LonelyAssassin said:
Doesn't matter, we are RP fighting, everything is ifs and buts.
No it does matter. So If I just made a post putting in the most basic of detail, you'd be able to understand what I mean?

"Vance moved towards Ren and stabbed him"

Would you be able to understand that he was running towards Ren and that he was going to stab him in a specific place? Because If someone put that I wouldn't be able to tell. Detail is key in Roleplays, because you and the other person need to know where you both stand. Otherwise there's no point in actually doing anything like this if you can't be bothered to add that little bit extra detail so the other person knows what you mean.

LonelyAssassin said:
Uh we are only like 1 minute into the fight. We've done nothing considering we are powered individuals.

Seriously? That's your excuse. "His weakness is that he gets tired easily" So easily for him is at the same rate as everyone else. Would you enter in a marathon and then tell everyone you got tired easily, even if you got tired at the same rate as everyone else?

Considering he's used fire to create enough force to lift a fully grown adult I'd say that he's using a lot of energy. Hold on, what did you say earlier?

LonelyAssassin said:
Fantasy has to have some degree of realism or else it'd be boring and dumb. I know it's fantasy or else we wouldn't have powers in the first place.
Oh yeah. I guess stamina doesn't have to apply to that, does it?

LonelyAssassin said:
Pretty sure you grabbing me is enough of a reason you're going to attack me. Plus since we're in the air you would have to drive me into the ground from the air, I've got plenty of time to counter a very long suplex.
But you're in the air, so anything you did would be pointless, considering my character can teleport and your can't, so your character would become a stain on the floor, or at least dazed. He wouldn't land safely. So the rest of my stuff would still go through. But you choose to ignore it and Have Ren do a backflip and land safely after lifting himself higher than a rooftop and then falling to ground level.

LonelyAssassin said:
Cause what your character did wasn't very impressive. You threw some knives, I expected Light to easily counter that, I thought of millions of ways they could've been countered. Clearly she intends for Helena to die or get seriously injured.
Because what my character did wasn't impressive. That's why you see all the soldiers in wars using just swords and sword fighting, because it's more impressive than shooting someone dead. Oh wait. You thought of millions of ways, but what you were faced with was pure darkness. Something that can't be melted at all. And it was moving at a high speed and if it touched a bit of skin then it would do what it did anyway. Just because the daggers left his hands doesn't mean that he can't control them anymore.

Oh and because Light didn't dodge it, that gives you complete free reign to kill character with complete disregard to the rules that have been laid out in this thread. But I figured out what you want, you just wants fights where either your character wins, or no one gets a single hit in, don't you? That's all you want.

LonelyAssassin said:
wut, he's not letting his guard down, he's not dumb
You could've fooled me. But lets say he didn't let his guard down. How did he keep it up? When he was the only thing keeping himself in the air and away from becoming a pancake on the ground. What did he use to counter Vance again? Ah yes, his hands.

LonelyAssassin said:
No because everything is ifs and buts in an RP fight. If I say one thing happens indefinitely that's just godmodding.
But that's exactly what you did, you gave no room for doubt in your posts, none at all. If I said my character smiled, could another person say that they didn't? Because everything is ifs and buts, right? Or if I said my character grabbed a sword, could someone say that he didn't? All because everything is ifs and buts.

In an RP, everything is assumed to be happening unless stated otherwise. That's how these things work, it's not a case of: Assume everything is just a vague interpretation of what's going on.

LonelyAssassin said:
It only causes internal damage if it hits. And I can only absorb certain attacks, how does having the speed of light have any weaknesses?
Oh gee, I don't know. How does going at a speed that if you touched something a bit too hard you'd become liquid on that thing. Or that you probably wouldn't be able to be that aware of your surroundings when going at that speed. But those aren't weaknesses, are they?

LonelyAssassin said:
It was for me, trying to keep my sanity.
So you just put something to keep your sanity? Okay. Can I do that too? Because you're making me lose mine.

I don't like pancakes that much.

