very messy affair but one Rios took very seriously.

Once inside the building with staff seeming to all be rushing around to accomplish their work. Rios was offered tea and cookies while shown to a room to wait with others who had taken up his job. Leaning against a wall and taking a moment to assess those who had been brought here. There was an incredibly pink guy, a gloomy looking girl and finally robe dude. Likely all of them had abilities which he wasn't privy to. Assumptions would only arm him with uncertain information that wouldn't benefit him in any way. Lowering his head for a moment to listen out for any important bits of information. Rios wondered where their client was, given that the situation outside seemed like a powder keg waiting to explode. Naturally he wasn't in any mood to help if the pay didn't match up with whatever they were going to ask him to do. He may be in it for the experience but experience doesn't always pay the bills.
Davito Aranda


Davito was on leave, and had been wandering the continent, doing odd jobs until he was recalled by the Captain. He had seen an urgent job in the south, and decided to go for it. The coastal city was beautiful, and it reminded him a lot of home, though it was a lot warmer here. He loved the smell of the sea, and the west wind on his face. He looked again at the ad paper that he had, then flagged down a nearby townsfolk. "Can you direct me to the City Hall?" After getting directions, Davito walked right into the back of a huge crowd, yelling and surrounding City Hall.

Davito slipped through the crowd, then waved over a guard as he got close. The guards led him through the gates and directed him inside. He stepped calmly into a lavish waiting room. Looking around, he noticed a few people talking and introducing themselves. He stepped towards them. "Pardon my intrusion. I am Sir Davito Aranda, at your service. Apologies for my tardiness." He took a seat across from them and graciously accepted a cup of tea from the attendants of the Mayor. He took a bite of a biscuit, then looked around again, seeing a sleeping woman on the other side of the room, as well as an interesting fellow leaning against a wall. After introducing himself, he was fully okay with just waiting for someone else to make the next move.

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One by one, each of the volunteers would eventually make their way inside, consisting of a rather colorful cast of characters. The vampiric Velvet would be the first to quietly arrive, nearly nodding off as the wait time seemed to grow long and strainous. Unfortunately, they didn't provide any blood cookies to quench the vampire's appetite; a delicacy typically enjoyed by the most bloodthirsty of culinary aspirers. Then it was Aniel, a vibrantly dressed individual who immediately lightened the mood with her pleasantries. He would gladly take cookies and tea, enough for the staff member providing them to blush warmly. Connor also appeared to be in a good mood, appreciating the relaxing music playing in the lounge and seemed eager to take the quest. Despite the rude encounter with the rabble outside, Rios got in without too much of a hitch. He didn't appear to be the most social type, but it wouldn't stop some of the staff to offer him a seat should he need it. And last, but not least, came Davito, a sturdy swordsman who patiently waited for the next move.

Just as everyone got settled within their surroundings, fighting against drowsy opposition, or becoming absolutely bored out of their minds, a deep resonating voice would put everyone at attention. "Thank you for bearing with us, my friends." boomed a deep yet oddly soothing voice that echoed throughout the room. Coming around the hall, the adventurers would see a noble male gorillafolk enter the scene. He was a tall yet elegant looking individual wearing a long flowing pastel colored robe and adorned with various gold trinkets, deep cerulean orbs and other unique artifacts. He carried a beautifully carved dark wood staff, holding a blue and gold orb with floral adornments draped across it. He smiled faintly at the cast, despite his otherwise tired expression; being clear that he had also been busy during these dire times. "We deeply apologize for the delay. If you are all here on behalf of the Adventurer's Guild, Mayor Jiran may see you now."

The sage motions for the crew to follow, guiding them towards the Mayor's office at a slow but steady pace. Other beastkin staff could be seen hurriedly running up and down the hall, some holding various documents and papers, others conversing with one another over unheard details. Everyone was busy; whether it be in a nervous way, an annoyed one, or simply flowing with the breeze of uncertainly as best they can. Down the hall, up a flight of stairs, and to the right, it would take the group a good minute before they would finally reach the office. The gorillafolk knocked thrice on the door with his meaty palm before opening it and sticking his head in. "They're here sir." said the ape to the mayor inside. After being given the OK, the Guildmembers would be let inside the neatly organized office.

Towards the windows in the back, would be the mayor in question sitting behind his desk. A stout, yet rotund, bearded whalefolk, heavily resembling that of an orca, would lift its sunken eyes to greet them as he assembled his documents. "Thank you, Goraki." Jiran thanked kindly, who sounded even more tired than his council advisor who walked over and proceeded to stand next to him. He motioned for the others to take a seat, where five chairs would be provided. With some final adjustments and a sip of his tea, the mayor cleared his throat and faced towards them. "Right then... Good afternoon, everyone." Jiran greeted formally, trying to keep the moral high and less depressing, "On behalf of everyone here in Hondoshire, we're glad you've come to answer our call. Terribly sorry for all the trouble you've been through getting here. Hope the folks outside didn't batter ya'll up too much." He gave a relinquished sigh. "Can't say I blame them though... we've been in a wee bit of a sea pickle for the past few days so we need all the help we can get. I hope everyone here is up for the task" The door opened again to a server carrying more biscuits and tea, "Erm, more tea anyone? Cookies? Biscuits?" Jiran asked politely. Among the offerings, a few blood cookies - identified by their dark-maroon colored crust - could be seen among them. Anyone biting into them would taste the unmistakable taste of iron in their mouths, though the blood spilt to make them would be through livestock, not by sentient beings.

"I'll try not to keep you all here for too long, for time is of the upmost essence." the mayor stated matter-of-factly. He paused to unfold a map of Hondoshire Harbor and the surrounding vicinity, including five smaller islands off shore. He placed it on the desk for everyone to see. "For the past few weeks, we've been the victim of a series of... disappearances. A total of thirteen ships in our territory - ranging from small fishing trollies to large galleons - have gone missing, without so much of a hint as to what happened to 'em or who's responsible. It wouldn't be until later where we'd eventually start findin' bits of debris washing up on the beaches both here and on the nearby islands did we launched a full investigation of the entire region. We thought we were dealin' with pirate activity at first and so we began investigating the local gangs around these parts for clues."

The Mayor's finger dragged over the map, from Hondoshire, across the bay, and towards one of the islands to the very north. "Then, about three nights ago, we had several ships in the area report of one of our settlements on Kimori Island having been completely set ablaze! Again, nobody saw what had caused this great casualty, or perhaps just too shocked to tell, but everyone agreed that this was no pirate attack. We've since sent out rescue ships to help relocate the survivors and help rebuild the settlement. We were originally going to send you out there to help us piece together what had happened..."

Then his expression suddenly dowered as his finger shifted to the next closest island. "Until early this morning, when ships reported that Odai Island had also burst into flames last night!" An uneasy pause emerged, as if Jiran was attempting to contain himself. He let out a silent curse. "We already have our hands full with rebuilding Kimori Island... what did we do to deserve this cruel knife into our side?" He lowered his head for a minute, clearly in distraught over the entire situation, before raising his head once more. "Sorry..." Jiran muttered, as his composure returned, "Your task now... is to help with the evacuation of Odai Island, acting as the first rescue party on the island. Find and recover as many survivors as you can and bring them back here safely. We have a ship and a crew that will take you all waiting at the docks."

As Mayor Jiran paused to give himself a breather, Goraki would step towards the adventurers. "We know this might be a lot to take in at once," he stated calmly, patting the mayor on his back, "And I believe you have many questions. Now would be the time to ask before we send you on your way."
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You get a nickname! You get a nickname! EVERYONE GETS A NICKNAME!
  • "That's it!" The swainling snapped his fingers at Connor's comments, "Nice and relaxing, nice and simple feelings. How nice and lovely it would be if our lives were always accompanied by nice and relaxing music all the time!" Aniel said as if it were some fix-all-problems solution.

    "Fancy titles? Come on Connie♡;" He'd already decided on a nickname, "messenger of love and trumpeteer of its good name sounds silly, sillier if you ask me! Of course, saying that is maybe blasphemy since I'm a choirboy-servant or something... Ah but even the Lady herself has cursed her domain once over a dead boy so I'm sure it's all fair~♡" The self-proclaimed choirboy-servant said with levity as though he wasn't very serious about being a messenger of a goddess, no less one of the more particular and easily offended kinds of deities.

    He, himself, had cursed and forsook love—after all, falling in love is the reason he died! Love makes you trust untrustworthy people; yet love does not leave a hopeless romantic who's easy to please. Such is true when a certain tall, dark and handsome by the standards of he, entered the session of introductions, a sir-knight or whatever. Aniel was suddenly devout to her Bittersweetness, the Lady Love. His cheeks maybe grew roses red, his heart throbbed against its bone casements, and his voice perchance became a bit shrill—yet, the emotions of falling in love for the 9th first time filled Aniel with a sense of excitement and utter joy. He was pumped.

