GingerBread said:

Vance had managed to 'Convince' a healer to fully heal him before leaving the hospital and going on his merry way, getting a plan for what to do next, Since the only person he knew had stabbed him in the leg and arm.
"Well Maybe I should've tried to expand the list of people I know. I'm sure people will show up to kill me at some point or I can become a vigilante, that'll give me something to do. That could be fun" Vance continued strolling along the street before seeing something in a window that caught his eye.

A couple of moments later Vance had left the building after appropriating the thing he had seen in the window, with minimal damage to the property.
"Well now to find something else to do. I could go test this thing out" Vance nodded to himself before going into his darkness realm, bringing the thing he had taken with him.

A couple of minutes later Vance emerged on top of a platform of darkness above a rooftop, looking up towards the dark sky while he was wearing the thing he had stole from the building. Vance then saw three silhouettes on a rooftop and decided to check it out. Vance jumped down from his platform and onto the roof.

Vance looked towards the guy in the bunny costume and nodded, respecting his choice for wearing a costume like he was as well. He then turned his attention towards the other guy who seemed to be looking for a fight.
"What's going on Here?" Vance started speaking in the deepest tone he could before he started coughing slightly and muttering to himself. "That can't be good for my throat. I'll just talk normally, fuck it"

@Lotusy @Light @Ethan Vail

(What Vance looks like:


Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce: The Badass Agile Tactical Mesmerizing Adventurous Ninja or if you'd prefer the abbreviated version B.A.T.M.A.N
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It is just in their heads, I mean i didn't think Light cared either way, I don't like killing characters. But if it bothers you i can delete all those posts..
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]It is just in their heads, I mean i didn't think Light cared either way, I don't like killing characters. But if it bothers you i can delete all those posts..

KILL ALL THE CHARACTERS! BWAHAHAHAHA. Jokes aside if you're not comfortable then thats okay. I'll have to find another way to cause mischief. (:3)(} :) )(O:))
Light said:
KILL ALL THE CHARACTERS! BWAHAHAHAHA. Jokes aside if you're not comfortable then thats okay. I'll have to find another way to cause mischief. (:3)(} :) )(O:))
Okay, I just wanna make this character fun, my others were.. to close to home.
LonelyAssassin said:
And suddenly Helena looked as intimidating as a meowing kitten, ren looked down at her kind of shocked at how easily she was defeated by simple throwing daggers. It almost made him snort, even he saw them coming and expected her to block them herself.
"No. You can't even kill them."

Ren still couldn't start a fight, but there was someone else who could. His Light Blue hair suddenly became black and grew a few centimeters. He pointed the palm of his hand at Helena and fired a stream of powerful blue fire at her body, burning her to a crisp - Ren grinned.

"Hello, we have yet to meet. Hahaha"
Did you just kill her?

Because that's not a thing you could do there. I'm not sure how @Light Feels about that. But in the rules, or rather the overview. The rule for killing another character is this:

"When you're about to make an attempt at a character's life, you must put this at the beginning of your post. ( ! ) You are to use this only when your attack is intended to be lethal and if they don't make the right move to escape the death threat then you can make the next move to kill the character the next post. It's basically a warning before you just kill someone's character."

As far I can see, you just killed off Helena without any such warning.
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LonelyAssassin said:
Ren's hands went straight to B.A.T.M.A.N's arms when they wrapped around him, his scalding hot palms burning into his skin whilst his Dark Marks drained him of his energy. Ren at the same time bent his knees and thrust his feet backwards, kicking his adversary away and also sending him forwards. He did a front flip in mid air and landed on the floor below him.
"So, what's ya name babe?" He turned to face his opponent and tilted his head. Blue Fire leaked from his palm and took the form of a Cat made completely out of the blue flames which stood between Ren's legs.
Did you just completely ignore my post?
GingerBread said:
Did you just completely ignore my post?
Actually, isn't this the second time you just ignored my post? When I stabbed Ren with the sword you ignored that as well didn't you? Welp, Ren's dead.
LonelyAssassin said:
N-no (:'() w-what's wrong?
why're you being so mean?
You blatantly ignored my post. I had B.A.T.M.A.N Pin ren to the ground, and you ignored that. Actually you ignored everything in my post past B.A.T.M.A.N touching Ren. And then you expect me to go along with you draining my character of all his energy, burning him and then kicking him
GingerBread said:
You blatantly ignored my post. I had B.A.T.M.A.N Pin ren to the ground, and you ignored that. Actually you ignored everything in my post past B.A.T.M.A.N touching Ren. And then you expect me to go along with you draining my character of all his energy, burning him and then kicking him
but I countered from the point of being grabbed just before being suplex'd...
LonelyAssassin said:
but I countered from the point of being grabbed just before being suplex'd...
Does that mean I can just counter what Ren did and just do what I did anyway? Actually, since I put a warning, I could just kill him off Right now.
GingerBread said:
Does that mean I can just counter what Ren did and just do what I did anyway? Actually, since I put a warning, I could just kill him off Right now.
That's not how fighting works though, that would be a time frame break. If you did that then you'd be the one ignoring my post, Ren reacted from the arms around him just before getting suplexed - he'd not going to allow all that to go through. Normally your move would happen all the way through if I didn't counter it, I didn't ignore it I read it and chose the best place to counter it - I mean if I let it all go through I'd basically just be dead anyways x~x I don't expect all my hits to land neither