(Did I do it right?)
Not on about the details that matters - the details always matter, on about the ifs and buts things because that's godmodding. With your logic ""Vance moved towards Ren and stabbed him"" would mean I'd be stabbed and I can't do anything about it, which is godmodding. The fight really hasn't gone anywhere though, like I said i wanted it to drag out a little bit. No I had no intent on killing your character and was expecting to take a hit, if you saw what happened to Ren against Helena I didn't retaliate against that he lost. Uh I didn't mean keeping your guard up like a boxing stance, i just meant in general where he was prepared for an attack to come his way. If and buts when it comes to fighting my bro, you can't just godmod saying im as flat as a pancake. I can move my hands in the air, and I push off you with my legs, backflipping off your torso. Speed of Light is OP whether you try to think of a weakness or not.

Yeah Pancakes aren't that good

The whole point of this is that you are basically trying to godmod, you're forcing my character to not be able to do anything at all. He has basically got to sit there and take it because you said so.
LonelyAssassin said:
Not on about the details that matters - the details always matter, on about the ifs and buts things because that's godmodding. With your logic ""Vance moved towards Ren and stabbed him"" would mean I'd be stabbed and I can't do anything about it, which is godmodding. The fight really hasn't gone anywhere though, like I said i wanted it to drag out a little bit. No I had no intent on killing your character and was expecting to take a hit, if you saw what happened to Ren against Helena I didn't retaliate against that he lost. Uh I didn't mean keeping your guard up like a boxing stance, i just meant in general where he was prepared for an attack to come his way. If and buts when it comes to fighting my bro, you can't just godmod saying im as flat as a pancake. I can move my hands in the air, and I push off you with my legs, backflipping off your torso. Speed of Light is OP whether you try to think of a weakness or not.
Yeah Pancakes aren't that good
The point here isn't about godmodding, Because you wrote your posts in the same way that I did. Implying that they had certainty that they were going to happen. So If I was godmodding, then so were you. Since we were both writing our posts in the same manner. So again we move back to the examples that I made before. One of them was saying that it was happening and the other wasn't.

Ifs and buts only apply if they are said to apply in the post. Lets take this into a non-combat scenario, shall we?

If she came around the corner, he would smile happily at her" This doesn't really make sense does it? Because if your whole post is based off ifs and buts then its not a good post. But that's exactly what you're implying is happening by saying all combat posts are ifs and buts even when not stated to be. Where do you draw the line? Is even the dialog part of the combat? is the cat thing Ren did part of the combat?

LonelyAssassin said:
The whole point of this is that you are basically trying to godmod, you're forcing my character to not be able to do anything at all. He has basically got to sit there and take it because you said so.
No, The whole point of this is that you're wrong and you don't want to admit it. I was trying to force your character to no be doing anything at all. And do you want to know why? In my first post, when I engaged the fight, you didn't let a single attack hit you and in that post I didn't even say any of them were going to hit you. But I did imply that at least one of them would. But you ignored all of them and just ran forwards and attacked my character, despite everything I laid out.

So I kept trying to end the fight more quickly, hell I was giving you a lot of outs. I didn't want to be in the situation where the other guy doesn't take any hits whatsoever. Because that's the thing, you still haven't taken any hits from my character. You keep 'dodging' them. So why would I not try to end the fight?

And yes it is slight godmodding. But in this thread all of us are guilty of it, that includes you. Since you never put any uncertainty in your posts. But by 'Countering' all of my attacks, you are also godmodding by saying that my character would not recover and continue on with the attack stream. Because you never left any uncertainty.

But at the end of the day, this is an RP fight. It makes sense to allow for slight godmodding like that for the sake of fun. And I wouldn't of done any of it, if you had taken at least one hit when I first started the fight. But you didn't, showing that unless I actually told you, you were going to get hit, you wouldn't get hit. But I was wrong even there, wasn't I?

And on the topic of dodging attacks lets take a look back at one of your attempts, shall we?