    "Lovely, lovely; like a dove, love and a rose~♡" He'd clap with a smile standing up as his small wings fluttered in his coat. "Five people make for the perfect formation-making number! Yes, I can see it now; We will make such a nice and lovely quintet! Although I am not much of a fighter... are we going to fight? Connie seems like a bit of a wuss despite may his good heart; little miss over there seems like she didn't get much rest yesternight; Daffy here sounds a bit stiff and old-fashioned; and the one in the corner over there who I'm not sure is even with us doesn't seem very sociable..." Aniel pointed out things which may not be necessarily true and weren't very nice either; he turned to Connor, "Is that guy, the one over there in the corner, with us?" He then looked over to Rios, "Pst psst~♡ Are you with us?" He'd ask brashly.

    With the arrival of Goraki, Aniel stood straight and folded his wings, "Wow wow, I love your clothes, Mister! Oh, where did you get such nice and lovely clothing♡? Grams at that shack only had these foppish clothes which make me look like some harlot..." He'd spout, "Well, at least it's red. I love bright clothes~♡"

    When the gorillaman said the mayor was ready to see them, the swainling stomped his foot and crossed his arms, a grumpy expression running over his face. "Fi-nal-ly! I've a bone to pick with that guy," He looked to everyone else, "If he's going to set a date, he should at least not make us wait!" His expression then immediately softened as he put a finger to his cheek and looked up, "Then again I guess the tea and biscuits make up for it." Aniel shrugged and smiled, "Right, right—all's forgiven~♡"

    Aniel marvelled at the hall as they moved through it, he was particularly astounded by it. He liked pretty things, after all. He walked happily and sometimes stopped for moments to look at something which made his eyes sparkle more closely before hurriedly running up after everyone else. Once they reached the office, and the seats were provided, Aniel would be quick to take the middlemost seat.

    Crossing his legs over one another, and placing his satchel onto his lap; "A dearly day to you too, Mister Jiri~♡" Aniel greeted with a smile. He'd perked up at the suggestion for more tea, cookies and biscuits; "My, of course! I'd be delighted to indulge♡; you're as good as bread Mister Jiri!" Said he, the foppish one took a few many biscuits avoiding the maroon ones after catching a whiff of its iron scent. Who would ruin perfectly good pastries with meat? Truly, some people have unique tastes. "Thank you, thank you very much~" He'd say to the server with content.

    Aniel listened quietly, whilst eating from the biscuits and sipping his tea. Once the mayor was done, Aniel placed down his teacup and leaned forward. "Mister Jiri, there is no time to be so sullen! You have to keep the peace and love going, focus on calming the people outside!" He smiled as he'd cross his arms; "Yes, after all you have my most true word. I—no, WE will help the folks in Odai and clear this place of all adversaries! After all, love cannot go on with such terrible trouble!" Aniel proclaimed with assuring confidence and a genuine smile on his rosy-cheeked face. He winked as he stood, "So rest well and rest plenty and keep your thoughts nice and lovely with nice and lovely feelings Mister Jiri~♡" Said he.

    "Love cannot bear patience, Mister Raki;" In truth, Aniel had nothing much to ask since he was well... a bit simple. "Yes, we must beat the copper before it cools!" Said he; before stopping and turning to Goraki, "Although, does this city have any bad ties? Any enemies, or rival relations?" He'd ask with folded arms.
Mentions ~ [Goraki], [Jiran] Develius Develius ; [Velvet] Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread ; [Connor] Renny Renny ; [Rios] Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia ; [Davito] 1Lucker 1Lucker | Language Keys ~ "Common"; {"Sylvan"}​
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Location: Mayor's Office

"Zzz... Hmm? Ah! I'm Velvet. Please to meet you all!"

Velvet was prevented from completely falling asleep as the group started to gather in the hall and introduced each other. The first one was a quite flamboyant person who likes to talk with flowery words. Her groggy mind skipped most of what he was saying but she wonders if they actually share the same interest in romance fiction? Maybe she would inquire about that later. The second one was another man, Velvet's gaze immediately fell on his violin. Ohh, a musician. Hopefully she would be able to witness his performance later. The third one was rather distant, choosing to lean against the wall as he wait. Velvet couldn't tell much about him except that he's not a human, probably, she's still learning on how to identify different but similar races without using the appraisal skill. The fourth and the final one was another man, he looks and sounds the most formal out of all the gathered people, like a knight! Velvet loves knight! She always wanted to be saved by a knight in shining armor, its her childhood dream! However, life didn't always go her way.

Before her mind can wander further into her favorite cheesy romance scenario an elegantly-dripped gorilla man addressed them and finally let them into the office, and then they were greeted by another individual in the form of a whale man with quite a glorious beard. Velvet pulled her own cheek to prevent herself from making weird faces. The diversity of the beast folks were in another level. It also made her realize that none of the gathered individual were beast folk themself, was that intentional? Or would that prove to be a hindrance for their job?

Regardless, her attention was soon piqued by something that the servant laid next to them. Blood cookies. She knew some beast folks also likes to consume blood so blood-based cuisines weren't really rare here, but they really didn't need to, yet they still did it. Velvet really appreciates their consideration for her, she took one of it and munched on it silently as she listen to the mission's briefing, and then she took another one, and another one. They're good people that needs help and she would help them with all she have!

"How big is the island's population?" Velvet asked the things she's most concerned. Whether they should go thorough or go fast with their task would depend on the situation and the numbers of people they must be dealing with.

Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Renny Renny 1Lucker 1Lucker
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 1Lucker 1Lucker

Connie can’t help but laugh a little in response to Aniel promptly giving him what apparently could be his nickname. This “messenger of love” seemed to be quite the character he thought as Aniel started going on about how they would be such a great group, assessments—“Hey…!”—being made for each person currently waiting in the lounge area. There were five of them, and everyone more or less were able to at least get introductions out of the way as they kept on waiting. The girl, now awake, introduced herself as Velvet. Davito was formal and reliable, and the other one... seemed to be a man of few words. Aniel was quite direct trying to get Rio’s attention, though Connor just shrugged, took the opportunity to relax and try to enjoy the moment. “Nice to meet you all,” he said as he continued eating.

After a while, a voice called out to them. From the way that this gorillaman was dressed, someone that will finally take them to the mayor. Others may be annoyed, but Connor did not mind the wait all that much. Brushing off some cookie crumbs off of his clothing, he stood up to follow.

“Don’t mind if I do…”

Arriving at the mayor’s office, Connor wasted no time taking one of the seats, and as it was offered, more of the cookies. There seemed to be a more varied selection here in the office, different flavors perhaps? A bite out of the darker colored ones proved answered that question, though what Connor tasted was not what he expected at all. It was a surprise, but he can't exactly just put it where he took it from... Feeling like there wasn't much of a choice, he tossed the rest of it into his mouth. Coughing, he quickly grabbed a cup of tea to wash it all down, hopefully it wasn't that obvious. A look at Velvet though, and she seemed to not mind... No, she seemed to really like it? Well, if she's fine with it, Connor won't stop her.

The mayor promptly explained the situation, as well as the task that they were to be given. Connor briefly took another sip from his cup, “Alright, leave it to us. You mentioned ships disappearing without a trace… Was there some kind of pattern? For example, what were their routes? Anything like that?”
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Mentions: Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

Rios was less than enthused at how flippant the brightly colored person was acting. People like that usually had quirks that made them irksome to work with. However he was getting paid for this job so Rios would try to put such thoughts aside. A very sagely looking Gorillakin had appeared to usher them in to the office of Hondoshire's Mayor. The Mayor himself was absolutely massive by the standards of Whalekin that Rios had seen. Most of that size seemed to be distributed to width rather than height.

His equally large beard also made it difficult to see him speak. Rios rejected any cookies but did accept the offer of tea. He didn't recognize the brand but the taste was equally strange. Not bad but oddly refreshing in a way he couldn't quite vocalize. Paying attention to the Mayor's debriefing on the situation. His own conclusions were very similar to what the authorities had thought about the missing ships. Although Rios also believed Sea-Monsters were just as likely as pirates.

Kimori Island suddenly going up in flames seemed far less likely to be the work of pirates or even Sea-Monsters. Devastation like that was usually the byproduct of a large monster or conspiracy among unsavory types. The ships set aflame with nary a witness or monster in sight made Rios ponder whether this was a result of a mage. Mages could do things like this if enough of them gathered or perhaps if a particularly powerful one had the right skillset. The rebuilding of the settlement worried Rios as it proved a situation where pirates could invade and disrupt already shattered peace. He kept his mouth shut on that matter and moved on to the matter of Odai Island. Search & Rescue was something Rios had no experience in. His expertise was more Seach & Destroy. Scratching his chin just like that nerd Izuru would do. He hoped his worries about Sea-Monsters would not be warranted.
Davito Aranda


Davito raised an eyebrow at the nickname given to him, but refrained from comment. A flowery gorillakin came to collect them, and brought them to the mayor, a whalefolk with a large beard that made him quite difficult to understand. The mayor seemed exhausted and overworked, and Davito could only assume that the cause was why he was there. As he welcomed them, the group was offered more refreshments. Davito glanced over the plate and selected a dark red cookie and, in eating it, took three more. They had a nice, tangy taste. He had to get the recipe.