I'm sorry
LonelyAssassin said:
That's not how fighting works though, that would be a time frame break. If you did that then you'd be the one ignoring my post, Ren reacted from the arms around him just before getting suplexed - he'd not going to allow all that to go through. Normally your move would happen all the way through if I didn't counter it, I didn't ignore it I read it and chose the best place to counter it - I mean if I let it all go through I'd basically just be dead anyways x~x I don't expect all my hits to land neither
I'm sorry
Realistically, Vance wouldn't allow Ren the chance to counter anyway. if you look at Vance's powers, you'll see why. Now I understand that in the real world there would be an opportunity to dodge or counter. But this isn't real life, This is fantasy. Also if we gave each other time to dodge every attack that would lead to one liners, but more importantly it would be an extremely boring fight, would it not?

Also, regardless of all of that. Ignoring posts, and invalidating them isn't allowed in this thread. Just ask @Light. And yes, you would be dead either way. Vance is powerful, he's been around since the beginning of the thread, so it makes sense for him to be more powerful than your character. Hell I could've had him completely disappear and then put the death warning, giving you no way to get out of it at all. But I didn't, He's hardly using any of his powers.

Also do you know how boring this would get if you kept dodging all the attacks, preventing me from harming your character? When would you stop dodging them? When would your character get tired? I don't think he would at all. So it would just be an infinite loop.
GingerBread said:
Realistically, Vance wouldn't allow Ren the chance to counter anyway. if you look at Vance's powers, you'll see why. Now I understand that in the real world there would be an opportunity to dodge or counter. But this isn't real life, This is fantasy. Also if we gave each other time to dodge every attack that would lead to one liners, but more importantly it would be an extremely boring fight, would it not?
Also, regardless of all of that. Ignoring posts, and invalidating them isn't allowed in this thread. Just ask @Light. And yes, you would be dead either way. Vance is powerful, he's been around since the beginning of the thread, so it makes sense for him to be more powerful than your character. Hell I could've had him completely disappear and then put the death warning, giving you no way to get out of it at all. But I didn't, He's hardly using any of his powers.

Also do you know how boring this would get if you kept dodging all the attacks, preventing me from harming your character? When would you stop dodging them? When would your character get tired? I don't think he would at all. So it would just be an infinite loop.
That's not up to me, that's up to you to put in your moves.

No it wouldn't be a boring fight full of one liners - that's up to the two fighters, it would be extremely boring for me if you just kept wiping the floor with my character. If I just let you do your whole move all the way through where is the fun in that for me as an RPer? Do you even know how to RP fight? Your whole move isn't the entire outcome or else I could just go around killing everyone - which is what it looks like you're doing.

I told you i didn't ignore your posts, I'm countering a move - we're fighting, that's supposed to happen. I don't think there should be prejudice for who is here longer, yes he's more powerful - cool. But everyone should get a chance instead of being instantly killed by someone who was here since the beginning, that's not fair (there would be no point in new RPers joining the RP in this case, their characters would just die). Your character doesn't even have a proper reason to attack mine, you were just going to in the first place anyway - that's not RPing.

I'm not just dodging though am I? I'm using powers to counter. And no there wouldn't be in infinite loop cause that would be boring. If you wouldn't end it then I probably would, and I even stated in my powers that my character would get tired. You ask all these questions about my character, but what about yours?
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LonelyAssassin said:
That's not up to me, that's up to you to put in your moves.
No it wouldn't be a boring fight full of one liners - that's up to the two fighters, it would be extremely boring for me if you just kept wiping the floor with my character. If I just let you do your whole move all the way through where is the fun in that for me as an RPer? Do you even know how to RP fight? Your whole move isn't the entire outcome or else I could just go around killing everyone - which is what it looks like you're doing.