GingerBread said:
( ! )Once Ren was back on the ground after his kick, B.A.T.M.A.N stabbed a sword through the boy's chest, barely missing the heart by a couple of inches. "Remember what I said. I said I was going to kill you, why do you idiots have to try to fight back, it just means I have to put more effort in. So last chance, I mean you're dead either way. If you move this blade goes through your heart. and if you don't it does anyway. Did I mention it's made out of darkness, so I can do this" The front of the sword that just coming out of the front of Ren's chest suddenly grew two more blades that went to the left and right of it. "But, I'll tell you what. If you can give me one good reason why you should continue living, I'll let you go. If not, well I'm sure no one will miss you anyway"
LonelyAssassin said:
( ! ) Ren lands, seeing a blade shoot from the ground in front of him aimed for his chest he reacts by expelling a large amount of two streams of fire, which shoot him upwards and backwards and all the light emitted by the blue flames destroy his shadow doing godknowswhat to the almost Copyrighted Infringement named dude. He continues to shoot the streams of fire until he was propelled a lot further away.
If we look back, we'll see that my character teleported out of the suit of armor and behind Ren. He then stabbed a sword through Ren's chest. But somehow Ren 'Countered' it, even though he shouldn't and realistically couldn't have known that My character was behind him for him to be able to counter the blow. So If Ren did know that My character had done that, which he must've because he was able to counter it, Then you must've been Metagaming. Using information that you're character isn't likely to, or couldn't, know.

And as for all the godmodding claims against me. A) That's mainly how the combat in here works, because we all get along for the most part and we know not to take it too far. And B) You were doing the exact same writing style as I was, so are you accusing yourself of Godmodding as well?

LonelyAssassin said:
He has basically got to sit there and take it because you said so.
Oh really? He has to does he? And my character and has to unsuccessful in every attempt he has to hit yours, does he? Because you have only taken the most basic of hits so far, yet you've attempted to light my character on fire and expected me to take it? I'm assuming that you did since you didn't put any warning.

And I never said he had to sit there, he does if he wants to live. But any other case, he doesn't have to. Hell he wouldn't have died in most of the stuff he went through the first time anyway. But you decided to not let anything hit.

But since I've gone on about the first fighting post, how about we take a look at it.

GingerBread said:

( ! ) B.A.T.M.A.N threw the dagger he was holding towards Ren's arm, if it hit it would have the same effects that the ones that hit Helena did. If Ren tried to move out of the way of the dagger then he would find himself restricted by tendrils of darkness, though he would still avoid the dagger. If he attempted the burn the darkness objects then they would only grow stronger.

@Ethan Vail @Lotusy
So with my post here, I had it so he was going to get hit either way. Either by the dagger which would pin his arm to the ground. Or he would've got trapped by the tentacles for a short amount of time, unless he tried to burn them in which case it would take longer for him to get out of it. Now also, if you take a look. None of the attacks are for defiant on their own. But together, than one of them is unavoidable if you don't want to get hit by the other.

Now lets look at what you did.

LonelyAssassin said:
"Woah woah woah, I am not with this bitch! I never was, she kidnapped my other! Don't pool me with her. And my Fire isn't proper fire, she might not be burned but it causes internal damage as well!"
Ren, or should I say Ki ignored Helena and ran forward with greater speeds now that he was in his cursed form and slid under the darkness daggers, recovering into a run as he made his way towards B.A.T.M.A.N running from the tendrils.

"Just trying to eat a Pie and then I get dragged into this Crap!"

Ki leaps into the air and performs a flying side kick against the guy's chest, in this form he had even more strength too. It wasn't strong enough to be fatal though.
You just completely ignored the whole thing, even though the tentacles were unavoidable because they were literally surrounding him, waiting to stop him if he tried to move. But I'm sure if Ren or Ki or whatever he's called, stepped onto a landmine, he'd be able to outrun the explosion.

Anyway, moving on. We look at your attack, after you made the impossible run towards my character. You kicked my character, but the way you put it, made it seem like the only thing that wasn't going to happen was death. But by putting that you made it even more certain that it was something that had happened because you said it did.