As the whalefolk explained the city's predicament, Davito contemplated the information. For the ships, pirates would leave a trace, or maybe capture the ship. A sea monster would probably be more likely. As for the islands, it could be a marauding gang, but it was more likely to be an errant mage or a monster. A mage could cause the fire and then hide among the victims, or simply slip away unnoticed. A monster would be very hard to track through the blaze, and might've escaped through the water.

Davito placidly took a sip of tea as he listened to the others' questions. He only had one important question at the moment. "Would it be possible for me to acquire the recipe for these lovely red cookies?"


As the questions finally begin rolling out, both Jiran and Goraki would ensure they would all be met in short order. First would be towards eager Aniel, asking if Hondoshire had any bad ties or enemies with any other notable factions. "Every city has its own inner crime groups and rivals wanting a cut of one another's profits," Jiran stated frankly. clasping his hands together, "We are no exception. But for any to justify, let alone pull off, the atrocities of this scale is completely unwarranted and absolutely absurd!" As his distraught began rising, Goraki placed a gentle hand on the whale-folk's shoulder, releasing a small burst of soothing magic that helped to calm his growing tension. He looks back at Aniel. "We've made sure to investigate into the first case down the list of all of our allies and suspects. But as the Mayor stated, no one took responsibility. And knowing enough about our neighbors, neither would've had the reasons nor resources on hand to successfully pull off this attack, let alone two in short order, without leaving substantial evidence. If this is the result of a hostile faction, it's one we are completely unaware of."

Next up was Velvet, who simply asked how big was Odai Island's population. "As a resort town, its population rises and falls depending on the season. While not the biggest, the resort can carry up to several thousand estimate during its peak season. Currently, it's the off-season, so we're looking at the lower estimate; roughly a thousand." Jiran sighed, stroking his beard after taking a sip of his tea. "But with the amount casualties found during the attack on Kimori island, I suspect we'll be looking at something even lower. We'd be fortunate to have a few HUNDRED citizens and vacationers make it out alive. But odds are, we can't truly say how many survivors you'll find. We are also not sure whether or not a single galleon can fit them all in one go, but since you're the first rescue party, do be advised that more will be on their way shortly after. Perhaps the captain may have ideas to reserve space, but it would be best to bring this up with him."

Then Connor proceeded to ask whether there were a pattern to the vessels' disappearances, inquiring any particular shipping routes that the enemy could capitalize on. "These attacks, for all intents and purposes, have been at random. However, none had occurred within the bay itself." Jiran replied. He moved his thick finger across the map, dragging it southwards. "The closest was here, just outside the perimeter. The rest were further off shore, usually happening within this range." He motioned a circle that generalized the vicinity between the islands and where Hondoshire Bay starts. "Most of the attacks appeared to have happened at night," the mayor stated, leaning back in his chair, "Though some wrecks have been estimated to have happened during the early morning and later afternoon periods according to the experts. All of which had ships that were... alone." Goraki would enter the conversation again, as if the calm any nervous ticks from the members, "Fear not, my friends. The chances of your crew encountering this threat are slim to none, provided you embark on the local trade routes within sight of at least one or more additional ships. The captain of your ship has been given the necessary routes and instructions in how to get to Odai and back, which has also been validated by the local Hondoshire Coast Guard."

Rios would appear to remain silent throughout the meeting, though he'd seem lost in thought trying to piece together the situation and possible culprits. Lastly Davito would ask the most important question of them all. What was the recipe for those delicious blood cookies? There was a slight pause as Jiran stammered somewhat unexpectedly at the question. "Why, uh, sure! I'll make sure one of the waitresses provides you a flyer by the door." The gorilla sage lifted a finger to his temple, as if to telepathically relay the message to the staff downstairs.

The mayor proceeded to glance at everyone with curious eyes, as if waiting for any additional questions. When he believed that no one had any, he gave a firm a nod of approval. "Right then. If there are no further questions, you are all dismissed. Prepare your things and make your way to the docks." The gorillafolk proceeded to give five maps of Hondoshire to Jiran, who took a quill and circled on each map where they needed to go. "Look for a Captain Tsuburaya of the galleon 'Fury Stripe'." His face was firm and determined, though it was clear he was no less worried about the situation. He stood up and gave out his hand to the folks. "Good luck everyone. And god speed." Goraki bowed to the rest of the members, with his palm pressed against his chest. "May your journey be swift and uneventful... and may the gods grant mercy and good fortune."

Goraki would also proceed to lead them to the front entrance, where as requested a waitress would be present to give Davito the recipe for the blood cookies.


Location: Coastal City of Hondoshire Harbor, West Empire [Southwest], Docks
Time of Day: 3:50 PM
Weather: Warm and Mostly-Sunny; Large fluffy clouds clumping together up to the horizon; a firm but steady breeze blowing from west to east.
Current Goal(s): Meet up with Captain Tsuburaya and depart for Odai Island

Bustling with activity, the docks of Hondoshire Harbor are as lively as they ever could be. Ships of various sizes cast themselves into port, where her crews and onboard dockworkers worked around the clock to keep on schedule. In one section, local fisherman are returning from a long day's work at sea; unloading nets and crates of various fish and other exotic sea fauna. Larger merchant vessels would be seen at another section of the docks, seeing an army of workers unloading whole assortments of valuable trading commodities; ranging from fresh exotic produce to priceless riches and all other sorts of goods one could imagine. Even with the attacks that had been going on off shore, it wouldn't be enough to completely halt the flow of comerence. Yet gossip and whispers regarding the recent attack was ever present among the masses as the hottest topic of the day. In fact, a small rescue vessel coming from Kimori Island could be seen at the far portion of the docks and the amount of refugees and displaced civilians that are exiting the vessel.

As they enter the safety of Hondoshire Harbor, our make-shift band of a rescue-party will soon be sailing into those very depths.

They'd eventually come across an exceptionally vibrant galleon; adorned with bright red and gold paint. True to its name, a golden stripe would cross the "Fury Stripe's" hull from port to starboard, a beautiful vessel that no doubt harbored an exceptionally vibrant and confident captain. They'd see the crew packing the last of their cargo onboard with exceptional haste, comprised of a whole variety of different races. While beastfolk made up a good majority of the crew, some humans, half-elves, goblins, and even orks could also be seen among their ranks as equals.

And at the far side of the strip, the adventurer's would see a beastfolk crewmate conversing with their grand captain; a round jolly green ork with two massive tusks and a pointy upward-facing fu manchu eating an orange. He adorned a very worn-out yet still majestic-like captain's coat, something more akin to a pirate's variation but still had its royal dignity, and red and white striped rustled pants. He wore no shirt, where he'd flaunt his round hairy belly that was adorned with several scars. He was tall too, definitely around the height of 6'4", with his overall bulk making him look much bigger. The crewmate he was talking too alerted him of his arrival, causing him to turn his squared-head and give out a hearty laugh at them.

"RAHARHAR! Ahoy there!" the orc captain called out, as he hobbled towards his new temporary crew mates. Once he was towering over them, one would expect a musty, sweaty smell of ork and ocean mist to puncture through their nostrils. Instead, what they'd actually smell was an equally pungent cologne of green apple and some sort of herbal fragrance intermixed, perhaps as a means to cover up said scent. That and the smell of a freshly bitten into orange adorning his breath. "Welcome aboard me pride n' joy, 'Fury Stripe'! I be yer cap'n; Kento Tsuburaya! Ya must be the Adventurer's lot the Mayor sent out to help with the rezcue. Pleazsha to make ya'lls acquaintances!" He would proceed to shake the hands of the guild members before leading them to the boarding ramp.

"We oughta be settin' sail in jus' a few minutes," Captain Tsuburaya announced as he bit in his juicy orange, "Once we get the last of our supplies on board, we'd be headin' off! Feel free to come aboard and make yer self at 'ome in the meantime! Kick back and relaaaax-" As he finished, a gnoll crewmember carrying a medium crate would accidentally stumble on a loose floorboard and fall face first onto the deck. Laughter could be heard across the deck as the ork captain seemed to glare down at his unfortunate blunder. "Oi oi, watch yer step slippy toes!" Captain Tsuburaya warned, not so much in a scolding but in a careful manner, as he came over to help the lad up. He then picked up the gnoll's crate with extreme ease and proceeded to full-force toss it onto the ship itself! "Heh heh, ya be owin' me an ale for that one." he playfully teased, patting the gnoll on the back before setting him back on his way, "Now on ya go! Git!"