I told you i didn't ignore your posts, I'm countering a move - we're fighting, that's supposed to happen. I don't think there should be prejudice for who is here longer, yes he's more powerful - cool. But everyone should get a chance instead of being instantly killed by someone who was here since the beginning, that's not fair (there would be no point in new RPers joining the RP in this case, their characters would just die). Your character doesn't even have a proper reason to attack mine, you were just going to in the first place anyway - that's not RPing.

I'm not just dodging though am I? I'm using powers to counter. And no there wouldn't be in infinite loop cause that would be boring. If you wouldn't end it then I probably would, and I even stated in my powers that my character would get tired. You ask all these questions about my character, but what about yours?
No it would become a boring fight full of one liners, Because what would be the point of me putting anything else apart from that my character went in for a punch, when if I put more the first thing could get countered and make the rest of the post invalid. Where would the fun in that be for me?

And yes I do know how to Roleplay a fight out. And if I were to go up against a world famous boxer, I'd probably lose. So if your character was to go up against one of the more powerful people in this thread, who would realistically get the most hits in and do the most damage?

And I'm not going around killing everyone, Far from it actually. My characters haven't killed anyone in ages, they hardly get into fights nowadays. And yes he does have a reason for attacking Ren or whatever your character is called. How dare you say that I don't have a reason. My character was about to kill Helena and then your character decided to get involved and try to take his kill away from him while also making a quip about how he wouldn't help her, revealing himself as her ally. I explained all of this in my post where I first engaged the fight, so you're just proving that you didn't read it.

And you're right, you're not just dodging. You're completely cutting out most of my post. Where did all the stuff after the suplex go? It's just fucking disappeared like a fart in the wind. So how is that meant to be enjoyable for me? I write a whole post, most averaging 2 paragraphs, and only one part of it gets acknowledged. What would be the point in me writing anything more than a one liner so I know it won't get ignored.

And yes there would be an infinite loop of this going on. Because my character isn't going to give up, and you won't let your character die. So you'd keep ignoring most of my posts just so you can make your character look better than he actually is. Because My character can move faster than the speed of Light, So tell me how would your character be able to dodge that? Short answer he wouldn't. Should I put on every single bit that he's moving that fast? So you know you have no chance of dodging any of it. Should I put it just so I know most of my post won't get ignored? How would you get out of it I wonder? Hmm?

LonelyAssassin said:
You ask all these questions about my character, but what about yours?
And what hell the hell is this meant to mean? I know everything about my character. Yet I know pretty much shit all about yours, because he can apparently counter someone grabbing him in mid air and backflip off of them and land safely, because that makes sense doesn't it?

I know everything about my character, why don't you know anything about your own? Because you say he would get tired, but he hasn't shown any signs of getting even slightly tired yet. So apparently that will only happen if you need a deus ex machina, won't it?

Oh and you call me out on my roleplaying skills, Yet I handled all of this in a decent manner. Anything you said was going to happen, happened in my post, but you don't have the same amount of respect for my posts do you? Oh and another thing, I actually read the rules when I join a roleplay and I don't just kill a character without any warning or without permission from the owner of said character like you seem to. So who's the worst roleplayer out of me and you?
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GingerBread said:
No it would become a boring fight full of one liners, Because what would be the point of me putting anything else apart from that my character went in for a punch, when if I put more the first thing could get countered and make the rest of the post invalid. Where would the fun in that be for me?
And yes I do know how to Roleplay a fight out. And if I were to go up against a world famous boxer, I'd probably lose. So if your character was to go up against one of the more powerful people in this thread, who would realistically get the most hits in and do the most damage?

And I'm not going around killing everyone, Far from it actually. My characters haven't killed anyone in ages, they hardly get into fights nowadays. And yes he does have a reason for attacking Ren or whatever your character is called. How dare you say that I don't have a reason. My character was about to kill Helena and then your character decided to get involved and try to take his kill away from him while also making a quip about how he wouldn't help her, revealing himself as he ally. I explained all of this in my post where I first engaged the fight, so you're just proving that you didn't read it.