But it's fine. I see the problem here. You just want your character to be the best and never get so much as a scratch on him, yet be able to kick the person he's fighting with a lot of force (Though it's not fatal. Because you know how strong the character is and what wouldn't kill him)

But you have yet to take a single hit in this entire fight. You're entire way of 'countering' relies on godmodding your attacks through, otherwise they wouldn't work. And you have a superiority complex, don't you? Because you're acting like your shit doesn't stink and you can do no wrong. Because the way you perceive stuff is the absolute correct way to look at it and anyone doing it differently is wrong, right?
No the initial point of this argument is you saying I ignored your move, which I didn't - I countered accordingly, I don't expect you to take the hits and I don't expect to win or get out of this without a scratch. I just wanted to be apart of a fair & fun RP. I'm being penalized for nothing, the reason I have yet to take a hit is because you have started an argument really early in the fight, it's been what? a couple of posts between us. You need to get off your high horse, let go of this pride you have and just carry on with the fight.
I was actually expecting you to block my first kick, not take the hit. I don't have a superiority complex or else I would have started the argument, that's you my friend. I'm sorry this ended up like this.

@Light I'm sorry about this mess, I think I'm done ^^ Thanks tho for trying to get me involved, I tried too
I write intending that my character hits because that's what he intends, I as a writer don't expect it all to happen. I could type up that I do this amazing 10/10 combo with awesome punches and kicks and stuff, but I would still expect it to be interrupted at the first hit - like I expect it not even to land and the combo becomes nothing. That's what I expect because that's how an RP fight happens, you type up your move and your opponent counters the attack accordingly, if there is an opening there's an opening bro ^^

And you mention detail but never said that the tentacles that rise up surround me you just say they would grab me if I dodged the knife. However I completely moved from my spot before the knife even got to me ^^ your move states once the knife got to me and I dodged it they would trap me. But I moved since then.
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LonelyAssassin said:
No the initial point of this argument is you saying I ignored your move, which I didn't - I countered accordingly, I don't expect you to take the hits and I don't expect to win or get out of this without a scratch. I just wanted to be apart of a fair & fun RP. I'm being penalized for nothing, the reason I have yet to take a hit is because you have started an argument really early in the fight, it's been what? a couple of posts between us. You need to get off your high horse, let go of this pride you have and just carry on with the fight.
See, again with the 'My shit doesn't stink' attitude from you. Ask most anyone on here, I'm pretty reasonable when it comes to Rping. But that's not the point here. The point here is, I started this argument because you completely invalidated my post, not once, but Twice. Meaning that you'd rather do that instead of, Oh I don't know, talking about it with me?

You're being penalized for ignoring and invalidating my post almost completely. And most of the points I have brought up, you ignore. (That's kinda funny, you ignore my posts in OOC too) So just because it's early on in the fight, that means you can't be hit at all. Well I better go inform all Fighting sports ever.

I put you in a situation where you had a choice of not being able to use your character's arm or being trapped. You chose to ignore both.

LonelyAssassin said:
I was actually expecting you to block my first kick, not take the hit. I don't have a superiority complex or else I would have started the argument, that's you my friend. I'm sorry this ended up like this.
@Light I'm sorry about this mess, I think I'm done ^^ Thanks tho for trying to get me involved, I tried too
But you never made it clear that I could. This is what I've been trying to get through to you. I need to know that you're letting me dodge that attack if I choose to. Which you failed to do. I don't have a superiority complex by the way.

But I did not handle this the wrong way for the most part. You made a mistake and I went to correct you on it, what you could've done was say "I did ignore most of your post because I dodged the first thing, making the rest not able to happen. Sorry"

You could've put that and then this whole thing wouldn't have happened. But what did you do instead? You put a crying emoticon.

LonelyAssassin said:
N-no (:'() w-what's wrong?
why're you being so mean?
GingerBread said:
You blatantly ignored my post. I had B.A.T.M.A.N Pin ren to the ground, and you ignored that. Actually you ignored everything in my post past B.A.T.M.A.N touching Ren. And then you expect me to go along with you draining my character of all his energy, burning him and then kicking him
LonelyAssassin said:
but I countered from the point of being grabbed just before being suplex'd...
You had a superiority complex back then. Like you were doing no wrong by invalidating my posts and that it was okay because you countered before being suplexed. Dot dot dot. All you had to do was admit that you ignored most of my post and we could've come to an agreement.