There were many unique looking crewmates of all shapes and sizes present within their general vicinity. On board, a short yet equally "lorge" hippofolk is happily playing with his accordion, singing a shanty as a choir of parrot-like creatures sing alongside him. Nearby, an albino frog-folk can be seen playing poker with a dark melanistic kobold, the latter cursing the opponent after being bested. And on the docks, a heavily scarred humanoid sharkfolk is being healed by an odd looking whale cleric, having more of a long and serpentine-like appearance unlike that of Jiran or other whalefolk. These were just a few of the entities that comprised Captain Tsuburaya's wild crew!
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Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 1Lucker 1Lucker

Mayor Jiran went over each of their questions, and answered them accordingly. Random disappearances, all out and away from the bay. Not really much to figure out here, other than the fact that it does make it consistent with the fact that there were really no witnesses to see it happening in the first place. At the very least, they have a rough estimate of the timeframe for when it might happen. Whatever is happening, there’s a very good chance it doesn’t occur during the middle of daytime.

A short while later, they all arrived at the docks. Despite the fact that they were here to help deal with an as of yet unknown and mysterious threat, Connor can’t help but feel a little bit of excitement in this environment. He turned towards the rest of the party, “Has any of you have been to the sea before? This will be my first time, and I have to admit that I really have no idea what to expect…” he said. Map in hand, his footsteps were quick, taking him towards each one of the ships to look for their 'Fury Stripe'. It didn't actually take long fortunately, given the fact that it really stood out among the rest.

Once on the ship, they were met by the boisterous ork captain. Connors footing was a little wobbly, though the accident they just witnessed told him it’s probably something you should expect. With all of that being said, taking a look at all the crew members they would be sailing with really drives home how all different kinds of people seem to come and go through Hondoshire Harbor. Of course, one who immediately caught his interest being the hippofolk crew member playing with an accordion. Finally! It seems like he wouldn’t need to go out of his way to ask for a performance after all.

Contrary to what he said earlier however, something in his mind seemed to click into place. Some sort of lost memory? It has been so long since something like this has happened, and even that was put aside as just a weird dream he had as a child with an active imagination. Clear, but fuzzy...? It was as if he knew just what he expected to hear from what was supposed to be music he would be hearing for the first time.

Connor shook his head briefly to clear his thoughts, pondering on it will have to wait. He unsheathed his violin and katana. Smiling, he approached the hippofolk with a quick “Hey there! Perhaps I could join in on the fun?” and made use of this “knowledge” of his to play along.

Chase two hares, catch neither one.
  • Aniel was quite whimsical when it came to his opinions of people, even the smallest things could make him fall in love or become frustrated and utterly despise a person. Being blatantly ignored was one of these things, to him, it was a sign of being not only an unmannered person but a bloody bastard. His eye twitched at the time, and he glared at the teal-haired one when he didn't ask a question like everyone else; Keeping his thoughts to himself? How selfish! He's not pulling the cart like the rest of us! the dandy thought to himself with violet eyes rolling dramatically as he looked elsewhere.

    Other than that, the information they were provided with was quite interesting to hear. Aniel's foot tapped the floor as he pondered to himself the reality of this situation, there were many people in need of rescuing, and he didn't want to leave any of them behind. A daunting task, yes yes, but none that love could not conquer! After all, with the burning sensation of love pittering and pattering within his bosom, Aniel could do anything! What he would like to do now, was impress the person he loves! Yes, yes so it would proceed...

    el Innamorato ♡ Operetta, Act IX – Scene I
    (After having saved plenty, Aniel flutters down with his cloak fluttering red, coalescing with the passionate flames which trembled in the thrashing winds behind him)
    Davito: "Alas! My beloved treading earth so dashingly a saviour to all!"
    ※ He doesn't speak like this.
    (The knight kneels before the swainling, taking his hand)
    Aniel: "Oh, my knight!"
    Davito(?): "For thou art pure and fair of heart not only in so fading visage, I prithee heart be sworn mine own!"
    Aniel: (Tear-Ridden) "Oh but ay! What aught can one say! Ay!"
    (They embrace, blooming roses, red and white; damask the scene.)
    End Scene.

    Moving to an outside view, Aniel seemed to kick the floor with one-foot multiple times; his hands on his cheeks which were blushed red across almost his entire face; his small wings fluttering and beating the air in excitement. Like a girl who just explained to her friends how her crush had said "Hello" to her with a smile as they passed each other by in the halls.

    What broke Aniel out of his love theatre trance was the voice of his ninth belovèd, yet what he heard was less than lovely. He stood covering his agape mouth, How could any sane creature like such a horrid abomination to all pastry confections?! thought the swainling as his face bloomed white and his wings folded beneath his cloak. Yet, how the knightly one seemed to enjoy the cookies also charmed Aniel in a way that had him conflicted.

    The happiness of the ones you love is more important than your own was Aniel's motto, he sighed and decided that perchance it was better to learn how to bake himself rather than commenting on the tastes of others. After all, every person has their own unconventional tastes, and Aniel was not exempt.

    Davito was not the only one who seemed to enjoy the biscuits, as she who named herself as Velvet did too—Aniel decided on Velfy for the girl, although Velvet was already a blessedly cute and elegant name so he really could not decide. Velfy or Velvet, truly, what a horrible thing it is to have such a naturally lovely name! She also seemed to be quite like him, they both wore a bit of red and that must mean they have similar interests, yes? Well, that was what Aniel had concluded.

    He flinched when he heard the mayor say "God speed"; He had thought he escaped god and every blasted phrase associated with him after being reincarnated and proving Christianity WRONG, but apparently, this world used such phrases as well... For love's sake—as they left the office Aniel said; "Ciao Mister Jiri~♡" with a wink and wave before the party and Goraki disappeared through the halls...

    Aniel walked with a pounding heart and steps that clicked onto the floor, his hands were clasped over his heart as he looked out at the sea, "My heart is pierced by Love's arrow, I abstain all glittering gold; nought can console me but my jolly sailor bold—" He'd recited, although the words a little different, "Yes, yes; the ocean is the most romantic place of all—" He turned to the rest of the group, "Do you all not think so too?♡ this is the place where love is found and made!" He turned, staring at the sky, "O, May love crash into us like a thrashing wave and bring forth the strength to save all the people of Odai!" The dandy dramatically mused with sparkling eyes as if to bless the party. His words could not go unheard by anyone who could see him.

    With Connor's question, Aniel scoffed as he remembered something; "Aiyai! no~ not particularly—BUT" he huffed, "You know Connie, when I woke up I was brought to shore in the mouth of a scallop! Do you know how gross that was? It was cold, crummy and claustrophobic for one—of course, I do admit it was a stunning scallop, alike a chariot of pearls—but scallops may or may not be my least favourite shell from then on!... Although they are also one of the many symbols of the Lady herself, I can't fathom how anyone would want to be transported inside of a scallop of all things!" Aniel whined incessantly without pause.

    "Lovely lovely!" Aniel cried out with a smile and clapped, his eyes were fixed on the ship which looked so bright and wonderful to him. He also liked the pirate character of who which he would dub as 'Mister Su'; he didn't expect people here to speak like this. "Salve, and thank you very, very much for helping us along, Mister Su~♡" He trembling with excitement, or maybe he was a bit scared.

    Aniel watched as Connor joined in playing his instrument with the Hippoperson, smiling as he noticed the enjoyment on the violinist's face. "How so nice and lovely~♡" Said he to himself, putting a hand on his cheek. "Oh yes! This is the exact kind of atmosphere where the rosebuds burst into blossom, blooming blood red and white as snow! Ah, I could fall in love again if only I already hadn't~♡" Of course, such words mattered not to he as there was another hottie here who had Aniel swooning; the shark-like person being healed by the clergy-like whale person.

    The strange thing, to Aniel at least, was that this person wasn't human—which he thought was his boundary, but apparently was not. This was wrong also, he already had a first love—of course, a ninth first love, but a first love notwithstanding! Aniel's heart seemed to flipflop between any dark-haired individual, mutual species or not; was he.... THAT? Oh no, oh yes! He couldn't decide, for love rules without rules, love is blind but it does see far! Pursuing two people was okay.

    He was utterly hopeless, flushed face aside and hearts in his eyes, he approached the two with determined steps. He was too boastful to be shy, "Hi hi~♡" He'd greeted cheerfully with a short wave, "I am Aniel Valentino dies Veneris, the messenger of... uhm, here with the adventurers of the adventurers guild! It is so lovely to meet you both!" His eyes fell upon the scarred shark folk and then back to the whalefolk, "If I may ask, what happened? Is this a result of the recent happenings or is it something else? Sorry if it's rude, but I... We, the adventurers, need to know as much as we can regarding the current events." Aniel said, leaning a bit closer with a smile across his face.


