OCC Thread [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]

...Sorry, I won't be able to finish anything before the new year. Things are going a bit better now, as my exam is over and nobody I know is in particular danger of dying in the immediate future, but I have one more assignment to finish and less than a day in which to do it...

I'll hopefully have more time afterwards, but it's okay if you'd rather I withdraw, so as to make sure the game keeps moving properly.
æ–°å¹´å¿«ä¹ï¼Or, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Looking forward to a fresh year of great gaming with you wonderful people :)

I'd like to add too that this is one of the best PbP games I've ever been in, and I'm really looking forward to see where the plot will be going next. Thanks, Grey. You've been a wonderful GM
Ah, Happy New Year to you too! And thank you, I'm glad you enjoying it. I do promise it'll go interesting places.
Just... let me know what I should do, I guess. I'm still not doing well, but I don't want to give up on this game, unless that's best for everyone else.
Alright, Eclipse, I'm not a complete monster, so here's a helping hand-

It is entirely possible to kill this creature in a one-on-one fight, but this is neither easy, nor sane.


It has a weakspot, it requires time to charge the petrification beam, and it is sufficiently ECKSBAWKSHUEG for you to climb up on it while it is distracted and shiv it in the weakspot for massive damage.
Lord of Storms - Ian has four routes open to him.

The alley to the left of the church, the alley to the right, and the two opposite them. You'll have to pick one - or you can examine the ruined house opposite the church, which is more or less intact.
Apologies for the delays, folks - busy getting this game ready for launch. You can all expect a free PDF as a thankyou sometime next week. The game will resume as soon as I can sit still for longer than half an hour.
Furthermore - Risa, Kensai, now is a good time for your characters. There is a fair bit of life left in the preludes yet, but I'd like an idea of how to nudge you towards Kain.
All right. Sorry about the delay; I've just been procrastinating college assignments for too long, so I've been in a rush to finish everything. I'll see if I can get my character up tonight.
...Since I won't be able to finish tonight, I should ask: How long do I have? My final will be over on the 26th, and I'll have much more time to relax after that. But if you'd rather I finish my character earlier, I think I can manage. I'll have to push myself, but I'll have to do that no matter what, so it isn't too much of a difference either way.
There is no problem at all waiting until after the 26th. I've got a convention this weekend, and celebrations next week. The preludes still have life in them, so the main game probably won't start before then anyway.

Everyone having a good time so far, by the way?
It'll be a day or two after the 26th before I can get back to work. My course technically ends at the end of this month, and I'll likely have an assignment left to finish after my final.
...Gah. I can't find my old posts about my character concept.

I remember the basics, but was he from Hrothgard or H'Kaer? You recommended one, I think, saying it would fit well with the idea of a character failing to live up to being the war hero he was supposed to be... for some reason I'm thinking it was Hrothgard, but H'Kaer seems to be the one involved in war.

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