LonelyAssassin said:
I write intending that my character hits because that's what he intends, I as a writer don't expect it all to happen. I could type up that I do this amazing 10/10 combo with awesome punches and kicks and stuff, but I would still expect it to be interrupted at the first hit - like I expect it not even to land and the combo becomes nothing. That's what I expect because that's how an RP fight happens, you type up your move and your opponent counters the attack accordingly, if there is an opening there's an opening bro ^^
And you mention detail but never said that the tentacles that rise up surround me you just say they would grab me if I dodged the knife. However I completely moved from my spot before the knife even got to me ^^ your move states once the knife got to me and I dodged it they would trap me. But I moved since then.
My Move states that if you dodged it, you would be trapped. So since it hadn't gotten to you yet it doesn't count as dodging? So if I move out of the way of a bullet, I didn't dodge it because it wasn't close enough to me?

But this isn't a book, yes you write what your character intends to do. But if he Intends to do it, then you make that clear in your post. You don't just assume that everyone is going to know the same stuff as you and know how you like to write and that crap. You need to make it clear. For example

"He started towards his opponent, raising his sword up so that it was level with his stomach. He increased the speed in which he was running while also trying to maintain his balance, he was aiming for his sword to stab through his opponent's chest. If that did happen then He would then start pulling the sword upwards, attempting to cut through his opponent's entire body."

See how that doesn't state that he's doing that, yet also keeps to what the character intends to do?

LonelyAssassin said:
@Light I'm sorry about this mess, I think I'm done ^^ Thanks tho for trying to get me involved, I tried too
But if you are leaving, could you at least give me permission to kill off your character, because in character that's a thing I have to do now and if you just leave then it will create more problems for me. But whatever
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"But you never made it clear that I could."

Imma stop here, because i don't need to make it clear that you could. IF you can avoid it with your character's abilities then do so, that's the whole point of an RP fight - it's up to YOU whether you get hit or not, not me and my posts. If I say "I slap you" then it's up to you whether you get slapped or grab my wrist. Not me ^^

I didn't ignore your post. How many times do I have to say this? You said I Blatantly ignored your post, but I'm just RP fighting how one is supposed to RP fight. The only one not making this fun is you because you can't deal with the fact your post can be countered? For example, in my current move I don't expect to do any damage to you, I say I burn your arms and rain your energy but that doesn't have to happen - the reason like I write the way I do is because it's not up to me it's up to you - I can put "you get burned and die" but that's up to you in your next post. Not me man. My intent is not yours.

And I've always seen RPing as writing a book with many authors, making a fun and enjoyable story for all.

Anyways, just reply and kill me or something please. You won't have to see my face anymore, even though I would have liked to be apart of this.
LonelyAssassin said:
"But you never made it clear that I could."
Imma stop here, because i don't need to make it clear that you could. IF you can avoid it with your character's abilities then do so, that's the whole point of an RP fight - it's up to YOU whether you get hit or not, not me and my posts. If I say "I slap you" then it's up to you whether you get slapped or grab my wrist. Not me ^^
Seriously? That's your whole counter to that. Whether that's how you do it or not doesn't come into it. In different Rp's people do stuff differently. In this Rp, we sometimes GodMod a lot, otherwise, with everyones powers, no one would take a hit. That's just a fact and we've all accepted that. But if you were to say you slapped me, It is again showing that it's definant because you're not "Going to Slap me" You are.

LonelyAssassin said:
I didn't ignore your post. How many times do I have to say this? You said I Blatantly ignored your post, but I'm just RP fighting how one is supposed to RP fight. The only one not making this fun is you because you can't deal with the fact your post can be countered? For example, in my current move I don't expect to do any damage to you, I say I burn your arms and rain your energy but that doesn't have to happen - the reason like I write the way I do is because it's not up to me it's up to you - I can put "you get burned and die" but that's up to you in your next post. Not me man. My intent is not yours.
I don't know, how many times do you have to tell a lie before it becomes true? And you're not Rp fighting how one is meant to Rp fight, you're Rp fighting the way you rp fight. Everyone has different styles of writing in general. Expecting everyone to know how you write is just plain ignorant.