And you're right, you're not just dodging. You're completely cutting out most of my post. Where did all the stuff after the suplex go? It's just fucking disappeared like a fart in the wind. So how is that meant to be enjoyable for me? I write a whole post, most averaging 2 paragraphs, and only one part of it gets acknowledged. What would be the point in me writing anything more than a one liner so I know it won't get ignored.

And yes there would be an infinite loop of this going on. Because my character isn't going to give up, and you won't let your character die. So you'd keep ignoring most of my posts just so you can make your character look better than he actually is. Because My character can move faster than the speed of Light, So tell me how would your character be able to dodge that? Short answer he wouldn't. Should I put on every single bit that he's moving that fast? So you know you have no chance of dodging any of it. Should I put it just so I know most of my post won't get ignored? How would you get out of it I wonder? Hmm?

And what hell the hell is this meant to mean? I know everything about my character. Yet I know pretty much shit all about yours, because he can't apparently counter someone grabbing him in mid air and backflip off of them and land safely, because that makes sense doesn't it?

I know everything about my character, why don't you know anything about your own? Because you say he would get tired, but he hasn't shown any signs of getting even slightly tired yet. So apparently that will only happen if you need a deus ex machina, won't it?

Oh and you call me out on my roleplaying skills, Yet I handled all of this in a decent manner. Anything you said was going to happen, happened in my post, but you don't have the same amount of respect for my posts do you? Oh and another thing, I actually read the rules when I join a roleplay and I don't just kill a character without any warning or without permission from the owner of said character like you seem to. So who's the worst roleplayer out of me and you?
Fantasy has to have some degree of realism or else it'd be boring and dumb. I know it's fantasy or else we wouldn't have powers in the first place.

Lets put it this way, lets say Gothmog Intended to performa downwards vertical slash down Aragorn's Torso and then thrust his blade into Aragorn. But Aragorn obviously would counter and retaliate by holding his sword horizontally in the air so that the blades clash before Gothmog can slash Aragorn and also would nullify Gothmog's thrust that happens later. I wasn't ignoring your post, I was just reacting from your intent to cause harm - if Aragorn let it all go through it would be Illogical and boring cause he'd be dead. And hey look Lord of the Rings is a Fantasy.

I just think that everyone should be equal whether they're new or not.

Why would he be tired after only a couple of moves into the fight? It's been like a minute of fighting.

You have NOT handled this in a decent manner, you were rude right off the bat and I'm sorry you feel that way. It's not my fault you don't know how to RP a fight out. The part after the suplex is still there, as intent, my character just didn't allow you to go all the way through. If you're fighting you should be prepared for a different outcome that's not your own, this is a undetermined fight between two people. You may be intending to kick some guys ass in real life, punch him in the face then kick him in the balls, but what if that guy is actually a magical vampire demon and he grabs your fist before you can punch him in the face? Then your intent to kick him in the balls becomes a fart in the wind, but it's still there. And the one liner thing is your problem, type out a cool move, imo I thought your suplex was cool because I like suplexes but im not going to let it go through.

Your reason is attacking my character because he tried to help you. And no he's not on her team cause I stated in MY post that he wasn't. Z_Z

Yeah you would lose against a professional Boxer, but you would still retaliate. We both have Magic and I would retaliate against yours, I wasn't expecting to win, I was going to give up or run away eventually. Was going to at least draw the fight out a little more, but you don't know how to RP fight so I should've just not fought at all.

And yeah your character is OP as hell if that's the case, no one can fight you unless everyone is the speed of light. It's not fair

It's really not.
LonelyAssassin said:
Fantasy has to have some degree of realism or else it'd be boring and dumb. I know it's fantasy or else we wouldn't have powers in the first place.
Lets put it this way, lets say Gothmog Intended to performa downwards vertical slash down Aragorn's Torso and then thrust his blade into Aragorn. But Aragorn obviously would counter and retaliate by holding his sword horizontally in the air so that the blades clash before Gothmog can slash Aragorn and also would nullify Gothmog's thrust that happens later. I wasn't ignoring your post, I was just reacting from your intent to cause harm - if Aragorn let it all go through it would be Illogical and boring cause he'd be dead. And hey look Lord of the Rings is a Fantasy.
Right, if that happened then that would be fine. But here's the main problem. Here's how you write a attack that will go through:

"He thrusted his blade towards the bottom of where his opponent's ribcage lay and as soon as the blade came into contact with his opponent's skin he started to jerk it upwards, causing it to slice vertically through his opponent's chest."