As Connor approached the hippofolk in question, he's initially see the plump fellow lost in thought, swaying his body to the iconic melody of the accordion. He was mumbling the lyrics to himself, though they would be in the bestial tongue and not in common. However, any key-eared individuals would be able to identify the melody and tone of the song as a rendition of the classic sea shanty "The Wellerman", albeit a name that isn't QUITE the ship in question. The parrots atop his coat and hat continued to chitter and squawk atop his coat, as if they had been trained to sing in tune with the beat. What would be an annoying ruckus of avian screeching would actually be a scarily-accurate mimicry to a male-dominated choir chanting the lyrics! The beastfolk must've trained them for YEARS, as well as bringing out his whole arsenal of patience.

The hippofolk glanced over at the silver-haired man asking to join him with a jolly smile and a friendly nod, all while he continued playing his instrument. He didn't say a word, but judging his expression and tone he didn't seem to mind another fella joining in. In fact, it's not quite sure if the lad even knew common in the first place; or at the very least didn't speak the tongue. As Connor played his tune, the hippofolk quickly realized the change in tune and proceeded to stop playing for the moment. The parrots too would fall silent as they listened to the beat of the newcomers' melody. At first, it might look as if the accordionist was confused at this melody. However, it would be anything but!

It took them a moment, but soon the beastkin's head began to bob in tone and the accordion began to crank once more. It was a bit awkward at first, but eventually he was able to play along just as well. Even the parrots began to imitate the melody with their squawking! Soon enough their little performance would attract the attention of several nearby crewman, each taking interest in the change of music as they watched. Their gaze was more focused on Connor's debut, but a few cheers towards the hippofolk were enough to balance the tide of both artists. And once the music stopped playing, the crewmates gave em a good ole' cheer and a round of applause! The hippofolk and his feathery companions would take a bow, waving off the mates before he approached Connor with a raspy chuckle.

He'd say something in beastkin, his expression light and happy, ending with a friendly jab at Connor's elbow. It looked like he enjoyed their dual performance! "Well done dude! Donavan says ya put on a rockin' performance!" a fish-woman crewmate would translate for Connor, as she came up behind the Hippofolk, "He'd like to know ya name and maybe play another tune with ye once we set sail." She sets her elbow on Donovan's shoulder, causing the parrots to fly back onto his hat. Her eyes set on Connor's violin, before eying on his fancy katana, "Fancy blade ya got there. Gotta admit, be a first time seein' someone fiddle a violin with one of 'em, lemme tell ya. How long ya've been playin for?"

Aniel's eyes would fall head-over heels as he gravitated merrily towards the two marinefolk on the docks. Upon closer inspection, he'd see the turquoise-colored sharkfolk longuing down on a crate, with his left arm stretched out under the warm glow of the whalefolk's hammer. It was a massive hammer, one that easily towered over its patient, and of course Aniel for that matter. Both were indeed taller than Aniel, with the patient standing at a respectable 6 feet, with the healer a good 2 - 3 feet higher and a whole lot longer! It's bluish-gray serpentine-like tail, ending with the iconic whale fluke, was neatly wrapped behind her to prevent anyone from accidentally tripping on it. Truly a massive entity.

As the lovestruck protagonist entered stage left to greet the two beastfolk, both turned their heads at the brightly adorned and warmly flushed human. "Aye." the sharkfolk waved with his healing arm, hissing briefly as he felt a jolt of pain strike through him. His voice was low yet silky-smooth with just a hint of an accent that can only be described as of a vague Brooklyn-like accent. The whale folk gave a friendly whale-like rumble in response before returning to the gaze to the patient. "Hold still Mister Mako," she ordered formally, her voice deep and thick with the rich undertones of a true motherly entity, "I'll let you go as soon as I'm finished." The sharkfolk rolled his eyes with a grumble, before paying his attention to the newcomer asking what had happened.

"Oh this?" the sharkfolk, Mako, inquired while pointing to his arm. Despite still being in the process of healing, there was a nasty hole that was present in his forearm, as if he was piercedby something. Though he seemed to just shrug it off, "Minor accident really. We were off fishin' for some big game further down the coast a few hours past... hunting a, uh, swordfish. Feisty fucker really, she put up a good fight. We were 'bouta lose it after nearly splitting the cap's favorite rod, before I hopped in to take a stab at it. Heh, more like a couple of stabs. Unfortunately got nicked real good on the arm, but thank goodness for doc 'ere to be patchin' me up." He looked up at the whalefolk with a smirk, "Aint that right, Bailey?"

The whalefolk didn't seem too convinced, as she snorted through her blowhole, "Always full of half truths, Mister Mako." Bailey sighed tiredly, before turning to Aniel, "Though you seemed to forget the part in which the swordfish launched itself right next to the ship and pierced through your carpal muscle, dragging you down with it. Right after you taunted it no less. That alone nearly broke the Captain 's rod. Almost as if karma decided to punish you for disrespecting nature." Mako growled annoyedly at her response, flushing lightly in embarrassment. A merciful chuckle came from Bailey as she repositioned her healing hammer. "But, to give you credit, you were able to stab it to death; though thank the gods you just so happened to be holding a dagger on you. We counted 28 stab wounds on it no less... You really should be more careful when out fishing for exotic game, Mako. I can't always be here patching you up for whenever your daredevil antics go wrong."


"Aye-aye, Doc."
Mako defeatedly grumbled, cocking his head back in a sulk. Bailey would ignore his sarcastic remark and leaned towards Aniel, "Don't mind him, sweetie." she whispered softly, "Mister Mako may be brash, but his heart is at least in the right, enough, place. I just wished he'd be more careful." She took a moment to shift her weight again, balancing the hammer she held in her iron grip, "The Captain will make sure you all get the full breakdown of the current plan to get to Odai. Though aside from what the mayor has already told us, and probably you, we too are also in the dark revolving around the recent events taking place. Even if the Captain has his own theories about this that he's... crafted together."
Location: Furry's Stripe

"Sea! It has been so long since I saw one!" Velvet exclaimed as the group arrived at the dock. Her eyes wandering around the massive body of water ahead. The sight of it immediately drive away any of her worries of what might happen at the mission, that's for future Velvet to handle. The present Velvet simply wants to enjoy the trip.

Her first step onto the galleon was rather disorientating for her as her sense of balance was shaken, but after trying to walk for a few steps she quickly regained her balance. A few more steps and Velvet felts confident that she can do some backflips on the ship without landing on her head, probably.

Velvet didn't really stay in one place and rather spent her time walking laps around the deck like an overexcited kid. Watching the crews prepare for the sail, listening to the combined performance of Connor and the crews, and leaning at the edge of the ship trying to see what's down below the ship. In her head she was in some sort of whimsical musical sequence of a play, the part where the protagonist just vibing with her surrounding. Connor's music definitely didn't help in restraining her imagination. Formidable leviathan that pounces the ship, forcing all people aboard to combine their might and hope to defeat their biggest adversaries. Ancient underwater ruin that rise from the depth, offering them once in a lifetime experience of exploring the sunken realm. Gigantic glacier that splits the ship in two, causing unforeseen catastrophe that ends up with a bittersweet sacrifice for her loved ones... Countless other scenarios swirls in her head, a strange grin appeared on her face as she spent her time daydreaming, just like usual.
I love stationary.
  • In his past life, Aniel stood at a respectably average height for an Italian man during his time and is thus quite unfamiliar with being towered over by both men and women in this new world. It didn't help that the Bittersweet Lady of Love decided that a less-than-average height for a woman was more suitable for her new vassal. It was somehow degrading, but the fantastical whale-esque ma'am and the hot shark guy totally made up for the slightening of his height, you didn't get guys who walked around practically shirtless in the modern day after all!

    With just one word he'd uttered and the simple greeting gesture despite being pained was enough to make the paramour's heart skip a beat, he stared in silence for a moment or two or three—eyes glassy with thoughts frozen behind them. He heard the priestly one refer to the selachian as "Mako." Aniel wrote that name in cursive in his head, alongside his 9 other first loves' names.

    "Wow-ow!" Aniel gasped, leaning a bit closer; "A swordfish? my oh me, that's awesome!" He bounced back, giggling a bit as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "But aren't those things like really big? Their nose... sword-things I mean. I think I'd die if something that big penetrated me or cut me down," He'd shrug, "but that's just cause I'm too ravishing for close combat, I need to think of my face!" The dandy boasted pushing back a portion of his hair, "I may also be punished quite harshly for damaging a body sculpted by the Lady herself, ah well~ That's why I have a bow and magic, yes, all nice and lovely..." He'd muse, unaware of anyone else listening.

    "Oh my," Aniel covered his mouth as he listened to Bailey, "I know not what a carpal muscle is but... Sounds grotesque—" He'd look at Mako with wide eyes, "From how Mako explained it, you sounded brave and fearless—From how Bailey explained it, you turn out more reckless, a titbit foolish and maybe a little bit... prideful? Childish. That's the word~" He'd snicker, waving his hand.