In your post, you never even Implied that I could avoid it. Not even once. So if we weren't having this little talk here, how would I have known that. Remember to bare in mind, I can't read minds.

Okay so it's your intent, so why don't you make that clear. If I went over to one of my friends and just said "My place, Nine o'clock" They wouldn't have a clue what I was on about for one, but they also wouldn't know if it was something that I would happily allow them to back out of. Because I never gave any such indication.

LonelyAssassin said:
And I've always seen RPing as writing a book with many authors, making a fun and enjoyable story for all.
If I was writing a book and put: "Han shot towards Grengo's chest piercing a hole right through it." And then in the next sentence I put "Grengo moved out of the way of Han's shot before pulling out his own laser pistol and shooting Han in the head, boring a hole straight through it"

You wouldn't read that I'd bet. Because it doesn't make sense and it's unenjoyable because one sentence contradicts another, making it unfun to read. So this whole "Proper way to Rp a fight" Goes against the way you see RPing, does it not?
"Anyways, just reply and kill me or something please. You won't have to see my face anymore, even though I would have liked to be apart of this."
LonelyAssassin said:
"Anyways, just reply and kill me or something please. You won't have to see my face anymore, even though I would have liked to be apart of this."
Ooh, are we doing just bold what we said before? I'll try.

LonelyAssassin said:
"But you never made it clear that I could."
Imma stop here, because i don't need to make it clear that you could. IF you can avoid it with your character's abilities then do so, that's the whole point of an RP fight - it's up to YOU whether you get hit or not, not me and my posts. If I say "I slap you" then it's up to you whether you get slapped or grab my wrist. Not me ^^
Seriously? That's your whole counter to that. Whether that's how you do it or not doesn't come into it. In different Rp's people do stuff differently. In this Rp, we sometimes GodMod a lot, otherwise, with everyones powers, no one would take a hit. That's just a fact and we've all accepted that. But if you were to say you slapped me, It is again showing that it's definant because you're not "Going to Slap me" You are.

LonelyAssassin said:
I didn't ignore your post. How many times do I have to say this? You said I Blatantly ignored your post, but I'm just RP fighting how one is supposed to RP fight. The only one not making this fun is you because you can't deal with the fact your post can be countered? For example, in my current move I don't expect to do any damage to you, I say I burn your arms and rain your energy but that doesn't have to happen - the reason like I write the way I do is because it's not up to me it's up to you - I can put "you get burned and die" but that's up to you in your next post. Not me man. My intent is not yours.
I don't know, how many times do you have to tell a lie before it becomes true? And you're not Rp fighting how one is meant to Rp fight, you're Rp fighting the way you rp fight. Everyone has different styles of writing in general. Expecting everyone to know how you write is just plain ignorant.

In your post, you never even Implied that I could avoid it. Not even once. So if we weren't having this little talk here, how would I have known that. Remember to bare in mind, I can't read minds.

Okay so it's your intent, so why don't you make that clear. If I went over to one of my friends and just said "My place, Nine o'clock" They wouldn't have a clue what I was on about for one, but they also wouldn't know if it was something that I would happily allow them to back out of. Because I never gave any such indication.

LonelyAssassin said:
And I've always seen RPing as writing a book with many authors, making a fun and enjoyable story for all.
If I was writing a book and put: "Han shot towards Grengo's chest piercing a hole right through it." And then in the next sentence I put "Grengo moved out of the way of Han's shot before pulling out his own laser pistol and shooting Han in the head, boring a hole straight through it"

You wouldn't read that I'd bet. Because it doesn't make sense and it's unenjoyable because one sentence contradicts another, making it unfun to read. So this whole "Proper way to Rp a fight" Goes against the way you see RPing, does it not?
Anyways, just reply and kill me or something please. You won't have to see my face anymore, even though I would have liked to be apart of this.

what's your problem? I'm giving you the win, just TAKE IT. instead of being a horrible person. Please, just leave me alone
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LonelyAssassin said:
Anyways, just reply and kill me or something please. You won't have to see my face anymore, even though I would have liked to be apart of this.

what's your problem? I'm giving you the win, just TAKE IT. instead of being a horrible person. Please, just leave me alone
I'm not trying to be horrible. I don't want to take the easy win. Because that's boring. And I also want to understand why you think your way was better in Rp terms. I would've liked for this to have been sorted out.