See how there's no if, ands or buts in there? It's show that it did happen and there wasn't anything or even a chance of it being stopped. Now lets take a look at something that's not for definant:

"He thrusted his blade towards the bottom of where his opponent's ribcage lay and if the blade came into contact with his opponent's skin he would suddenly jerk it upwards, attempting to slice through his opponent's chest"

Now do you see how those are different? One is going to happen. And the other can be stopped. So if you look at what I put in my post, would you say it matches up to the first Example or the second?

LonelyAssassin said:
I just think that everyone should be equal whether they're new or not.
Why would he be tired after only a couple of moves into the fight? It's been like a minute of fighting.
He attempted to burn someone to a crisp before the fight even began. He then created enough lift with his fire to carry him upwards into the air, after running at someone and jump kicking them. I'd say that would be strain on the body, wouldn't you? But you know, I'm sure producing enough fire to lift someone is easy, that's why everyone in the real world has jetpacks right?

LonelyAssassin said:
You have NOT handled this in a decent manner, you were rude right off the bat and I'm sorry you feel that way. It's not my fault you don't know how to RP a fight out. The part after the suplex is still there, as intent, my character just didn't allow you to go all the way through. If you're fighting you should be prepared for a different outcome that's not your own, this is a undetermined fight between two people. You may be intending to kick some guys ass in real life, punch him in the face then kick him in the balls, but what if that guy is actually a magical vampire demon and he grabs your fist before you can punch him in the face? Then your intent to kick him in the balls becomes a fart in the wind, but it's still there. And the one liner thing is your problem, type out a cool move, imo I thought your suplex was cool because I like suplexes but im not going to let it go through.
I was not rude right off the bat. I asked if you had ignored most of my post, which you did and you did it once before I noticed. So it is you who has not Handled this well. If you didn't not like the manner in which I was handling things you could've asked me in OOC or even in a PM. But you didn't, you continued on invalidating my posts, just so your character would look better.

And yes, I should be prepared for some unexpected stuff in a fight, but refer to the above examples. This is an undetermined fight between two people, so yes things might not go my way. But, lets take into account what had happened before my character suplexed yours, shall we?

My character had just attacked yours and then your ran away, producing enough fire to create lift without any strain on his body. So it stands to reason that he wouldn't be expecting my character to attack him, therefore allowing the suplex to go through, and since it was in mid air, the force of hitting the ground would at least stun your character, allowing mine to do what he did.

LonelyAssassin said:
Your reason is attacking my character because he tried to help you. And no he's not on her team cause I stated in MY post that he wasn't. Z_Z
But he also tried to kill the person who my character was going after, while also revealing he was the one she was calling for help. After my character called him out on it, he denied it. So why would my character believe yours and not just think he was saying that to save his own skin after seeing what my character just did?

LonelyAssassin said:
Yeah you would lose against a professional Boxer, but you would still retaliate. We both have Magic and I would retaliate against yours, I wasn't expecting to win, I was going to give up or run away eventually. Was going to at least draw the fight out a little more, but you don't know how to RP fight so I should've just not fought at all.
If I was going against a professional boxer (And lets just pretend I wouldn't be knocked out in one punch) I would not be able to retaliate, seeing as he would be much quicker and stronger than I am.

But that's all you did do, you hit my character once and then ran off. So I gave chase, and took down your character, so how would your character be prepared to do everything you did if he was running away? I don't think he would be able to, unless he's spider man and you forgot to tell us that.

And again with telling me I don't know how to Rp fight. It's actually funny at this point. Because, You never made it sound like any of your stuff could be dodged, See again, the examples at the top. You made it sound like it was going to happen with no doubt, so I went along with it. But when I do the same thing, you ignore half my post because one set of rules for me and another for you I guess.

See, the Important thing in a Text Based anything, is description. I understand that we're in a fantasy setting, but that doesn't mean I have telepathy in real life. You'd didn't give any hints that your attacks were dodgeable, So I had to assume they were, or be the person you're being right now.

LonelyAssassin said:
And yeah your character is OP as hell if that's the case, no one can fight you unless everyone is the speed of light. It's not fair
I never said I used the speed of light, I'm merely said I could. And yes it's OP. But Fire that also causes a lot of internal damage while it's melting your face off isn't? And completely absorbing other people's attacks and apparently power isn't OP either, I'm assuming. Is that what you're telling me?