    Aniel teeter around the two, hands clasped over his chest. "The wild type, eh? Hehe ah~" He had that lost far off in thought expression, with a smile on his face as he walked to the edge of the docks. Aniel didn't say it, but that kind of recklessness of rushing into harm's way for the sake of your own goals was honestly dreamy to the lover-boy. For what shall that kind of person do for the one who holds half their heart?

    As Bailey addressed Aniel, he'd turn—almost twirling—with a bright smile and wings flapping to the exponentially increasing beat of his heart. "Ah, no worries Bébé~ I could never mind him—" Aniel snapped straight—"I mean, anyone! I could never mind anyone." He'd say scratching the back of his head with a chuckle. He'd move away from the edge of the docks, "If that's the case, then all he needs is someone to keep him from harm, or whom he'd worry to leave all alone!" suggested the swainling with a wink.

    "For what worth is it to live a life without somebody to love? Her bittersweetness created lives in doubles, but the gods feared such unified creatures of made of love and split them in twine, scattering them about the world to forever search for their other half..." His hands clapped together as he looked longingly into the sky, "Yes, and that is why you must protect your life, so that when you reunite with that destined companion; you'll feel complete—" He tapped his foot down and turned back losing the theatrics for the moment, "Of course, what fun is life when you aren't standing between the door of life and death? We feel most alive when staring straight into the eyes of death after all~" Aniel would say unceremoniously with a cheerful smile.

    The paramour clapped then, moving on for a moment "Oh and speaking of life and death, love and life; how do you do that healing with your hammer Bébé~?" Aniel asked, pulling from his hat a feather with a cut tip as he tapped the floor thrice with his wings opening up and beginning to flutter. He crossed his legs once airborne, his dainty dovely wings thrashing in the air as he pulled out from his bag a small box which acted as a writing surface in a pinch. "It seems too lovely a thing to keep to yourself—" He pulled out an inkwell and ornately bordered parchment, resting both on top; the box between his legs—"don't you think?" He smiled, scribbling down today's date.
Davito Aranda


After receiving the recipe for the pleasant red cookies from the mayor's office, the group had headed down to the docks, and to the waiting galleon. It hadn't been long since Davito's last trip to the open sea, and he was already missing the spray of the sea across his face and the wind in his hair. There was a certain, freedom, to sailing. The Furry Stripe was a pleasant ship, with a fun, jovial crew that seemed to know their trade quite well. Davito smiled at the Captain's assistance with his crew member. Not every Captain treats their people right. I've met many a Captain who didn't deserve the title. Seems like this one's another good one.

Davito watched as Connor slipped in seamlessly with the crew through a jaunty musical performance, livening up the already good mood. He noticed Aniel engaged in conversation with the injured marine folk. Was he blushing? Davito supposed it was fair; the shark person was indeed attractive. Velvet spent her time walking laps around the deck, seemingly overwhelmed with all of the sights and sounds. As he leaned against the railing, Davito thought about how this sea voyage would go for him. Hopefully better than the last one. He supposed it would be hard to top a ghost kraken, a pirate fleet, and a shipwreck, but anything could happen.

Davito approached the frog person and the kobold and pulled up a seat. "Mind dealing me in?" he asked. "How are you guys doing with the crew? What kind of stuff do you guys do here?" Davito paused in his questions. "Sorry if I come off as interrogative, I'm just rather curious. I haven't spent as much time at sea as I wish, and I was wanting to know if it was a decent career path." He sat in silence for a bit. "Also, do either of you have an interesting recipe that I could have? I'm really trying to branch out my culinary knowledge."
Connor Erland

Develius Develius

There was a brief moment of just his own violin being heard as Connor was acknowledged and everyone adjusted to the newer melody. As the hippofolk and his little feathered companions once again started, this time going along with what he was playing, his smile widened. It has been a while since he was able to actually interact with another musician given that… well, he was not able to meet a lot of adventurers that also spent time practicing the art of music.

Safe to say that Connor made a good impression on the crew, as after their little performance, they were met with a round of applause. He leaned into the attention, giving them a flourish and an attention-grabbing bow alongside his musical partner. Connor turned back towards the hippofolk, realizing a potential problem right away; he can’t understand what was being said at all. “Yeah, uh…” Well, this was admittedly something he probably could have expected, what with the diverse set of people he was meeting today.

Fortunately another crew member came to his rescue, a fish woman, who kindly offered to translate what was being said. Quickly recovering, Connor bowed extravagantly, still riding the high from the attention he had just a few moments ago. “Hahaha! Why thank you! The name’s Connor, tell him I’d love to. Maybe some of your tunes this time, yeah?”

At the mention of it, he held up his katana up and into the sunlight. “You like it? Had to get this one custom-made. Neat, isn’t it? I’m not slacking on the maintenance, though I really do have to get someone to improve it soon.”

“Been playing for… seven years at this point. Had a lot of time to get familiar with this one.”
Connor then also held up his violin, before putting it back in its sheath. “You guys also know each other a long while? I bet you do, everybody seems to be really fitting in here,” he gestured over at the other crew members. Aniel and Davito were already talking to a few of them. Velvet seemed to be more busy admiring everything in her excitement, but even then, no one minded. “I like it. Unfortunate that we’re here due to bad circumstances, however. Hoping things aren’t going to get any worse…” he said. They were all here on a rescue mission first and foremost, after all.
Mentions: Develius Develius

Rios had kept to himself the entire walk to the docks where the ship that would take them to their rescue mission was situated. It had been some time since his last voyage upon the waves. The result of an empty wallet for the most part. As he was about to step aboard the vessel via the plank provided. He recalled some advice from a salty old sailor he shared some rather bad rum with. Stepping with his right foot first to avoid the so called bad luck that sailors often worry about. Rios was a little disinterested by the loud and annoying sounds of singing seamen. Parting ways with his group for the duration of their journey. The mercenary adventurer grabbed on to a rope that had been accidentally cut and was flung into the air. Grabbing onto the crows nest with both hands and crawling in to the alarm of the rather scrawny looking girl in there. Rios sat with his back against the wall and gripped his swords tightly. He needed some peace and quiet for a bit so he could do some intense image training.

He tried to think of a random target but his mind drifted to that damned dragonkin. A bard he had met in a border town between Ryke and the Empire. The pair of them had heavily disagreed on many things. Rios had shared a drink with him, revealing his plan to obtain the power to murder the Adventurers Guildmaster in addition to the Sky Proctor. Izuru had attempted to dissuade Rios by claiming such a plan was far too destructive to everything around it and risked sparking war. Neither of them were good people so their arguments were more Murder the Guildmaster and everyone who gets in the way vs Gather Power to Assassinate the Guildmaster while getting away with it. Unable to come to an agreement, the pair had parted on an unspoken promise to kill the other someday.


Renny Renny [Connor]
The fish-woman would translate Connor's response to the hippofolk, who gave a jolly chuckle of approval. He seemed to be looking forward to it. With a tip his hat at the blonde man, he saunters off to play the accordion elsewhere, leaving the two to their devices. "Well mighty fine to meet ya, Connor!" the woman chattered, as she began listening to Connor intently, admiring his shiny katana and the violin of which he played for seven years. "Ooooh," she cooed, staring at the violin with admiration, "I can tell all that practice be payin' off big time! You oughta join a band or somethin' once ya settle down. With that talent, I you oughta be mighty capable in makin' it big."

In response to Connor asking how long the crew has known each other, she'd simply smile, "Oh, I've only been with the crew for almost a year mah'self," she admitted casually, looking at the bustling crew that was hard at work. A glint in her eye would show how much she cared for them, "But even on day one, I knew I was gonna fit in just fine. Cap' been in the business for a good 25 years or so and he takes care of his mates mighty well. Keeps em spirits high and mighty, even on the worse' days. Really, I consider 'em family, ya know? Already ten times better than the previous ship I was workin' on - oh.. OOOOOH that crew was just the WORST, dude, lemme tell ya."

She shrugged when Connor commented on their current situation. "Yeah. I know how ya feel." she affirmed calmly, as she looks out to the sea touching all the way to the horizon, "The high seas are always filled with surprises one way or another. Sometimes feels like fate is determined by the toss of a coin; 50/50 chance that you encounter some real good loot that makes yer day or a big ole' sea monster to ruin it." She paused for a moment, giving off a silent expression, before playfully elbowing Connor on his shoulder, "Ahhhh, cheer up fella. I reckon we ought to be ok. We just pop on over, rescue some folks, and then come back. Just like the other island. I mean, really, what's the worst that can happen?"

Her expression suddenly changed, as if she forgot one crucial form of manners. "Ah! Why pardon my sea-goblins, I almost forgot," she proceeds to extend her hand out towards Connor with a smile, "Name's Mera by the way. Mera Kelpanna."