But if you really want me to kill off your character, I will. But I'd rather I didn't, because you don't seem that bad, just not that easy to persuade. Bit stuck in your ways if you will
the thing is, you talked about everyone has a different way of writing. But then you target mine because I make it seem like all my attacks happen, but I as the writer do not expect them to, and I don't expect you guys to take it either. Please just understand that an RP fight is a back and forth thing. No I don't want my character to die, but from the way you were writing it was like he was going to, so I didn't know what to do.

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LonelyAssassin said:
the thing is, you talked about everyone has a different way of writing. But then you target mine because I make it seem like all my attacks happen, but I as the writer do not expect them to, and I don't expect you guys to take it either. Please just understand that an RP fight is a back and forth thing. No I don't want my character to die, but from the way you were writing it was like he was going to, so I didn't know what to do.
Yes, everyone does have a different way of writing. And I targeted your, for two reasons. The first being that it was only slightly different to what almost everyone else does here, making it even more confusing. The second being, it was kind of unclear. Maybe that's slightly because of the first reason. But if you look back in this thread and see how the combat works, you should see why I got confused and ever so slightly angry when you ignored (Or at least seemed to) most of my post.

And I understand it's a back and forth thing. But here's how a typical fight in this Rp goes.

"Derek summoned shards of darkness and sent them flying towards Frank, slicing up the side of his arms. While this was happening Derek ran forwards while he summoned his sword and stabbed it into Frank's chest."

"Frank winced as the shards of darkness cut up the sides of his arms before letting out a gasp for air as the wind was knocked out of him by the sword that had been stabbed into his chest; The sword itself had missed anything important in Franks body, leaving any vital organs unharmed. Frank then had fire well up in his hand before placing them onto Derek's face, burning it. He then punched Derek in the stomach, knocking him back enough so that he could safely pull the sword out of his chest before ripping off his shirt and wrapping it around the wound like a makeshift bandage"

And then so on and so forth. That's how most combat goes down in this Thread. When someone leaves out details, you fill in the blanks for the most part. Like when you were trapped in the tendrils, you could've got trapped and then got out them someone without my character knowing and then surprising them with an attack when they came over.

I understand that this method of fighting may no be what you're used to, but that's how it works here, for the most part anyway. A lot of fighting is filling in certain blanks, like I did in my above example. I'll always have some sort of way out of the situation.

Like before, didn't you have the light of the fire get rid of the darkness? That was a good idea, you could've done that again when I trapped you in those situations. I'll almost always offer a way out for people, Most of the time it involves talking to my characters. But there is almost always a way out of the situation.

Like I could've pulled you into the darkness realm and taken away all of Ren's powers, but I didn't. I could've cast absolute darkness and did what Light did earlier. In retrospect, I've gone easier on you that I could have.
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LonelyAssassin said:
but what if frank wants to defend against the shards of darkness?
Frank can't for the most part. Derek said he would get hit so it happened, Same rules for Apply the other way around with the burning of Derek's face.

The only thing you have to let people defend against is a kill shot, or something that would end a fight. Kill shots have to be marked with the ( ! ). End of fight things don't really have to be marked, but I feel like if it's going to end a fight, the other person should have some say in it.

But this is kinda tame compared to what I witness one guy do. He literally trapped a character because he went Afk for a bit and other people were posting. So it may not be the most perfect combat system, but it's not the worst and for this style of Rp, it works pretty well.
There is no reason for Frank not to be able to defend against the Shards of Darkness, just because another RPer says it he should be able to get that chance. Killshot or not. Like you said if this guy trapped a character just because he was going AFK, the trapped character should get that chance to counter not being trapped. "Your Character get hits by my Arrow because I say so." isn't a good combat system, there are millions of ways to defend against a simple arrow being shot at you but if the RPer says you can't then there is no ways? That's not fair.