LonelyAssassin said:
It's really not.
Is this pre-emptive? Because I do not see what this could link up to, is it the Deus ex machina comment? because that doesn't make grammatical sense, so please tell me what this comment is for.
GingerBread said:
Right, if that happened then that would be fine. But here's the main problem. Here's how you write a attack that will go through:
"He thrusted his blade towards the bottom of where his opponent's ribcage lay and as soon as the blade came into contact with his opponent's skin he started to jerk it upwards, causing it to slice vertically through his opponent's chest."

See how there's no if, ands or buts in there? It's show that it did happen and there wasn't anything or even a chance of it being stopped. Now lets take a look at something that's not for definant:

"He thrusted his blade towards the bottom of where his opponent's ribcage lay and if the blade came into contact with his opponent's skin he would suddenly jerk it upwards, attempting to slice through his opponent's chest"

Now do you see how those are different? One is going to happen. And the other can be stopped. So if you look at what I put in my post, would you say it matches up to the first Example or the second?
Doesn't matter, we are RP fighting, everything is ifs and buts.

GingerBread said:
He attempted to burn someone to a crisp before the fight even began. He then created enough lift with his fire to carry him upwards into the air, after running at someone and jump kicking them. I'd say that would be strain on the body, wouldn't you? But you know, I'm sure producing enough fire to lift someone is easy, that's why everyone in the real world has jetpacks right?
Uh we are only like 1 minute into the fight. We've done nothing considering we are powered individuals.

GingerBread said:
I was not rude right off the bat. I asked if you had ignored most of my post, which you did and you did it once before I noticed. So it is you who has not Handled this well. If you didn't not like the manner in which I was handling things you could've asked me in OOC or even in a PM. But you didn't, you continued on invalidating my posts, just so your character would look better.
And yes, I should be prepared for some unexpected stuff in a fight, but refer to the above examples. This is an undetermined fight between two people, so yes things might not go my way. But, lets take into account what had happened before my character suplexed yours, shall we?

My character had just attacked yours and then your ran away, producing enough fire to create lift without any strain on his body. So it stands to reason that he wouldn't be expecting my character to attack him, therefore allowing the suplex to go through, and since it was in mid air, the force of hitting the ground would at least stun your character, allowing mine to do what he did.
Pretty sure you grabbing me is enough of a reason you're going to attack me. Plus since we're in the air you would have to drive me into the ground from the air, I've got plenty of time to counter a very long suplex.

GingerBread said:
But he also tried to kill the person who my character was going after, while also revealing he was the one she was calling for help. After my character called him out on it, he denied it. So why would my character believe yours and not just think he was saying that to save his own skin after seeing what my character just did?
Cause what your character did wasn't very impressive. You threw some knives, I expected Light to easily counter that, I thought of millions of ways they could've been countered. Clearly she intends for Helena to die or get seriously injured.

GingerBread said:
If I was going against a professional boxer (And lets just pretend I wouldn't be knocked out in one punch) I would not be able to retaliate, seeing as he would be much quicker and stronger than I am.
But that's all you did do, you hit my character once and then ran off. So I gave chase, and took down your character, so how would your character be prepared to do everything you did if he was running away? I don't think he would be able to, unless he's spider man and you forgot to tell us that.
wut, he's not letting his guard down, he's not dumb

GingerBread said:
And again with telling me I don't know how to Rp fight. It's actually funny at this point. Because, You never made it sound like any of your stuff could be dodged, See again, the examples at the top. You made it sound like it was going to happen with no doubt, so I went along with it. But when I do the same thing, you ignore half my post because one set of rules for me and another for you I guess.
See, the Important thing in a Text Based anything, is description. I understand that we're in a fantasy setting, but that doesn't mean I have telepathy in real life. You'd didn't give any hints that your attacks were dodgeable, So I had to assume they were, or be the person you're being right now.
No because everything is ifs and buts in an RP fight. If I say one thing happens indefinitely that's just godmodding.

GingerBread said:
I never said I used the speed of light, I'm merely said I could. And yes it's OP. But Fire that also causes a lot of internal damage while it's melting your face off isn't? And completely absorbing other people's attacks and apparently power isn't OP either, I'm assuming. Is that what you're telling me?
It only causes internal damage if it hits. And I can only absorb certain attacks, how does having the speed of light have any weaknesses?

GingerBread said:
Is this pre-emptive? Because I do not see what this could link up to, is it the Deus ex machina comment? because that doesn't make grammatical sense, so please tell me what this comment is for.
It was for me, trying to keep my sanity.

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