1Lucker 1Lucker [Davito]
A black knight crashes onto the chess board, rattling the pieces atop it as the melanistic kobold hisses in what can only amount as a bubbling and seething rage. "UNFAIR!" he snarled menacingly, pointing the bottom of his chess piece at his opponent in a surprisingly bold voice, "YOU SAID YOU WERE GONNA GO EASY ON ME, YOR! YET YOU'VE CHECKMATED ME IN TWO MOVES! WHAT IN THE HELLS IS THIS NONSENSE?!" Silently seated amongst his white pieces, as well as a collection of various black pieces on the side, the albino frogfolk watched calmly the kobold's explosive rage flared into an utter frenzy. Yor's crimson eyes glare blankly at his opponent's pair of slitted, deep amber peepers. "You are simply baaaaaad, Skeen. I call it... 'skill issue'." he flatly stated in a nasally tone, bearing very little emotion aside from its intent that seemed evident of striking a reaction.

Two clawed gloves grasped at the scruff of the frogfolk's cloak, as the furious kobold attempted to pull him in. "WHY YOU SLIMY BASTARD-!" Skeen, the kobold, growled, bearing his sharp teeth as he looked ready to beat up his amphibious foe to a shredded pulp. But before he could have a chance, they'd find a mediator sitting between them. The two would turn heads to find Davito inviting himself to the table, asking the two squabbling folks about life as a crew aboard the Fury Stripe. There was an awkward pause, as the crew mates looked at each other in utter bafflement. They clearly weren't expecting that kind of question at this hour.

"That's it?" Skeen asked skeptically, while still holding Yor's collar, "You've interrupted our chess fight just to ask us that? I was 'boutta beat this cheater to a pulp! What are ya, some kind of aspiring squire reevaluating their college degree?" Davito apologized for his intrusion, claiming not to be the interrogative type, before asking yet a series of question that could clue him in on whether or not this was a decent career path for him. Yor would then slowly rose one of his flabby fingers, "Hear the kid oooout..." he croaked, being somewhat strained by the collar digging into the back of his neck. The kobold scoffed as he finally let go of Yor, the frogfolk setting himself back in his wooden chair to adjust his attire. Skeen would clear his throat before speaking.

"So," the kobold began, clasping his hands together as they were raised just under his hooded visage, "Interested in the life of a sea-man, you say? A life where you're sailing the blue desert for countless days n' weeks, or even months aboard a ship like this one? A life where you're constantly fighting the sway of the boat, at times turning the most mundane tasks into one complicated balancing act? A life where yer' constantly with the same community of folks for which privacy is a luxury and not a guarantee? A life where you're constantly flirtin' with whatever dangers Mother Nature throws at you; be it terrible storms, greedy pirates, and the rare sea monster that can easily capsize your vessel, if not completely destroy it?" He learns closer to Davito, with a somewhat intimidating glare, "Oh my dear wide-eyed new-blood, the life of a sailor is FAR from an easy one. It takes grit, skill, determination, and a whole lotta crazy to mold a perfect sailor. Few have what it takes to be a full-time crew mate... But check off those departments, and you'll enjoy the exclusive perks of natural beauty, freedom, and adventure that the ocean can provide." Skeen gives a sneaky wink at the newcomer, perhaps recognizing what he might be feeling. Whether this was the kobold's way in persuading him to join or not seemed rather unclear.

Then Davito asked another seemingly random question. What culinary recipes did they have that he could use to expand his foodie-knowledge. Skeen gave a confused glare, his brow perking up in astonishment. Yor, meanwhile, remained deadpan as ever. "I have a 'Kraken Soup' recipe that you may enjoooooooooy." the odd frogfolk replied, still deadpan and emotionless as his beady eyes, "It is very tasty. I will fetch it from my room laterrrrrrrrr. I also have one for a king-sized borgar recipe of marinated chicken feet wrapped with lettuce and-"

"ENOUGH of your senseless dribble, Yor!"
Skeen gutturally sighed as he perked the frogfolk's slimy mouth closed with his fingers, "By the gods, you're going to give me another cursed aneurysm at this rate." The frog didn't seem to mind, or at the very least he visually didn't show much discomfort or offense. He didn't look like he had a recipe in mind, or that he was actively thinking of one since he asked. The kobold rolled his gleaming eyes before glancing back at Davito, "As for you, new-blood, since you've asked us a few questions, it would be impolite if you'd refuse ours. For starters, why don't you tell us about yourself? What brought upon the idea of sailing the grand blue being appealing to ya?"

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia [Rios]
As the members began talking and hanging around the deck of the ship, Rios would silently excuse himself as he hoisted himself up onto the crow's nest. With such overstimulation crowding around on ground level, finding a quiet place to think was a rarity. There were some confused glances from below, being from the odd crew mate wondering who exactly was going up top, but no one was otherwise paying too much mind to Rios. The journey before them took upmost priority anyways. Though as the teal-haired individual laid his hands upon the platform, he'd find that someone else was already present there, seeing the heel a brown boot just inches from his fingers.

"Oi, oi, oi!" a smoky feminine voice called out as the figured turnedaround, "Nest's occupied right now, what are you-?" She'd find herself taken aback as the man hauled himself up, where Rios would come face to face with the person manning the station. She was a young female human, slightly shorter than him, looking at him with faint gunsmoke-blue eyes in a baffled expression. She had flowing yet messy fiery orange hair that rested to her shoulders, complimenting her mildly toned skin with the few scars adorning it. While she appeared to lean towards the scrawny side, her visibly toned muscles kept her general appearance much more full, complimenting her simple scrappy attire of a tank top and tight pants, kept together by an oddly fancy belt wrapped around her waist.

She watched as Rios said nothing, only resting his back against the mast as he tried to lose himself in his train of thought. The woman considered rough-housing the intruding stranger for not minding his manners, but seeing the two swords he gripped in his hands caused her to hesitate. She too had a short blade holstered on her side, but that saved for more... dire situations. For a moment, she simply eyed the stranger; tip-toeing towards him to try and get a read on him. "Um... Sir?" the woman asked, waving her arm in front of the brooding Rios. Her voice began to get more stern, "Siiiir? Helloooo-? Do you need something, or you're just gonna give me the silent treatment?"

Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread (Velvet)
Velvet's imagination ran wild as she stared longly out to sea, imagining all the different scenarios that caused the sinking of the vessels. And who could blame her? Despite the horrifying thought of death that plagued these waters, there's an intrigue to this mystery that can lead anyone down a rabbit hole of many different thoughts and theories. Even if some of them are more... fantastical in scope. Of course, anything is possible at the end of the day. Out of all these ideas, at least one HAS to be the right one... or maybe a combination of the sort? Perhaps a giant sea monster capsized the ship, living in a broken off glacier that it made its home? Or maybe ancient ruins rose up to sink the ships in the visage of an iceberg, or a sea monster that guarded it?

Sooner or later, she'd feel the planks beneath her start to jostle and bend a bit more harshly. Whether or not it would disturb her daydreaming antics would be irrelevant, as the mighty figure of Captain Tsuburaya plodded towards her. "Well, well! What has we 'ere?"He gave a jollied chuckle as he leaned over the rail next to her, announcing his presence with a deep-bellied sigh. He titled his head to get a good look into Velvet's sanguine eyes, being sunken yet serene, "How're ya holdin' up lass?" the captain asked, twirling his mustache as he took a big bite into a fresh new orange he happened to have on him, "Saw ya be given the thousand mile stare out to sea; hope you aint gettin' sea sick yet!" Another chuckle escaped his belly, followed by a finishing bite to the fruit itself; gone down the captain's gullet, "Though from the look ov' ya I don't think that be it, hm?"

Faynorae Faynorae (Aniel)
Throughout Aniel's dramatic and lovey-dovey swooning, and the wink he gave to him, Mako would find himself glaring at the elegantly dressed individual with a cocked eyebrow. It wouldn't be clear if he was utterly confused by his antics, disgusted at the whole 'lovey-dovey' tone as one of those "edgy tough-guys", or simply being bemused about this ecstatic character. Regardless, he wouldn't show his true feelings much outside his rugged, chiseled exterior, giving a low chuckle. "I uh... I think I'm pretty capable of handlin' myself." he replied, waving his hand, "I've been through hell 'lot worse than this. I'll be OK." He looked at Aniel with a playful wink back, bearing his sharpened teeth. "But I appreciate the thought." he clicked, almost in a teasing semi-flirtatious manner.

Bailey was much more reserved with Aniel's flowery language, but listened all the more intently with a polite glance. "You are certainly quite an intriguing human." she replied, "I wonder if you've ever considered taking theater? I've heard there's a school here in Hondoshire that specializes in theater and the visual arts... And word has it they're currently looking for volunteers for a play called... oh what was it? Romulus and Jennete?" When he asked about how she's heals people with her hammer, the toothed whalefolk temporarily ceased her healing to raise her mighty hammer up for Aniel to get a better look. It was a mighty war hammer, adorned in gun-smoke gray metal adorned with golden trims. While perhaps not as... girthy when compared to the mighty whale folk, a powerful hit from her would no doubt send folks flying! Any normal person attempting to wield it would find it unwieldy at best, and impossible at worst.