Anyways, how do you suggest we move on? Or would you like to just go back to the point where Ren becomes Ki? Because I would just rather not have the fight happen and it would probably be easier for us
LonelyAssassin said:
There is no reason for Frank not to be able to defend against the Shards of Darkness, just because another RPer says it he should be able to get that chance. Killshot or not. Like you said if this guy trapped a character just because he was going AFK, the trapped character should get that chance to counter not being trapped. "Your Character get hits by my Arrow because I say so." isn't a good combat system, there are millions of ways to defend against a simple arrow being shot at you but if the RPer says you can't then there is no ways? That's not fair.

Anyways, how do you suggest we move on? Or would you like to just go back to the point where Ren becomes Ki? Because I would just rather not have the fight happen and it would probably be easier for us
But there's not reason for Frank to be able to defend against it either. If Frank was able to defend against the darkness shards then the other attack wouldn't of made that much sense, even though it would still happen.

The problem with giving everyone the chance to dodge and counter attacks is that everyone normally takes that opportunity and considering how strong some of the people in this thread are, it wouldn't make sense for their attacks to not go through or for them to not get hit.

There's only one way to defend against an arrow heading towards you and that's to move out of the way. And unless you have spidey senses, that's probably not going to happen. Nor would you be able to counter it with an attack in time to stop it from hitting you.

And I say we just continue on from where we are right now. But if you want, then I'll roleplay the fight in the way you'd prefer it to be role played out. But only if you write out your posts like they aren't certain. Like for example:

"Derek fired shards of darkness at Frank's arms, intending to just slice the sides of them slightly. Once he fired the shards at Frank, Derek started running forwards with his sword held high, intending to stab Frank in the stomach."

Or something similar to that, so that it's not, or at least doesn't look like what you put is going to happen for certain
There's only one way to defend against an arrow heading towards you and that's to move out of the way. And unless you have spidey senses, that's probably not going to happen. Nor would you be able to counter it with an attack in time to stop it from hitting you.

Fireball, Duck, Sidestep, Dive to the Left, Dive to the Right, Catch it, Slap it away, Jump above it, Shoot it, Walls of Flames, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Matrix Dodge, Kick it out the way, catch it between your teeth. I could keep going. We're all superpowered beings here in a fantasy world, lots is possible.

If Frank was able to defend against the darkness shards then the other attack wouldn't of made that much sense

What other attack? The sword stab? Sure it does.
LonelyAssassin said:
Fireball, Duck, Sidestep, Dive to the Left, Dive to the Right, Catch it, Slap it away, Jump above it, Shoot it, Walls of Flames, Gust of Wind, Lightning Bolt, Matrix Dodge, Kick it out the way, catch it between your teeth. I could keep going. We're all superpowered beings here in a fantasy world, lots is possible.
Right but again, you'd need really good senses. What is Fantasy if it isn't slightly grounded in reality. So you wouldn't realistically be able to have good enough reactions to actually react to an arrow flying through the air, you may be able to slow it down, but unless one of your powers speed up your reactions times you shouldn't really be able to do much about it, apart from move slightly, which could either create less damage to your character or more. But Idk.

LonelyAssassin said:
What other attack? The sword stab? Sure it does.
But Derek only did the charging with the sword because he saw that the shards hit Frank, so he was using that as at least an distraction. But it makes some sense, but just not as much as it did with the shard attack. Idk though.

LonelyAssassin said:
No no, we'll just continue the way this RP "battles" ^^
If you're sure. I don't mind. I just prefer that sort of battling, I find it more fun in this type of Rp, since it's meant to be huge exciting battles, and if most stuff is getting dodged then it kinda loses that.

Though if you do want to dodge some of my attacks, I don't mind. Just make sure you don't leave out a huge portion of my post when you do, at least let some other stuff happen.

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