"This hammer is blessed by the divine sea gods of my old world." she explains nobly, twirling it around in her hands to showcase each side, "It was passed down by my old mentor, Isis, as a symbol of divine strength and healing. As her eldest apprentice, she allowed me permission to wield it... shortly before she died. Yet healing does not come solely from the hammer; for it is merely a catalyst. I channel the magic that I was blessed upon into it and in turn it magnifies it to make better use of its power. It has the power to both save innocent lives as well as it taketh against heretics and blasphemers." Bailey glanced back at Aniel with a proud stance, her white cape flowing in the wing, "Only the worthy chosen amongst my order are fully capable in achieving its true potential... and I'm very grateful to have been giving the honor of using it."

Mako gave an audible groan at Bailey's preaching. "Yeah yeah," he nonchalantly interrupted, "What she's saying is, the hammer aint for sale. Both sentimentally and the fact that no one aboard can properly wield that heavy-ass thing." He paused to think for a moment, "I mean, you try wielding it. I can't even so much as lift it several inches off the ground. Only person here I know is the captain being able to wield it decent, but even he claimed it didn't feel right to 'im. Though really, best leave it to the Doc to use it properly."

The sharkfolk then looked over Aniel's attire, as he watched him hovering with those two little dainty wings of his, "So uh, what's yer deal? With your affection of love and those lil' wings of yers...? I think the humans called those folk 'Que... pits' right? I remember hearing about a holiday that has them folk shooting arrows and making folks be all smitten and get all lovely dovey with their crushes.. or something like that."
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Kiss me till I'm bruised and bleeding. Bite me to the bone.
  • Most were dissuaded by an odd stare or two from the person who has them raptured, but for those kindred to Aniel or for struck specifically by an angel of love's arrow, will find their feelings of love alike a flower in an eternal full bloom which petals do fade even with the frigid fingertips of the northern breaths of wintery cold. For the shorthand of a clock incessantly chases after the taller one, soon they will meet and their hearts too shall align. Make of that what you will.

    Was this how people in this world seduced others? With icy stares which made you tremble and yet made your blood rush through your body in all the odd places. Oh how torturous it was, the throbbing pangs of a racing heart palpitating against your chest. That tantalizing feeling kept Aniel going, smiling and laughing and warm with unbound energy. What Mako said, and the way he winked and spoke would make Aniel's face blush in a way that made red roses seem white in comparison.

    If only his hair was longer, then Aniel would have gladly hidden his face in swathes of rose ringlets and blamed it on the ungentle breeze which pulled them into his face. Instead, he sputtered out: "Is it not hot here?" Said he whilst fanning his face with the sheet of parchment, "The west really is warm, warm and warmer—I'm... melting away..." He'd murmur. Is it not illegal for someone to be so hot?! It's totally cheating, this is unfair! was the many thoughts that rushed through the paramour's overheating mind.

    "o- Oh?" Aniel quickly caught his composure which ran rampant in his head, clearing his throat as he smiled, "How you flatter me, Bébé! I am glad to know I have your interest piqued~" He'd giggle, leaning on his improvised desk with his cheek resting on his palm. Bailey bringing up theatre amused the swainling, after all, back in his past life he did join a few drama programmes since he liked theatre, unfortunately, bringing that up would probably clash with his origin as being awoken and born a nubile creature primarily for bringing into the world love, romance and whatnot else related.

    "Oh how truly unfair it would be for one such as me to ascend behind the proscenium arch in all my excellence," Playfully he'd chuckle, "Wouldn't I dazzle all who bear witness?" Aniel said with a playful smile that one would normally see on a child who probably was up to no good. "It is a nice and lovely thought though, to be admired and desired... Yet it pleases me more to admire and desire rather." He'd add.

    When Bailey raised her hammer, Aniel dipped the tip of his swan feather into the inkwell, he raised his eyes when Bailey mentioned her: "Old world...?" He'd parrot, writing that down as a note. He wrote down that the hammer was a catalyst, probably like his own, although hers seemed to be able to work as a usual weapon as well. It was a form of magic and if Bailey channeled it through divine powers... Then maybe Aniel could do the same with his faith. Love was cruel and tumultuous, but it could also defy reality and transcend time and space—true love is what some may call it. If Aniel now treaded a fantastical world of dragons and knights, princesses and elves; perhaps the wondrous things of fairytales could apply here too?

    Only the gods know and he was not. Once Bailey was done, he folded the parchment and stuffed it into his satchel, he capped his inkwell and packed it into the box, which he then put back into his satchel. He used his handkerchief to wipe off any wet ink on the tip of his feather and pinned it back on his beret. He stretched in the air, and smiled at Bailey, "Thank you, many thanks to you! Surely a good thing to know, Bébé~ I feel honoured to simply be within the presence of someone worthy to hold such a sacred object!" The swainling praised as he floated around Bailey, peering at her hammer with awe sparkling in his eyes.

    Aniel soon grounded himself at Mako's comments and trembled at the thought as his wings folded beneath his cloak, "Me? Wield an object such as that? Even a normal hammer of that size is impossible for one like me," He crossed his arms, "I am a flower, not a fighter. Love buds not between men on the fields of yarrow, for the Weaver of Wiles treads not upon such red-stained grounds." Aniel said vaguely.

    The swainling blushed at the sharkly one's queries; he'd cover his chuckling smile with his hand, "Cupids," He'd correct, "...Although, I am not one of such rank. I am a green recruit of the 'Erotes'; the vassals of Love's whims. Putto is likely a more fitting term for one of my standing." Angels who make women and men fall in love, and the lowest ranking of all angels—usually depicted in Renaissance art and the thing that haunted his room and the dining table's pendant light. His mother was quite an avid fan of them.

    "Uh—" Aniel flinched, he couldn't forget it. It was literally in his name; it was the day of his birth. He could not escape it no matter what way he looked. Was it referred to by another name in this world? He didn't think cupids came down on Valentine's Day and made people all smitten...

    The vassal of Love cleared his throat, "Every day is a day for love! After all, many people find love with each passing day. There is no day where not someone falls in love~" Aniel would retort, "Although, if that is true then I must be more diligent! Yes, it is true that my role as a maker of lovers and seamster of hearts has been neglected but, no longer shall that be true!" The swainling turned to Bailey and Mako, clearing his throat with a fire ignited within his eyes. "You two are well acquainted with this crew, yes? I'm sure there's a pair 'ere in need of a gentle push in the right direction! The hour is now, love waits for no one and now is when love wants to start! So [Spill Your Hearts Out] if you'd be so kind~" Aniel smiled excitedly, twirling around, wings aflutter and with his hands clapped and clasped together.
Davito Aranda


Davito shook his head at the dark kobold's comment of calling him a squire. "It's actually quite insulting to mistake a fully fledged knight for a squire." He said. "However, because you didn't know. I'll spare you your head." As the kobold leaned in to tell him all about the life of a sailor, Davito realized that it wasn't that different to life in the army, just a little more cramped, and a little more free. "I know you're trying the hard sell, but that doesn't seem too far off what I've already experienced, both at sea and on land. Sailing and the army seem to have lots in common." At the mention of the frogman's recipes, Davito seemed pleased. Kraken soup seemed quite intriguing. And though the borgar seemed slightly weird, he couldn't judge other's cultures against his own.

At the kobold's questions, Davito thought back to his life before now. "Well, I'm a free knight, formerly of Rotia, working around the continent, adventuring, fighting, whatever needs to be done." He refrained from mentioning exactly why he wasn't still in Rotia. Rothmar could have ears anywhere. "As for the sailing, I wanted to maybe try something a little different, and also see if it wasn't all excitement. I recently had a sea voyage on the east coast that consisted of a ghost kraken, a pirate fleet and a shipwreck." Davito frowned. "I know it usually isn't like that, but have either of you had any excitement recently?"
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Location: Furry's Stripe

"Ah, captain Kento. Don't worry captain, I'm perfectly healthy!" Turning her attention to the towering captain, she gave him a sheepish smile before staring back into the horizon, through this time she wasn't daydreaming anymore. Her stare was more contemplative now, as if she was recalling some good memories that she wasn't even sure happened.

"It just had been a very long time for me ever since I boarded a ship. I forget a lot, so I've been traveling a lot trying to relive all those feelings and gathering more unforgettable experiences. I can say that your ship is definitely the biggest one I've ever been though," Velvet gave the captain a bright smile. "It makes me feel like I'm part of something... grand? I guess. I'm not sure myself."

"Would you mind telling me one or two of your stories, captain? I would love to hear it."
She pleades, her hands were clasped in front of her and her eyes gleamed like a kid waiting for some bed time stories.

Develius Develius

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